by freezie on Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:43 am
(Voldemort/dementor had some twinks to them...)
18 Iron Butterfly Dementor
10 Bleed Green Lord Voldemort
6 Pancakemix Bellatrix Lestrange
16 Dazza Stanley Shunpike
14 Leehar Severus Snape
11 Jonty Harry Potter
17 Alt Hermione Granger
1 Nebuchadnezer Ron weasley
8 Everywhere Madam Pomfrey
4 Strike Wolf Kingsley Shacklebolt
13 Mc030405 James Potter
7 TheHippo8 Filius Flitwick
2 Chapcrap McGonagall
12 Spartacus Tonks
3 Tails Lily Potter
5 Safariguys5 Molly Weasley
9 Spiesr Neville longbottom
15 Djfireside Ginny weasley
You are a Dementor ( Dementor )
You used to be one of the guardian of the famed and feared Azkaban prison, but has since been
set free by the Dark Lord Voldemort. Escaping his control, you now roam free for souls to feed on.
You are able to send me, each night, one players role name. If you guess right, you'll steal his soul,
killing them.
You are also ONE TIME bullet proof.
You win if you are the only one alive.
You are Lord Voldemort ( Deatheater Lord ) the greatest black mage in history.
You are also the leader of the Deatheaters, the evil black wizards, and is seeking destroy
Harry Potter. In 7 years, he has escaped your grasp by luck and outside help. This time,
you will not let him escape. Attacking the very school of Hogwarth, you intend to end this
here and now.
Each night, you and your fellow Deatheaters ( ) ( ) are able to communicate and send me the name
of one puny wizard you want to see dead. As a ruthless leader, you are not obliged to follow
your cultists oppinion, and you need to send me the name yourself.
As the Deatheater lord, you are able to send messages to other deatheaters at any moment,
they are however unable to answer back until nightime.
Also, each night, you can send me the name of a player who you THINK is Harry Potter.
If you guess right, Harry Potter will finally succomb to your might.
You win when you outnumber the wizards.
You are Bellatrix Lestrange ( Deatheater Roleblocker )
Mastering the Cruciatus spell, you are able to pin down any wizard you want and force them to talk
or simply stay there in huge pain. You are a ruthless, heartless witch who doesn't take orders from anyone
but the Dark Lord himself.
Each night, you and your follow Deatheaters ( ) ( ) are able to communicate with each others
and send me the name of someone you want to see dead. Voldemort will have to send the kill.
He also have the power to send you messages at any moment in the day, you are however unable to
answer until nightime
You can also send me the name of the player you wan to roleblock.
You win when deatheater outnumber the wizards.
You are Stanley Shunpike ( Deatheater Busdriver )
You are the conductor of the famed Knight bus, and generally on the good side...You have
been, however, under the imperius curse ever since and been doing work for the deatheaters.
Your master, Lord Voldemort, is about to wage war against Hogwarts, and you are instructed
to enter the fray yourself...
Each night, you and your follow Deatheaters ( ) ( ) are able to communicate with each others
and send me the name of someone you want to see dead. Voldemort will have to send the kill.
He also have the power to send you messages at any moment in the day, you are however unable to
answer until nightime.
Also, each night, you may send me the name of 2 players, and every night actions made against one
will be made against the other instead.
You win when deatheaters outnumber the wizards
You are Severus Snape ( Wizard Hunter )
You always had a fond for dark magic, soon recruited to the deatheaters in your youth,
you still were in love with Lily, who had no respect for such magic. Still, you kept thinking
you could have both, until Lily went out with James Potter. You know, somewhere, that he is
around, once more...Until then, you keep following Albus' wishes and fight against the dark lord.
However, your motive are still strictly selfish.
Your goal is to have James Potter ( ) lynched or killed before you or Lily dies. If lily
is killed before James, you become a simply wizard against the deatheaters.
You win when James Potter finds eternal peace OR when all threats against wizards
have been eliminated.
You are Harry Potter ( Wizard Hero )
Designed The Chosen One by Lord voldermort at a young age, you have been fighting
dark forces since your very first year at Hogwarts. Aided by Hermione and Ron,
you managed to destroy all horcruxes, and you prepare to wage war against
Voldemort once and for all..
Each night, you are able to communicate with your friends ( ) ( ).
As the wizard hero, you are unlynchable by other wizards ( Meaning, if you are voted to be
lynched, and the hammer comes by a wizard player, you will not be lynched. ) This will
not work if you are hammered by Hermione or Ron.
Also, each night, you can PM me the name of a player you think is Lord Voldemort. If you guess
right, you will finally end his reign...
You win when all threats to wizards have been eliminated.
You are Hermione Granger ( Wizard Mason )
One of the 2 most loyal friend of Harry Potter, you followed ( and helped..a lot) him on his
journey to seek and destroy the Horcruxes. Having finally reach your goal, you step on the last
part of the journey against the Dark Lord.
Each night, you are able to communicate with your friends ( ) ( )
You win when all threats to wizards have been eliminated.
You are Ron Weasley ( Wizard Mason )
One of the 2 most loyal friends of Harry Potter, you followed him on his quest to seek and
destroy the horcruxes. Your boiling temperament often led to small fights between you and
Harry, however, your strong friendship always brough peace between you both.
Each Night, you are able to communicate with your friends ( ) ( )
You win when all threats to wizards have been eliminated.
You are Madam Pomfrey ( Wizard Doctor )
Long lasting nurse of the Hogwarts school, you fear the very outcome of the final battle
against the Dark Lord, however, you are no coward and will fight if needed...But mostly
heal the many wounded that are to come..
Each night, you are able to send me the name of the player you want protected
from death on that night.
You win when all threats to wizards have been eliminated.
You are Kingsley Shacklebolt ( Wizard auror )
You were always one of the most effective in the Auror department at the Minister for
Magic, and also a member of the Order of the pheonix. It is no wonder that Dumbledore
trusted you. Hearing the nearing war at Hogwarts, you rush bravely into the fight against
Voldemort himself.
Each night, you can send me the name of a player to investigate, just like a cop would.
Your result will come with a guilty/innocent status, and the name of that player..
Also, as an auror, you are impervious to the Imperius curse.
You win when all threats to wizards have been eliminated.
You are James Potter ( Wizard Doublevoter )
Father of the most popular Harry Potter, you died to the hands of Voldemort after your friend
Peter betrayed you and Lily. Shadowy events brought you back to the living world, somehow,
and right in the middle of the fight against your very own killer. This time, however, you are
As a double voter, you can pm me at any time to place a second vote on someone, without
anyone knowing it was you.
You win when all threats to wizards have been eliminated.
You are Professor Filius Flitwick ( Wizard Roleblocker )
You are the Charms professor at the Hogwarts school, aswell as the head of the Ravenclaw
house. Your very last major feat has been to set a huge barrier over Hogwart, in preparation
of the upcoming fight..You are however not out of ressources.
As a roleblocker, you can pm me each night with the name of someone you want his role
blocked for the night.
You win when all threats to wizards have been eliminated.
You are Professor Minerva McGonagall ( Wizard Headmistress )
Meow. You are the head of the Gryffindor house aswell as the new head of the Howarts
school since Snape's sudden escape. A versatile wizard, you ecxel in Transfiguration
magic, yourself beeing a cat Animagus. Will your power help Harry in his head fight
with the Dark lord, we will see...
As the headmistress of the school, you have several punishing spells for rebels wizards.
You can either, at nightime:
-Roleblock somebody
-Investigate somebody
-Protect somebody
-Track somebody, allowing you to know if that player visited someone, and who.
All of theses are 1 uses. Just pm me the name of the player, and what action you will do
if you so choose to.
You win when all threats to wizards have been eliminated.
You are Nymphadora Tonks ( Wizard Commuter )
Wife of the werewolf Remus Lupin, you were born with the ability to change your apearance
at will. You are the cousin of the annoying kid Drago Malfoy, and nephew of Bellatrix Lestrange.
However, you entered the Aurors department and will not hold back on your aunt or any
other deatheaters.
As a commuter ( and animorphagus ) you can change your appearance and escape any
possible night actions sent towards you. You however cannot commute on 2 nights
in a row. Just send me a pm saying if you choose to commute on that night or not.
You win when all threats to wizards have been eliminated.
You are Lily Potter ( Wizard Watcher )
Mother of the Chosen One, Harry Potter, and wife of James Potter, you have been betrayed
by Pewter when your son was barely 1 year old. Sielding him with your own life, you granted
Harry a powerful protection against Voldemort, which has however faded today. You, however,
have been brought back by mysterious events to shield your son once again against your
Each night, you may pm me the name of a player. If that player is visited by anybody on that night,
mystic powers shall tell you the name(s) of that(these) person(s).
You win when all threats against wizards have been eliminated.
You are Molly Weasley ( Wizard Bodyguard )
Wife of Arthur Weasley, and mother of numerous childs, you are a kind person who, even
if you're not rich, will do whatever is needed to help out your surrounding. Member of the
Order of the pheonix, you press on to Hogwarts, where the terrible Lord Voldermort
is about to initiate an attack on the school, where your daughter Ginny is.
Each night, you may send me a message with the name of a person you want to protect.
If that person has been sucessfully protected that night, you die instead of that person.
You win when all threats to wizards have been eliminated.
You are Neville Longbottom ( Wizard Fumbler )
Son of 2 great arurors tortured by Belatrix Lestrange and a good friend of Harry Potter, you
possess great courage and march head on to the front of the battle about to rage against Hogwarts.
You have no special night actions. However.......
You win when all threats to wizards have been eliminated.
You are Ginny Weasley ( Wizard Future Auror )
Daughter of Arthur and Molly Weasley, and Harry Potter's girlfriend, you fear for his very life when
Lord Voldemort announces his intention to destroy Hogwarts brick by brick to seek him.
Even though your mother won't let you fight, you leaves your safety haven and prepares to fight
to save your loved one.
You have no special night actions for now. As an auror in Devenir, you might be promoted.
If that ever happen, you shall be told.
You win when all threats to wizards have been eliminated.