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Debriefing of Game 10775410 w/ElricTheGreat (w/photos)

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Debriefing of Game 10775410 w/ElricTheGreat (w/photos)

Postby Viceroy63 on Wed May 30, 2012 2:15 am

Round 01 Yellow to play.

10775410 Game Log Round 01
2012-03-21 12:29:19 - Game has been initialized

2012-03-21 12:30:09 - fstuppy received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-21 12:30:22 - fstuppy deployed 3 troops on New York
2012-03-21 12:30:37 - fstuppy reinforced Novosibirsk with 2 troops from Beijing
2012-03-21 12:30:55 - fstuppy ended the turn

2012-03-22 07:38:28 - CultureClash received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-22 07:38:45 - CultureClash deployed 2 troops on Delhi
2012-03-22 07:38:51 - CultureClash deployed 1 troops on Lagos
2012-03-22 07:38:58 - CultureClash reinforced Chicago with 2 troops from Vancouver
2012-03-22 07:39:03 - CultureClash reinforced Chicago with 2 troops from Los Angeles
2012-03-22 07:39:10 - CultureClash ended the turn

2012-03-22 23:24:45 - Viceroy63 received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-22 23:24:56 - Viceroy63 deployed 2 troops on Edmonton
2012-03-22 23:25:11 - Viceroy63 deployed 1 troops on Magadan
2012-03-22 23:25:55 - Viceroy63 reinforced Berlin with 2 troops from London
2012-03-22 23:26:06 - Viceroy63 reinforced Berlin with 2 troops from Madrid
2012-03-22 23:26:44 - Viceroy63 ended the turn

2012-03-23 00:49:59 - Muffinman3 received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-23 00:50:01 - Muffinman3 deployed 3 troops on Jakarta
2012-03-23 00:50:26 - Muffinman3 ended the turn

2012-03-23 02:16:12 - neathboy received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-23 02:16:47 - neathboy deployed 2 troops on Nairobi
2012-03-23 02:16:57 - neathboy deployed 1 troops on Mexico City
2012-03-23 02:17:05 - neathboy assaulted Los Angeles from Mexico City and conquered it from CultureClash
2012-03-23 02:18:00 - neathboy reinforced Bogota with 2 troops from Mexico City
2012-03-23 02:18:09 - neathboy reinforced Hong Kong with 2 troops from Bangkok
2012-03-23 02:18:15 - neathboy reinforced Moscow with 2 troops from Stockholm
2012-03-23 02:18:25 - neathboy ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-23 22:11:01 - ElricTheGreat received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-23 22:11:26 - ElricTheGreat deployed 1 troops on Montreal
2012-03-23 22:11:32 - ElricTheGreat deployed 2 troops on Manila
2012-03-23 22:11:37 - ElricTheGreat reinforced Istanbul with 2 troops from Dakar
2012-03-23 22:12:13 - ElricTheGreat ended the turn

2012-03-23 22:12:13 - Incrementing game to round 2

Assessment of Game 10775410 Round 01
Initiating the game, it would have been wise to drop at least 1 troop on A1. Doing so would indicate his intention to hold on to that region and not place it at risk just in case. It is more difficult to lose a region with 4 troops on it, than it is with only 3 troops on it. And Dubai is perhaps the single most valuable piece of real estate on the map. The others being Astana and Istanbul.

Having the most ideal position of four regions one in each mayor zone, NA, EU, Asia and Africa, Blue should have dropped 1 troop on E1 as well. Since Blue then has E1 which is right next to NA, the stack in Chicago may have been better placed at Vancouver where it would have better prospects of interacting in Asia and also not be as close to E1 which also has good prospects of interacting with NA as well. Otherwise Chicago is the region that offers the most carding and attacking prospects in the zone.

Not dropping to either of the smaller southern continents in the first round is always wise because you do not know if BM (Bonus Monkey) activity may develop in which case you lose those troops. While Magadan and Edmonton are separated only by Anchorage at the moment they are never the less drop options that can not be neglected. Reinforcing Berlin gives more options because Berlin offers a five way attack routes where as London and Madrid both only offer a four way attack route.

Having drop options in NA, Africa and Asia, decides to drop all 3 troops on a single region in Oceania. This is an indication that Pink will attempt to conquer the Continent BZ (Bonus Zone) eliminating all Red and Yellow troops from those regions. Those colors will then be effectively weakened by this BM activity in subsequent rounds.

Seeing an opportunity to gain a spoil from the Blue region with a single troop on it in NA, he takes it, but ending his turn reinforces to SA instead. Cyan however did luck out with three stack in four different continents. Never the less his reinforcement to SA rather than NA is a clear indication of future BM activity. This time Red, Blue and Yellow will face the risk of being remove from the continent and become weakened in the process. As will also Cyan face that chance of being weakened himself as well.

Montreal and Manilla are both high risk drops but they are the only drops available to Red. They are high risk because of the concentration of Blue troops in NA and the Concentration of Green troops in Asia. Reinforcing to Istanbul from Dakar creates his third stack in EU which is more centrally position between the three continents and also offers a six way attack route option. While Dakar also offers a six way attack route option it is further away from the action of Asia where there are still more avenues of attacking prospects than from the other regions nearing Dakar.

Notice also that Red chose not to drop any troops in SA. While Dakar represents a valuable choke point between Africa and SA, it would be worthless if any possible BM activity were to eliminate those colors with in the continent. This possibility of BM Activity indicated by Cyan could be another reason why Red chose to abandon a possibly soon to be worthless choke point and instead move to Istanbul, a position which offers more avenues of attacks.

In some situation where you own a choke point to a BM, you take the risk of losing that region should the BM feel threatened by you holding that choke point. So that is yet another reason to abandon a potentially useless choke point.


Viceroy63 Game Form Round 01
Link to Game:
Game 10775410

Spoils to turn in:

Next spoil set value:
04 Troops.

Do you have a set of spoils?

Your Plans:
Round 01 Receive 3 troops for 7 regions.

N2 - 2 troops.
A12- 1 troops.


E4 - 2 troops from E2 and 2 troops from E3

End turn.
Last edited by Viceroy63 on Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:24 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Debriefing of Game 10775410 W/ ElrictheGreat (with Photo

Postby Viceroy63 on Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:32 pm

Round 02 Pink to Play.

10775410 Game Log Round 02
2012-03-23 22:12:13 - Incrementing game to round 2

2012-03-24 07:27:30 - fstuppy received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-24 07:28:00 - fstuppy deployed 3 troops on New York
2012-03-24 07:29:09 - fstuppy ended the turn

2012-03-24 11:04:02 - CultureClash received 3 troops for 6 regions
2012-03-24 11:04:08 - CultureClash deployed 3 troops on Reykjavik
2012-03-24 11:04:10 - CultureClash assaulted London from Reykjavik and conquered it from Viceroy63
2012-03-24 11:04:18 - CultureClash ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-24 18:06:06 - Viceroy63 received 3 troops for 6 regions
2012-03-24 18:06:20 - Viceroy63 deployed 1 troops on Edmonton
2012-03-24 18:06:26 - Viceroy63 deployed 2 troops on Magadan
2012-03-24 18:06:33 - Viceroy63 assaulted Stockholm from Berlin and conquered it from neathboy
2012-03-24 18:07:36 - Viceroy63 ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-24 19:04:43 - Muffinman3 received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-24 19:04:45 - Muffinman3 deployed 3 troops on Jakarta
2012-03-24 19:05:03 - Muffinman3 assaulted Bangkok from Mumbai and conquered it from neathboy
2012-03-24 19:05:14 - Muffinman3 reinforced Jakarta with 1 troops from Bangkok
2012-03-24 19:05:26 - Muffinman3 ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-25 01:19:59 - neathboy received 3 troops for 6 regions
2012-03-25 01:20:46 - neathboy deployed 2 troops on Moscow
2012-03-25 01:20:57 - neathboy deployed 1 troops on Nairobi
2012-03-25 01:21:06 - neathboy assaulted Stockholm from Moscow and conquered it from Viceroy63
2012-03-25 01:22:17 - neathboy ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-25 11:10:21 - ElricTheGreat received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-25 11:10:42 - ElricTheGreat deployed 1 troops on Montreal
2012-03-25 11:10:46 - ElricTheGreat deployed 1 troops on Montreal
2012-03-25 11:10:53 - ElricTheGreat deployed 1 troops on Istanbul
2012-03-25 11:11:02 - ElricTheGreat assaulted Beijing from Manila and conquered it from fstuppy
2012-03-25 11:11:06 - ElricTheGreat ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-25 11:11:06 - Incrementing game to round 3

Assessment of Game 10775410 Round 02
This is the second time that Green has dropped on New York. Completely placing at risk the region of Dubai. A key strategical region. This is clearly the actions of a BM. Only instead of it being one of the smaller southern continents, he is aiming for North America. And only because he has no drops in the smaller southern continents.

Losing only one troops in this assault, this was a perfectly logical move. Not only establishing a stack in Europe but also distancing it from his other stack in North America and the stack in Delhi. Any time that the stacks are too close to one another they can be more easily succumbed by any stack that may lie between them.

For example if Blue had stayed in Reykjavic then the Red stack in montreal would have easy attacking access to both Blue stacks at Chicago and Reykjavic at some future time. This type of assault would tend to conserve energy and troops as the Red stack would not have to even move around to attack both stacks.

When ever you have to move around to assault multiple stacks then it becomes that much more complicated and difficult to calculated the attack plus the fact that in the processing of carding, a potential attacker could block himself off from the avenue of attack as well. Maintaining a distance between one's stacks always creates such possibilities that help the survivability of the stacks.

I simply wanted to card with my strongest stack at the time while developing the other two stacks as evenly as possible. Probably it would have been wiser to distance my Magadan stack from my Edmonton stack as soon as possible.

Again deploying all 3 troops at Jakarta placing at risk so many other potential stacks??? This is typical of BM's as they will place at jeopardy all other strategical consideration in view of conquering and maintaining the bonus zone.

As mentioned earlier, it is good strategy to maintain a distance between your stacks. It would then have been a good idea to move his stack at Moscow into Stockholm. As it is now his stacks at Moscow and Hong Kong are both easily accessible by both Blue and Pink. Also Moscow and Nairobi stacks are also easily accessible by Green from Dubai.

Notice how Red still does not drop any troops to any of his regions in the southern continents. He knows that they will be lost troops due to BM wars, so he concentrates on his only best options, his three northern stacks. Also he distributes evenly among his more important North America and European Stacks.

Normally when you card you card from the region where you dropped 2 troops on, or at least from your strongest position. So carding from Manila, his weakest position at the time was some what risky in my view. I personally might have carded in Europe but Red intentions are not so careless. He does not want to appear to be threatening but at the same time he wants to be close to Yellow. His primary target.

I imagine that had Red lost even 1 troop in that assault on Beijing, then he would have ceased his assaults from Manila and assaulted Madrid from Istanbul instead in order to card.


Viceroy63 Game Form Round 02
Link to Game:
Game 10775410

Spoils to turn in:

Next spoil set value:
04 Troops.

Do you have a set of spoils?

Your Plans:
Round 02. Receive 3 troops for 6 regions.

S3 - 2 Troops.
A12- 1 Troops.

E5 From E4, no more loss then 2 troops, advance none.

During the first few rounds you really need to maintain as high a troop count as possible in order not to become an easy target for elimination. For this reason it is always a good strategy to consider not even carding in the first two rounds. This is merely a strategical decision as when ever you card you take the risk of losing troops. Even when it's 3 dice vs. 1 die. If you do decide to card however you must accept the fact that to continue to take the risk of losing more than 2 troops on a single turn is counter productive to the over all strategy of the game. That's because if you lose 3 or more troops in order to card then you just may be carding for someone else if they eliminate you for being the weakest player in the game.
-End note.


End Turn and collect spoils, or not.
Last edited by Viceroy63 on Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Debriefing of Game 10775410 W/ ElrictheGreat (with Photo

Postby Viceroy63 on Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:47 am

At this point I would like to add that I have made revisions to both rounds 1 and 2. In particular I also added a [Note] in the Game form of round 2 that is especially worthy of reading.

Also this is a public forum and all comments, questions and discussions are welcomed and invited. I will be posting a new round each week so as to make room for any discussions between the rounds. I will also drop in daily and moderate this section and participate in any discussions as seems appropriate.

Thank You for your Replies.
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Re: Debriefing of Game 10775410 W/ ElrictheGreat (with Photo

Postby Viceroy63 on Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:13 pm

Round 03 Yellow to Play.

10775410 Game Log Round 03
2012-03-25 11:11:06 - Incrementing game to round 3

2012-03-25 19:43:10 - fstuppy received 3 troops for 6 regions
2012-03-25 19:46:13 - fstuppy deployed 3 troops on Dubai
2012-03-25 19:46:33 - fstuppy assaulted Mumbai from Dubai and conquered it from Muffinman3
2012-03-25 19:46:42 - fstuppy ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-26 17:05:28 - CultureClash received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-26 17:05:38 - CultureClash deployed 1 troops on Lagos
2012-03-26 17:05:44 - CultureClash deployed 2 troops on London
2012-03-26 17:05:51 - CultureClash ended the turn

2012-03-27 15:15:30 - Viceroy63 received 3 troops for 6 regions
2012-03-27 15:15:41 - Viceroy63 deployed 2 troops on Sao Paulo
2012-03-27 15:15:58 - Viceroy63 deployed 1 troops on Sao Paulo
2012-03-27 15:16:49 - Viceroy63 ended the turn

2012-03-27 15:58:27 - Muffinman3 received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-27 15:58:30 - Muffinman3 deployed 3 troops on Jakarta
2012-03-27 15:58:55 - Muffinman3 ended the turn

2012-03-27 16:05:06 - neathboy received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-27 16:05:27 - neathboy deployed 2 troops on Los Angeles
2012-03-27 16:05:35 - neathboy deployed 1 troops on Hong Kong
2012-03-27 16:05:54 - neathboy assaulted Manila from Hong Kong and conquered it from ElricTheGreat
2012-03-27 16:06:18 - neathboy reinforced Los Angeles with 1 troops from Bogota
2012-03-27 16:06:29 - neathboy ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-27 21:53:50 - ElricTheGreat received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-27 21:54:01 - ElricTheGreat deployed 1 troops on Beijing
2012-03-27 21:54:02 - ElricTheGreat deployed 1 troops on Beijing
2012-03-27 21:54:04 - ElricTheGreat deployed 1 troops on Istanbul
2012-03-27 21:54:10 - ElricTheGreat assaulted Madrid from Istanbul and conquered it from Viceroy63
2012-03-27 21:54:14 - ElricTheGreat ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-27 21:54:14 - Incrementing game to round 4

Assessment of Game 10775410 Round 03

Green finally gets around to dropping on Dubai but for the obvious reason that he has no easy card spot. Green may have his eyes set on the North American continent but even he knows that without spoils, he wont get very far.

Blue is playing ideally. He is maintaining the strength of his main centralized stacks and in view of Green being a potential BM in N. America he is not carding this turn in order to keep up his troop strength mainly in Chicago but in Europe and Africa as well.

Normally if there is a possibility of BM activity, I would not even think of dropping to the southern continents with the exception of Africa. But in this case Red, Blue and Cyan are all playing correctly and all have evenly distributed stacks through out the game map. So there is very little chance of some one suddenly turning into a BM when they are starting out so correctly.

Cyan did show an interest for S. America over N. America but his others stacks show a balance play which off sets that risk.

Originally I was going to drop all 3 troops on Sao Paulo. Then for some reason at the last minute I thought about dropping one troop to N. America and not carding as well, but at last I changed my mind back again to the original idea of creating a strong S. American Stack and carding.

The reason why I thought about not carding was because since I am the second player who will trade in spoils for troops, I would only receive 6 troops for my spoils. So I thought that if I waited one turn that then I would get the maximum troops for my first spoils trade. But then I changed my mind and perhaps it was for the best.

I did not advanced my stack into Africa because then my Dakar Stack would be to close to my European Stack and give Red and possibly Blue later on, too much easy access to both of my stacks. Also from Sao Paulo I have access to three different colors so no one is hiding from me there. The idea being that when Pink eliminates and weakens Red in particular, that I will have easy access to him should an elimination become doable.

Pink wants to take over Oceania but realizes that Troop strength is an important factor and also perhaps, that trying to card with only three troops on a region is risky. He could deploy just one troop to Cairo and attempt to card on Dakar but he chooses to put all of his eggs in the Oceana basket instead. Thus he just drops on Jakarta and waits his turn.

Here Cyan is breaking a basic principle of attack which is that you place two troops on the region that you are attacking from. The idea is that your stack count remains high and not drop. He drops two troops on Los Angeles and one on Hong Kong and then attacks from Hong Kong. Obviously he wants to develop a strong stack in N. America as well.

If he had suffered a two troop lost while carding from Hong Kong then his position would have been weakened at Hong Kong and he would not have had a card because to continue to attempt a card then would have been risking his over all troop strength as well. Not to mention his stack position at Hong Kong.

There is no rule that states that you must card on every round, only the principle suggestion that you should try to card on every round. But so long as you are no more then two cards away from the lead carding player you should be Ok, all things being equal and all. The safest play would have been not to attempt to card at all and simply build that Stack at Los Angeles instead. In Fact I would have dropped all three on Los Angeles as five troops at Hong Kong is well enough troops for now.

Again we are seeing a violation of basic attacking principle. Red drops two troops at Beijing and one at Istanbul but he attacks Madrid from Istanbul. Again if he loses two troops while carding from Istanbul then his position there is weakened. Better would have been to Drop two troops to Istanbul and then attack from there.

At the risk of repeating myself; One of the things we read over and over again in the replies to our SoC game forms is, "Don't lose more then two troops." That means that if you lose two troops in an attempt to card then cease your assaults and cut your loses. Because to continue to take that risk and lose further troops in that turn could pose a serious problem later on in troops strength. Which in turn could lead to an early elimination.


Viceroy63 Game Form Round 03
Link to Game:
Game 10775410

Spoils to turn in:

Next spoil set value:
04 Troops.

Do you have a set of spoils?

Your Plans:
Round 03. Receive 3 troops for 6 regions.
Cyan is playing like a very astute student. While Pink is no student at all and appears more like a BM about to take Oceania. My best bet is to have a fourth stack in South America just in case so that I also will have access to Red when Pink takes him out of Oceania.

S3 - 3 Troops.

F1 From S3, advance none.


End turn and collect spoils.
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Re: Debriefing of Game 10775410 W/ ElrictheGreat (with Photo

Postby Viceroy63 on Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:50 pm

Round 04 Yellow to Play.

10775410 Game Log Round 04
2012-03-27 21:54:14 - Incrementing game to round 4

2012-03-28 07:17:55 - fstuppy received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-28 07:18:02 - fstuppy deployed 3 troops on Mumbai
2012-03-28 07:18:04 - fstuppy assaulted Bangkok from Mumbai and conquered it from Muffinman3
2012-03-28 07:18:10 - fstuppy ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-28 16:22:50 - CultureClash received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-28 16:22:57 - CultureClash deployed 3 troops on London
2012-03-28 16:23:00 - CultureClash assaulted Stockholm from London and conquered it from neathboy
2012-03-28 16:23:06 - CultureClash ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-29 12:17:54 - Viceroy63 received 3 troops for 5 regions
2012-03-29 12:18:12 - Viceroy63 deployed 2 troops on Edmonton
2012-03-29 12:18:16 - Viceroy63 deployed 1 troops on Berlin
2012-03-29 12:19:16 - Viceroy63 assaulted Madrid from Berlin and conquered it from ElricTheGreat
2012-03-29 12:25:04 - Viceroy63 ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-29 15:22:33 - Muffinman3 received 3 troops for 6 regions
2012-03-29 15:22:38 - Muffinman3 deployed 3 troops on Jakarta
2012-03-29 15:22:44 - Muffinman3 assaulted Perth from Jakarta and conquered it from Viceroy63
2012-03-29 15:23:07 - Muffinman3 reinforced Perth with 1 troops from Sydney
2012-03-29 15:23:20 - Muffinman3 ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-30 01:28:31 - neathboy received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-30 01:28:41 - neathboy deployed 1 troops on Hong Kong
2012-03-30 01:28:54 - neathboy deployed 1 troops on Los Angeles
2012-03-30 01:29:06 - neathboy deployed 1 troops on Moscow
2012-03-30 01:29:25 - neathboy assaulted Vancouver from Los Angeles and conquered it from CultureClash
2012-03-30 01:29:45 - neathboy reinforced Vancouver with 3 troops from Bogota
2012-03-30 01:29:54 - neathboy ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-30 11:30:59 - ElricTheGreat received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-30 11:32:30 - ElricTheGreat deployed 1 troops on Beijing
2012-03-30 11:33:52 - ElricTheGreat deployed 2 troops on Istanbul
2012-03-30 11:34:17 - ElricTheGreat assaulted Madrid from Istanbul and conquered it from Viceroy63
2012-03-30 11:34:21 - ElricTheGreat ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-30 11:34:21 - Incrementing game to round 5

Assessment of Game 10775410 Round 04
Having no easy card spot in N. America, Green is forced to card at Bangkok on the one Pink troop There. There is however another carding spot at Manila but it is just possible that Green could be placing himself in stand by mode so that should Pink deplete his troops acquiring Oceana, then Green can simply step in and attempt to take it over with out much of a fight.

This is an interesting move. As stated earlier, you normally don't want your stacks to be too close to each other because it facilitates the removal of the stacks by any stack that may be between them both. But in this case Blue is bringing all of his troops to bear on Cyan in the event of the possibility of an early elimination. You never can tell when it may come down to just those few extra troops that could mean the difference between a successful elimination or handing the game to another player.

This is always risky but there are just no rewards that do not include some risk. The fact is that while Blue places himself in a position to strike Cyan, he also is placing himself in a position where Cyan could also strike him back. What Blue is counting on is the fact that he plays before Cyan does so the sequence of the turn does offer some advantages.

In this case I broke the two troop attack principle. I dropped one troop on Berlin and two on Edmonton but attacked from Berlin. This is like one of the exceptions to the rule. I was very weak in N. America and very strong in Europe. So when I carded in Madrid, it was from a position of strength and not weakness. At any rate, maintaining a strong stack in N. America is vital to the strategy of the stacks.

Finally Pink succeeds in taking a region in Oceana. The last turn did not see much success but since Green is right behind Pink watching for an opportunity, Pink does not take that last region at the risk of weakening himself further.

This is why we drop two troops on the region we attack from. Judging from the map in round 05, Cyan lost two troops assaulting Van Couver from Los Angeles. He had to then decide where he wanted to have his strong stack at. In S. America or in N. America. So he forted 3 troops from Bogota in order to have a stack of 5 in N. America. From the moment that he lost his second troop, he should have stopped in order to conserve his troop strength. To continue to attack with less then four troops was very risky. But luckily he lost no more than two troops.

That was the correct way to attack. You drop two troops on the region that you are attacking from so that if all goes well as it did the region stack grows by one troop and if all goes badly you stop and stay at the same level of troop strength in that region.


Viceroy63 Game Form Round 04

Link to Game:
Game 10775410

Spoils to turn in:

Next spoil set value:
04 Troops.

Do you have a set of spoils?

Your Plans:
Round 04. Receive 3 troops for 5 regions.
In view of Muffinman3 being the weakest player in troops strength on the map, I should keep a close eye on him.

O3 - 3 troops.

A1 From S3, advance none.


End turn and collect spoils.

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Major Viceroy63
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Re: Debriefing of Game 10775410 W/ ElricTheGreat (with Photo

Postby Viceroy63 on Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:18 pm

Round 05 Yellow to Play.

Link to Game: Game 10775410

10775410 Game Log Round 05
2012-03-30 11:34:21 - Incrementing game to round 5

2012-03-30 11:36:59 - fstuppy received 3 troops for 8 regions
2012-03-30 11:38:01 - fstuppy deployed 3 troops on Cape Town
2012-03-30 11:38:08 - fstuppy assaulted Johannesburg from Cape Town and conquered it from ElricTheGreat
2012-03-30 11:38:19 - fstuppy ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-30 14:30:23 - CultureClash received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-30 14:30:29 - CultureClash deployed 1 troops on Delhi
2012-03-30 14:30:34 - CultureClash deployed 2 troops on London
2012-03-30 14:30:35 - CultureClash assaulted Madrid from London and conquered it from ElricTheGreat
2012-03-30 14:30:42 - CultureClash ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-31 11:14:29 - Viceroy63 received 3 troops for 4 regions
2012-03-31 11:14:40 - Viceroy63 deployed 2 troops on Berlin
2012-03-31 11:14:46 - Viceroy63 deployed 1 troops on Edmonton
2012-03-31 11:14:58 - Viceroy63 assaulted Madrid from Berlin and conquered it from CultureClash
2012-03-31 11:15:21 - Viceroy63 ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-31 11:21:01 - Muffinman3 received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-03-31 11:21:04 - Muffinman3 deployed 3 troops on Jakarta
2012-03-31 11:21:07 - Muffinman3 assaulted Port Moresby from Jakarta and conquered it from ElricTheGreat
2012-03-31 11:21:33 - Muffinman3 reinforced Jakarta with 1 troops from Perth
2012-03-31 11:21:40 - Muffinman3 reinforced Jakarta with 1 troops from Sydney
2012-03-31 11:22:25 - Muffinman3 ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-31 14:02:18 - neathboy received 3 troops for 8 regions
2012-03-31 14:05:29 - neathboy deployed 2 troops on Nairobi
2012-03-31 14:05:39 - neathboy deployed 1 troops on Vancouver
2012-03-31 14:07:09 - neathboy assaulted Dakar from Nairobi and conquered it from ElricTheGreat
2012-03-31 14:08:52 - neathboy reinforced Mexico City with 2 troops from Vancouver
2012-03-31 14:09:03 - neathboy ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-31 20:34:39 - ElricTheGreat received 3 troops for 4 regions
2012-03-31 20:35:02 - ElricTheGreat deployed 1 troops on Istanbul
2012-03-31 20:35:05 - ElricTheGreat deployed 1 troops on Istanbul
2012-03-31 20:35:06 - ElricTheGreat deployed 1 troops on Beijing
2012-03-31 20:35:10 - ElricTheGreat assaulted Madrid from Istanbul and conquered it from Viceroy63
2012-03-31 20:35:15 - ElricTheGreat ended the turn and got spoils

2012-03-31 20:35:15 - Incrementing game to round 6

Assessment of Game 10775410 Round 05

Looking back, perhaps Green did not see it but he had an easy card spot on Manila. In situations such as these where few carding spots present themselves, it never hurts to just ask in the game chat for some one, anyone to provide a card spot. In the spirit of the game most players would avail themselves and provide a fellow gamester that spot. We must remember that the game chat is just a tool to be used for diplomatic purposes.

The only problem that I see with this carding move is that there are too many Blue 1's around the London stack. At this point Blue's London stack can only assault Yellow as an option. It is still somewhat early in the game to worry about this and Blue has those other stacks that make up for the limited options in avenues of attack from the London stack, but better would have been to assault from a different stack like the one at Delhi or at Lagos. Both of which attack a single troop and provide the London stack with more options of attack if need be. In a crucial assaulting moment, these blocked avenues of attack could spell the loss of the game. But having many more options to attack from can give one the game in a critical opportunity presenting itself.

The only one of two carding spots available to Yellow at the time. The other one was Dakar from Sao Paulo.

And with this move Pink now owns all of Australia. But at what cost. If you look at the statistics chart above, you will note that Pink is the weakest player on the board at 23 troops strong. The strongest player being Green is at 33 troops strong. A difference of 10 troops. I did the math and the average troops strength is at 27.16666 or simply 27 troops. A difference of 4 troops. This means that it would take two turns just to reach the average troop strength from two turns ago and still Pink would be the weakest play on the board. This is just one of the coast of BM activity. You end up having to play catchup instead of enjoying the fruits of those extra bonus troops.

Cyan did not move his Nairobi stack to Dakar. Dakar is an excellent choke point that would inhibit other players access to each other. The only reason that I can imagine for this is because Green is the primary target. For this reason he also reinforced Mexico with a couple of troops from Vancouver in order for the possibility of being able to get to Green at New York.

Finding himself now among the weaker half of the players after Pink took him out of Australia, Red concentrates on his 3 well positioned main stacks in the northern hemisphere.


Viceroy63 Game Form Round 05
Link to Game:
Game 10775410

Spoils to turn in:

Next spoil set value:
04 Troops.

Do you have a set of spoils?

Your Plans:
Round 05. Receive 3 troops for 4 regions and card.

E4 - 2 troops.
N2 - 1 troops.

E3 From E4, advance none.


End turn and collect spoils.
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Re: Debriefing of Game 10775410 w/ElricTheGreat (w/photos)

Postby Viceroy63 on Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:37 am

Round 06 Yellow to Play
10775410 Game Log Round 06
2012-03-31 20:35:15 - Incrementing game to round 6

2012-04-01 10:13:38 - fstuppy received 3 troops for 9 regions
2012-04-01 10:14:08 - fstuppy deployed 3 troops on Bangkok
2012-04-01 10:14:39 - fstuppy assaulted Havana from New York and conquered it from Muffinman3
2012-04-01 10:14:49 - fstuppy ended the turn and got spoils

2012-04-01 11:29:04 - CultureClash received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-04-01 11:29:12 - CultureClash deployed 1 troops on Lagos
2012-04-01 11:29:19 - CultureClash deployed 2 troops on London
2012-04-01 11:29:21 - CultureClash assaulted Madrid from London and conquered it from ElricTheGreat
2012-04-01 11:29:30 - CultureClash ended the turn and got spoils

2012-04-01 18:18:12 - Viceroy63 received 3 troops for 4 regions
2012-04-01 18:18:33 - Viceroy63 deployed 2 troops on Magadan
2012-04-01 18:18:37 - Viceroy63 deployed 1 troops on Berlin
2012-04-01 18:18:52 - Viceroy63 assaulted Tokyo from Magadan and conquered it from fstuppy
2012-04-01 18:19:47 - Viceroy63 ended the turn and got spoils

2012-04-01 18:26:13 - Muffinman3 received 2 troops for holding Oceania
2012-04-01 18:26:13 - Muffinman3 received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-04-01 18:26:41 - Muffinman3 deployed 3 troops on Cairo
2012-04-01 18:27:07 - Muffinman3 deployed 1 troops on Anchorage
2012-04-01 18:28:25 - Muffinman3 deployed 1 troops on Astana
2012-04-01 18:28:31 - Muffinman3 assaulted Dakar from Cairo and conquered it from neathboy
2012-04-01 18:28:39 - Muffinman3 ended the turn and got spoils

2012-04-02 01:24:18 - neathboy received 3 troops for 8 regions
2012-04-02 01:24:35 - neathboy played a set of Vancouver, Berlin, and Mexico City worth 4 troops
2012-04-02 01:24:35 - neathboy got bonus of 2 troops added to Vancouver
2012-04-02 01:24:35 - neathboy got bonus of 2 troops added to Mexico City
2012-04-02 01:25:51 - neathboy deployed 2 troops on Hong Kong
2012-04-02 01:26:57 - neathboy deployed 2 troops on Moscow
2012-04-02 01:27:18 - neathboy deployed 2 troops on Nairobi
2012-04-02 01:27:38 - neathboy deployed 1 troops on Nairobi
2012-04-02 01:27:58 - neathboy assaulted Stockholm from Moscow and conquered it from CultureClash
2012-04-02 01:29:29 - neathboy reinforced Vancouver with 4 troops from Mexico City
2012-04-02 01:29:36 - neathboy ended the turn and got spoils

2012-04-02 18:15:09 - ElricTheGreat received 3 troops for 4 regions
2012-04-02 18:15:19 - ElricTheGreat deployed 1 troops on Montreal
2012-04-02 18:15:22 - ElricTheGreat deployed 2 troops on Beijing
2012-04-02 18:15:24 - ElricTheGreat assaulted Manila from Beijing and conquered it from neathboy
2012-04-02 18:15:30 - ElricTheGreat ended the turn and got spoils

2012-04-02 18:15:30 - Incrementing game to round 7

Assessment of Game 10775410 Round 06
In this players opinion, dropping troops before a BM, so close to his BZ as Green did at Bangkok, is to dare that player to assault him. You never want to put your troops in a position where the other player will most likely try to take them out except of course when making it an elimination more difficult for other players in general.

In this case the only player being Blocked in, is Pink and this could cause any player a sense of hesitancy and even obligation to attack the blocking player at Bangkok. The 3 original troops at bangkok would have been better off moved to Dubai and the 3 troops dropped there would have served better off at any other location, like Johannesburg for example.

While surrounding his London stack with singular 1's, effectively blocking his own stack, Blue not need concern himself too much with this as his other stacks pick up the slack where this one leaves off. More importantly in the coming potential sweep to keep his other stacks mobile at the expense of this one stack on London.

Also would like to note that Reykjavic does not serve well as a blocking region because stacks of equal colors can be found on both sides of Reykjavic. But the Stack on London would be better positioned at Stockholm or Madrid where it also comes into contact with other players.

If I had to do it over again I probably would have moved my whole stack into Tokyo. It would have separated my stacks even further apart from the Edmonton Stack and perhaps given me opportunities at Manila. Anytime that stacks overlap each other in the regions where they can strike directly is like robbing yourself of potential and powerful striking capabilities.

Pink is not playing like a BM at all here. Instead of protecting his BZ, he is actually deploying to build up his other stacks in preparations for assault in future moves. Moving his entire stack from Cairo to Dakar announces his plans to block off the S. American regions from the rest of the board and to keep it for himself if ever so lucky.

The first of the cash ins is spread about pretty evenly among 5 Cyan stacks. It is however some what obvious that Green is his principle target. He chose to keep his stack on Naroibi rather than on Dakar for just this reason. At least he is goal oriented. =)

And Red's best target is also no big mystery either. Being the 2nd. weakest player on the board (Troop Strength wise), his 3 principle stacks each have 7 troops on them. Making those stacks very dangerous indeed.

Viceroy63 Game Form Round 06
Link to Game:
Game 10775410

Spoils to turn in:

Next spoil set value:
04 Troops.

Do you have a set of spoils?

Your Plans:
Round 06. Receive 3 troops for 4 regions.
Just to card on this round.

E4 -- 1 Troops.
A12 - 2 Troops.

A11 From A12, no advance.


End turn and collect spoils.
Last edited by Viceroy63 on Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Debriefing of Game 10775410 w/ElricTheGreat (w/photos)

Postby Viceroy63 on Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:00 pm

Round 07 Yellow to Play.
10775410 Game Log Round 07
2012-04-02 18:15:30 - Incrementing game to round 7

2012-04-02 19:27:27 - fstuppy received 3 troops for 9 regions
2012-04-02 19:27:46 - fstuppy deployed 3 troops on Havana
2012-04-02 19:27:50 - fstuppy assaulted Mexico City from Havana and conquered it from neathboy
2012-04-02 19:28:15 - fstuppy reinforced New York with 1 troops from Havana
2012-04-02 19:28:19 - fstuppy ended the turn and got spoils

2012-04-03 06:57:52 - CultureClash received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-04-03 06:58:10 - CultureClash deployed 1 troops on Delhi
2012-04-03 06:58:33 - CultureClash deployed 2 troops on London
2012-04-03 06:58:34 - CultureClash assaulted Stockholm from London and conquered it from neathboy
2012-04-03 06:58:46 - CultureClash ended the turn and got spoils

2012-04-03 16:10:00 - Viceroy63 received 3 troops for 5 regions
2012-04-03 16:10:12 - Viceroy63 deployed 2 troops on Berlin
2012-04-03 16:10:17 - Viceroy63 deployed 1 troops on Edmonton
2012-04-03 16:10:28 - Viceroy63 assaulted Stockholm from Berlin and conquered it from CultureClash
2012-04-03 16:11:21 - Viceroy63 ended the turn and got spoils

2012-04-03 16:25:37 - Muffinman3 received 2 troops for holding Oceania
2012-04-03 16:25:37 - Muffinman3 received 3 troops for 8 regions
2012-04-03 16:25:50 - Muffinman3 deployed 4 troops on Jakarta
2012-04-03 16:26:02 - Muffinman3 deployed 1 troops on Dakar
2012-04-03 16:26:12 - Muffinman3 assaulted Madrid from Dakar and conquered it from CultureClash
2012-04-03 16:27:06 - Muffinman3 ended the turn and got spoils

2012-04-04 01:56:32 - neathboy received 3 troops for 6 regions
2012-04-04 01:56:45 - neathboy deployed 2 troops on Nairobi
2012-04-04 01:57:07 - neathboy deployed 1 troops on Hong Kong
2012-04-04 01:58:00 - neathboy assaulted Cape Town from Nairobi and conquered it from fstuppy
2012-04-04 01:58:35 - neathboy ended the turn and got spoils

2012-04-04 19:58:28 - ElricTheGreat received 3 troops for 5 regions
2012-04-04 19:58:32 - ElricTheGreat played a set of Istanbul, Manila, and Montreal worth 6 troops
2012-04-04 19:58:32 - ElricTheGreat got bonus of 2 troops added to Istanbul
2012-04-04 19:58:32 - ElricTheGreat got bonus of 2 troops added to Manila
2012-04-04 19:58:32 - ElricTheGreat got bonus of 2 troops added to Montreal
2012-04-04 19:59:03 - ElricTheGreat deployed 2 troops on Beijing
2012-04-04 19:59:10 - ElricTheGreat deployed 4 troops on Istanbul
2012-04-04 19:59:12 - ElricTheGreat deployed 3 troops on Montreal
2012-04-04 19:59:18 - ElricTheGreat assaulted Cairo from Istanbul and conquered it from Muffinman3
2012-04-04 19:59:28 - ElricTheGreat reinforced Beijing with 4 troops from Manila
2012-04-04 19:59:30 - ElricTheGreat ended the turn and got spoils

2012-04-04 19:59:30 - Incrementing game to round 8

Assessment of Game 10775410 Round 07
Being blocked from S. America by Pink at Dakar, this would have been a good opportunity to set up a stack at Mexico City. Even though it does not make for a well block because colors can be found on both sides of the block yet it would guarantee Green ease of access to S. A.

Even though it does not read so Blue advanced no troops into stockholm. Generally you want your stacks to make as much contact with as many colors as possible because you just never know where opportunity will strike at. By not advancing his troops to Stockholm Blue limits his options to only Yellow at Berlin. But as we shall see in the next round, that luckily both Yellow and Pink provide Blue with options again.

Having limited carding options I am forced to choose between the lessor of two (or three) evils. I can't take Cyan out at Bogota because it is the only Cyan there and could spell out the destiny for Cyan. Remember that you do not want to make it easier for other players by eliminating players that others can't get to.

If I card on Dakar I may make it easier for Red to get to me with the possible scenario that all Red would have to do is take Berlin, advance none and then march his troops against me at S. Paulo. Option three, the one taken at least means that "IF" Red has a set (Yeah, with 5 cards he may not have it. LOL.), that he would have to take Berlin and advance at least 4 troops to get to Stockholm before marching onto S. Paulo. A bit harder just in case.

Looking back now, it would have been even more difficult if I had advance all of my troops to Stockholm. But I did not want to lose my full contact with Red just in case. At any rate, I know that I am Reds best objective in the game for a win.

Going back to BM activities and protecting his Bonus Zone of Oceania, Pink neglects his other stacks around the map. Concern for his Jakarta is not warranted as the odds of a player making an attempt for Oz at this time would be ill advised for anyone. Any player attempting to do so would only severely weaken his position in the game and make himself available for elimination. Actually that would be the best trap that Pink could have come up with. To let others go for his Oz while he builds up strong at his other stacks!

In a game where others are fighting for a BZ or a region, all one needs to do is to wait it out and when the time is right you march in with superior numbers and just take over the whole thing. To encourage such a situation, especially through diplomacy is genius. To deprive it from others is not always the best of moves. Sure you gain 2 extra bonus troops from holding a small BZ but what advantages from using it instead as part of a long range plan to dominate the world. In light of this View, it is this players opinion that protecting Oz at this time may not have been the best possible option for play.
- End Note.

Moving his stack to Madrid was also not the best of moves. It lessons his reach of colors/players and his ease of access to S. America. His best move would have been to keep his stack at Dakar. While strengthening his other stacks at Anchorage and Astana. On another note, Pink deployed only 1 troop to Dakar to assault Madrid. In general this is never advised. The strategy of the stack is to improve them where ever possible and make them bigger stacks. That is why 2 troops are deployed to any stack that you will use to assault from. That way you can assault a maximum of two rolls for the best chance to card and not lose the strength of the stack.

Cyan continues to maintain his eye on Green but fails to move his stack on Vancouver to Los Angeles. Perhaps he is hoping that Blue or Green would make it easier for him while he maintains contact with other colors as well. This is never a good Strategy. Hoping for a thing does not make it so. Better to actively go after a goal and setting yourself up in the game for it then missing the opportunity because you missed your aim.

Otherwise it can be noted that Cyan properly deployed 2 troops on Naroibi, the region from which he assaulted from. And not moving his stack back to Dakar is right in step with keeping Green in his scopes.

Incredibly Red receive 2 bonus troops on all three of his spoils cards. He actually receive 12 troops in total and not just the 6 troops as it reads. I can't help but wonder how tempting to eliminate me it might have been for Red. Perhaps if I had not carded on Stockholm that decision might have been easier. Red certainly had enough troops for the job.

Luckily for me he continued to develop and for the most important Reason. He would have been next to be eliminated had he taken me out of he game. The next set of spoils was for 8 troops and that would not have been enough to cover the 30 or so troops that he would have spent on eliminating me. It was just not the right time. <--- Forum Link.

When ever you make an elimination, it should be well worth it. It should leave you with at least greater points so that should some one else eliminates you, you at least gain and leave the game with something to write home about. LOL. =)

Viceroy63 Game Form Round 07
Link to Game:
Game 10775410

Spoils to turn in:

Next spoil set value:
06 Troops.

Do you have a set of spoils?

Your Plans:
Round 07. Receive 3 troops for 5 regions and card.
Trade in are still too low to justify any attempts at eliminating any players. I will just Card on this round.

N2 --- 1 Troops.
E4 --- 2 Troops.

E5 From E4, advance none.


End Turn and collect spoils.

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