jltile1 wrote:TheForgivenOne wrote:jltile1 wrote:I'm telling you people on computers are smart it has to be pretty easy to figure out how to change your flag. And that's what there doing here. I made a report a while back same situation on a map I started the same map same settings and no ? Joined my games. No not one but this guy had damn near every game with them. Come on guys this shit is so obvious and all you can say is well they don't have he same flag. Look at how many flag of NR join his game man cool flag I never seen before. All them play 1-4 games DB his games. The time his gets someone to play he looses those. This will be another yet cheater swept under the rug.
And what do you expect the Multi Hunters to do? Bust him on no evidence like, but based on a theory? Would you like it if the same thing happened to you, and were busted on the same evidence?
Figure it out right your the mods it your job I pay for this site. Sure please do bust me if you see that 75 percent of my games are with NRs. This is exactly what I'm talking about with kids running this site. Your response is to ask me a question about me being busted, instead of just doing your job. Look it's simple I put games up to play and NRs do not join. Simple as that maybe you mods should start the games your self and see how many ? Join your games as I stated before. The evidence is there you have a non paying customer that's cheating. The evidence is is his games, what do you need a ? On your forehead to see it????????? Go look at my games shit I can't even find a ????

Do I look like a Multi Hunter? No. I don't have access to their tools. I'm guessing you think they only do a simple IP check too.
Another reason why NR's never join your games? You play settings that they can't join. They can't join Terminator/Team/6+player games. I doubt anyone see's too many NR's in Speed games either (In fact, the last game that a NR could have joined from yours, was somewhere in the 6000000's). And I've actually seen settings like he has used, and it attracted quite a few NR's. If you use the Game Finder, and put in Halloween Hallows, with 3 players, and look at games without Branning, you will STILL see a bunch of NR's joining them, or people that were NR's at the time, but since have been promoted. The fact is, Halloween Hallows is not a very popular map, and the games he creates get pushed to the very front of the Join a Game page (For New Recruits, since they don't see any of the Team/8man games at the front like we do), and thus, it's the first thing they see and join.
Again, the Hunter's aren't going to bust someone based on the fact NR's keep joining their games, and say "We have no actual evidence, based on the IP scan we have done, or anything else we see, but we're going to bust you anyways because people think you are going out of your way to win games against yourself."