by IcePack on Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:16 pm
All 16 entrants will play vs me on my favorite 10 maps. (one at a time)
The goal of the game is simple - break thru the Ice! Breaking the ICE requires greater than 50% win record (6 out of 10 wins). The player w the most wins after 10 maps wins the tournament....
Provided they won MORE THAN 50% of our games!
If no one won more than 50%, then I win. (meaning all 16 entrants fail to win 6 out of 10)
If more than two or more players wins greater than 50%, and are tied for the top score then a playoff round with those players will begin. Each will pick 5 of the 10 maps to replay vs me.
Those wins are added to their initial scores. If there is STILL a tie, I will choose 3 maps of the 10 (at random). They will play each other, best of 3 wins.
Premium or freemium is ok. (one slot required) One invite per game missing invites In the tournament will result in ONE warning per player, and then count as forfeits.
Settings depend on the map as listed:
1. American Civ War - Auto Seq ESC chained foggy
2. Arms Race! - Auto Seq NS chained sunny
3. Bamboo Jack - Auto Seq FR chained foggy
4. CCU- Auto Seq ESC chained foggy
5. Circus Maximus - Auto Seq Nuke chained foggy
6. Draknor Level 1 - Auto Seq NS chained foggy
7. Italy - Auto Seq NS chained sunny
8. London - Auto Seq ESC chained sunny
9. Lunar War - Auto Seq NS chained foggy
10. Random - Auto Seq NS Chained sunny
*I reserve the right to decline entrance due to foe list, previous tournament problems, or very low % turns taken.
Last edited by
IcePack on Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:17 pm, edited 29 times in total.
fac vitam incredibilem memento vivere
Knowledge Weighs Nothing, Carry All You Can