Conquer Club

Mr.Bi Polar [cleared] BG

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Mr.Bi Polar [cleared] BG

Postby wrisky 50 on Wed May 30, 2012 9:18 am


Mr. Bi Polar

The accused are suspected of: Of throwing the game because he was not going to win. He weaken a player who had 5 card cash in so that Ulm the red player who was a Lieutenant at the time was next to take his turn. Mr. Bi Polar was a Major at the time of this game & the rest of the players were 3 stripes & 2 stripes players. My feeling was that he did this move so that he would not lose so many points. Red was not in a postion to win either I do not think he was part of this cheating he just benafited from it. check the game chat please as red agreed with this statement. I don't like doing this but this was pretty blatant move. I don't mind losing but not to a cheater. Thanks for looking in to this Wrisky 50

Game number(s):

Game 11168011

Comments: Sorry I got the name in the right spot.
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Re: Mr.Bi Polar [pending] BG

Postby DJPatrick on Thu May 31, 2012 4:36 am

Wrisky...damned unfortuate/unfair maybe but it's the law of the a war game it emulates war where those about to die choose the least painful option Or, another way...if you are about to be over-run by somebody you choose to be vanquished by those who will rape, pillage and plunder (yer points) the least...
Sun Tzu in "The Art of Warfare" notes that if a leader is about to have his troops decimated and he has no personal feelings towards any of the opposing hordes he should lead his men to battle in such a way that the strongest opponent should eventually rule all the lands and restore order...
Short answer---took me a long time to recognize this and accept it but what you describe is a tactic, not one against the rules and one that has permeated CC for years...
Consider it thoughtfully grasshopper and use it to your advantage.
Astounds me that this even has a [pending] attached... :twisted:
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Re: Mr.Bi Polar [pending] BG

Postby afroaction on Thu May 31, 2012 8:03 am

Same thing happens when lower ranks gang up on a higher rank just because, is it fair? Maybe not but that's all part of the game. Play accordingly.
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Re: Mr.Bi Polar [pending] BG

Postby BGtheBrain on Thu May 31, 2012 8:26 am

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