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Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Cleared] DCR

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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Pending] DCR

Postby HardAttack on Mon May 21, 2012 11:49 am

deathcomesrippin wrote:@ HardAttack- can you report the PMs for me so I can see them?

There are 8-10 PMs between me and whatmeworry/israel...
Reported each of them single by single, using "!" at the top-right side of the PMs.
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Pending] DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Tue May 22, 2012 7:09 am

Thanks, Hard. This is being looked into.
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Pending] DCR

Postby BGtheBrain on Tue May 22, 2012 7:38 am

On cases like this, Im always interested to see what the accused have to say.

However, they rarely provide a defense and go with the silent route.

Greatwhite is browsing the forum right now, Ill ask the question.

Do you have anything to say about this accusation?
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Pending] DCR

Postby Mageplunka69 on Tue May 22, 2012 9:09 am

Great white is a stand up guy, i have 3101 games with him and Dupa ...

removed flame
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Pending] DCR

Postby Mageplunka69 on Tue May 22, 2012 9:15 am

Keefie wrote:There are other players in those games that haven't been accused.


screw you too dude, foed
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Pending] DCR

Postby Keefie on Tue May 22, 2012 12:01 pm


Nothing personal mate and I'm not pointing a finger at you or anyone, but the OP had listed a load of games as evidence of his accusations and there were other players in those games as well as the accused.

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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Pending] DCR

Postby nietzsche on Tue May 22, 2012 1:26 pm

What we could do with this kind of players, point whores, is allowed them to practice their profession in some sort of red district. Next to speed games a tab could say Red District. Some sort of interaction could be devised with which we would throw points at their face. Lol, just kidding. Not saying the accused are guilty either. dunno
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Pending] DCR

Postby ubcman64 on Tue May 22, 2012 3:20 pm

merch313 wrote:I see my name on one of the games and ive played tons of trips games with GW... All games that we play are mostly and Jamaica and people just join..Think I have 18 waiting on Jamaica and no invites sent most have none on team 2. Not sure about all the games but I have not seen this happen with these guys.

i am not aware of GW inviting opponents to any of his games
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Pending] DCR

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Tue May 22, 2012 11:45 pm

agentcom wrote:Isn't is not farming if they're not new recruits? Or has that changed? Wouldn't this more likely be abuse of the PM/Invite system? I haven't paid much attention to the farming rules lately, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

You are more than likely probably right, unless the rules have suddenly changed. And if so, what is the minimum rank to farm then?
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Pending] DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Thu May 24, 2012 5:46 am

GreatWhite, keef12, and Toads are Cleared of farming.

Compared to the amount of games these players play, this is not systematic. But, we do not condone this kind of action, and will take these on a case-by-case basis.
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Cleared] DCR

Postby eddie2 on Thu May 24, 2012 6:14 am

i have played loads of jamaica team games via several of the accused and never came across team 2 being filled. but there is 1 new player involved in there games now toads maybe it is him.
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Cleared] DCR

Postby Greatwhite on Thu May 24, 2012 7:43 am

Just read this thread, close this stupid topic down and let the ladies go back to their knitting and bitching, or better yet join any of near 50 games I have waiting for anyone to play, can't believe this forum is so dominated by whiny teens who think their opinion matters on anything except what kind of clearasil to buy this week, what a lame Moderator too.
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Cleared] DCR

Postby Keefie on Thu May 24, 2012 10:40 am


I wonder how many of the lynch mob will apologise for their remarks ?
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Pending] DCR

Postby agentcom on Thu May 24, 2012 11:08 am

Jdsizzleslice wrote:
agentcom wrote:Isn't is not farming if they're not new recruits? Or has that changed? Wouldn't this more likely be abuse of the PM/Invite system? I haven't paid much attention to the farming rules lately, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

You are more than likely probably right, unless the rules have suddenly changed. And if so, what is the minimum rank to farm then?

Thanks. I thought my questions had kind of been lost in the shuffle there
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Cleared] DCR

Postby HardAttack on Thu May 24, 2012 12:37 pm

Keefie wrote:+1

I wonder how many of the lynch mob will apologise for their remarks ?

Neither i, nor anybody else is going to appologize for a thing from you...
What you do, maybe not against the rules, you read the mod's lines carefully...

DO NOT MISS IT WHAT MOD IS SAYING... "THE PATTERN IS NOT SYSTEMATIC" this means mod accepts what you have done is WRONG but because your history is clean you are cleared...You better change the route, do not invite cooks and cadets in the opposing team again in order not to be SYSTEMATICAL FARMERs.

What you do is not against rules, BUT FKIN CHEAP, and my fkin life, i dont, never appologize from cheaps...

Explain it, why are you, one of you, ONE OF YOU, a team can not invite but a player can only, why one of you invite a cook in team 2 ?

EX FKIN it PLAIN please instead acting as if you won a fight against hannibal...
Last edited by HardAttack on Thu May 24, 2012 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Cleared] DCR

Postby HardAttack on Thu May 24, 2012 12:40 pm


dont push words around the major line, dont play, answer the core here.
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Cleared] DCR

Postby HardAttack on Thu May 24, 2012 12:42 pm

If i felt like i did something wrong reporting your cheap meats, i d certainly appologized...
However not, you are not doing it correct, not doing it in the borders of integrity and honour...

On the lines of rule book you are cleared, IN MY BOOK you are cheap.
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Cleared] DCR

Postby Greatwhite on Thu May 24, 2012 2:26 pm

Feel free to join any of my games dumb-ass, whining like a little girl won't get you any more points, I play OPEN games, over 5000 opponents so far, which one of us is selective in who they play?
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Cleared] DCR

Postby HardAttack on Thu May 24, 2012 2:32 pm

Greatwhite wrote:Feel free to join any of my games dumb-ass, whining like a little girl won't get you any more points, I play OPEN games, over 5000 opponents so far, which one of us is selective in who they play?

Why playing with dumb-ass player was my question above...Why inviting cooks and cadets, now a dumb ass (you say i am) was my question you idiot.
Why not answering but playing on the words ?

F..k o.f

5000 cooks and cadets, go ahead there are 2000 left around...
I dont take you and your field ground, jamaica map, to be any good challenge to me...
You need a lot of more to stand in my front then talk...
What the hell, challenging me here now. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Cleared] DCR

Postby Greatwhite on Thu May 24, 2012 2:43 pm

look through my past games dumb ass, all levels, just because someones a cook doesn't mean they are bad players, I imagine even your holiness was a cook once. You are far more selective about losing points than I, I lose a shitload when the lower ranks win, haven't you a need for a nap already?
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Re: Greatwhite - keef12 - Toads [Cleared] DCR

Postby BGtheBrain on Thu May 24, 2012 2:47 pm

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