Well this game is over for me,it was just one game,I let it go but I won't remove the ratings given I got bad ratings from u two so it's worst for me =)
I'll explain my side:
1)I was never in North America as Orange(wudf) quoted above - 1st lie =)...I was in Far East & India
Pink(another player) had Europe - 2nd lie
2) Desperation (Light Blue - his friend) already got Central America and United states - that's 2/3 of North America but instead of a)taking canada to complete his continent bonus(pretty defenseless) or b) go south america where Orange was still at growing stage(would have been easy for him to conquer)..Light Blue decided to go East Indies (no he didnt own most territories there,he just crushed everything - not my troops though)...This was a very weird strategy and started to raise my suspicion...as it would be hard for him to defend like this and he lost quite a lot of troops in the process.
3)why would he do this..it's just simple..Light Blue was already bordering Orange in North-South america and if Light Blue take Oceania too, Orange would be safe from chilean/australian claim..they would both be safe in Antartica
4)As I was suspecting them(I don't accuse if I don't have proof),I checked their game logs of other games..tadaaaa..they played a lot of double games together,befriending each other in game chat and in one of the game,someone asked them if they knew each other and Wudf replied that they were work colleagues.
5)I got back to our game,I asked them if they knew each other Desperation(Light Blue) told me that I should not make blind accusation and skipped my question.Every time he just used the FOG mode as escape goat and that was the reason I couldnt see anything and that I can't accuse because of that.(So you can't accuse if there is FOG mode now lmao)
6)But i'm no retarded,I could see from sparse territories I own and I always check what bonus each player get to know their whereabouts.
7)Then when I supplied the proof (Wudf saying that they know each other) Desperation started to be in defense mode saying that he doesnt like to be called a cheater etc)

Then the 2nd actor entered the scene Wudf(orange). "shut up bitch" was his first sentence,what an entrance lol
9)I attacked Desperation(light blue) in america and oceania because he attacked me in China..Light only had very little troops left in USA if I remember well but instead of eliminating him(with 5 cards) there,Orange just go through Central America then to India (my territories) to break my bonus.."superman went to save his friend" lol (hoping that I would leave light Blue alone maybe)
10) Light Blue used his cards but I managed to eliminate him.
11)Then after Light Blue was gone,Orange used his troops from India to take North America (also weird) because he could have just eliminate his friend and take north america directly instead of harassing me in Asia *sigh*
12) Oh I also asked PINK(another player) if I could have a NAP with him but Orange interrupted with:
2012-05-10 15:04:43 - Arc Pro: PINK...do you want a NAP between us 1turn notice prior to attacks?=)
2012-05-10 16:16:08 - Wudf: didn't i tell you to be quiet?
This sums up pretty much everything in order of what happened..Don't need to tell u what happened at the end between PINK,Orange and I lol..Orange just kept committing suicide on me even though PINK was the leader..but this was expected and it was just bad luck that we played this game together because I normally avoid playing a standard game with 2people who know each other really well coz they would less be willing to attack each other than attacking others =)
Oh please check the game chat and game log before posting this thread here..because I remember this game by heart from the beginning to the end =) (Well I always plan my strategy even if it's not my turn yet,I just don't come and play like a blind,that's why I remember every move in a game)