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Conquer Cup III

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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby DoomYoshi on Fri May 18, 2012 1:32 pm

drunkmonkey wrote:The teammate spoils enhancement is much appreciated - thanks.

Yes. Finally.
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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby Mr_Adams on Fri May 18, 2012 2:05 pm

AndyDufresne wrote:
Mr_Adams wrote:We appreciate the update. :D When can we start buying in to CCIV?

You can indeed pre-register for the next Conquer Cup, by either visiting the Conquer Cup and clicking on the 'Reserve your spot in advance' link, or visiting this one this link.

How were 3 people eliminated in round one? That's what the stats on the "Conquer Cup" page say

The eliminated in Round 1, are people that will eventually be slotted into the Second Chance Round. The eliminated thereafter, however, truly are eliminated!


Wow, you guys actually are giving a bit of customer services on this issue ;)
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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby Mr_Adams on Sun May 20, 2012 11:05 am

Would it be possible to program the conquer cup so that you don't end up with the same players in round 2 as in round 1? I don't want to lose two games in a row to the same noob.
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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby IcePack on Mon May 21, 2012 4:06 pm

I love it. A cook, a private, and a Sarg. All play like cooks, missing bonuses kills and leaving borders and acting like its a terminator game killing the only major.

-53 points. Thanks, but I may end up saving the $5 and buying some beer. At least that leaves me happy & satisfied in the end.


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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby AndyDufresne on Tue May 22, 2012 9:43 am

Maybe they saw you as the biggest threat? :)

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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby ThrushAAX on Thu May 24, 2012 2:45 pm

Minor bug... If you win your round 1 game it says "You are waiting to advance to round 2" when it should really be round 3.
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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby Chewie1 on Thu May 24, 2012 4:05 pm

lackattack wrote:After discussing the Conquer Cup "no account sitting" rule with my fellow admins, we agreed that it is causing more problems than it solves. We are going to scrap this rule for all future Conquer Cups, and deal with any real abuse if it happens.

But we can't change things in the middle of a cup so the "no account sitting" rule will remain for the rest of Conquer Cup III. We feel that we are enforcing this rule as best as is reasonable. If you don't agree with how it is enforced, please rest assured that everyone who has been told to stop sitting has stopped, there have been no reports of actual cheating or abuse beyond errant sitting, and this will not even be an issue in the future.

Sensible outcome =D> =D>
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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby lackattack on Mon May 28, 2012 3:34 pm

ThrushAAX wrote:Minor bug... If you win your round 1 game it says "You are waiting to advance to round 2" when it should really be round 3.

Fixed! :)
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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby AndyDufresne on Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:21 pm

Congrats to first and second Finalists of Conquer Cup III...

beach paws

As you can see, beach paws bounced back after losing the first game:

Round 1 - Game 11066861
Round 2 - Game 11113047
Round 3 - Game 11137761
Round 4 - Game 11167346
Round 5 - Game 11187533



WARB needed no second chance round:

Round 1 - Game 11066899
Round 3 - Game 11130989
Round 4 - Game 11165260
Round 5 - Game 11216509

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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby Mr_Adams on Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:08 pm

Mr_Adams wrote:Would it be possible to program the conquer cup so that you don't end up with the same players in round 2 as in round 1? I don't want to lose two games in a row to the same noob.

I would really appreciate a comment on whether or not this is possible/will be considered. It will influence my decision as to whether or not to buy into CC IV and beyond. Thanks!
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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby AndyDufresne on Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:16 pm

Mr_Adams wrote:
Mr_Adams wrote:Would it be possible to program the conquer cup so that you don't end up with the same players in round 2 as in round 1? I don't want to lose two games in a row to the same noob.

I would really appreciate a comment on whether or not this is possible/will be considered. It will influence my decision as to whether or not to buy into CC IV and beyond. Thanks!

For now, I think we like the re-match aspect of the Second Chance Round 2, but for future Cups another random draw be used. We are also exploring alternative formats, where there may be no chance of rematches since there may be no or a different type of Second Chance round.

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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby AndyDufresne on Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:29 pm

Ahoy Everyone!


As mentioned on the Conquer Cup page, 50 randomly selected players that did not make it to Round 5, will receive 500 Conquer Credits which can be redeemed for entry into any future Conquer Cup.

You can expect to receive your prize in the next few hours! Check your Conquer Credits page, and you should see you have been credited with 500 credits. You will also get a PM notification from me as well!

    So without further ado...the Consolation Prize Winners!

    Note: The list is in alphabetical order. Remember, you can always use your browser's Find/Search box via "CTRL F" to look for your username quickly!


show: Consolation Prize Winners
  1. amirrisk
  2. autogreg
  3. AzureX
  4. Baron Von Cox
  5. beefy1403
  6. Bigus_Dogus
  7. Buzz199
  8. chejodavila
  9. coldfire0101
  10. conquer122
  11. contreras.ale
  12. Correctoboy
  13. danmax
  14. DESSIE
  15. EESHA
  17. greyskystreet
  18. groman
  19. gubarretto
  20. hansieee
  21. hpanic7342
  22. Illini83
  23. Ing3nium
  24. iveys
  25. jakdown
  26. Jones888
  27. KingRyNo
  28. KuchTheWiser
  29. m1ndgames
  30. Marshal Mike
  31. mpolo
  32. nattyniz
  33. PetraArkanian
  34. prior680
  35. removalman
  36. reptile
  37. RickyJamesy
  38. RusDanger
  39. Saberla
  40. schiballs
  41. simon moore
  42. slighguy
  43. soilt
  44. Taylor Bishop
  45. TheQuietOne
  46. tschwehr
  47. wxystad
  48. yumatra
  49. zdglobal
  50. zihileyeed

    Congrats to all the above Consolation Prize Winners! And many thanks to all participants of Conquer Cup III.

And remember, Conquer Cup IV is scheduled to open by 2012-09-01, but you may reserve your spot in advance!

See you there!

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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby reptile on Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:59 pm

Holy shit balls andy, Thanks for randomly drawing my name. my name never gets randomly called for anything lol.
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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby IcePack on Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:05 pm

Is it possible someone who is randomly drawn for consolation prize, to be redrawn for consolation prize the next time? Or are their names removed and it's only for paid entries to be randomly drawn?


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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby AndyDufresne on Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:11 am

IcePack wrote:Is it possible someone who is randomly drawn for consolation prize, to be redrawn for consolation prize the next time? Or are their names removed and it's only for paid entries to be randomly drawn?


No finagling with the names is done. So all participants that haven't made it to the specified Round are eligible to be drawn! It is all random.

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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby AndyDufresne on Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:45 am

And...we have a winner!


Congrats to
mhennigan for pulling out a Round 14 victory to seal the deal and claiming the top spot as Conquer Cup III Champion!

Moreover, many congrats to all the Finalists who gave him a tough game, and who fought against the odds to make it into the Finals!

Similarly congrats to all the Semi-Finalists for racking up a couple of wins in the tournament as well!

And of course, we must thank all participants for playing and making Conquer Cup III a fun tournament to watch from the sidelines and hopefully fun to play in too!


Make sure to check out the Medals Page to see the recipients of each award trophy as well!

All medals have been awarded. Prizes will be start to make their way out over the next couple of weeks, and I should be in touch with you shortly!

And last, but certainly not least...make sure to check out Conquer Cup IV with official registration opening on September 1st, 2012, though pre-registration is currently already ongoing!

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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby Gilligan on Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:51 am

Congrats mhennigan!
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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Aug 27, 2012 10:32 am

The first time a Conqueror has won the Conquer Cup!

Congrats indeed!!!
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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby x-raider on Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:38 pm

All hail conqueror (field marshall) mhennigan, the conquer cup conqueror...
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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby courtesykiller on Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:55 pm

can someone tell me how anyone can get to gc07 after 1 turn with fogged trench?
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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby courtesykiller on Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:26 pm

how the hell does anyone start on g7 on poland fogged after 1 turn? cheating is going on..anonymous is his name
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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby Bruceswar on Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:39 am

congrats to Henni!
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Re: Conquer Cup III

Postby Lindax on Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:30 am

Bruceswar wrote:congrats to Henni!


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