The accused are suspected of:
Game Chat Abuse (bigotry)
Forum Abuse (flaming, trolling and possibly bigotry)
Game number(s):
Game 10951471
The forum above has been locked without explanation. Since I was one of the regular commentators there and (1) others noted the bigotry displayed by GeneralRisk; (2) he does not appear to have been investigated or cleared for his comments in the game; and (3) I posted a question of whether he will be investigated or whether someone has to open a new C&A that was never answered, I can only assume that the locking of the thread is an indication that the mods want someone to file a separate C&A report here.
This is further bolstered by the fact that there was only one poster in the entire forum who appeared to be getting out of hand. Everyone else was maintaining a respectful conversation. Therefore, it looks like the moderators already have a problem with this user's behavior that led them to completely locking a thread. That's why I have broadened the complaint to include forum abuse as well as Game Chat abuse. However, I also understand that these issues should be dealt with separately, and different decisions may result from the different elements of the complaint.
Game chat abuse (bigotry): I will repost the relevant information here. [This is a combination of a couple of posts.]:
Subject: gaerapi78......Bigotry[warned]SN
agentcom wrote:A "Niger"? The American President is an African nation? I don't get it.
But seriously, if the mods were truly concerned about bigotry, they would warn both of these xenophobic idiots. They both appear to hold and express bigoted attitudes toward citizens of certain countries. Let's go to the tape. In the following, I have bolded the particular chat entries that I believe call for a warning for both players. My description is below the chat excerpts. However, the chat should be interpreted as a whole, so the entire chat has been reproduced.2012-04-15 07:14:38 - gaerapi78: che culo .. buffone
2012-04-15 07:17:09 - GeneralRisk: ssuk my cock foriegn piece of dog shit
2012-04-15 07:17:34 - gaerapi78: lol
2012-04-15 07:17:40 - gaerapi78: LOL
2012-04-15 07:18:12 - GeneralRisk: german lol
GeneralRisk does not just bait the guy. He begins by expressing his bigotry taking care to note that Gaerapi is a "foriegn [sic] piece of dog shit." Apparently, laughter was not the desired response from Gaerapi, so GeneralRisk made clear that he was trying to insult his nationality when he wrote "german lol." This prejudiced attitude toward foreigners, generally, and Germans, in particular, seems to be relatively unprovoked. The chat log was silent in the opening minutes of the game until Gaerapi wrote what Google Translate interprets as "that ass ... jester." (BTW, Ass jester is my new favorite insult). From a very brief look online, I think the terms have some connotation of luck (as GeneralRisk had just turned in a rainbow set). I think he was basically saying "you lucky clown" or something similar. But whatever Gaerapi was saying, there doesn't seem to be any bigotry until GeneralRisk began his xenophobic and anti-German remarks.
[To clarify this point based on GR's response (GR's text in red):]GeneralRisk wrote:what a joke. Me saying german lol is in your opinion proof that I was insulting his nationality. You are definitely out of your 1st world mind.
It is not saying "german [sic] lol" that makes this bigotry. It is the fact that he has shown intolerance and prejudice toward another person based on their national origin. Look at his very first entry in the Game Chat. He makes it clear that he's not just talking about any piece of dog shit. He is talking about a foriegn [sic] piece of dog shit. This modifier has absolutely no relation to anything else that was happening in the game or previously in Game Chat (as noted, this was the first thing GR said to his opponent).
I see only two ways of interpreting the "german lol" comment: (1) He is laughing out loud at the fact that someone is German, presumably at their expense or (2) this is meant to modify the dog shit comment, as in "you're not just a foreign piece of dog shit; you're a German piece of dog shit." Either way, this is clearly bigotry. Between this and the use of "3rd world" as a derogatory expression [Thank you Evolution for stating this more clearly than I did] to denote either a German or a foreigner (it's unclear), GR has clearly expressed his bigotry in Game Chat.
He offers no intelligible defense to this allegation, either. As such, he should be given a warning.2012-04-15 07:19:02 - gaerapi78: how's your chocolate face president these days ?
2012-04-15 07:20:24 - GeneralRisk: doing better than any of u 3rd world fuks
2012-04-15 07:20:39 - GeneralRisk: and he is black
[See the original thread for my post on Gaerapi's comments, but that is not relevant here.] Though things are obviously becoming heated at this point, GeneralRisk is the only person that has actually expressed bigotry--based on the nationality of another player.2012-04-15 07:21:03 - gaerapi78: are you as fat as every fucking person in yr stupid country ?
2012-04-15 07:21:12 - GeneralRisk: good game cocksucker
2012-04-15 07:21:13 - gaerapi78: he's not black
2012-04-15 07:21:21 - gaerapi78: he's fucking niger
2012-04-15 07:21:48 - GeneralRisk: thats bigottry u piece of dogshit
[Again, I will omit my discussion of Gaerapi's comments, but I firmly believe his warning for bigotry was deserved.] At this point, both players have expressed their bigotry based variously on nationality and race.2012-04-15 07:22:02 - gaerapi78: where are you going for lunch today ?
2012-04-15 07:22:04 - gaerapi78: kcf
2012-04-15 07:22:07 - gaerapi78: kfc
2012-04-15 07:22:14 - GeneralRisk: im gonna turn your 3rd world ass in
2012-04-15 07:22:14 - gaerapi78: burger king
2012-04-15 07:22:17 - gaerapi78: md
2012-04-15 07:22:44 - gaerapi78: lol
2012-04-15 07:22:52 - GeneralRisk: enjoy the warning and or vacation
2012-04-15 07:23:01 - gaerapi78: LLLLOOOOOLLLLLL
2012-04-15 07:23:06 - gaerapi78: F
2012-04-15 07:23:06 - gaerapi78: U
2012-04-15 07:23:08 - gaerapi78: C
2012-04-15 07:23:09 - gaerapi78: K
2012-04-15 07:23:09 - gaerapi78: Y
2012-04-15 07:23:10 - gaerapi78: O
2012-04-15 07:23:13 - gaerapi78: U
2012-04-15 07:23:31 - GeneralRisk: see ya
2012-04-15 07:23:57 - gaerapi78: SAY HI TO MOM
2012-04-15 07:24:06 - gaerapi78: tell her i'll be home later
2012-04-15 07:24:08 - gaerapi78: SON
2012-04-15 07:24:10 - gaerapi78: lol
There's not much to see in the rest of chat, except a questionable reference to "3rd world ass" by GeneralRisk. Given the bigoted context of GeneralRisk's previous statements, this appears to be another anti-German reference. It may be a confused one (I'm not sure who thinks that Germany is a third world country), but it appears to demonstrate GeneralRisk's view of the primacy (or 1st world-ness) of America (and whatever other countries GeneralRisk favors over Germany). This provokes the desired (and somewhat amusing) response of Gaerapi that culminates this heated exchange.
Now, let's look at the relevant rules:
General Rule (
Our moderation policy for the Forum, Private Messages, Live Chat and Game Chat is outlined in the community guidelines.
Community Guidelines (viewtopic.php?t=7785):
Conquer Club takes a fairly relaxed/liberal approach to what is said on Conquer Club.... Though we take a relaxed approach to what is said on Conquer Club, that doesn't mean that we don't have any rules about what can't be said. Check out the ... Game Chat Guidelines for more specifics.
Game Chat Guidelines (viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7785#p2865163):
-Banter and some trash talking IS allowed ... provided it doesn't cross some specific lines.
-While you might find some game chat disagreeable, uncouth, and boorish, cursing and using foul language may not be a breach of our Guidelines.
-That said, what is not allowed is any form of bigotry, cyber-bullying/harassment or those extremes outlined in the Forum Guidelines. Please report any such comments that you find offensive.
It is clear from this that "ANY form of bigotry" is not allowed in chat. In addition (as evidenced by the conjunction "or"), there are other things listed in the Forum Guidelines that are not allowed. Since GR's comments are "any form of bigotry" we need not look to the Forum Guidelines to see if also was in breach of those. Of course, it makes sense to have stricter rules for Game Chat than in the forum, because (1) people can't as easily avoid seeing Game Chat and (2) The games, not the fora, are the primary reason for this site, so we would expect CC to do more to ensure a pleasant gaming experience than a pleasant forum experience.
However, even if this interpretation is rejected, GR still fell afoul of the additional and more specific Forum Guidelines that are implemented by inclusion (in the quoted text above) in the Game Chat Guidelines. These will be more thoroughly discussed below, but since this set of rules applies to both his Game Chat and his forum posts, I will first list the forum posts that may violate the Forum Guidelines.
Forum Guideline violations:
In addition to the posts from Game Chat, the following excerpts may be violations of the Forum Guidelines. I have reproduced the entire content of his forum posts that were in response to my posts (if I left anything out, let me know):
GeneralRisk wrote:1. Are u for real??
2. Dont call me names you 1st world douchebag
3. what a joke. Me saying german lol is in your opinion proof that I was insulting his nationality. You are definitely out of your 1st world mind.
4. Not all of us 1st world citizens get a equal education and for you to flame me in this manner goes to show you are a first world asshole.
GeneralRisk wrote:
I am a American citizen. I am not bigoted toward Americans> You Sir are a American piece of dog shit.
Please shut your stupid American mouth and get back on your medication.
His posts attempting to insult me may now be more bigoted than what he said to Gae in Game Chat. Note that him being an American would probably not be a justified defense to a bigotry charge on this front. For example, I doubt that "I'm gay" would be a defense to a C&A charge regarding calling someone else a "faggot" in Game Chat.
Relevant rules:
See the above for the General Rule.
Forum Guidelines (viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7785#p1759438):
-Posting controversial or irrelevant messages or topics with the intent to provoke someone else into a contest of over-manly confrontation, emotional response, flame fest or to generally disrupt the discussion, community or user is not cool. Prompting or provoking others (Baiting) to do that is just as bad.
-Don't Bait or provoke others. Just because you didn't directly attack another user does not make your post a meaningful contribution. If your post's intent was to provoke another user into an emotional response, to get under their skin or to otherwise piss them off, you're baiting them. Hopefully the user doesn't take the bait, but you'll probably receive a disciplinary action from a mod.
-Don't de-rail topics, don't spam them, don't flame them, don't bait them, don't drive a topic into a negative spiral.
-There is little that is more annoying than a troll. This will get you removed from the CC community quicker than almost anything else.
Note that others and I were trying to keep the discussion on track, but GR kept returning with irrelevant and inflammatory posts. I don't see any other reason for this than to de-rail the conversation or provoke emotional responses. To everyone else's credit, neither I nor others responded in a like manner.
Other unquoted text, says that responding to baiting is also not OK. Since the Game Chat also falls within the above quoted rules, GR cannot use whatever bait or comments that Gae made in the game to justify his response.
-It doesn't matter if another user rubs you the wrong way, that's not an excuse to flame or personally attack them.
-Attacking a person instead of the user is NOT ok - it's all fun and games until it becomes personal.
-Yes, we are liberal on coarse language, but this does not mean cyber-bullying or abusive bigotry is acceptable anywhere. You will be removed from the community for cyber-bullying or abusive bigotry.
-Flaming will get your post edited/deleted and you will receive a disciplinary action from a mod. Cyber-bullying or harassment will similarly result in a disciplinary action, and a ton of bricks.
In this case, GR went beyond the "user" and attacked the "person" of others. Specifically, he began relying on the nationality and perceived economic status of the users to attack them. Whether he was referring to the "German" and "3rd World" Gaerapi or me as an "American" and "First World," these were clearly attacks on the persons involved.
-Bigotry includes racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia/sexual orientation bashing, religion bashing, lack of religion bashing, or wishing violence on any group of people, etc.
-Bigotry takes into account historic events, emotional baggage and generally accepted associations with a term, phrase or intent - posting "White Power" in a topic has a history and is bigoted, posting "Green Power" makes you an environmentalist.
-Bigotry will get your post edited/deleted and you will receive a disciplinary action from a mod. Bigotry, just avoid it. Just do it.
Obviously, this is a stricter standard than the "any form of bigotry" that is not allowed in game chat. However, the use of the word "includes" does not necessarily mean that forum posts are only judged to be bigoted if they fall into the categories that are explicitly listed. For example, I am not sure why racism would be disallowed but comments directed at a person's national origin would be allowed. Depending on how widely or narrowly the Bigotry provisions of the Forum Guidelines are interpreted, GeneralRisk may or may not have violated the bigotry provisions of the Forum Guidelines. But to me, this is the only questionable issue here.
To recap:
GeneralRisk violated the Game Chat Guidelines' prohibition against "any form of bigotry"
GeneralRisk's comments in both Game Chat and the forum violated the Forum Guidelines prohibiting flaming and trolling.
GeneralRisk's comments in Game Chat and the forum may have violated the Forum Guidelines prohibition against bigotry.