Master Kai wrote:____________________
Kai's Public Service Board
Accused: UlgarVonUlric
Allegation: Multi Violation
1. Game types uncommon for new players.
2. Date joined.
1. Game Types uncommon for new players.
-Just taking a quick look at this, it looks like he may have gotten some good dice right off and got some help from green, when green went after you.
-Also looking at his games history, he's playing with cooks and other new players, and losing.
-His map choices are fairly random.
-His map settings are peculiar for a new player, as most new players don't know about manual, freestyle, etc....On the other hand, most of those games he initially joined, an easy mistake made by new players hitting the Join A Game button.
-There doesn't seem to be a pattern of playing with any particular player.
2. Date joined
-If he has only completed 26 games since September 28, 2009, and playing as a freemium his 4 games, then this could elude to him not having enough experience to understand "the finer points" as L M S has explained. It might also suggest that he is actively playing again.
I don't really see how the evidence provides enough to make a conclusion that this player is a multi. While I understand your suspicion, If he did gain a tactical advantage by playing another account prior to opening this one, he has yet to gain much from it. But because we are not privy to the tools available to hunters, this opinion is only provided based on the information available to the Board.
There is a possibility that this player is a multi. For example this player may no longer be playing another account. Again, there is no evidence available yet to make this conclusion.
It is the suggestion of this board that UlgarVonUlric be cleared of the allegation pending the outcome of the multi-hunter's investigation.
First of all, who the hell are you?
Second of all, I could care less if I lose points or not to him (or anyone else). Its pretty obvious by looking at my current game choices that I am just hunting the trench medal and believe me, I expect to lose plenty of points.
Third, no one asked you for your opinion so shut up with your attempts at (lame) humor or you attempts at (fail) being a mod.
Fourth, I don't give a rats ass what you think based on your interpretation of the 'evidence'. I am the one actually playing the game with the guy and from what I have seen, he plays beyond his means. AND, since I have played 9000 more games than you MK, I think that I am entitled to my query based on experience....come talk to me when you have cracked the 1000 mark.
Lastly, did you not read the fucking part where I wrote that I hoped he was cleared?go away dude and let the professionals do their work....they certainly require nor have requested any help from your dumb ass.