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Re: gaerapi78......Bigotry[warned]SN

Postby Lindax on Tue May 15, 2012 4:37 pm

sniffie wrote:Gaerapi78 is hereby warned for Bigotry.



GeneralRisk gets away with it then?

I can go around calling people "3rd world fuks", etc?

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Re: gaerapi78......Bigotry[warned]SN

Postby agentcom on Tue May 15, 2012 8:35 pm

In multi situations, the mods look into whether the OP was a multi, too. How many threads have you seen that say OP BUSTED? (Better yet is when the accused are cleared haha).

Why is it not the same here?

This "ruling" without any accompanying explanation doesn't give us much to go by. And I'm not asking (and I'm sure Lx isn't either) because I want to push the boundaries on this site. We want to know what is considered acceptable conduct and what is not.

Did Gae get punished for saying "niger"? Is "nigger" or its variants considered a "bad word" and per se evidence of bigotry? Did he get punished for his anti-American comments? Did he get punished for both? Are the mods looking for actual bigotry or are they just searching out bad words? (If the latter, then the rules should be updated to say that CC doesn't tolerate certain "bad words.")

Did GR get cleared because it's OK to be bigoted toward Germans? Did GR get "cleared" at all or were his comments even looked at? Did GR get cleared because he didn't use one of the "bad words" on this site? Is it OK to be a bigot as long as your bigotry is based on geographical origin or on economic status rather than on race?

Can I call someone a "poor Asian f*ck" as long as I'm referring to the person's being from Asia and not referring to their race?

Maybe a word, like "nigger" or "faggot" has to be both bigoted and impolite (as in not acceptable in common discourse) to be on the list of bad words. In that case, why is "cunt" not on the list. Surely, this is as impolite as other words and seems equally bigoted as it refers specifically to women. It shouldn't matter that a male is called a cunt, just as it doesn't matter if a straight person is called a faggot or a white person called a nigger.

If you are going to take upon yourselves the responsibility of drawing lines between what is acceptable and unacceptable conduct, then draw the fucking lines. Don't sit there and wait for people to cross them before making the determination. I understand that there may be a case-by-case component to the final decision. But that doesn't mean that everyone else should be feeling around in the dark with no idea of what activity is acceptable and what isn't.

I'm usually very supportive of the mods on this site, be it here or in other places. But this is ridiculous.
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigotry[pending]SN

Postby agentcom on Tue May 15, 2012 9:09 pm

GeneralRisk wrote:1. Are u for real??

2. Dont call me names you 1st world douchebag

3. what a joke. Me saying german lol is in your opinion proof that I was insulting his nationality. You are definitely out of your 1st world mind.

4. Not all of us 1st world citizens get a equal education and for you to flame me in this manner goes to show you are a first world asshole.

The red text above is GR's entire defense to a lengthy post that I wrote that outlines his bigotry in the chat. Obviously, he is an unpleasant person, but that's not really an offense on CC. So most of the "response" is empty of any real meaning or relevance to his case. How could this possibly be enough to clear him of bigotry.

Also, I want to clarify the point that I made and GR responded to here (GR's text in red):

GeneralRisk wrote:
agentcom wrote:
2012-04-15 07:14:38 - gaerapi78: che culo .. buffone
2012-04-15 07:17:09 - GeneralRisk: ssuk my cock foriegn piece of dog shit
2012-04-15 07:17:34 - gaerapi78: lol
2012-04-15 07:17:40 - gaerapi78: LOL
2012-04-15 07:18:12 - GeneralRisk: german lol

GeneralRisk does not just bait the guy. He begins by expressing his bigotry taking care to note that Gaerapi is a "foriegn [sic] piece of dog shit." Apparently, laughter was not the desired response from Gaerapi, so GeneralRisk made clear that he was trying to insult his nationality when he wrote "german lol."what a joke. Me saying german lol is in your opinion proof that I was insulting his nationality. You are definitely out of your 1st world mind. This prejudiced attitude toward foreigners, generally, and Germans, in particular, seems to be relatively unprovoked. The chat log was silent in the opening minutes of the game until Gaerapi wrote what Google Translate interprets as "that ass ... jester." (BTW, Ass jester is my new favorite insult). From a very brief look online, I think the terms have some connotation of luck (as GeneralRisk had just turned in a rainbow set). I think he was basically saying "you lucky clown" or something similar. But whatever Gaerapi was saying, there doesn't seem to be any bigotry until GeneralRisk began his xenophobic and anti-German remarks.

It is not saying "german [sic] lol" that makes this bigotry. It is the fact that he has shown intolerance and prejudice toward another person based on their national origin. Look at his very first entry in the Game Chat. He makes it clear that he's not just talking about any piece of dog shit. He is talking about a foriegn [sic] piece of dog shit. This modifier has absolutely no relation to anything else that was happening in the game or previously in Game Chat (as noted, this was the first thing GR said to his opponent).

I see only two ways of interpreting the "german lol" comment: (1) He is laughing out loud at the fact that someone is German, presumably at their expense or (2) this is meant to modify the dog shit comment, as in "you're not just a foreign piece of dog shit; you're a German piece of dog shit." Either way, this is clearly bigotry. Between this and the use of "3rd world" as a derogatory expression [Thank you Evolution for stating this more clearly than I did] to denote either a German or a foreigner (it's unclear), GR has clearly expressed his bigotry in Game Chat.

He offers no intelligible defense to this allegation, either. As such, he should be given a warning.

As I mentioned in my previous post, this should have been investigated concurrently with the Gaerapi issue. But if you tell me that I have to file a separate C&A, then I will.
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigotry[warned]SN

Postby LuckySevens on Tue May 15, 2012 11:51 pm

I'm with agentcom - clarity in these punishments can only help the wider community. Anyone reading this thread would have to wonder why GR got away with nothing. Both look guilty of the same crime to me.

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Re: gaerapi78......Bigotry[pending]SN

Postby GeneralRisk on Wed May 16, 2012 1:16 am

agentcom wrote:
GeneralRisk wrote:1. Are u for real??

2. Dont call me names you 1st world douchebag

3. what a joke. Me saying german lol is in your opinion proof that I was insulting his nationality. You are definitely out of your 1st world mind.

4. Not all of us 1st world citizens get a equal education and for you to flame me in this manner goes to show you are a first world asshole.

The red text above is GR's entire defense to a lengthy post that I wrote that outlines his bigotry in the chat. Obviously, he is an unpleasant person, but that's not really an offense on CC. So most of the "response" is empty of any real meaning or relevance to his case. How could this possibly be enough to clear him of bigotry.

Also, I want to clarify the point that I made and GR responded to here (GR's text in red):

GeneralRisk wrote:
agentcom wrote:
2012-04-15 07:14:38 - gaerapi78: che culo .. buffone
2012-04-15 07:17:09 - GeneralRisk: ssuk my cock foriegn piece of dog shit
2012-04-15 07:17:34 - gaerapi78: lol
2012-04-15 07:17:40 - gaerapi78: LOL
2012-04-15 07:18:12 - GeneralRisk: german lol

GeneralRisk does not just bait the guy. He begins by expressing his bigotry taking care to note that Gaerapi is a "foriegn [sic] piece of dog shit." Apparently, laughter was not the desired response from Gaerapi, so GeneralRisk made clear that he was trying to insult his nationality when he wrote "german lol."what a joke. Me saying german lol is in your opinion proof that I was insulting his nationality. You are definitely out of your 1st world mind. This prejudiced attitude toward foreigners, generally, and Germans, in particular, seems to be relatively unprovoked. The chat log was silent in the opening minutes of the game until Gaerapi wrote what Google Translate interprets as "that ass ... jester." (BTW, Ass jester is my new favorite insult). From a very brief look online, I think the terms have some connotation of luck (as GeneralRisk had just turned in a rainbow set). I think he was basically saying "you lucky clown" or something similar. But whatever Gaerapi was saying, there doesn't seem to be any bigotry until GeneralRisk began his xenophobic and anti-German remarks.

It is not saying "german [sic] lol" that makes this bigotry. It is the fact that he has shown intolerance and prejudice toward another person based on their national origin. Look at his very first entry in the Game Chat. He makes it clear that he's not just talking about any piece of dog shit. He is talking about a foriegn [sic] piece of dog shit. I am a American citizen. I am not bigoted toward Americans> You Sir are a American piece of dog shit. This modifier has absolutely no relation to anything else that was happening in the game or previously in Game Chat (as noted, this was the first thing GR said to his opponent).

I see only two ways of interpreting the "german lol" comment: (1) He is laughing out loud at the fact that someone is German, presumably at their expense or (2) this is meant to modify the dog shit comment, as in "you're not just a foreign piece of dog shit; you're a German piece of dog shit." Either way, this is clearly bigotry. Between this and the use of "3rd world" as a derogatory expression [Thank you Evolution for stating this more clearly than I did] to denote either a German or a foreigner (it's unclear), GR has clearly expressed his bigotry in Game Chat.

He offers no intelligible defense to this allegation, either. As such, he should be given a warning.

As I mentioned in my previous post, this should have been investigated concurrently with the Gaerapi issue. But if you tell me that I have to file a separate C&A, then I will. Please shut your stupid American mouth and get back on your medication.
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigotry[pending]SN

Postby agentcom on Wed May 16, 2012 11:34 am

Unfortunately, a lock is probably soon coming to this thread, which will force me to open a new one. Considering this still is in the Closed C&A, perhaps the mods haven't seen or acted on this yet.

I personally don't think that this thread should be locked because one user insists on maintaining a low level of decorum. The other users here have been polite and respectful and generally ignored the vitriol from this one user. I hope that we can continue this discussion and have a mod weigh in on the GR issue without simply locking this thread and preventing further discussion.

Specifically addressing GR's comments:

GeneralRisk wrote:
I am a American citizen. I am not bigoted toward Americans> You Sir are a American piece of dog shit.

Please shut your stupid American mouth and get back on your medication.

First, I'm doing a great deal of reading into this here in an attempt to figure out what if any actual defense he has. Let me be clear that I am NOT accusing him of bigotry toward Americans. But I will say that there is a case to be made there. His posts attempting to insult me may now be more bigoted than what he said to Gae in Game Chat. Note that him being an American would probably not be a justified defense to a bigotry charge on this front. For example, I doubt that "I'm gay" would be a defense to a C&A charge regarding calling someone else a "faggot" in Game Chat.

I am also, for the moment, not asking for C&A decision regarding abuse, harassment or flaming toward me, which I think many of GR's posts could qualify as. Right now, I would like the mods to address the specific issue of the bigotry expressed in the Game Chat where both players participated in various forms of bigotry, but only 1 of them was warned.

Oh yeah, and thanks GR for the reminder. I actually need to go take my pills now. ;)
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Re: gaerapi78......Bigotry[warned]SN

Postby Falkomagno on Wed May 16, 2012 12:14 pm

I'm just going to let this here:

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