Moderator: Cartographers
Checked the large myself, everything looks good except Yaounde. You have it with the accent over the 'e' in the xml but not on the map. Lourenco Marques, in the xml you have the thingy under the 'c' but not on the map. I'll check the small later.
Also the troop numbers on Cairo and Luxor, can you move them to the left so they are not overlapping the Nile River.
The Bison King wrote:I don't know what those marks mean or how they're supposed to sound. I'm ok with removing them from the XML, but if they are important I can always re-insert them into the map.
No, that was done intentionally to make it clear that the river was not an impasse for Egyptian territories.
isaiah40 wrote:The Bison King wrote:I don't know what those marks mean or how they're supposed to sound. I'm ok with removing them from the XML, but if they are important I can always re-insert them into the map.
I'm fine with what ever way you want to do it.
isaiah40 wrote:No, that was done intentionally to make it clear that the river was not an impasse for Egyptian territories.
Well you do have the territory names going across the Nile, so that shouldn't be a problem. You can place army circles there so that the numbers are not hard to see. You know people will complain about it, so let's fix it now. Do it one way or the other, we just need to make sure the numbers are easy to see.
Once these couple of things are done I'll get this stamped for you.
Edit: Checked the small, same issue with Cairo and Luxor. Everything else looks good, and unless I missed something, once you fixed these minor problems You'll get the stamp!!
koontz1973 wrote:From those images Bison, a suggestion would be to have one cut away only for the name and numbers. Just move the numbers nearer the name a tad and that should look better. As it is now, the river - name - river - number - river looks a little odd.![]()
Also, on the small, the number for Luxor could do with moving down a couple of pixels. It looks like it is sitting on the territ line.
ender516 wrote:TBK, if you update the cuts, I can shift the positions in the XML.
iancanton wrote:is there any way u can make the river more squiggly between cairo and luxor? it looks a bit like a road at the moment, while the upper nile really does look like a river.
iancanton wrote:a few adjustments to names: great britain was great britain & ireland by this time (compare with austria-hungary); cape region was cape province; south namibia was namaqualand; kavango was ovambo or ovamboland (the ovambo people are about 50% of namibia's population); namibia was südwest-afrika; botswana was bechuana or bechuanaland; yaoundé was jaunde; south africa ought to be southern africa; french sahara was known as french west africa.
isaiah40 wrote:Concerning the names, I think that it can be left to the mapmaker decision. So without further ado, we can get this stamped!!
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