Conquer Club

sneeky0304 & kosie Being Multis [Cleared] DCR

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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sneeky0304 & kosie Being Multis [Cleared] DCR

Postby Masli on Fri May 11, 2012 6:24 am



The accused are suspected of: Being Multis


Both from Taiwan, play similar maps and settings.
In the 1st game sneeky0304 played on Aor 3 he was abled to make the following moves :
2012-02-17 13:41:32 - sneeky0304 received 3 troops for 2 regions
2012-02-17 13:41:34 - sneeky0304 deployed 3 troops on Figye
2012-02-17 13:41:36 - sneeky0304 assaulted Lof from Figye and conquered it from neutral player
2012-02-17 13:41:37 - sneeky0304 assaulted Forest Rune 1 from Lof and conquered it from neutral player
He played it like a pro, like kosie
Colonel Masli
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Re: sneeky0304 & kosie Being Multis [Pending] DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Fri May 11, 2012 9:53 am

sneeky0304 and kosie are Cleared of being multis.
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