BGtheBrain wrote:gaerapi78 has been
cleared of intentional deadbeating.
Since you are too fucking dense to understand, let me repeat.
thegeneral2112 wrote:BGtheBrain wrote:All you gotta to is put links to a few of those games...
If you have already checked and know he has done it, why not take the extra 5 seconds and post a few games here?
I understand not wanting to search through a fuckload of games to find the correct ones, but like I said, EVERY SINGLE GAME
he has lost that I looked at (20 or so),
he misses turns until eliminated or deadbeats. It isn't like you have to search through a bunch. Just click on ANY game he has lost and you will see. ... api78&so=D
So since you are going to be a fucking dick when you KNOW that he is intentionally deadbeating, let me pull the fucking game numbers for your ass out of the link I posted.
Here are game links to the last fucking 20 games he has lost:
Game 11059214 - Deadbeats
Game 11059192 - Misses one turn before being eliminated.
Game 11059184 - Deadbeats
Game 11059180 - Deadbeats
Game 11056375 - Misses two turns before being eliminated.
Game 11056030 - Deadbeats
Game 11055119 - Deadbeats
Game 11054998 - Misses two turns before being eliminated.
Game 11054986 - Misses two turns before being eliminated.
Game 11054967 - Misses one turn before being eliminated.
Game 11054831 - Misses two turns before being eliminated.
Game 11054805 - Misses two turns before being eliminated.
Game 11074104 - Misses one turn before being eliminated.
Game 11074088 - Misses two turns before being eliminated.
Game 11059861 - Misses one turn before being eliminated.
Game 11059821 - Misses one turn before being eliminated.
Game 11059520 - Deadbeats
Game 11059491 - Deadbeats
Game 11059481 - Misses one turn before being eliminated.
There you go, out of the last 20 games lost, he has deadbeated 7 times and missed turns until eliminated in the other 13. Now stop playing stupid and give a real ruling.