Conquer Club

redstarr987 [cleared] BG

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redstarr987 [cleared] BG

Postby lt.Futt on Sat May 05, 2012 11:01 am

Accused: redstarr987

The accused are suspected of: Intentional deadbeating and ruthless insults against me and hitting my troops.

Game number(s):

Game 11055687

Comments: redstar987 left take turn but the game log shows redstar987 insults me meanwhile.

2012-05-05 17:40:18 - redstarr987 assaulted Dakar from Cairo and conquered it from lt. Futt

2012-05-05 17:45:49 - redstarr987 missed a turn

2012-05-05 17:37:16 - lt. Futt [team]: looks like we need to target Green
2012-05-05 17:38:22 - redstarr987 [team]: We don't have a chance
2012-05-05 17:38:31 - redstarr987 [team]: But I'll humor it
2012-05-05 17:39:59 - lt. Futt [team]: hit greens in EURAsia
2012-05-05 17:40:29 - lt. Futt [team]: fort mexico
2012-05-05 17:40:47 - lt. Futt [team]: please pay attentionin gme chat. I saked to target green. not me.
2012-05-05 17:41:28 - redstarr987 [team]: Woo
2012-05-05 17:42:04 - lt. Futt [team]: see why yoou need to pay attenion in team games?
2012-05-05 17:42:23 - redstarr987 [team]: All mighty one maybe if you had paid attention we wouldn't be in this sinking boat??
2012-05-05 17:43:19 - lt. Futt [team]: We can't change the past
2012-05-05 17:43:37 - redstarr987 [team]: High 5
2012-05-05 17:43:45 - lt. Futt [team]: Don't you agreed+
2012-05-05 17:45:07 - redstarr987 [team]: If some one had asked me if I thought you were an idiot. I would have agreed
2012-05-05 17:46:23 - lt. Futt [team]: I report you for intentional deadbeating.
2012-05-05 17:47:11 - redstarr987 [team]: Ok
2012-05-05 17:47:22 - lt. Futt [team]: I know you were here but left take you turn.
2012-05-05 17:47:44 - redstarr987 [team]: Did you tell your mommy too?
2012-05-05 17:48:07 - redstarr987 [team]: Fucking retard!
2012-05-05 17:48:11 - lt. Futt [team]: Did I ever insult you?
2012-05-05 17:49:07 - redstarr987 [team]: You win. High 5
2012-05-05 17:49:21 - redstarr987 [team]: Your still retarded
2012-05-05 17:49:37 - lt. Futt [team]: When did I insult you?
2012-05-05 17:50:52 - lt. Futt [team]: Anger and hate
2012-05-05 17:50:56 - lt. Futt [team]: Hate and anger
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Re: redstarr987

Postby BGtheBrain on Sat May 05, 2012 11:15 am

Missing one turn is not intentional deadbeating.
Neither is missing 2 turns as in your other report.

The next report like this and you will be warned for a spurious report.

Redstarr987 is cleared
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Captain BGtheBrain
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Re: redstarr987

Postby lt.Futt on Sat May 05, 2012 11:26 am

BGtheBrain wrote:Missing one turn is not intentional deadbeating.
Neither is missing 2 turns as in your other report.

The next report like this and you will be warned for a spurious report.

Redstarr987 is cleared

In my opinion when the chat log shows ruthless insults but leave take their turn, it's my duty for CC to report. redstar987 did hit my troops. A teammate hits my troops and insults me and leave take the turn. I report and leave to you the final decision. Fair and square. I realize if a player beadbeat RL may happen but not when they just sit there and post insults instead of play.

What else is spurious report when deadbeating, hit teammates stack and post insults while the game goes on is spurious?
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Re: redstarr987 [cleared] BG

Postby BGtheBrain on Sat May 05, 2012 11:38 am

Ruthless insults? None of them crossed the line.
Missing 1 turn is not deadbeating.

Im locking this, because there is nothing to dicsuss.

Like I said, if you turn in another report similar to this, you will be warned.
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Captain BGtheBrain
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