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Eurasia [Map Pack]

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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby Uncle Death on Fri May 04, 2012 12:52 pm

DiM wrote:
AndyDufresne wrote:I'll try a game on the Big Eurasia soon, but I will say from the public support and enthusiasm, Trench doesn't seem to be a novelty! :) However, XML updates can definitely enhance game experiences in ways that a site-wide feature cannot.


of all the possible gameplay updates that have been suggested trench is probably the least popular. there are some xml suggestions that would revolutionize mapmaking. trench is a niche thing that affects maybe a few dozen people. the rest will probably try it a few times than give up.

I just finished trench on this map and I had the best time playing that I can remember in a long time, even when I was losing. Game 11047254

Trench makes the game strategic and less affected by the dice. It may not be so on all maps but it is on this one. I give the map an A+. I think it helps to go no spoils and adjacent.
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby ljex on Fri May 04, 2012 2:17 pm

Just a quick suggestion

Regarding team play you start with 21 for trips and 15 for quads. Would there be any way to reduce this so that you start with 20 and 14? I ask this because this gives a larger advantage to the team to play first in these settings which makes the map slightly annoying to play. Not sure if this can be changed now that it is already beta just thought maybe it would get fixed if i posted here.

nvm, just read the legend
Last edited by ljex on Fri May 04, 2012 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby natty dread on Fri May 04, 2012 2:19 pm

ljex wrote:Regarding team play you start with 21 for trips and 15 for quads. Would there be any way to reduce this so that you start with 20 and 14? I ask this because this gives a larger advantage to the team to play first

How does it give an advantage?
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby ljex on Fri May 04, 2012 2:25 pm

natty dread wrote:
ljex wrote:Regarding team play you start with 21 for trips and 15 for quads. Would there be any way to reduce this so that you start with 20 and 14? I ask this because this gives a larger advantage to the team to play first

How does it give an advantage?

sorry edited my previous post after you posted this i guess.

I didn't see the upper part of the legend till after i posted. Normally it would give an advantage with a standard region bonus.
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby natty dread on Sun May 06, 2012 9:13 am

Those who didn't get in the big Eurasia game, here's a mini game on the mini map, a 6p esc. Those who already are in the first game, please wait for a while before joining so those who didn't get in get a chance to join.

Game 11059921

pw: eu
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby natty dread on Mon May 07, 2012 6:09 am

natty dread wrote:Those who didn't get in the big Eurasia game, here's a mini game on the mini map, a 6p esc. Those who already are in the first game, please wait for a while before joining so those who didn't get in get a chance to join.

Game 11059921

pw: eu

Ok 2 spots left, anyone who wants can join them now
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby chapcrap on Mon May 07, 2012 1:01 pm

natty dread wrote:
natty dread wrote:Those who didn't get in the big Eurasia game, here's a mini game on the mini map, a 6p esc. Those who already are in the first game, please wait for a while before joining so those who didn't get in get a chance to join.

Game 11059921

pw: eu

Ok 2 spots left, anyone who wants can join them now

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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby grunion on Thu May 10, 2012 6:28 pm

Hi, I know this was mentioned in the other thread, but using the colonial name "Madras" for "Chennai" is inconsistent with using "Mumbai" for "Bombay." Both were renamed in 1996.
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby natty dread on Fri May 11, 2012 3:14 am

Well firstly I don't think it's a big issue, if more people want it changed I can do that.

However I think Madras is more recognizable than Chennai, AFAIK the term "Madras region" is still used today to refer to the general area around Chennai. So I don't think it's technically incorrect to call the area with either name.
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby macbone on Fri May 11, 2012 4:45 am

I can't remember if I've said so already, but big ups on this map, natty. The artwork looks fantastic.
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby grunion on Fri May 11, 2012 7:17 am

natty dread wrote:Well firstly I don't think it's a big issue, if more people want it changed I can do that.

However I think Madras is more recognizable than Chennai, AFAIK the term "Madras region" is still used today to refer to the general area around Chennai. So I don't think it's technically incorrect to call the area with either name.

Not really. "Madras State" was renamed Tamil Nadu in 1969 as the name Madras was considered a throwback to colonial rule (Portuguese, not even English.) "Chennai" became common usage for "Madras" starting back then and when they were officially adopted nobody really called it that any more. I live in Delhi and I have not heard anyone use "Madras" to refer to anything but (rarely) the cloth that is produced in the region. No, not a "big issue," but not correct either, unless it was intended to reflect colonial times.

Agree on the great artwork comment on the map - both in terms of clarity and pleasantness to the eye.
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby chapcrap on Fri May 11, 2012 7:21 pm

The India thing doesn't matter much to me, but if the guy from India says it's wrong, I'd probably change it.
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby Swimmerdude99 on Sat May 12, 2012 12:58 am

<3 this map
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby lucbra on Sat May 12, 2012 1:43 am


Currently playing this map, see Game 11074561.

There might be a bug in it - could you please check reinforcement possibilities?
I was able to fort from Samara to Benelux, although there was no path between the two.
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby chapcrap on Sat May 12, 2012 1:48 am

lucbra wrote:Hi,

Currently playing this map, see Game 11074561.

There might be a bug in it - could you please check reinforcement possibilities?
I was able to fort from Samara to Benelux, although there was no path between the two.

Volgograd and Marmara border each other, making a path through Greece, Maghreb, Spain, and France to get to Benelux.
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby espaliers on Sat May 12, 2012 3:33 am


I'm playing right now on eurasia full version in game 11067155. I own germany, switzerland and austria, but no bonus is credited to me. Do I need to geet Italy too to get it or is it a bug ?

I think I will love this map. Good job.
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby natty dread on Sat May 12, 2012 5:32 am

You need italy
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby grunion on Sat May 12, 2012 8:28 am

chapcrap wrote:The India thing doesn't matter much to me, but if the guy from India says it's wrong, I'd probably change it.
Actually to press the point beyond where it should go, it's curious that the named territories in India are named for cities (as are only 3 or 4 other territories on the map) instead of their regions which would make more sense with how the rest of the map was designed. Madras can be named Kerala or Tamil Nadu, Mumbai can be Maharastra or Gujarat, and Delhi can be Uttar Pradesh or Haryana (or just North India). But even the states I named are just parts of the regions as you have drawn them, so that's not likely a big help. If you want I can try to come up with more "regional" type names.

I realize I'm late to the party here, and realize that for any of my suggestions will make it into final release of what otherwise is playing to be a really great map is unrealistic.
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby natty dread on Sat May 12, 2012 9:49 am

Thing is, on a map of this scale, it's pretty much impossible to come up with accurate names for all territories, unless one were to go the Europa route of only using countries for territories, which I really dislike as it presents a whole host of other problems - namely, that it doesn't make any sense that the same 1 army can be used to either hold Ireland or Russia...

Thus I think the best solution is to find a balance of using country names, state names, region names or city names where applicable - I think it's best to use the most recognizable names, even if they're not always totally accurate, and Mumbai and Delhi are much more recognizable than Maharastra or Uttar Pradesh.

I think I'm going to just rename Madras to Chennai, and leave it at that. I'll wait to see if there are other changes to be done, but the name change will be in the next update.
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby grunion on Sat May 12, 2012 9:57 am

natty dread wrote:Thing is, on a map of this scale, it's pretty much impossible to come up with accurate names for all territories, unless one were to go the Europa route of only using countries for territories, which I really dislike as it presents a whole host of other problems - namely, that it doesn't make any sense that the same 1 army can be used to either hold Ireland or Russia...

Thus I think the best solution is to find a balance of using country names, state names, region names or city names where applicable - I think it's best to use the most recognizable names, even if they're not always totally accurate, and Mumbai and Delhi are much more recognizable than Maharastra or Uttar Pradesh.

I think I'm going to just rename Madras to Chennai, and leave it at that. I'll wait to see if there are other changes to be done, but the name change will be in the next update.
Makes sense. Thanks for your consideration.
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Re: Eurasia - Mini edition!

Postby SurgeonDestroy on Tue May 15, 2012 7:25 pm

natty dread wrote:Anyway, this is just an idea, and I'll let the CA:s figure out whether this is something that should be pursued.

Personally, I think this is something that could be beneficial for CC in the future, when more and more people want to use CC on mobile devices.

I do at least 1/2 to 3/4 of my moves on a mobile device. I thinks it's a great idea to have more " mini" maps.
I look forward to playing it!
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Re: Eurasia - Mini edition!

Postby grunion on Mon May 21, 2012 3:49 am

SurgeonDestroy wrote:I do at least 1/2 to 3/4 of my moves on a mobile device. I thinks it's a great idea to have more " mini" maps.
I look forward to playing it!
Seconded. I play half my turns on a laptop, and the other half on my phone. It's impossible to play many of the large maps on even a laptop screen (especially when trying to use Bob features.) I realize this is OT for this thread, I have been trying to get support for Scrollable Maps to help alleviate this problem in the Feature Suggestions thread but so far it is falling on deaf ears.
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby natty dread on Mon May 21, 2012 4:14 am

Things that may help somewhat: enable fullscreen mode by pressing F11 (if you use firefox) and you can also zoom out by pressing ctrl -
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby army of nobunaga on Mon May 21, 2012 10:38 pm

i have to admit... i expect eurasia mini to be one on the best maps in the game... IF I COULD GET a friggin game on it.. noone is playing it.

and I still say screw you natty.. but good work.. really screw you.
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Re: Eurasia [Map Pack]

Postby chapcrap on Tue May 22, 2012 5:05 am

army of nobunaga wrote:i have to admit... i expect eurasia mini to be one on the best maps in the game... IF I COULD GET a friggin game on it.. noone is playing it.

and I still say screw you natty.. but good work.. really screw you.

Start a game on it. Someone will join you.
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