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agentcom [Closed]

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agentcom [Closed]

Postby HardAttack on Wed May 02, 2012 1:32 am



The accused are suspected of:

Forum Abuse

Forum Links(s):
viewtopic.php?f=91&t=167467&start=165 (especially this one)

agentcom wrote:
Master Fenrir wrote:
I know, right?! It's like, in some places on this planet, English isn't their native language?! I mean, what's that about? LOL

(I'm laughing because you're simple.)

Nobody would have said anything if he wasn't a dick about it. Native English speaker or not, being a dick comes through in any language.

I have got 2 comments, in above given with links page.
I am not targetting anyone, i am not spelling any offensive words or phrases.
A guy, nolefan5311 captain of his team, since he didnt join in a couple of games in given time, then counted to be forfeited.
This must have hurt him a bit, then i wrote a post in the thread advising him to be more careful next time or bare/stand with consequences.
This is what i wrote.
Somehow, this guy, nolefan got angry with my post, i still dont think i offended him, no any word in my text you will see to offend him, but yes he got offended maybe, cos he came back with angry voice.
Then, in order to reduce the heat down, i made a new post, just to reduce the heat, appologized without knowing what i was appologizing for, but did it anyway.

For some unknown to me reason, this guy (agentcom) takes me as his target, offends me with his words.
He is no way a subject of the matter, why is he in this thing there i dont know. He is not a member of the team of nolefan's team, the team sufered from forefeiting. As far as i remember well, me and agentcom had no previous problem for the records. This is no way a sign of badblood.
So why is he calling me a dick ? Is it free to call ppl randomly a dick ? So am i allowed to wall anyone i like to, or post in any thread i like calling anyone a dick ? If this is in rules, let me know please...

He calls me i am a dick, which i am not.

I have got 2 choices/options here,
1st option which i dont prefer; i can use even stronger words in that forum to reply him, i really do not like it.
2nd option, you responsibles please warn him...

Colonel HardAttack
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Re: agentcom

Postby DJPatrick on Wed May 02, 2012 4:02 am

Hard attack: "some"pps here have nothing better to do than troll disparate threads and "take the piss"...I'd suggest agentcom has nothing against you personally but just gets a laugh at having a shot at the "foreigner"s" lack of good english...Many of us players here actually enjoy the banter from randoms with little genitalia but I realize it is hard to give as good as you get when you have trouble deciphering the words, let alone the this case I feel you should hit the foe button for this particular player and restrict his derogatory remarks from appearing on your screen...
And yes, calling someone a dick is acceptable (and much worse) in CC but then look up his profile and realize the education behind this and, well, you be the judge...
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Re: agentcom

Postby BGtheBrain on Wed May 02, 2012 7:59 am

Forum Abuse is not handled in this forum.

Here is how you report the posts.

Go to the posts you think are abusive.
Click this thing in the top right corner of the post.

This will have you report the post to the correct moderators and they will punish, if the accused violated any forum guidelines.

I hope this helps, but I am marking this as closed.
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Re: agentcom

Postby eddie2 on Wed May 02, 2012 8:07 am

BGtheBrain wrote:Forum Abuse is not handled in this forum.

Here is how you report the posts.

Go to the posts you think are abusive.
Click this thing in the top right corner of the post.

This will have you report the post to the correct moderators and they will punish, if the accused violated any forum guidelines.

I hope this helps, but I am marking this as closed.

rofl still makes me laugh
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Re: agentcom

Postby HardAttack on Wed May 02, 2012 8:51 am

Heya eddie2 :)
DJPatrick, thank you for giving this time then explanations,
And thank you a lot BGtheBrain, the way you showed up here worked properly,
handled it =D>
Colonel HardAttack
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Re: agentcom [Closed]

Postby agentcom on Wed May 02, 2012 11:00 pm

I try to swing by C&A every so often to see what's going on. This is the first time I've noticed a thread about me. I feel flattered. But I see that it's been closed and HardAttack has been directed to report the post. Is this something that I should be worried about? In case it is, and because I occasionally comment on this forum and want to get the full story out:

HardAttack came across as unduly rude and aggressive toward a TO who was trying to lay down some ground rules for team captains. He jumped into the middle of a conversation that didn't directly involve him (which I believe is part of what he's accusing me of doing). I wasn't the only nor the first to feel this way, and the general comments toward his post were supportive of the TO (who is doing a great job) and dismissive toward him. One person (not me) jokingly asked for a translator to interpret HardAttack's post, which was not exactly easy to read. I thought the comment was funny and posted as much, leading to Master Fenrir's post that is quoted above.

What HardAttack and Master Fenrir failed to understand is that (1) the original comment (not mine) was a joke and (2) the original comment (NOR mine) would not have even been made if HardAttack didn't sound like an overly critical dick in his post. (Maybe DJ Patrick should be added to this list, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he didn't actually read the thread.) The after my response to Master Fenrir (quoted above), the TO told everyone that the conversation was over and no one else said anything. In other words, whatever problem there was has been resolved. HardAttack never contacted me or even directed me to this thread. The only reason that I even saw this was that I happened by the C&A forums.

As a final note that really doesn't have anything to do with my "case," IF HardAttack is telling the truth that he sincerely didn't mean to cause any offense with his original post, then he really needs to look at the words he chooses and how he uses them. I understand that may be difficult for a non-native English speaker, but I just don't see how anyone could put that post together and not think that it would come off sounding disrespectful toward the TO or to the other team captain. Few people that I've seen on this site, or in the world in general, are going to tease someone in a mean-spirited way just because they lack language skills in whatever language is being spoken. However, when you come across as a dick, everything is fair game.

The initial response (again, I"m not talking about my post--you can go read the thread for the full context) to HardAttack's post could have been simply a funny way of defusing the situation. However, Master Fenrir in the thread and HardAttack here have refused to allow it to simply end at that.
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Re: agentcom [Closed]

Postby HardAttack on Thu May 03, 2012 2:52 am

1st, TO (tournament organizer) is someone whom i know from years to now (at least 3 years to now, this includes voice to voice conversation i got together with him a couple of times once)... So, it is very unrealistic and showing NOT trues agentcom speaks about my text as if i was targetting TO. TO is Lx, and i would like to hear of him, if i ever hurted/targeted him with my ANY offensive words or phrases. We may ask to him if he ever felt like Hardattack offends him, today, in that forum, or ever...I won't cos i like him as a friend and a company.

2ndly, agentcom says that i am someone suddenly jumped in the topic, this represents zero truth once again. I am not someone, but winner of the forfeitted games. Those games nolefan5311 and his team missed to join in given time, i am a side in those games agentcom. So, i am not someone to the matter, but i am a side in that matter. What makes me laughing here is, you are really someone to the matter if you want to know. You are NO WAY a side but a mockery profile in that matter. Benzorr is the guy you made the first translater joke, you kept going. You escalated it. You made step over and over it. It was ok till your last post, remember mate, i appologized even though i didnt know why i was appologizing for, i did to lower the heat, but looks like you thught it was a back step i made, no it wasnt but a sign of curtasy to the public paltform and my respect to the efforts TO puts there. If this tournament was mine, if i was the TO then i wudnt liked some ppl come around then flame. For these reasons i appologized hoped this to end.
But, at the end, i sadly eyewitnessed your last lines, in which you called me a dick. How dare you, how dare you speak to a man whom you ever do not know who. You Mr. Joker, Mr. Last Minute to the issue, where the hell you come from into the subject... ? I might have understood it well if it was nolefan calling me a dick, but how and why this matter bothered you then you pushed your dirty tongue out starting spitting over me ?

Let me tell you what i think about you, mate sadly, you are a cover up artist.
Yea i know words in english,besides some mean the same in the root, however among them some are way to say thing in polite way, some other are there to say the same thing in a hard/aggressive way, and know this well i am not any close to there to know it very well which of words to say something in polite and which other to say the same thing in an aggresive manner.

I appologize from nolefan5311 once again, really, i am not sure if i ever offended him, if it is the case i appologize. Additionally i wowuld like to thank to him as well, since he had choosen a manly/friendly way to state his surprise/reaction compared with a random guy, you in our example.

I hope this matter is closed here, i hope you start speaking of truths from the day we are in to the end.

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Re: agentcom [Closed]

Postby HardAttack on Thu May 03, 2012 3:02 am

One more thing i can add, i dont accuse you if you dont have this wisdom, maturity, or curtasy anyway, but you cud have told me HEY BROTHER I AM SORRY, THAT FCK WAS A JOKE and I DIDNT EXPECT YOU TAKE THIS SERIOUS... but you didnt...
You picked the way which % 90 of ppl wud taken.
Fenrir underlined it very well, it is you are a member of simple humanbeings. Not your fault, % 90 of community are same like you.
You are funny, and the path you choosen is even more funnier. Defending the wrong way you took, believe me is not any honourable, but very funny in look.

Finally, moderators, i am sorry for taking your valuable times, i know how busy you fellows are.
Again sorry for inconvenience. It is not my fault anyway.
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Re: agentcom [Closed]

Postby BGtheBrain on Thu May 03, 2012 8:45 am

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