The Conquer Cup III is open for registration!
Based on the positive feedback we've received on Conquer Cup II, we're using the same format for this third iteration of our signature mega-tournament. In other words, there will be a second chance round once again. For every game in round 1, the winner advances to round 3 and the losers play each other again in round 2. Anyone who wins in round 2 gets to advance to round 3. In short, you are guaranteed a second chance and double the action!
Conquer Cup III will have 640 participants, first come first served. There is a small entry fee, but you can get in for free by earning Conquer Credits. There are lots of prizes and awards including Conquer Cup super achievement medals and a grand prize of the all new Apple iPad3 going to the winner!
The Conquer Cup is fully automated, which means the games will automatically be created and players will be automatically matched and placed into games.
Who will succeed rutty as our reigning Conquer Cup champion??? Visit the Conquer Cup page, under the Game Menu on the left, to take a stab at it!
Teammate Spoils
We've enhanced the listing of your teammate's spoils to put a spoil in brackets if it is owned by your teammate. Thanks to Conchobar for suggesting this!
Invites & Foes
Players on your foes list will no longer be able to send you game invitations. Thanks to BoganGod for reporting this issue!