Do you have a map and settings you're really good at?
I need at least 4 players for a tournament I'm planning. You will be playing your map and settings against several contestants/challengers in 1v1 games. You'll need to be good: You will start with a disadvantage, however, you're challengers will be picked randomly from the participants in the tournament, they won't know which map and settings they will end up playing.
You will most likely not play for the tournament win (only if all 4 of you would beat all of your challengers), but you will be playing for a General Achievement Medal.
I'm not posting anymore tournament details here. If you're really interested you can ask me by PM.
If you feel you're up for it, please post your map and settings (except freestyle) here. If there are more than 4 players posting I'll choose the players/maps/settings that best fit the tournament format.
Other than being Premium there are no specific requirements.