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Surivivor small maps tourney. LEATHERHEAD[Closed]TFO

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Surivivor small maps tourney. LEATHERHEAD[Closed]TFO

Postby Slaylark on Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:01 pm


The accused is suspected of:
No less than getting into tourney games that are private and have rules that one and only one join per different map should be joined in Round 7 of the Survivor Small Maps tourney. He is a cook and will cost several of us dearly should he be allowed to play games that he was not invited to play.

Remedy: if we could get him banned even if for only a week, that ought to remedy this current debacle.

Game number(s):

Game 10977262
Game 10977274

and many others, just check is active games.. you will see it.


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Re: Surivivor small maps tourney. LEATHERHEAD

Postby eddie2 on Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:06 pm

this should be pmed to the tourney organiser and tourney moderators they will deal with it.
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Re: Surivivor small maps tourney. LEATHERHEAD

Postby sniffie on Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:07 pm

Have you ever tried to join a tourney game, you will need a password, or an invitation.

So my question is, how was the accused ABLE to get in the games??

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Re: Surivivor small maps tourney. LEATHERHEAD

Postby Lindax on Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:38 pm

eddie2 wrote:this should be pmed to the tourney organiser and tourney moderators they will deal with it.


sniffie wrote:Have you ever tried to join a tourney game, you will need a password, or an invitation.

So my question is, how was the accused ABLE to get in the games??


It's format whereby all players get the password, but they're only supposed to join a certain (maximum) amount of games. Obviously, any of the players can join all the games....

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Re: Surivivor small maps tourney. LEATHERHEAD

Postby Night Strike on Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:01 pm

This is not a C&A issue. You need to be complaining to the tournament organizer about the situation and if he doesn't address it, then you can inform me.

By the way, this is why organizers need to stop being lazy and make sure players join the right games and don't just have the ability to join all the games.
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Re: Surivivor small maps tourney. LEATHERHEAD

Postby TheForgivenOne on Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:02 am

Night Strike wrote:This is not a C&A issue. You need to be complaining to the tournament organizer about the situation and if he doesn't address it, then you can inform me.

By the way, this is why organizers need to stop being lazy and make sure players join the right games and don't just have the ability to join all the games.

I PM'd the TO. So I am marking this Closed
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Re: Surivivor small maps tourney. LEATHERHEAD[Closed]TFO

Postby Leatherhead on Sat Apr 21, 2012 8:39 am

Im sorry about that. I read it wrong. I was in a hurry. i really am sorry about that. i didnt relize they all had the same pw. i figured my pw would only work on my games.
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Re: Surivivor small maps tourney. LEATHERHEAD[Closed]TFO

Postby redhawk92 on Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:59 pm

seems like you should know not to join but a few games, the organizer shouldnt have made all the games with the same pw though
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Re: Surivivor small maps tourney. LEATHERHEAD[Closed]TFO

Postby Slaylark on Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:44 am

thank you all for getting info out there and helping. clearly he didnt mean it, but should read better. Peace.
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