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aleksandrscaks [Cleared] DCR

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aleksandrscaks [Cleared] DCR

Postby b00060 on Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:30 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

Game 10967240

Comments: No way in hell this is his first time on Feudal map, playing it perfectly with adjacent forts and trench. Come on. This guy looks good for one of his other accounts unicorns
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Re: aleksandrscaks

Postby DrewbieDoo on Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:09 pm

Why are you complaining about multi's in a 1v1 match?

Siding with aleksandrscaks on this one. Everything is circumstantial at best. So he has a history of playing against some of the same players? Don't we all. He has not won every match.

Please dismiss this.

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Re: aleksandrscaks

Postby Ickyketseddie on Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:33 pm

Because its against the rules? Why should b00600 or anyone else play against people who cheat on this site.

Plus b00600 has a good history of picking out multis.. i know where my money is! If he's legit the multi-hunters will soon prove it.
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Re: aleksandrscaks

Postby DrewbieDoo on Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:11 pm

Well his call is bad in this one. Looking at the games between unicorn and aleks, a few observations come to mind:

1. Unicorn and aleks talk to each other in some 1v1 games.

2. Their 1v1 games go several rounds (one for 16 rounds).

3. Not all games are won by one account over the other.

So unless this person likes talking to himself/herself or they're some elaborate CC mastermind (probably not), this claim has no merit. I think the ranking disparity between the accuser and accused is more noteworthy than anything.
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Re: aleksandrscaks

Postby DrewbieDoo on Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:14 pm

Look at this game:


They clearly have different levels of English proficiency.
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Re: aleksandrscaks

Postby b00060 on Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:11 pm

I said it may be him, either way there is no way on earth that is his first game on Feudal. Just curious, why are you so interested in this Doo??????????????????????
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Pending] DCR

Postby DrewbieDoo on Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:38 am

I like to seek the truth. Also the Feudal maps are not that hard. I played one (not the same one you're referring to but similar) and found it very easy to manage. I don't consider myself a top-notch player either.
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Pending] DCR

Postby b00060 on Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:22 pm

So in seeking the truth it is unheard of for them to check his ip? You have 3 completed feud maps and you lost them all, so nice try on the Feud is not hard map and it is easy to play flawlessly the first time you ever try it.
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Pending] DCR

Postby ljex on Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:23 pm

b00060 wrote:So in seeking the truth it is unheard of for them to check his ip? You have 3 completed feud maps and you lost them all, so nice try on the Feud is not hard map and it is easy to play flawlessly the first time you ever try it.

3 is not a very big sample size considering none of the games were 1 vs 1, none even 3 players. Joy to posting information that doesn't help your case as if it a way that misrepresents the facts.
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Pending] DCR

Postby b00060 on Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:46 pm

"Also the Feudal maps are not that hard"????????????????????? Really, because you haven't won a single feud map game. How can you possible say it is easy if you have never won? Sure it is easy to play a map, doesn't mean you know a strategy to win. So sorry Ijex, I will ignore your flame and stay with the facts. If you have NEVER won a game on a map, I seriously doubt you are qualified to say a map is not that hard.
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Pending] DCR

Postby DrewbieDoo on Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:11 pm

I said they are not hard to manage, did not say anything about winning. Several maps I avoid playing simply because the layout or dynamics look awkward and complicated. Feudal is not one of them, the rules are fairly basic. What is so complicated about them?

There is a distinction because you're complaining that aleks has some prior knowledge of the feudal maps, perhaps gained from another account. I think the Feudal maps are not inherently complicated and could be played by a newbie. That strikes to the heart of your complaint that he's a multi. For this and the reasons I've already stated about, I think your complaint should be thrown out.
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Pending] DCR

Postby ljex on Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:15 pm

b00060 wrote:"Also the Feudal maps are not that hard"????????????????????? Really, because you haven't won a single feud map game. How can you possible say it is easy if you have never won? Sure it is easy to play a map, doesn't mean you know a strategy to win. So sorry Ijex, I will ignore your flame and stay with the facts. If you have NEVER won a game on a map, I seriously doubt you are qualified to say a map is not that hard.

Never flamed you, feel free to report my post if you feel otherwise but i can already tell you that nothing will come of it because there is no flame.

You fail to see how small a sample size of 3 games is. Would you say that any of these maps are hard?

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Because combine chariot of fire, widely regarded as one of the best players on the site has gone 0-3 playing on these maps. Would you be upset if he were to say that these are not hard maps even though he has never won a game on them?

The point is that when playing a game that involves get bad luck sometimes. Its ridiculous to say that just because someone hasn't won a single game on a map they cant say the map isn't hard. Especially when you consider that they haven't even played that many games on it, and the games they have played have many people. Your logic is completely flawed on so many levels. You are not staying with the facts, you are using one fact out of context to come to a faulty conclusion.

I'm sure there is a good player out there who started 0-10 on a map like doodle or luxemborg, do you really think that means they cant say the map is not difficult? I would argue that they most likely just got poor luck for those first 10 games and eventually that will turn around and they will win a few games. You cant make a judgement like the one you are making with so few data points.

Its like if i were to say you are god awful at Kings Court II and World Cup...would you agree or disagree. You have 0 wins on either of the maps but also only have 1 game played on each. I have played both, they are not that complicated and I'm sure you agree that you have the ability to say they aren't really all that complicated.

If he was 0-10 or something like that in 1 vs 1 games, then you can make the argument that he is not qualified to say a map is not hard...but at the point that all it takes is one win in his next 4 player feudal game for him to be above the statistically expected win % for his feudal games you can not make the argument that he is not qualified to say the map is not that hard to understand.
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Pending] DCR

Postby b00060 on Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:22 pm

Ok, I am sorry, I guess Feudal war with adjacent trench is a very easy map and something that any newbie would easily excel at in their FIRST game advancing and forting towards key bonuses perfectly. And I would say that Kings Court II is a beta map and is definitely hard and World Cup is also a difficult map. Are you saying that a newbie would be able to play those 2 maps perfectly, because that is exactly what is going on here.
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Pending] DCR

Postby DrewbieDoo on Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:06 pm

I am saying that Feudal maps are self-explanatory to someone like me, a person who plays sporadically and for enjoyment. So it is no stretch of the imagination that a newbie could also play it easily. The other maps would have to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and as far as I can remember I've never played either of the other maps you mentioned.

Stick to the map that is a point of contention here.
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Pending] DCR

Postby ljex on Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:08 pm

b00060 wrote:Ok, I am sorry, I guess Feudal war with adjacent trench is a very easy map and something that any newbie would easily excel at in their FIRST game advancing and forting towards key bonuses perfectly. And I would say that Kings Court II is a beta map and is definitely hard and World Cup is also a difficult map. Are you saying that a newbie would be able to play those 2 maps perfectly, because that is exactly what is going on here.

I am not discussing the case against aleksandrscaks at all. I know that you have a petty good track record of multi reports being successful so im have no issues with you reporting him and figure he will probably be a multi when it comes down to it.

All i am saying is that your logic regarding DrewbieDoo not being able to say that feudal is a relatively simple map to understand is wrong. I even disagree with him and personally think that feudal is a bit more complicated than a basic map. Still we cant discount his opinion because he is 0 for 3 in his games, as there is some luck in the game of risk.
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Cleared] DCR

Postby TheForgivenOne on Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:28 pm

DrewbieDoo wrote:I am saying that Feudal maps are self-explanatory to someone like me, a person who plays sporadically and for enjoyment. So it is no stretch of the imagination that a newbie could also play it easily. The other maps would have to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and as far as I can remember I've never played either of the other maps you mentioned.

Stick to the map that is a point of contention here.

What b00 is trying to say, is that compared to OTHER maps on CC, Feudal War is considered a tougher one. There is a reason that New Recruits are blocked from joining the map. When playing against experienced players on the map, say, b00, tezu, etc etc, you'd have to either have the best damn dice that you can get, or previous knowledge of the map, especially with the settings being used.

A Very good indicator of multi's is when they do well on a harder map. 9 times out of 10 b00 will probably peg a multi that know's what he/she is doing. Especially on a 1v1 map like Feudal, or Pelo Wars.
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Pending] DCR

Postby DrewbieDoo on Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:33 pm

b00060 wrote:So in seeking the truth it is unheard of for them to check his ip?

Oh and I have my reservations on the IP address investigations too. In this case it is clear the aleks and unicorn probably know each other in some way. There is some banter between them in games and whatnot. It is not uncommon to share a computer with someone you know. I too have shared computers and/or internet connections with someone I was playing against on CC. We had separate CC accounts and played our games independently. An identical IP address is not conclusive of the existence of a multi especially when you have so many more factors showing it is more than one person.

Now if you could point to a different CC username as a possible alias for aleks, you may change my opinion. But aleks and unicorn, definitely not. You may have a 90% multi accuracy rate as some people on here are saying, but I think you're dead wrong here.
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Pending] DCR

Postby ljex on Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:48 pm

DrewbieDoo wrote:
b00060 wrote:So in seeking the truth it is unheard of for them to check his ip?

Oh and I have my reservations on the IP address investigations too. In this case it is clear the aleks and unicorn probably know each other in some way. There is some banter between them in games and whatnot. It is not uncommon to share a computer with someone you know. I too have shared computers and/or internet connections with someone I was playing against on CC. We had separate CC accounts and played our games independently. An identical IP address is not conclusive of the existence of a multi especially when you have so many more factors showing it is more than one person.

Now if you could point to a different CC username as a possible alias for aleks, you may change my opinion. But aleks and unicorn, definitely not. You may have a 90% multi accuracy rate as some people on here are saying, but I think you're dead wrong here.

Okay now you are just not getting it.

1) B00 was just saying it was possibly aleks and unicorn
2) TFO was saying B00 has a 90% success rate of reporting people for multi's that are then busted
3) The mods do far more than IP checks, they look into many different facets to determine if someone is a multi there are many people who have family members on this site, that are not busted for multis.
4) Just because the evidence you see points to them not being multis...if i was going to create 2 multis i would for sure have them talk and try to make them seem as different as possible if they were playing a 1 vs 1 game
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Pending] DCR

Postby DrewbieDoo on Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:18 pm

I understand the argument being made completely. I'm just not buying it.

It seems the only argument that is clearly showing aleks is a multi is B000's track record of catching multi's. That is it. Everything else, could swing either way.

1. IP address - could show it is the same person, or two people sharing a computer.
2. Map difficulty - could show it is someone with past experience, or it is simply an easy map.
3. Play with others - could show he/she has other aliases, or is like everyone else on CC and likes to play against friends every now and then.
4. Talk with others - could show he/she is cleverly punking the CC system, or he/she is talking to a friend.

Rack them all up and all you have to go on is B000's word. Even that can swing since he is not 100% right in his assumptions. And to me, some thought needs to be given to the huge rank disparity here. Not enough to punish someone who's just having a good time.
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Pending] DCR

Postby b00060 on Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:42 pm

Feudal is not an easy map, it looks plain and simple as many maps on here do, but it requires a lot of experience to develop some of the winning strategies and counter strategies that are clearly displayed by this guy to do the things he is doing, especially with these settings, but i doubt someone with your limited experience can understand that as you clearly have not seen these strategies unfold on this map (unless you have played it with another account, but that is a whole othe suspicion I am not going to delve into here). As far as the rank disparity, that is the whole point. I would love to be able to block non officers from joining my games but I can't and the fact that this guy has a skill level far above what he is playing with here is what sucks., I am putting up 90 points to win 3 against someone who probably has a much higher rank that they are protecting.
Last edited by b00060 on Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Pending] DCR

Postby ljex on Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:47 pm

DrewbieDoo wrote:1. IP address - could show it is the same person, or two people sharing a computer.

Irrelevant - this is not the be all end all of how multi checks are done and thus does not matter. If he shares an IP address with another user they will look into it. So we all know that why you think this needs to be rehashed im not sure but we all know that the same IP does not mean the same user.
DrewbieDoo wrote:2. Map difficulty - could show it is someone with past experience, or it is simply an easy map.

Debatable, Feudal is not a simple map like you say, especially with the settings of trench/adjacent, you may say you understand it but i will bet that if you were to play B00 in 10 games he would win more than 7 of them.

DrewbieDoo wrote:3. Play with others - could show he/she has other aliases, or is like everyone else on CC and likes to play against friends every now and then.

Yes we all agree, the point is that B00 was saying this might be the same guy, he was not saying it is the same guy by any means he usually says it might be this person and more often then not it is not that person.

DrewbieDoo wrote:4. Talk with others - could show he/she is cleverly punking the CC system, or he/she is talking to a friend.

I agree i was simply playing devils advocate

DrewbieDoo wrote:Rack them all up and all you have to go on is B000's word. Even that can swing since he is not 100% right in his assumptions. And to me, some thought needs to be given to the huge rank disparity here. Not enough to punish someone who's just having a good time.

The point is that this does warrant a check from the mods, feudal is not a simple map like you suggest. You may think you have a grasp of it after just 3 games but there are quite a few subtleties especially for adjacent and trench. Which are the settings of the game in question, so while i realize you think its simple I assure you that there are things you do not know and would be surprised if someone who knew the map were to explain to you.

Yes some thought needs to be given to the disparity of rank when B00 hosted the game and this guy joined, cc has a very strong stance on no rank segregation, so please tell me what B00 is supposed to do about low ranked players joining his games?
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Pending] DCR

Postby rhp 1 on Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:58 pm

DrewbieDoo wrote:I like to seek the truth. Also the Feudal maps are not that hard. I played one (not the same one you're referring to but similar) and found it very easy to manage. I don't consider myself a top-notch player either.

bro.. feudal ain't rocket science, but you don't jump into it first time and rock shit out... win a couple before you comment on it's lack of complexity...
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Pending] DCR

Postby jgordon1111 on Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:03 pm

you have no argument here do,you got a gut feeling about someone not being a multi.

But the simple point everyone is trying to point out to you is this is this players first time on the map.

For him to be playing it as well as he is,can usually be considered damn lucky fluke,or someone who has played it before.

I play it frequently and on occasion win,But I have not felt awesome enough to try it trench adj. yet.

There is a reason it is off limits to noobs,its not as easy as you seem to think,and that may explain your own losses on it. you yourself having played it a couple of times have misconstrued it as easy.
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Pending] DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:12 pm

This is getting a bit out of hand. Either post relevant information, or stop posting at all.
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Re: aleksandrscaks [Pending] DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:35 am

Understanding and being able to win are different things, I would say. Just look at my rank :(

All that aside, there doesn't seem to be anything going on with this guy. aleksandrscaks is cleared.
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