by DresdenSooner on Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:48 am
I am the recipient of just such a rating. I find that Twin Killers idea of an idiot is anyone who might make a move to prevent him from winning. So if he is your target, then you're automatically an idiot for attacking him.
And just to point out in that style game, one strategy often employed if your target is right next to you, is to auto attack as soon as the rounds starts, hoping to attack before your target can place troops. If your target is spread out, then you wait to see what the others do.
And one final note, I look at my ratings maybe once every 2 months just for the laughs. Oh, and sometimes, I get good constructive criticism that has helped me, or I'm reminded of an especially bad game I played, but other than that I ignore the ratings, anyway.
Highest Rank: Major May24,2010