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Crazys Superhero Mafia! Game Over! Villains Win!

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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby skillfusniper33 on Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:38 pm

/ wrote:
/ wrote:
jgordon1111 wrote:Who has a real good idea? Thats not going to leave us down another town.

And I am still leaning toward sg7 have been for awhile,and still not trying to frame him I am not sure,leehar had a good point not to read into the flavour.

Well, strictly speaking shield is not town, so weather or not he's the killer, lynching him doesn't leave us down a townie unless a townie dies tonight, which hardly seems preventable, I would say, even though I lean more towards hippo on the grounds that, A. He's been counterclaimed B. He announced his first result at a completely pointless time C. He is going out of his way to NEVER EVER respond to me D. He, if not a tracker, has the greatest reason to want betiko dead, since he had announced his action on him in advance.

Still it should be one of the two if using an Occam's Razor principal. the only other choice is the confirmed watcher, or betiko's target, who, if a PGO (paranoid gun owner) type role, should claim as such to avoid further casualties.

If the deadline comes closer, I am fine with lynching shield, IF HE FLIPS A NON-KILLING ROLE, I SUGGEST A VIG KILL HIPPO TONIGHT, but for now, there is time for discussion.

@Shield, Does your role PM give any description of your character? Anything? Even just a Male or Female Pronoun?

Also, why target our cop after the possibility of a "touch of death" was brought up?

see above for where I asked skill to claim PGO

Well I missed that somehow, not sure how I managed to miss it, especially since you were talking about my role.

fastposted by JG
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:54 am

ok cause im bored at scum list

skill- was asked to claim if he was PGO and i believe the post was quoted so missing it once thats all good and be forgiven and if the post was there for a page or two i dont know how you missed it. and then you claim after hippo gives you an out by saying betiko visited him. then he claims the only claim that may clear him and hypothetically speaking since mafia can talk at night they could have planned this whole thing with little effort. so in my opinion these two are at the top of my scum list

hippo-he VISITED betiko last night and saw betiko go to skillfullsniper then betiko tracker and yet there is another claimed tracker and they are putting no pressure on each other and it has been four days all there doing is making plans with flaws that dont prove didly squat and wasted four nights of potential tracker action in which we could have caught at least one scum by now.

/- he is a claimed tracker but counter claimed another tracker. but yet didnt want him dead or find him suspicious much. look, i have been counterclaimed before. and right off the bat i died not even a full 48 hours in RT so i am wondering why we are squandering about all this for 4 days it makes no sense we could have killed one and potentially caught a mafia in it (cause i believe that hippo or / is mafia and one is town) and this way we would not be in this LYLO situation.

these are my top three candidates and as we all know there is only 2 mafia one of them is most likely town. i believe skills to be mafia. if/when he turns up mafia then i believe hippo is connected. but it is possible hippo is a third party and skills mafia and hippo not know it. it has been done before. but it is possible that / is the other mafia. but my suspicions on SKILL is very very strong so for that reason

unovote (not sure if i had a vote on) vote SKILLFULLSNIPERS

p.s. just for shits and giggles

thehippo8 wrote:@NG1 ... It's possible you could be watcher and silencer in one. Stranger things have happened. Sorry, I did overlook that watcher claim. I read it then blanked it out when I posted. I agree that unless you are a watcher then you would not know who visited SG7. As tracker I can only see where the person (SG7) goes, not who else is about. But I digress.

I agree that it is highly unlikely that you are the silencer. I will concede that it is more likely that either clever or / are the silencer. I know I'm not! Maybe SG7 was roleblocked and that's why / didn't die. That sounds more likely. So, we need more info from both clever and /. Sorry about that NG1!!

@ Betico, I'd like to hear from you but in light of what I now see as correct I will ...unvote

Sorry, frustration of thinking about work while playing Mafia - can't do either well :lol:

yes your right a watcher can be a silencer in one and yes your right stranger things can happen lol wouldnt it be strange if a watcher/tracker had like a killing power or something....

thehippo8 wrote:Lol, you make me laugh jg. When have you ever heard that a tracker has killing powers?? Silly jg. And before any of you begin with WIFOm, I do not have any killing powers.

As to the other stuff you and / are talking about - let's hear what skill has to say for himself, hmm?


oh my bad i didnt realize strange things cant happen ... lol sorry i just saw this and it made me giggle.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:34 am

Got to slightly disagree with clever because you missed some info.

Hippo and skill claimed mason partners.

I think I have finally reasoned out why safari said game was balanced but I want input on this possibility from others before I put a vote in.

I think there are 2 mafia in this game and no third parties.

the 2 mafia have multi abilities maybe. I think skill is the killer that isnt using the gun. thats why town vt have thier protection clever(suit of armor)

leehar I am assuming here that sheild is a bullet stopper to say the least.

and I can stop bullets but not the ninja stuff that keeps coming our way.

Now the reason I think that hippo is using the gun is first betiko's death he was there, we cant prove betiko targeted skill.

Skill and hippo knew SG7 was not responsible for betiko dying,yet let him take the rap for it.

/ asked if there was a POG in the game, no one came forward.

With the protection that was possibly available both skill and hippo went for NG1.

When / brings up the point of asking about a POG in the game again suddenly skill claims it to cover hippo,thus trying to draw away from them being scum as much as possible. And the fact that hippo can kill even as a tracker. Its all new stuff by a moderator making his first game he wanted to be original.

And again I point out nightcrawler(good guy) 2 face (bad guy) but a fakeclaim to be so absurd that it is a smoke screen designed to throw us off.

Again all conjecture on my part,but the only way I could see it all lining up.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby crazymilkshake5 on Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:47 pm

Offical Vote Count

With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.

Skillfulsniper33-L3 (some7hingCLEVER)
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby thehippo8 on Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:36 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:Got to slightly disagree with clever because you missed some info.

Hippo and skill claimed mason partners.

I think I have finally reasoned out why safari said game was balanced but I want input on this possibility from others before I put a vote in.

I think there are 2 mafia in this game and no third parties.

the 2 mafia have multi abilities maybe. I think skill is the killer that isnt using the gun. thats why town vt have thier protection clever(suit of armor)

leehar I am assuming here that sheild is a bullet stopper to say the least.

and I can stop bullets but not the ninja stuff that keeps coming our way.

Now the reason I think that hippo is using the gun is first betiko's death he was there, we cant prove betiko targeted skill.

Skill and hippo knew SG7 was not responsible for betiko dying,yet let him take the rap for it.

/ asked if there was a POG in the game, no one came forward.

With the protection that was possibly available both skill and hippo went for NG1.

When / brings up the point of asking about a POG in the game again suddenly skill claims it to cover hippo,thus trying to draw away from them being scum as much as possible. And the fact that hippo can kill even as a tracker. Its all new stuff by a moderator making his first game he wanted to be original.

And again I point out nightcrawler(good guy) 2 face (bad guy) but a fakeclaim to be so absurd that it is a smoke screen designed to throw us off.

Again all conjecture on my part,but the only way I could see it all lining up.

You may have noticed me sitting back for a while. I wanted to feed out enough rope to let jg lynch himself. An by goodness he has!!

Just wheeling the truck back to Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:09 pm, jg claimed Punisher. Punisher can only be a mafia role.


Just a brief aside to answer Leehar's questions:

[li][*]No, the PGO thing doesn't help. You have not factored in the fact that if someone visited Betico I wouldn't see it as I am a tracker not a watcher. [/*]
[*]I have no idea who visited Betico - no doubt it was mafia but could have been skill!! (I am not mafia - but then I've already said that 8-).)[/*]
[*]Skill thinks it's possible he killed Betico but not intentionally, but it is equally possible that it was mafia that did it (and given skill is masoned to me and I am third party he must be third party too so I don't believe him to be mafia - that would be too weird!!).[/*]
[*]skill didn't need to claim yesterday as we all thought SG was guilty but then we were all stupid!! I made it clear that I wasn't going to out skill, I am after all masoned to him!![/*]
[*]Third party are not a threat to town, we win with town. We want mafia gone as much as you do, killing us is a waste of time.[/*]
[*]i repeat, trackers target a person they want to follow. They see everywhere that person goes. They don't see what they do or who they are or whose side they are on. Kinda obvious really, it goes with the name.[/*][/li]

Anyway, back to my case on jg. On Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:47 am, jg tries to get a mass claim. Mafia know who skill and I are and of course who jg is and jg wants others to come out and gert ready for the chop! Classic mafia move.

On Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:45 pm, jg says that skill must be mafia as he is bad. In fact two face is inherently good (Harvey Dent) but went insane. His villainous ways are as a result of insanity not inherent badness. For that reason he is third party rather than mafia or town. Nightcrawler is a happy-go-lucky practical joker and teaser, and a fan of swashbuckling fiction. That makes him appear unpredictably and a good martch for two face as a mason buddy and third party.

On Apr 15, 2012 3:38 pm, Betico sees the utility of Leehar's questioning post. I answer jg here:

[li][*]Yes we know that Betico targeted Skill for investigation. As skill says, investigation is unlikey to set off Skill's power.[/*]
[*]/ said what he said re Maxwell Smart not moving - so what?[/*]
[*]I am not mafia, and frankly a tracker role is a bit wussy for mafia! Can't see how that could be sufficiently useful in a game this small.[/*]
[*]Given I believe your claim of protector is BS, it is likely that you did visit NG1. You are the one who "tapped" him. not twicve, just once. But permanently![/*][/li]

On Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:39 pm, jg feins that he is "missing something" and wants to look further into the issue. The only thing missing is jg fessing up to being the mafia killer!

On Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:36 pm, jg asks so more questions. Another style change as kg get's more confident that he is suckering town without challenge. I respond:

[li][*]jg is completely overstating the power of skill. And playing the mod too![/*]
[*]skill didn't claim until he needed to. But since you hold such store in claiming, let's have a full and honest claim from you eh? Like that's ever going to happen![/*]
[*]jg overstated skill and my part in SG's demise. We are but two people, you are FOSing everyone else in that lynching![/*]
[*]Skill and I gave clear and full claims. Note, I didn't explain my mason status until necessary, but we are honest! The reason why fakeclaims are in your mind is that you have fakeclaimed and you are hoping no one notices. There is an expression: "me thinks the lady doth protest too much"!![/*]
[*]You are wrong, and I will expect you to be the next to die. But the way you post that you are trying to make yourself sound town. It's a clever post but I don't buy it.[/*][/li]

Here clever, who is bored at skill, shows he has bought jg's story - hook, line and sinker. Don't be suckered clever, think about it!!

Anyway, all this leads us back to the quote of jg's that I posted at the head of this post. I respond to that now:

[li][*]The suggestion there are two mafia's and no third parties is preposterous. The purpose of third parties are to balance the powers of mafia. Have you considered the possibility that a mafia may have the power of invisibility? That better explains why the watcher couldn't see them! But skill and I are masoned third parties and no doubt there are other third parties. jg's suggestion of two mafia's is a scare tactic to both make himself look townish opn the one hand while on the other trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator to seek further claims from other third parties. Again, this is just scummy all round.[/*]
[*]The suggestion that skill has other powers is fantasy-land stuff. Clever's suit proves nothing! Moreover, why would there need to be a protector and a suit? You've forgotten that you claimed protector in an effort to show the game was balanced, but now that bites you in the bekoohar!![/*]
[*]It seems rediculous that a protector could stop bullets but not hand-to-hand fighting. That's just confabulation gone wild![/*]
[*]Neither skill nor I, nor any of the others on SG's lynch, knew SG was town. We all thought he was scum! This is repetition but only to match your repetition that has gone without comment until now.[/*]
[*]Finally, jg plays the classic ad hominem by reference to supposed absurdity of claims. There is nothing absurd about our claims, given they are factual for a start, particulalry because of what I set out above. If anything, our beloved mod can be admired for his creativity![/*[/li]

So ... unvote vote jg.
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Corporal 1st Class thehippo8
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby thehippo8 on Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:39 pm

thehippo8 wrote:
jgordon1111 wrote:Got to slightly disagree with clever because you missed some info.

Hippo and skill claimed mason partners.

I think I have finally reasoned out why safari said game was balanced but I want input on this possibility from others before I put a vote in.

I think there are 2 mafia in this game and no third parties.

the 2 mafia have multi abilities maybe. I think skill is the killer that isnt using the gun. thats why town vt have thier protection clever(suit of armor)

leehar I am assuming here that sheild is a bullet stopper to say the least.

and I can stop bullets but not the ninja stuff that keeps coming our way.

Now the reason I think that hippo is using the gun is first betiko's death he was there, we cant prove betiko targeted skill.

Skill and hippo knew SG7 was not responsible for betiko dying,yet let him take the rap for it.

/ asked if there was a POG in the game, no one came forward.

With the protection that was possibly available both skill and hippo went for NG1.

When / brings up the point of asking about a POG in the game again suddenly skill claims it to cover hippo,thus trying to draw away from them being scum as much as possible. And the fact that hippo can kill even as a tracker. Its all new stuff by a moderator making his first game he wanted to be original.

And again I point out nightcrawler(good guy) 2 face (bad guy) but a fakeclaim to be so absurd that it is a smoke screen designed to throw us off.

Again all conjecture on my part,but the only way I could see it all lining up.

You may have noticed me sitting back for a while. I wanted to feed out enough rope to let jg lynch himself. An by goodness he has!!

Just wheeling the truck back to Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:09 pm, jg claimed Punisher. Punisher can only be a mafia role.


Just a brief aside to answer Leehar's questions:

  • No, the PGO thing doesn't help. You have not factored in the fact that if someone visited Betico I wouldn't see it as I am a tracker not a watcher.
  • I have no idea who visited Betico - no doubt it was mafia but could have been skill!! (I am not mafia - but then I've already said that 8-).)
  • Skill thinks it's possible he killed Betico but not intentionally, but it is equally possible that it was mafia that did it (and given skill is masoned to me and I am third party he must be third party too so I don't believe him to be mafia - that would be too weird!!).
  • skill didn't need to claim yesterday as we all thought SG was guilty but then we were all stupid!! I made it clear that I wasn't going to out skill, I am after all masoned to him!!
  • Third party are not a threat to town, we win with town. We want mafia gone as much as you do, killing us is a waste of time.
  • i repeat, trackers target a person they want to follow. They see everywhere that person goes. They don't see what they do or who they are or whose side they are on. Kinda obvious really, it goes with the name.

Anyway, back to my case on jg. On Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:47 am, jg tries to get a mass claim. Mafia know who skill and I are and of course who jg is and jg wants others to come out and gert ready for the chop! Classic mafia move.

On Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:45 pm, jg says that skill must be mafia as he is bad. In fact two face is inherently good (Harvey Dent) but went insane. His villainous ways are as a result of insanity not inherent badness. For that reason he is third party rather than mafia or town. Nightcrawler is a happy-go-lucky practical joker and teaser, and a fan of swashbuckling fiction. That makes him appear unpredictably and a good martch for two face as a mason buddy and third party.

On Apr 15, 2012 3:38 pm, Betico sees the utility of Leehar's questioning post. I answer jg here:

  • Yes we know that Betico targeted Skill for investigation. As skill says, investigation is unlikey to set off Skill's power.
  • / said what he said re Maxwell Smart not moving - so what?
  • I am not mafia, and frankly a tracker role is a bit wussy for mafia! Can't see how that could be sufficiently useful in a game this small.
  • Given I believe your claim of protector is BS, it is likely that you did visit NG1. You are the one who "tapped" him. not twicve, just once. But permanently!

On Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:39 pm, jg feins that he is "missing something" and wants to look further into the issue. The only thing missing is jg fessing up to being the mafia killer!

On Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:36 pm, jg asks so more questions. Another style change as kg get's more confident that he is suckering town without challenge. I respond:

  • jg is completely overstating the power of skill. And playing the mod too!
  • skill didn't claim until he needed to. But since you hold such store in claiming, let's have a full and honest claim from you eh? Like that's ever going to happen!
  • jg overstated skill and my part in SG's demise. We are but two people, you are FOSing everyone else in that lynching!
  • Skill and I gave clear and full claims. Note, I didn't explain my mason status until necessary, but we are honest! The reason why fakeclaims are in your mind is that you have fakeclaimed and you are hoping no one notices. There is an expression: "me thinks the lady doth protest too much"!!
  • You are wrong, and I will expect you to be the next to die. But the way you post that you are trying to make yourself sound town. It's a clever post but I don't buy it.

Here clever, who is bored at skill, shows he has bought jg's story - hook, line and sinker. Don't be suckered clever, think about it!!

Anyway, all this leads us back to the quote of jg's that I posted at the head of this post. I respond to that now:

  • The suggestion there are two mafia's and no third parties is preposterous. The purpose of third parties are to balance the powers of mafia. Have you considered the possibility that a mafia may have the power of invisibility? That better explains why the watcher couldn't see them! But skill and I are masoned third parties and no doubt there are other third parties. jg's suggestion of two mafia's is a scare tactic to both make himself look townish opn the one hand while on the other trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator to seek further claims from other third parties. Again, this is just scummy all round.
  • The suggestion that skill has other powers is fantasy-land stuff. Clever's suit proves nothing! Moreover, why would there need to be a protector and a suit? You've forgotten that you claimed protector in an effort to show the game was balanced, but now that bites you in the bekoohar!!
  • It seems rediculous that a protector could stop bullets but not hand-to-hand fighting. That's just confabulation gone wild!
  • Neither skill nor I, nor any of the others on SG's lynch, knew SG was town. We all thought he was scum! This is repetition but only to match your repetition that has gone without comment until now.
  • Finally, jg plays the classic ad hominem by reference to supposed absurdity of claims. There is nothing absurd about our claims, given they are factual for a start, particulalry because of what I set out above. If anything, our beloved mod can be admired for his creativity![/*[/list]

So ... unvote vote jg.

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Corporal 1st Class thehippo8
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:02 pm

thank you for a magnificent response hippo,but you overlooked the obvious in trying to make me out to be scum and were in such a rush to do it lol you posted my role for me.

Notice the small wee portion there describing my role and who I go after.

And the fact that I protect the innocent.

thank you again as I dont know how to do that myself and according to the rules I dont think I would be allowed to, but beings you did it for me,all is well
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:07 pm

Second post, my role in this game is protective only as I have stated.

That obvious omgus isnt going to save you hippo.

I think I am on the mark or near enough you are squirming,and now making mistakes keep going please.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:28 pm

thehippo8 wrote:
thehippo8 wrote:
jgordon1111 wrote:Got to slightly disagree with clever because you missed some info.

Hippo and skill claimed mason partners.

I think I have finally reasoned out why safari said game was balanced but I want input on this possibility from others before I put a vote in.

I think there are 2 mafia in this game and no third parties.

the 2 mafia have multi abilities maybe. I think skill is the killer that isnt using the gun. thats why town vt have thier protection clever(suit of armor)

leehar I am assuming here that sheild is a bullet stopper to say the least.

and I can stop bullets but not the ninja stuff that keeps coming our way.

Now the reason I think that hippo is using the gun is first betiko's death he was there, we cant prove betiko targeted skill.

Skill and hippo knew SG7 was not responsible for betiko dying,yet let him take the rap for it.

/ asked if there was a POG in the game, no one came forward.

With the protection that was possibly available both skill and hippo went for NG1.

When / brings up the point of asking about a POG in the game again suddenly skill claims it to cover hippo,thus trying to draw away from them being scum as much as possible. And the fact that hippo can kill even as a tracker. Its all new stuff by a moderator making his first game he wanted to be original.

And again I point out nightcrawler(good guy) 2 face (bad guy) but a fakeclaim to be so absurd that it is a smoke screen designed to throw us off.

Again all conjecture on my part,but the only way I could see it all lining up.

You may have noticed me sitting back for a while. I wanted to feed out enough rope to let jg lynch himself. An by goodness he has!!

Just wheeling the truck back to Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:09 pm, jg claimed Punisher. Punisher can only be a mafia role.


Just a brief aside to answer Leehar's questions:

  • No, the PGO thing doesn't help. You have not factored in the fact that if someone visited Betico I wouldn't see it as I am a tracker not a watcher.
  • I have no idea who visited Betico - no doubt it was mafia but could have been skill!! (I am not mafia - but then I've already said that 8-).)
  • Skill thinks it's possible he killed Betico but not intentionally, but it is equally possible that it was mafia that did it (and given skill is masoned to me and I am third party he must be third party too so I don't believe him to be mafia - that would be too weird!!).
  • skill didn't need to claim yesterday as we all thought SG was guilty but then we were all stupid!! I made it clear that I wasn't going to out skill, I am after all masoned to him!!
  • Third party are not a threat to town, we win with town. We want mafia gone as much as you do, killing us is a waste of time.
  • i repeat, trackers target a person they want to follow. They see everywhere that person goes. They don't see what they do or who they are or whose side they are on. Kinda obvious really, it goes with the name.

Anyway, back to my case on jg. On Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:47 am, jg tries to get a mass claim. Mafia know who skill and I are and of course who jg is and jg wants others to come out and gert ready for the chop! Classic mafia move.

On Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:45 pm, jg says that skill must be mafia as he is bad. In fact two face is inherently good (Harvey Dent) but went insane. His villainous ways are as a result of insanity not inherent badness. For that reason he is third party rather than mafia or town. Nightcrawler is a happy-go-lucky practical joker and teaser, and a fan of swashbuckling fiction. That makes him appear unpredictably and a good martch for two face as a mason buddy and third party.

On Apr 15, 2012 3:38 pm, Betico sees the utility of Leehar's questioning post. I answer jg here:

  • Yes we know that Betico targeted Skill for investigation. As skill says, investigation is unlikey to set off Skill's power.
  • / said what he said re Maxwell Smart not moving - so what?
  • I am not mafia, and frankly a tracker role is a bit wussy for mafia! Can't see how that could be sufficiently useful in a game this small.
  • Given I believe your claim of protector is BS, it is likely that you did visit NG1. You are the one who "tapped" him. not twicve, just once. But permanently!

On Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:39 pm, jg feins that he is "missing something" and wants to look further into the issue. The only thing missing is jg fessing up to being the mafia killer!

On Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:36 pm, jg asks so more questions. Another style change as kg get's more confident that he is suckering town without challenge. I respond:

  • jg is completely overstating the power of skill. And playing the mod too!
  • skill didn't claim until he needed to. But since you hold such store in claiming, let's have a full and honest claim from you eh? Like that's ever going to happen!
  • jg overstated skill and my part in SG's demise. We are but two people, you are FOSing everyone else in that lynching!
  • Skill and I gave clear and full claims. Note, I didn't explain my mason status until necessary, but we are honest! The reason why fakeclaims are in your mind is that you have fakeclaimed and you are hoping no one notices. There is an expression: "me thinks the lady doth protest too much"!!
  • You are wrong, and I will expect you to be the next to die. But the way you post that you are trying to make yourself sound town. It's a clever post but I don't buy it.

Here clever, who is bored at skill, shows he has bought jg's story - hook, line and sinker. Don't be suckered clever, think about it!!
Anyway, all this leads us back to the quote of jg's that I posted at the head of this post. I respond to that now:

  • The suggestion there are two mafia's and no third parties is preposterous. The purpose of third parties are to balance the powers of mafia. Have you considered the possibility that a mafia may have the power of invisibility? That better explains why the watcher couldn't see them! But skill and I are masoned third parties and no doubt there are other third parties. jg's suggestion of two mafia's is a scare tactic to both make himself look townish opn the one hand while on the other trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator to seek further claims from other third parties. Again, this is just scummy all round.
  • The suggestion that skill has other powers is fantasy-land stuff. Clever's suit proves nothing! Moreover, why would there need to be a protector and a suit? You've forgotten that you claimed protector in an effort to show the game was balanced, but now that bites you in the bekoohar!!
  • It seems rediculous that a protector could stop bullets but not hand-to-hand fighting. That's just confabulation gone wild!
  • Neither skill nor I, nor any of the others on SG's lynch, knew SG was town. We all thought he was scum! This is repetition but only to match your repetition that has gone without comment until now.
  • Finally, jg plays the classic ad hominem by reference to supposed absurdity of claims. There is nothing absurd about our claims, given they are factual for a start, particulalry because of what I set out above. If anything, our beloved mod can be admired for his creativity![/*

So ... unvote vote jg.


agreed yes you are only two people but two people who if would have claimed could have saved a innocent town from dieng by shedding light on him and proving his innocent yes you are only two people but very strong people in that situation

lol i dont believe i believe everything he says actually i havent commented on much he said. i gave my top three ill be honest he is the fourth on my list. i agree that punisher seems a bad guy but in reality does do some good. isnt that the same thing sg7 said about himself and we lynched him and he ended up being town? so watch it before the same mistake is made.

lol sorry this made me laugh. your saying that your claims are factual so we should believe them. if thats all it took mafia would win then he sucks up to the mod lol .
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby Leehar on Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:52 pm

Idk, I've never seen such an in-depth post by hippo, so I tend to think that because he's put in so much effort, meta-ing from that we can assume he's acting dissimilar to how laid-back he's been as town?
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby Leehar on Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:55 pm

But Also, how does the hippo or skill as mafia's cases, explain the death of jak?
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:39 pm

Ok now I am home from work, Leehar you first no Reason I can come up with for jaks death yet. Give me a second I think I have it.

Now back to you hippo and your mason partner

To me its seems skill is probably the mafia godfather here, He has laid back the whole game letting you hippo talk and do in the light just in case it went south on you both.

And now your backing up on betiko's death a little bit,skill thinks he might have killed betiko by accident or it could have been mafia. two things here.

1. why I say again would crazy give your mason partner a role that would kill town? I say he didnt skill is ninja,he didnt kill him you did.

2. you say mafia could have done it,as I already said you are squirming and making mistakes. NG1 was watching betiko per an agreement you made. 2 people visited him you and SG7. Thats what makes me think you are the shooter,you had oppurtunity and took it leaving SG7 hanging with it.
then the ninja took out jak to draw attention from you the obvious killer. Also why you kept ignoring / trying to get something different done than the plan you most gladly agreed to.

I was not the one starting a mass claim,again your trying to put something else on me that doesnt fit. Up till then I was trying to hold everyone from claiming out power roles for mafia to pick off, I claimed because I believe that / had the right idea at this point.
I have not asked for anyone to claim their roles I beieve. pretty sure I said / was right,but I have not pushed that hey leehar,hey /,hey skill you need to say who you are.

And skill knew I fastposted him,why did he not defend himself right then?

Right now your story has more holes than swiss cheese.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby / on Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:22 pm

Leehar wrote:But Also, how does the hippo or skill as mafia's cases, explain the death of jak?

If Crazy mods mafia actions the same way I and many other mods do, then any member of the mafia could have killed jak and still preformed their night action, the godfather decides which member to send, for a kill independent of their actions, and mafia power roles get their own actions.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby / on Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:57 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:I am with / on most of his logic, I believe skill is masoned to hippo. And considering SG7 flipped nothing? hippo is the logical killer of betiko.

The way that NG1 died says / may be right about the ninja because this was another new kill outside the bullets.

I am Frank Castle, The Punisher, town body guard. Whoever I choose to bodyguard cannot be killed by bullets. N1 I guarded NG1 when ghost got hit. N2 I guarded NG1 after crown flipped town. N3 I guarded / because I believed hippo killed betiko when SG7 the wanderer didnt seem a gun user and a plan was put in place for hippo to track / again. It seems I chose wrong.

I don't know if this makes sense, it seems that two face is the only killer that is using bullets, why would you only specifically guard against a PGO type role, scum or not?
Also I totally don't buy that hippo and skill didn't know who killed betiko, Hippo is a tracker, and found that betiko targeted skill, and then there's the death scene page 27.


As one hero catches with a glimpse of his eye something shinny flying in the air, it lands in the senders hand.

"You sir, are one unlucky man." Said one

"What are you talking abou..." said the other

this obviously points to two face, why would you think shield was guilty?
at least it means skill was truthful about his role's power, it does only have a 50% chance it seems.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:13 pm

ok two face one of my favorite VILIANS of all time. but he does his crimes purely from a place of passion and as this has nothing to do with the game i wont go further. but he is a vilian none the less and he did have a false coin in the movey claiming he "makes his own luck" but as someone pointed out that in the comics he has a normal coin. which means the kill is 50/50 but that is bad for town considering that he has killed every night and thats what i find wierd but of course you cant use that in a case as its all math and probability but shit ill do it anyway ...there are a few possibilities that could have happened

t= kills the person h=he lives

t then t
t then h
h then t
h then h

and its obvious that (if skill and hippo are telling the truth) that the first option happened

now that is a 25% chance that should have happened which means there was a 75% chance that it wouldnt happen im starting to lean towards its not random and it happens everytime.

lol sorry i know this does nothing for the game but me being the math guru i am i just wanted to see the odds
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:32 pm

/ wrote:
jgordon1111 wrote:I am with / on most of his logic, I believe skill is masoned to hippo. And considering SG7 flipped nothing? hippo is the logical killer of betiko.

The way that NG1 died says / may be right about the ninja because this was another new kill outside the bullets.

I am Frank Castle, The Punisher, town body guard. Whoever I choose to bodyguard cannot be killed by bullets. N1 I guarded NG1 when ghost got hit. N2 I guarded NG1 after crown flipped town. N3 I guarded / because I believed hippo killed betiko when SG7 the wanderer didnt seem a gun user and a plan was put in place for hippo to track / again. It seems I chose wrong.

I don't know if this makes sense, it seems that two face is the only killer that is using bullets, why would you only specifically guard against a PGO type role, scum or not?
Also I totally don't buy that hippo and skill didn't know who killed betiko, Hippo is a tracker, and found that betiko targeted skill, and then there's the death scene page 27.


As one hero catches with a glimpse of his eye something shinny flying in the air, it lands in the senders hand.

"You sir, are one unlucky man." Said one

"What are you talking abou..." said the other

this obviously points to two face, why would you think shield was guilty?
at least it means skill was truthful about his role's power, it does only have a 50% chance it seems.

I am not sure why I can only guard against bullets. The whole game I have been worrying about someone I am guarding getting killed. You see I should have at least got the ability if it happened to know who did it.Just my opinion,that. Because then I would at least have been able to call them out on it.

But by the story line above is whats bothering me the ting of something flying in the air,is after NG1 has been shot if I am not mistaken, then he is told he is unlucky and gets his neck broke by Skill. I.e. skill is not the shooter hippo is,skill is the ninja.

Thats why I said hippo is the one who shot betiko when he had the opportunity and then skill claimed shooter to cover hippo.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:44 pm

Crap just realized the ting wasnt in the last kill,it was when betiko died,I stand corrected.

then skill is the shooter and hippo is the ninja with the power of night crawler to pop from one place to the other. Or he is able to carry skill in and out of the scene without being seen.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby thehippo8 on Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:11 pm

@jg ... shot him with what? I'm a tracker - I have no weapons or bullets. Also, interesting you would say I'm squirming when all I see is you wriggling like the proverbial worm!

@Clever ... I only get told who a player visits by the mod. I don't get told anything else.

I am leaning towards the likelihood that there is someone who is invisible. Perhaps not just invisible to a watcher but also submarining. There are a wealoth of options there, mod can we please get a mass prod?

There are a number of possible characters with invisibility include Griffin from The Invisible Man, Dr Noah Buddy from Spidey, Invisible Man from Sinbad, Hollow Man, Unseen Man from Adventure Comics, Bulldog Martin from DC Comics, Dr Gade from Mystic Comics and the Voice from Popular Comics would all be Mafia and [url= Shadow[/url] would be town.

fastposted by jg - funny that we are on the same tangent only you are busy trying to kill me and I was intersted in lynching you. Would be nice to hear what others have to say - particularly those who are submarining! I'd be willing to drop the case against jg if there was a better case on who the invisible man was! (And ... lol ... no I have no super ninja powers!)
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby crazymilkshake5 on Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:16 pm

thehippo8 wrote:mod can we please get a mass prod?

Dont know who you want me to prod, all 6 of you have posted either today or yesterday.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby thehippo8 on Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:22 pm

crazymilkshake5 wrote:
thehippo8 wrote:mod can we please get a mass prod?

Dont know who you want me to prod, all 6 of you have posted either today or yesterday.

Faceplant ... I dunno, can't you prod one of the reseerves or something ... :lol:

Fair point mod, sheesh, okay Leehar (the only one keeping his powder dry) ... what do you think about all this?
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby crazymilkshake5 on Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:36 pm

I Shall prod a replacement! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:39 pm

thehippo8 wrote:@jg ... shot him with what? I'm a tracker - I have no weapons or bullets. Also, interesting you would say I'm squirming when all I see is you wriggling like the proverbial worm!

@Clever ... I only get told who a player visits by the mod. I don't get told anything else.

I am leaning towards the likelihood that there is someone who is invisible. Perhaps not just invisible to a watcher but also submarining. There are a wealoth of options there, mod can we please get a mass prod?

There are a number of possible characters with invisibility include Griffin from The Invisible Man, Dr Noah Buddy from Spidey, Invisible Man from Sinbad, Hollow Man, Unseen Man from Adventure Comics, Bulldog Martin from DC Comics, Dr Gade from Mystic Comics and the Voice from Popular Comics would all be Mafia and [url= Shadow[/url] would be town.

fastposted by jg - funny that we are on the same tangent only you are busy trying to kill me and I was intersted in lynching you. Would be nice to hear what others have to say - particularly those who are submarining! I'd be willing to drop the case against jg if there was a better case on who the invisible man was! (And ... lol ... no I have no super ninja powers!)

Did i ever say anything different
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby thehippo8 on Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:44 pm

Some7hingCLEVER wrote:
thehippo8 wrote:@jg ... shot him with what? I'm a tracker - I have no weapons or bullets. Also, interesting you would say I'm squirming when all I see is you wriggling like the proverbial worm!

@Clever ... I only get told who a player visits by the mod. I don't get told anything else.

I am leaning towards the likelihood that there is someone who is invisible. Perhaps not just invisible to a watcher but also submarining. There are a wealoth of options there, mod can we please get a mass prod?

There are a number of possible characters with invisibility include Griffin from The Invisible Man, Dr Noah Buddy from Spidey, Invisible Man from Sinbad, Hollow Man, Unseen Man from Adventure Comics, Bulldog Martin from DC Comics, Dr Gade from Mystic Comics and the Voice from Popular Comics would all be Mafia and [url= Shadow[/url] would be town.

fastposted by jg - funny that we are on the same tangent only you are busy trying to kill me and I was intersted in lynching you. Would be nice to hear what others have to say - particularly those who are submarining! I'd be willing to drop the case against jg if there was a better case on who the invisible man was! (And ... lol ... no I have no super ninja powers!)

Did i ever say anything different

Nope, actually you responded to / and my @ should have been at /!! But thanks for clarifying your view!
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:47 pm

thehippo8 wrote:@jg ... shot him with what? I'm a tracker - I have no weapons or bullets. Also, interesting you would say I'm squirming when all I see is you wriggling like the proverbial worm!

@Clever ... I only get told who a player visits by the mod. I don't get told anything else.

I am leaning towards the likelihood that there is someone who is invisible. Perhaps not just invisible to a watcher but also submarining. There are a wealoth of options there, mod can we please get a mass prod?

There are a number of possible characters with invisibility include Griffin from The Invisible Man, Dr Noah Buddy from Spidey, Invisible Man from Sinbad, Hollow Man, Unseen Man from Adventure Comics, Bulldog Martin from DC Comics, Dr Gade from Mystic Comics and the Voice from Popular Comics would all be Mafia and [url= Shadow[/url] would be town.

fastposted by jg - funny that we are on the same tangent only you are busy trying to kill me and I was intersted in lynching you. Would be nice to hear what others have to say - particularly those who are submarining! I'd be willing to drop the case against jg if there was a better case on who the invisible man was! (And ... lol ... no I have no super ninja powers!)

LOL I was certain I had it all worked out. Still think I might. as I said I wanted others opinions before I vote.

You will find with me hippo I want evidence before I vote,dont like to bandwagon anyone. I figured I might get you to slip. I cant get past you and skills claims and mason partners to boot. Fyi its not you I am after so much as skill for being 2 face. I cant see that character in this game without him being scum.

But a few flaws in my idea have been pointed out.

So until leehar says something and clever and / give a response I wait.

Fastposted by two of you.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [6/12] Day 4: Half down

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:35 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:
thehippo8 wrote:@jg ... shot him with what? I'm a tracker - I have no weapons or bullets. Also, interesting you would say I'm squirming when all I see is you wriggling like the proverbial worm!

@Clever ... I only get told who a player visits by the mod. I don't get told anything else.

I am leaning towards the likelihood that there is someone who is invisible. Perhaps not just invisible to a watcher but also submarining. There are a wealoth of options there, mod can we please get a mass prod?

There are a number of possible characters with invisibility include Griffin from The Invisible Man, Dr Noah Buddy from Spidey, Invisible Man from Sinbad, Hollow Man, Unseen Man from Adventure Comics, Bulldog Martin from DC Comics, Dr Gade from Mystic Comics and the Voice from Popular Comics would all be Mafia and [url= Shadow[/url] would be town.

fastposted by jg - funny that we are on the same tangent only you are busy trying to kill me and I was intersted in lynching you. Would be nice to hear what others have to say - particularly those who are submarining! I'd be willing to drop the case against jg if there was a better case on who the invisible man was! (And ... lol ... no I have no super ninja powers!)

LOL I was certain I had it all worked out. Still think I might. as I said I wanted others opinions before I vote.

You will find with me hippo I want evidence before I vote,dont like to bandwagon anyone. I figured I might get you to slip. I cant get past you and skills claims and mason partners to boot. Fyi its not you I am after so much as skill for being 2 face. I cant see that character in this game without him being scum.

But a few flaws in my idea have been pointed out.

So until leehar says something and clever and / give a response I wait.

Fastposted by two of you.

ok what would you like me to give a response to
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