fireedud wrote:Guiscard wrote: Anyway, thats just my $2.
It's supposed to be 2 cents, not dollars.
Yeh I know. My 2 cents would just have been 'don't like the graphics'

Moderator: Cartographers
fireedud wrote:Guiscard wrote: Anyway, thats just my $2.
It's supposed to be 2 cents, not dollars.
qwert wrote:Can i ask you something?What is porpose for you to open these Political topic in ConquerClub? Why you mix politic with Risk? Why you not open topic like HOT AND SEXY,or something like that.
boberz wrote:fireedud wrote:Guiscard wrote: Anyway, thats just my $2.
It's supposed to be 2 cents, not dollars.
i thought it was originally 2 penniesworth but perhaps thats being extremely british and bought up by a patriotic grandmother
Guiscard wrote:I don't like the graphics one bit. I KNOW they're meant to replicate a child's drawing, but to me they basically look cheap, sub-standard and pretty unprofessional compared to some of the great maps that are currently playable or in production. Yes, it is setting a really low bar in terms of what we want from maps on CC.
mibi wrote:I think the child crayon theme was a bad idea from the start. sorry, that's certainly something that shouldn't be said on page 29, but there it is.
KEYOGI wrote:I'd prefer to see something more approprate, like a puzzle, colouring book, toy store, play ground, etc.
mibi wrote:I think the child crayon theme was a bad idea from the start. sorry, that's certainly something that shouldn't be said on page 29, but there it is.
Enigma wrote:OH NO!! does this mean ur quitting?
KEYOGI wrote:mibi wrote:I think the child crayon theme was a bad idea from the start. sorry, that's certainly something that shouldn't be said on page 29, but there it is.
I pointed this out on page 10 but was largely ignored. I think there's room for a kid-orientated map, I'm just not convinced a world map / crayon combo is the way to go.KEYOGI wrote:I'd prefer to see something more approprate, like a puzzle, colouring book, toy store, play ground, etc.
There's plenty of themes you could go with, those were just some examples. Any of them could be done in a kid/hand-drawn style, but I feel your options are limited with a crayon design.
mibi wrote:as for 18 territories i think it needs some play testing before the idea is a go or a disaster.
as for the graphics, meh, they kinda suck. people are tossing around words like 'genius' and 'brilliant' um... i don't think so. I could replicate this map during the commercials of an episode of Seinfeld. Technically, its rather cheap and not all that great of an execution.
as for the theme, maybe my nephew will like, he's 6. This map has novelty. but novelty wears off. Whats going to make people stay with this map? The graphics? The gameplay? The novelty? My guess is none of the above, but I would like to be proven wrong.
I agree with keyogi that this map is setting a really low bar in the graphics department, I dunno, make it takes someone with some graphic ability to understand how easily this map is made.
that being said, I would like to see more small maps on the site. I wouldn't mind a world .5 at all with 18 territories that didn't make me feel like i was babysitting.
KEYOGI wrote:mibi wrote:I think the child crayon theme was a bad idea from the start. sorry, that's certainly something that shouldn't be said on page 29, but there it is.
I pointed this out on page 10 but was largely ignored. I think there's room for a kid-orientated map, I'm just not convinced a world map / crayon combo is the way to go.KEYOGI wrote:I'd prefer to see something more approprate, like a puzzle, colouring book, toy store, play ground, etc.
There's plenty of themes you could go with, those were just some examples. Any of them could be done in a kid/hand-drawn style, but I feel your options are limited with a crayon design.
Ruben Cassar wrote:I agree with Keyogi on this one. There are so many themes that would be more appropriate using this style. Why not make a map with the theme of a fable for example?
Evil DIMwit wrote:Ruben Cassar wrote:I agree with Keyogi on this one. There are so many themes that would be more appropriate using this style. Why not make a map with the theme of a fable for example?
If I had to pick a reason off the top of my head, it would be that I like this theme more than a fable or puzzle book, and I can't at the moment think of any theme I like better.
i dont think a game that lasts only 4 rounds is what CC needs...I play tested it it was fun lasted 4 rounds I enjoyed playing we played in CC format with 3 on each one
johloh wrote:i dont think a game that lasts only 4 rounds is what CC needs...I play tested it it was fun lasted 4 rounds I enjoyed playing we played in CC format with 3 on each one
lord twiggy1 wrote:it looks great. but theres two things i think you should do to it.
1. make ireland a country
2. somehow split australia in two peices(mayby Tasmania and Australia)
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