Winning Team RoundFirst 3 in Lineup- uyumaykimaw.....3/3
- Walslaf......3/3
- DresdenSooner......3/3
Tiebreaker used. uyumaykimaw was 2-1 against DresdenSooner, DresdenSooner was 2-1 against Walslaf, Walslaf was 2-1 against uyumaykimaw.
This pushed tiebreaker to number of rounds held out by the defeated players cumalative. This determines which player was the hardest to defeat out of the three.
uyumaykimaw held out 9+6=15 rounds against Walslaf, Walslaf held out 10+7=17 round against DresdenSooner, and DresdenSooner held out 6+6=12 rounds against uyumaykimaw.
Walslaf wins the tiebreaker barely with 17 rounds held out over 15 by uyumaykimaw and 12 by DresdenSooner.
Middle 3 in Lineup- alaskanassassin......4/2
- rjhankey......0/6
- thunderhue.......5/1
Last 3 in Lineup- Silly Knig-it.......3/3
- TheCrown.......5/1
- WorldCup4James......1/5
FinalsWinner of First 3 Group: Walslaf..........5/1
Winner of Middle 3 Group Thunderhue........2/4
Winner of Last 3 Group TheCrown...........2/4