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Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby sniffie on Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:44 pm

Evolution299 wrote:My adivse Violet, is if you don't want to see your picture pop up in other places, not just on this site, take it down and use a different avatar.

Very true, If you don't want your face across the Internet, make sure nobody has the "option" to do so, I agree Nietzsche was wrong with his banner but, I can make sure nobody will ever post my face on the Internet, and that's just because I make sure nobody gets it.

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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby Symmetry on Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:59 pm

jiminski wrote:I can't honestly see how this is enforceable. In passing, posting ones actual picture as an avatar on a gaming site is either the act of a very brave person or one looking for compliments (nice smile Vio... if that really is you of course!) It's a bit like a lady wearing a T-shirt with "don't look at my boobs" written exactly where her boobs sit under the T-Shirt and then castigating you, when you read the sign, for looking at her boobs...But that really is an aside.

If Nietzsche is told to take the image down then realistically no one can re-post any image at all! As has been said, how can anyone prove that it is them? A photo ID to be Scanned-in and sent to the Admin? Well i'm sure i could knock up a pretty good forgery of Sylvester Stallone''s driver's licence but does that mean i can get everyone to take down their Rocky avatars..certainly i am no copyright lawyer but i'm pretty certain he's.. i mean I'm.. fair game as I've pimped around my image for years in order to gain the attention of my adoring public!

Anyway, I imagine that all will happen is that Nietzsche will be respectfully asked to take the image down and he will do so so that every other prick on the website does not have to change their banners again (hey BPB? ;) )

Dude, I personally received a ban on having a sig for reposting a banner.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby Chariot of Fire on Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:46 pm

codeblue1018 wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:
ljex wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:using personal info in a banner is forbidden. I am sure he will be dealt with swiftly.

she posted the personal information willingly...i feel like that should not be against the rules. How are we even supposed to know that is her? Im no fan of nietzsche because i think he is a duche...but i am of the firm belief that anything you post about yourself becomes public information in the community and is fair game.

That is totally incorrect and nietz said in live chat he did it just to piss her off. If I post a photo of myself, it is for me to use only and nobody else.

Wrong. What you post about yourself is now public; like it or not. If you are worried about such things, don't post personal information. Totally a choice that you made.

This is incorrect. Any artwork, photos included, are protected by copyright and cannot be reproduced without the owner's permission.

Here's a handy link with better details:

In a nutshell however, this is all you need to know: Although all work is copyrighted at the moment of creation, not all work is protected equally. If a registered work is later infringed upon, the creator can recover actual damages (the fee that would normally have been paid for the use), as well as Statutory (Punitive) Damages and legal fees. A work that is infringed upon yet has not been registered can only generate the Actual Damages. This means that, in most cases, the cost of the suit far exceeds the recoverable moneys.

And the above is only pertaining to the use of the photo, which in this case is probably not Violet's proprietary property (unless she took that picture herself with a tripod and timer) but the photographer's. Using someone's image is another realm altogether. Just because Sylvester Stallone's publicist has used his image in the public domain to promote a film of his does not mean I can start using Mr.Stallone's image in anything I create.

Thus the violation of using Violet's image may be proven and needed to be remedied. Whether nietzsche actually deserved a warning is another matter, as I felt both he and Violet were pretty cool about the whole thing as she suffered neither defamation nor loss.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [pending] BG

Postby King_Herpes on Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:57 pm

VioIet wrote:I just checked Nietzsche's profile, and he did take the banner down.

This is all that I wanted.

He has also sent me a pm, apologizing for the incident.The only reason I made this C&A report, is because he didn't take it down when I first asked him to. But now that he has complied, I am happy.

I am not sure what CC's ruling will be on this one, and how much protection I will really have here. So I guess I will follow that advice that some people echoed here, and not use the photo as my avatar. I suppose that's the only way to prevent something like this from happening again. Just sorry that it had to come down to that. I would have preferred to be able to display it, without having to risk the chance of it being used in another format, without my permission.

Also, as General Brock pointed out, it was the risque nature of the banner that I took offense to. I just feel if someone wants to use my photo in anything within the realms of this site, they should need my permission to do so. My photo is not on Google, so to my best knowledge, no one but myself and the photographer own the rights to it.


He is a cumpulsive womanizer and a habitual sexist!!!

I have been saying this for years and years, he is perverse!!

I have never been so embarrassed for anyone in my life and if I was your Father I would shit seeing this!
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby army of nobunaga on Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:50 pm

VioIet wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Offensive Banner

show: Banner


Nietzsche added my photo to his banner without my permission. I took offense to this, due to the racy nature of his banner.

I would like him to respect my wishes, and take the photo down. I also ask that he please not do this again in the future.

Thank you in advance.

lol you put your photo on the internet... weak.

I like you but this is what happens... you have NO RIGHT to your info you put on communal and public places... that means songs, photos of you.. and every lawyer in the land (i work with too many of them) will tell you this.

get real cc... nietzsche is a loser wannabe.. but did nto cross legal bounds here or what is accepted on the internet.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby army of nobunaga on Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:56 pm

So basically you are saying noone can use my avatar in any one of 20 games I play because it would hurt my feelings... you people are idiots.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby army of nobunaga on Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:05 pm

one last pipe... and this is to show im not just spouting...

You guys think people know me here... You guys think I am a bad ass here...

Well in other games on the web this user name commands a much larger audience. CC has what 10 k real time every day users? I play other games where that is over 100k. and I mean way over... And I am better known there.

Once 7 years ago I made the bad decision to put my real pic in my avatar... welll holy shit.. it wasnt just a signature (you wimp) it was a complete anime porno series with my face getting done at every angle.

I learned my lesson it was my fault...

CC is protecting you, I am tempted to take your image to desu on the web and show you why you never put your image on the web.

Unless you have thinck thick skin
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby Chariot of Fire on Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:10 pm

army of nobunaga wrote:one last pipe... and this is to show im not just spouting...

You guys think people know me here... You guys think I am a bad ass here...

Well in other games on the web this user name commands a much larger audience. CC has what 10 k real time every day users? I play other games where that is over 100k. and I mean way over... And I am better known there.

Once 7 years ago I made the bad decision to put my real pic in my avatar... welll holy shit.. it wasnt just a signature (you wimp) it was a complete anime porno series with my face getting done at every angle.

I learned my lesson it was my fault...

CC is protecting you, I am tempted to take your image to desu on the web and show you why you never put your image on the web.

Unless you have thinck thick skin

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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby nietzsche on Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:04 am

Why do I keep getting in trouble? Something's wrong with me. I need ritalin.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby nietzsche on Thu Apr 05, 2012 6:13 am

I must be tired, it's the end of a long day, but I felt like noting something about this matter:

First of all, I'm very disapointed of VioIet. I understand that people have their own characters, and some things that for some are just harmless for them it's offensive. I respect VioIet's point of view but given that I had shared a few conversations with her and the fact that the reason for the joke was a previous-day conversation I think she should have contacted me privately. I know (because I asked rds) that she did say something in Social, but I did not catch it.

Second, what really made me write this is that both Bruceswar and TheForgivenOne actually lied one after the other, perhaps conspired against me with the intention I received punishment. They said I had said that I want to "piss off" VioIet which I DID NOT SAY. I said, and I remember perfectly I wanted to get her mad. I'm might not be an as at English but I do believe "get her mad" is not as derogatory as to "piss her off". I had just said it when they both posted. Like 20 mins perhaps. I had meant it in a playful way. Why would I want to piss her off? I was no enemy of VioIet.

This is really shitty. They are always in chat so it's understandable that they're friends (Bruce, TFO and Violet) and that they will help each other, but Bruce and TFO are mods, so they need to be a little more neutral. This is not the first time I feel I have been treated badly by chat mods, Insomnia and Masli loved to kick me and get me banned and get me to pay 25 dolars again and again.

When I got banned from Live Chat once I made a multi, nietzsche2 just a way to express myself, and to show Insomnia that I could laugh of her powers, I said I was nietzsche's brother, contradicting myself every 3 lines just to mock her, but quickly got banned yet again for another 25 dls. Seriously, I thought they would just let my anger cool down...

Anyway, I feel disrespected by a few mods here. That's all I mean.

Yet Masli cheats ABOUT THE GAME, gets pointed at by a lot of users, and he doesn't get punishment. He had already said he was gonna stay away from CC for a while, so it did nothing to him, he even admited to me that it helped him because he didn't want to bail on achilles or ES I dont remember and it was all perfect ffor him. I'm even to go further and say that he mocked me that I had wasted all that time trying to get him punished and I had actually made him a favor. Bruceswar was there and participated in the conversation but I don't expect him to confirm it.

In quality assureance there's a couple of terms, magic moments and sad moments I believe, to name how a person feels about a service or something, that when one experience a magic moment it goes deep and creates a good strong association, the same in the other direction with sad moments. Well some mods make me experience shitty moments here.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby Nola_Lifer on Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:34 pm

Wow. This is bullshit. Why can't you use someone's avi? Its on a public forum, therefore, public information, and not offensive at all.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby Masli on Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:02 am

nietzsche wrote:This is not the first time I feel I have been treated badly by chat mods, Insomnia and Masli loved to kick me and get me banned and get me to pay 25 dolars again and again.

Uhmmm, don't think I kicked you many times, well if you count that 1 time that the chat ban funtion didn't work.....
You did receive a ban for it (don't remember what kind) , but that didn't cost you 25 dlr, so dunno what you mean...
Most regular chat people know how I modded chat, it didn't matter if I liked you or didn't like you. When chatters don't follow the rules, they get the punishment they deserve. I never favoured any of the people I like, ask eddie2, sekretar etc.

nietzsche wrote:Anyway, I feel disrespected by a few mods here. That's all I mean.

To get respect you should try to show respect a bit more

nietzsche wrote:Yet Masli cheats ABOUT THE GAME, gets pointed at by a lot of users, and he doesn't get punishment. He had already said he was gonna stay away from CC for a while, so it did nothing to him, he even admited to me that it helped him because he didn't want to bail on achilles or ES I dont remember and it was all perfect ffor him. I'm even to go further and say that he mocked me that I had wasted all that time trying to get him punished and I had actually made him a favor. Bruceswar was there and participated in the conversation but I don't expect him to confirm it.

Yes, I've talked to you about it and I've explained it to you
(we don't need Bruceswar to confirm that ;))

I said to you :
  • That I already resigned my mod duties as Chat Mod & Head Clan Mod due to the fact that I wanted to put more time in my RL and less in CC.
  • That I wasn't planning on leaving the MH-team, partly bc I didn't want to bail on the team but not entirely.
  • The case made me decide to leave the MH-Team, it made it clear to me that I didn't wish to put any more of my time in the cc community.
  • Yes, I did say to you that you really did me a favor. Now I was able to leave cc behind me and spend even more time in my RL, but I was not mocking you! I think it was the first time the both of us had a normal talk! Thanks!

I really don't care how you call it or how other people call it. I know I didn't cheat.
But I know how it looks and I can understand your (and others cc members) point of view about it.
I should have known better and I'm certanly not proud about it.
What I did was wrong (but not cheating) and I appologize for that !
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby nietzsche on Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:10 pm

Masli, you were not mocking me?????

You made it very clear, even when I said I did not care about it anymore that you were having fun of me. I dont remember how many faces like :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D you put in Social. You were clearly telling me that I had wasted my time and I had made you a favor, and you agreed with me that what you did shouldn't be allowed anymore, because it's at least fishy.

It costed me 25 dls when i got my ban for nietzsche2 and another time besides the time of the original multi, back in 2006 when I was freemium and wanted to play more than 4 games.

You see, I don't lie, I own what I do no matter how good or bad it is.

Unlike some mods.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby nietzsche on Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:25 pm

Masli wrote:
Uhmmm, don't think I kicked you many times, well if you count that 1 time that the chat ban funtion didn't work.....
You did receive a ban for it (don't remember what kind) , but that didn't cost you 25 dlr, so dunno what you mean...
Most regular chat people know how I modded chat, it didn't matter if I liked you or didn't like you. When chatters don't follow the rules, they get the punishment they deserve. I never favoured any of the people I like, ask eddie2, sekretar etc.

Are we gonna go over this again? Ok, I think I benefit if people that reads here knows what happened that occasion.

See, I had been talking with Masli previous days, we were not super buddies but we were cool. He told me about his job and all that. Anyway, that day I was having fun with a couple of strangers in Live Chat, talking about dont remember, but it was random and fun. Then a guy with a nickname that was a full email address joins, and due to the parsing on Live Chat it gets underlined like a link and me and the other 2 guys laugh about it and I say, given the situation, that my next nickname would be www.[3 letter word that defines what your dad does to your mom].com, now, I hadn't in my life visited that site, and it was all in a stupid moment, my intention was not to send anyone to a porn site, WHICH IT WASNT BECAUSE THERE WAS NO EXPLICIT PORN IN THAT SITE, so anyway, this guy with whom I was chattig tells me right a way that I might get banned for it, and I realize and tell privately to Masli that I had fucked up, that was an honest mistake. And now this is what makes me furious: the guy instead of telling me "im sorry but i have to kick you out because there are rules", nah, he keeps just closing the private message window, (you can see this, it says Masli Leaves) I keep asking him like 4 times in private, same thing.

I did break the rules, but it was clear to everyone in chat that night that it was a stupid mistake, I've seen worse happen without a kick, and I got a 3 or 6 month ban I dont remember.

Over time I've seen worse things let go in Live Chat, and if I was an ass like pd I would have collected the logs just to prove it, but if you've been to Live Chat you know that when normal mods are in conversation flows in a cool way, and when others like insomnia, tfo and masli are there, at the first little thing a flow of "warning warnig yellow code" messages fills the window.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby oVo on Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:05 am

It's her avatar... Nietzsche wants to use the image? Asking permission is a good place to start before incorporating it with provocative female images as a banner.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby Bruceswar on Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:13 pm

oVo wrote:It's her avatar... Nietzsche wants to use the image? Asking permission is a good place to start before incorporating it with provocative female images as a banner.

Holy shit.. Voice of Reason!
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby Army of GOD on Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:15 pm

I am actually Barack Obama. No one is allowed to post a picture of me without my permission from now on.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby nietzsche on Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:04 am

Bruceswar wrote:
oVo wrote:It's her avatar... Nietzsche wants to use the image? Asking permission is a good place to start before incorporating it with provocative female images as a banner.

Holy shit.. Voice of Reason!

LOL For that you do show up Bruceswar??

How about accepting you're a vieja chimolera ?? Putting words in my mouth?? And you're a mod? Lol.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby Haggis_McMutton on Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:17 am

Bruceswar wrote:
oVo wrote:It's her avatar... Nietzsche wants to use the image? Asking permission is a good place to start before incorporating it with provocative female images as a banner.

Holy shit.. Voice of Reason!

1. There's a difference between what would be the civil thing to do and what should be enforced with bans. This ruling is completely unenforcible and you guys have just opened a can of worms.

2. Vio says she is happy with him taking the sig down, yet he still gets a warning. This is like a case study of how bureaucracies get started. The complaint is dealt with, but the thread is up, so punishment is given even though the problem has already been resolved.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby Bruceswar on Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:03 am

Haggis_McMutton wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:
oVo wrote:It's her avatar... Nietzsche wants to use the image? Asking permission is a good place to start before incorporating it with provocative female images as a banner.

Holy shit.. Voice of Reason!

1. There's a difference between what would be the civil thing to do and what should be enforced with bans. This ruling is completely unenforcible and you guys have just opened a can of worms.

2. Vio says she is happy with him taking the sig down, yet he still gets a warning. This is like a case study of how bureaucracies get started. The complaint is dealt with, but the thread is up, so punishment is given even though the problem has already been resolved.

I do not make the C&A rulings. I just agreed with asking permission first as this would have avoided the whole issue.

Neitz... I did not even notice you put up a C&A case vs me until today. To that I stand behind what I put. You can call it whatever you like, but you only did what you did to make vioiet mad or as I put it "piss her off".
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby natty dread on Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:18 am

Using someone's image in a sexual context without his/her consent is actual SEXUAL HARRASMENT which is ILLEGAL in most civilized countries.

So no, the excuse "she posted it publicly" is not going to cut it.


And Nobunaga, you keep telling everyone to "grow a thicker skin". Why should they? Just because you think it's a good attribute to have a "thick skin" doesn't mean everyone should live up to your standards. Some have thicker skins, some thinner, and that's ok because people are different and they are allowed to be. Try some fucking tolerance.

No one should be subjected to harrasment because others think he/she "deserves it" for sharing his/her picture online. Being on the internet does not excuse behaving like a dick.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby nietzsche on Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:09 am

Bruceswar wrote:
Haggis_McMutton wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:
oVo wrote:It's her avatar... Nietzsche wants to use the image? Asking permission is a good place to start before incorporating it with provocative female images as a banner.

Holy shit.. Voice of Reason!

1. There's a difference between what would be the civil thing to do and what should be enforced with bans. This ruling is completely unenforcible and you guys have just opened a can of worms.

2. Vio says she is happy with him taking the sig down, yet he still gets a warning. This is like a case study of how bureaucracies get started. The complaint is dealt with, but the thread is up, so punishment is given even though the problem has already been resolved.

I do not make the C&A rulings. I just agreed with asking permission first as this would have avoided the whole issue.

Neitz... I did not even notice you put up a C&A case vs me until today. To that I stand behind what I put. You can call it whatever you like, but you only did what you did to make vioiet mad or as I put it "piss her off".

So just like that, in your position as a mod, you decided to jump in and scale up what I had said knowing I could get banned? You didn't even know of previous interactions of me and Violet, you put a derogatory term in my mouth. I meant all the time that I wanted to make her mad in a playful way, and mad can actually have that meaning, but you chose to change it for a derogatory term, why??? And right after you it was another mod, TheForgivenOne putting the same word in my mouth.. doesn't it look a little fishy to you?? It had only happen like 15 minutes after I had said MAD in Live Chat.. why the quickness to jump in here by 2 mods and try to get me banned??

At least now we know that you remember I had said MAD but you decided to change it for a more derogatory term, piss off.

natty and oVo, I was not trying to offend VioIet, as I explained before it was a follow up joke from the night before, I expected to have a laugh with her and move on but when I tried to tell her about it she wasn't reading the chat and when she finally saw it and wanted to tell me to take it off I wasn't there to read it. That created the confusion. But the ladies here BRuce and TFO created IMO the conspiracy.

Only TFO left to come here and admit I never said piss off. If he has some integrity he will.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby happy2seeyou on Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:30 am

jiminski wrote:
Anyway, I imagine that all will happen is that Nietzsche will be respectfully asked to take the image down and he will do so so that every other prick on the website does not have to change their banners again (hey BPB? ;) )

Every single BpB member received a forum ban for placing other members avatars in our signature banner even though we were all ok with the use of the photos.

I like Nietzsche but can understand why VioIet is upset.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby Siedshow99 on Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:01 am

It seems to me that the complaintant here wants to have her cake and eat it too. She wants to display her photo on an internet forum (admittedly, attractive photo), but at the same time wants to confine the use and publication of that photo exclusively to purposes she approves of.

I don't think nietzsche did anything wrong whatsoever by incorporating Violets picture in his sexy signature banner. I am ALL ABOUT sexy signature banners (see below). I understand why Violet might be a little annoyed, but she willingly posted the pic in the first place. I think if anyone here deserves a "warning," it is Violet. She needs to be warned what can and will happen when she posts photos of herself on a public internet forum.

Just my two cents

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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby clapper011 on Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:11 am

natty dread wrote:Using someone's image in a sexual context without his/her consent is actual SEXUAL HARRASMENT which is ILLEGAL in most civilized countries.

So no, the excuse "she posted it publicly" is not going to cut it.


And Nobunaga, you keep telling everyone to "grow a thicker skin". Why should they? Just because you think it's a good attribute to have a "thick skin" doesn't mean everyone should live up to your standards. Some have thicker skins, some thinner, and that's ok because people are different and they are allowed to be. Try some fucking tolerance.

No one should be subjected to harrasment because others think he/she "deserves it" for sharing his/her picture online. Being on the internet does not excuse behaving like a dick.

falls off chair in shock... I agree with you,...and we tend to rarely agree on things... and obviously..vio was not asked permission for her picture to be used... but what i am wondering is if all this was necessary? Was neitz asked via pm or wall post or in live chat..or other means before needing to bring it all to cheating and abuse? when neitz used my unsername in his sig.. i simply asked him to remove it and he did. There was no need for me to file a report of any kind. I don't agree that neitz should ahve used vios avatar picture.... but I also don;t agree that it needed to go this far either. Just my 2 cents worth.

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