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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:42 pm

Ok just checked my role PM again, and it has no flavor. It doesn't even say whether I'm male or female. The only flavor clue is a black-and-white picture of a person in a cape and top hat, holding what looks to be a crow bar or cane. THe other details are not discernable from the picture.

If you would vote for either me or hippo, I would say hippo, obviously because I don't want to die, but also because I sincerely believe him to be scum because I know I didn't kill betiko, and hippo is not confirmed as tracker at all.

-SG7 ( :| )
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to defeat all evil. -Ephesians 6 KJV

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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:48 pm

shieldgenerator7 wrote:WHy target betiko? He said something about his role changing in the night, so I thought it might have something to do with my role and getting my role activated. Honestly, I 've never had a role before where my goal wasn't laid out in front of me. I'm just trying to figure out who I am and what I do. Since I don't know my alignment, lynching me won't cost the town any (as I can't really say I'm town, I can't really say I'm mafia/third party either), but I think I have the potential to be beneficial to town, if I target the right person. I have no clue who that person might be, so when I got a clue from Betiko about role changing, I thought this might be it. No dice. Nothing happened last night as a result of my role. And about the flavor of my character, I don't think there was much but I'll check it again.

But you took the chance and targeted the investigator,never mind he was insane at that point, we didnt know that and if he hadnt died today he wouldnt have been insane most likely. That might have been his role change.

The point I am trying to make is if you didnt know what your role really is,why on earth go to our investigator and take the chance your touch might even kill him?

Vote shield. If I am wrong then freak it.

Fastposted by SG7,the penguin is the only character that comes to mind in a top hat,cape and cane. Anyone know of another? If so speak up please
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:54 pm

loljgordon the picture looks nothign like the penguin. the figure is tall and slender.

and I already stated why I targeted betiko. I thought he'd be able to activate my role
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to defeat all evil. -Ephesians 6 KJV

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everywhere116 wrote:You da man! Well, not really, because we're colorful ponies, but you get the idea.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:10 pm

shieldgenerator7 wrote:loljgordon the picture looks nothign like the penguin. the figure is tall and slender.

and I already stated why I targeted betiko. I thought he'd be able to activate my role

Off to wiki to see if I cant find your described character.

But what I am saying is you shouldnt have targeted betiko for any reason if you dont know what your character does or is.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:26 pm

Got it Unvote sheild Vote hippo SG7 is not mafia! unless he is fakeclaiming
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby / on Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:37 pm

shieldgenerator7 wrote:Ok just checked my role PM again, and it has no flavor. It doesn't even say whether I'm male or female. The only flavor clue is a black-and-white picture of a person in a cape and top hat, holding what looks to be a crow bar or cane. THe other details are not discernable from the picture.

If you would vote for either me or hippo, I would say hippo, obviously because I don't want to die, but also because I sincerely believe him to be scum because I know I didn't kill betiko, and hippo is not confirmed as tracker at all.

-SG7 ( :| )

how's that now? do you suddenly know what your visit does or doesn't do?
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:40 pm

/ wrote:
shieldgenerator7 wrote:Ok just checked my role PM again, and it has no flavor. It doesn't even say whether I'm male or female. The only flavor clue is a black-and-white picture of a person in a cape and top hat, holding what looks to be a crow bar or cane. THe other details are not discernable from the picture.

If you would vote for either me or hippo, I would say hippo, obviously because I don't want to die, but also because I sincerely believe him to be scum because I know I didn't kill betiko, and hippo is not confirmed as tracker at all.

-SG7 ( :| )

how's that now? do you suddenly know what your visit does or doesn't do?

Well I got a PM saying that nothing happened as a result of my night action. And my role doesn't say anything about killing, so it couldn't have been me.
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to defeat all evil. -Ephesians 6 KJV

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everywhere116 wrote:You da man! Well, not really, because we're colorful ponies, but you get the idea.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:50 pm

/ wrote:
shieldgenerator7 wrote:Ok just checked my role PM again, and it has no flavor. It doesn't even say whether I'm male or female. The only flavor clue is a black-and-white picture of a person in a cape and top hat, holding what looks to be a crow bar or cane. THe other details are not discernable from the picture.

If you would vote for either me or hippo, I would say hippo, obviously because I don't want to die, but also because I sincerely believe him to be scum because I know I didn't kill betiko, and hippo is not confirmed as tracker at all.

-SG7 ( :| )

how's that now? do you suddenly know what your visit does or doesn't do?

I know who he is if he is not fakeclaiming and why he is like this.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:56 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:
/ wrote:
shieldgenerator7 wrote:Ok just checked my role PM again, and it has no flavor. It doesn't even say whether I'm male or female. The only flavor clue is a black-and-white picture of a person in a cape and top hat, holding what looks to be a crow bar or cane. THe other details are not discernable from the picture.

If you would vote for either me or hippo, I would say hippo, obviously because I don't want to die, but also because I sincerely believe him to be scum because I know I didn't kill betiko, and hippo is not confirmed as tracker at all.

-SG7 ( :| )

how's that now? do you suddenly know what your visit does or doesn't do?

I know who he is if he is not fakeclaiming and why he is like this.

care to share?
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:10 pm

Some7hingCLEVER wrote:
jgordon1111 wrote:
/ wrote:
shieldgenerator7 wrote:Ok just checked my role PM again, and it has no flavor. It doesn't even say whether I'm male or female. The only flavor clue is a black-and-white picture of a person in a cape and top hat, holding what looks to be a crow bar or cane. THe other details are not discernable from the picture.

If you would vote for either me or hippo, I would say hippo, obviously because I don't want to die, but also because I sincerely believe him to be scum because I know I didn't kill betiko, and hippo is not confirmed as tracker at all.

-SG7 ( :| )

how's that now? do you suddenly know what your visit does or doesn't do?

I know who he is if he is not fakeclaiming and why he is like this.

care to share?

Not yet,if it was that easy for me to find it I dont understand why he didnt,the only thing I can think of is fake claim because he doesnt have a partner.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:12 pm

Unvote vote SG7 . If he doesnt have a partner he is lying, or his partner would have tried to hint to him by now.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby crazymilkshake5 on Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:07 pm

Offical Vote Count

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.

ShieldGenerator7-L1 (NG1, CLEVER, Hippo, gordon)
TheHippo8-L4 (SG7)
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby skillfusniper33 on Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:41 am

Sorry about not being around, and boy do you guys post a lot. With a crazy week behind me now, and an extremely busy weekend I am just now able to catch up on the thread.

I actually have a strange feeling that the way this game is set up that SG7's role won't ever change, no matter who he visits. Also the hard part about it is the fact that he has to target a single person, maybe 2 to get his role changed. When I had a role like this I had a choice of 2 people to find, and both lead to different results for me.

I am not sure if I want to kill off SG7 right now, but a changing role could really hurt town in the long run. And since he is at L-1 I won't vote. I could very easily see this as being a strong fake claim, since it doesn't require him to be revealing information on his role.

I can't confirm that Betiko targeted me during the night phase, but I strongly urge people not to. I believe hippo is telling the truth, and would help explain Betiko's death. But I know he didn't kill him. But since SG7 did target him, I don't have a clue if he could have done the killing.

Also the way this game is turning up I know this game is very screwed up, and very original. So I don't have high hopes for standard roles to be revealed upon deaths, or multiple roles. So I have a feeling that both / and hippo are both trackers. We also really need to find a mafia member otherwise I think town will have had this lost in the next 2 days.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby Leehar on Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:36 am

Before anybody hammers sg7, and I have suspicion on gordon for the l-1, can we have some clarification on how to solve the tracker quandary?
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby jgordon1111 on Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:24 am

Leehar wrote:Before anybody hammers sg7, and I have suspicion on gordon for the l-1, can we have some clarification on how to solve the tracker quandary?

I have no idea,as I said before it just seems strange to me 2 trackers,but skill seems to have been in a game before where it happened or knows of a game.

I have a reason for finally putting my vote on SG7,and according to his description unless there is a sailor in this game(which I am doubting or they would have tried to get to him by now) or he is lying. I have been accused of trying to frame sg7 already,nope just found his role odd and if I found it that easy he should have been able to. But beings he didnt bother to it leads me to believe there is a reason he isnt.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby thehippo8 on Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:34 am

@ LOeehar and / ... obviously for me solving the tracker quandry is paramount. The problem is that despite responding to and trying to engage with / over the best plan he ignores me and then blames me for not communicating (or responding) to him. Not sue why you are doing that / - not scummy just really stupid and annoying. Anyway, all I can suggest is that we both track the same person. / thinks I am not a tracke and he can clear me so the best thing is that / tells me who to track and / tracks the same person. I will post first (before anyone else quotes anything to screw this up) and then / can confirm I am right. By doing so this will clear / as a tracker too, unless he wants to repeat the exercise the other way around the next night.

Anyway, back to the game, nothing SG7 has said clears hima nd I'm happy where my vote is.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:17 pm

thehippo8 wrote:Anyway, back to the game, nothing SG7 has said clears hima nd I'm happy where my vote is.

It may not clear me exactly, but everything I've said about myself is the honest-to-goodness truth.

And btw hippo, nothing you've said has completely cleared you, either.

-SG7 ( :) )
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to defeat all evil. -Ephesians 6 KJV

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everywhere116 wrote:You da man! Well, not really, because we're colorful ponies, but you get the idea.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby skillfusniper33 on Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:54 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:
Leehar wrote:Before anybody hammers sg7, and I have suspicion on gordon for the l-1, can we have some clarification on how to solve the tracker quandary?

I have no idea,as I said before it just seems strange to me 2 trackers,but skill seems to have been in a game before where it happened or knows of a game.

I have a reason for finally putting my vote on SG7,and according to his description unless there is a sailor in this game(which I am doubting or they would have tried to get to him by now) or he is lying. I have been accused of trying to frame sg7 already,nope just found his role odd and if I found it that easy he should have been able to. But beings he didnt bother to it leads me to believe there is a reason he isnt.

I haven't been in a game with 2 trackers before, but I have been in one with a changing role, and I had it. I had to find someone to have it changed. If I remember right I would have become a mason, or a colt, depending on which person I found first. That is also partially why I would like to get ride of him, since we don't have a clue as to what will happen once he finds whoever he is looking for.

As for the tracker situation, we need to have 1 person track the other, (i.e have hippo track /, while / keeps his target a secret, then hippo can confirm who / tracked) I don't really care which way this goes, but it would be the best way to get it out in the open, and help prove both are pro town.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby thehippo8 on Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:55 pm

@skill ... well done with that logic puzzle. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best!
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby / on Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:54 pm

thehippo8 wrote:@skill ... well done with that logic puzzle. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best!

This is exactly what I said day two, twice! And I even quoted myself two pages ago, how can you say you aren't ignoring me!?!?

...I will agree to this, go ahead and track me, but I still stand by my assessment that you should be vig killed tonight if shield is found not to be a killer by way of lynch, using a power and being sent to kill by the mafia are not mutually exclusive.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby skillfusniper33 on Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:00 pm

/ wrote:
thehippo8 wrote:@skill ... well done with that logic puzzle. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best!

This is exactly what I said day two, twice! And I even quoted myself two pages ago, how can you say you aren't ignoring me!?!?

...I will agree to this, go ahead and track me, but I still stand by my assessment that you should be vig killed tonight if shield is found not to be a killer by way of lynch, using a power and being sent to kill by the mafia are not mutually exclusive.

That is partially why I posted it again /. I don't know why he was ignoring you, and why that didn't happen last night instead, since it would have really cleared some things up.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:08 pm

skillfusniper33 wrote:
/ wrote:
thehippo8 wrote:@skill ... well done with that logic puzzle. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best!

This is exactly what I said day two, twice! And I even quoted myself two pages ago, how can you say you aren't ignoring me!?!?

...I will agree to this, go ahead and track me, but I still stand by my assessment that you should be vig killed tonight if shield is found not to be a killer by way of lynch, using a power and being sent to kill by the mafia are not mutually exclusive.

That is partially why I posted it again /. I don't know why he was ignoring you, and why that didn't happen last night instead, since it would have really cleared some things up.

well what if there both trackers. then were gonna get one lynched, see he is the tracker and then lynch the other one and be out both trackers. i know there is a small chance of this happening, but that small chance could get two important town roles lynched.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby skillfusniper33 on Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:07 pm

Some7hingCLEVER wrote:
skillfusniper33 wrote:
/ wrote:
thehippo8 wrote:@skill ... well done with that logic puzzle. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best!

This is exactly what I said day two, twice! And I even quoted myself two pages ago, how can you say you aren't ignoring me!?!?

...I will agree to this, go ahead and track me, but I still stand by my assessment that you should be vig killed tonight if shield is found not to be a killer by way of lynch, using a power and being sent to kill by the mafia are not mutually exclusive.

That is partially why I posted it again /. I don't know why he was ignoring you, and why that didn't happen last night instead, since it would have really cleared some things up.

well what if there both trackers. then were gonna get one lynched, see he is the tracker and then lynch the other one and be out both trackers. i know there is a small chance of this happening, but that small chance could get two important town roles lynched.

We aren't talking about lynching them, it is to prove that they are both trackers. I know / wants someone to vig hippo, but that doesn't make since for tonight's action. It could provide us with an easy lynch for tomorrow if he is lying.
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:00 pm

skillfusniper33 wrote:
Some7hingCLEVER wrote:
skillfusniper33 wrote:
/ wrote:
thehippo8 wrote:@skill ... well done with that logic puzzle. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best!

This is exactly what I said day two, twice! And I even quoted myself two pages ago, how can you say you aren't ignoring me!?!?

...I will agree to this, go ahead and track me, but I still stand by my assessment that you should be vig killed tonight if shield is found not to be a killer by way of lynch, using a power and being sent to kill by the mafia are not mutually exclusive.

That is partially why I posted it again /. I don't know why he was ignoring you, and why that didn't happen last night instead, since it would have really cleared some things up.

well what if there both trackers. then were gonna get one lynched, see he is the tracker and then lynch the other one and be out both trackers. i know there is a small chance of this happening, but that small chance could get two important town roles lynched.

We aren't talking about lynching them, it is to prove that they are both trackers. I know / wants someone to vig hippo, but that doesn't make since for tonight's action. It could provide us with an easy lynch for tomorrow if he is lying.

well true but that would only clear one of them (the person who tracked the person who visited the other) so it would take up to two nights to fully clear them. unless im confused or missing something but this is how i see it

a b c
a tracks b who tracks c
a says b tracked c
so a is cleared
but how does that clear person b
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Re: Crazys Superhero Mafia! [8/12] Day 3: A Kill at Dawn.

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:18 pm

b is cleared if the person he tracks confirms he targeted who b says he targeted
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to defeat all evil. -Ephesians 6 KJV

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everywhere116 wrote:You da man! Well, not really, because we're colorful ponies, but you get the idea.
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