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freakns-offansive avatar [closed]

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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby rhp 1 on Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:03 am

I'm guessing white buffalo is in the 15-18 year old range.... nothing he's written would signal anything approaching a "grown man"... not flaming here.. just stating the obvious...
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby Finsfleet on Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:16 am

Excert from the rules:

Common Sense

If you ask your members to follow this rule, you will have to follow it yourselves first.

If I say 2+2=4, and someone finds it offensive, that`s his problem, not mine.

Please, do not ban members just for your own pride`s sake. You made a mistake in not knowing what freak`s avatar is about and that`s fine. As someone pointed out, it`s not quite clear that swastika`s are burning, and you couldn`t have known it if you`re not from around here. But if you continue pushing this thing, it just shows how disrespectful you are towards your members.

I used 'you' in the last paragraph as CC, not the single moderator. This thread is alive long enough for everyone to see it.
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby freakns on Sun Apr 08, 2012 3:03 am

WB, from what i have read, you are the first one who is actually offended by my avatar. even though you said you understand what it represents, being the anti-nazi, thing you so whole heartily propagate, and you are still offend by it? that just makes no sense.
also, you are saying it is dishonorable to 6 million ppl who have died because of it? 6 million? why do i find this number so common when someone is talking about WWII? ah, yes, its number of Jewish civilians who were killed during WW II! double that number and you will have number of soviet civilians who died in WW II. many of then died from Stalin ofc, but still, that 12 milion soviet civilians who died! more then 10milion soviet soldiers have died on eastern front. so only soviet casualties were 4x that number!
2 million poles, 300.000 romanian gipsies, 100.000 hungarian gipsies, 350.000 serbs... those are all civilian casualties!!!
then add 2 million german civilians. how many were killed by nazi regime?
and thats just Europe... what about more then 10 million chines killed by japanes? or 3 million killed in Indonesia? i understand you arent familiar with those numbers, there are no movies about killed chines...

and you are implying im disrespecting those victims? do you know that there were only 3 organized anti-nazi armies in Europe during WW II? one being British, ofc. second was Soviet, obviously. both Britain and Soviet Union were never occupied. third organized army was Yugoslavian liberation army. we gave our lives, but we never gave our freedom

also, CoF is a prick, and a big one. but if there is one thing he isnt, thats uneducated. calling him that makes you look just silly.
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby Finsfleet on Sun Apr 08, 2012 3:37 am

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that there are 2 things on this thread that are even more disgusting than this "swastika offends me" thing. One is speaking about numbers. And the other is "I am more british than you are" conversation. Ban people for saying those things, I will applaud. Do not ban people because you are a prick/cunt that can`t admit that he/she is wrong.

PS I`m not saying you should ban them. It`s not against the rules, it`s just disgusting.

And what`s KRK?
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby freakns on Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:30 am

Finsfleet wrote:And what`s KRK?

rather who is.
Karl_R_Kroenen, moderator who requested i remove my avatar... i havent mention his name first btw, someone changed topic name.
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby White Buffalo on Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:22 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:So let's get this straight. You're a grown man who:

a) Easily gets offended at an avatar of a burning swastika, and
b) Can't read threads properly (so edits all previous posts), and
c) Writes "of course you are English ha ha ha" as if to imply I'm not (!!!)

'Groan man' would be an apt moniker, for it seems you just like to get a rise out of people.

Where's your argument for/against the subject of this thread? Oh that's right, you deleted it all.

O.K. this is my point of view:

a. What on earth is this question it is complete nonsense? All my posts have been to object to the Nazi swastika not about burning one. Yes I get offended in its use. It is banned in many countries and for good reason. Members have argued no one gets offended over its use. Well I and I suspect many others do get offended. Other members think that freedom of speech gives them the right to use it. Freedom of speech does not give you the right to racially offend others. Other members have used the argument it is a perfectly respectable Jewish symbol.

To explain, 'The design of the Nazi flag was introduced by Hitler as the party flag in mid-1920: a flag with a red background, a white disk and a black swastika in the middle. In Mein Kampf, Hitler explained the process by which the Nazi flag design was created: It was necessary to use the same colours as Imperial Germany, because in Hitler's opinion they were "revered colours expressive of our homage to the glorious past and which once brought so much honour to the German nation." The most important requirement was that "the new flag... should prove effective as a large poster" because "in hundreds of thousands of cases a really striking emblem may be the first cause of awakening interest in a movement." Nazi propaganda clarified the symbolism of the flag: the red colour stood for the social, white for the movement's national thinking and the swastika for the victory of the Aryan peoples over the Jewry. They exterminated unimaginable numbers of people before they were stopped.

Some members actually think this thread is funny and get enjoyment out of it.

b. I can read threads properly and fully understand the arguments put forward. It is my threads that have been misread. I made it clear that I agree with the mod who requested the avatar taken down. I made it clear that I understood the avatar was an anti Nazi resistance movement poster. My point was in the poster they were burning the flag to get rid of it. I also want to get rid of it. I agree that we should never forget the horror of WW2 but disagree the point showing the Nazi emblem is the way to go about it.

c. Members brought my country of origin into the argument and others said they were embarrassed by my point of view. Yes I am English. All around us we see the results of the conflict that killed millions. Our lines of terraced houses are broken where the bombs fell. My father talks of throwing incendiary bombs out of the window to prevent the house being burned to the ground. Our local sports centre is built on a 1,000lb bomb crater. Another member spoke of Allied graves and those in them agreeing the Nazis were great warriors. The German army may of been great warriors but the political Nazi party were dangerous thugs.

Now I feel we have a responsibility to respect those that died and suffered under this horrific regime not to glorify or ever allow what this emblem stood for rise again.

This thread ended up off topic basically mocking and misrepresenting my posts so I deleted them.

I never thought for one moment that freakns was pro Nazi I felt his avator was unsuitable that was all.
Last edited by White Buffalo on Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby freakns on Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:00 am

White Buffalo wrote:They exterminated 6 million people before they were stopped. Some members actually think this thread is funny and get enjoyment out of it.

again, 6 million jewish ppl. much much more civilians. 12 million soviet civilians died. that number is even more horrifying. but as fins pointed out, talking about numbers while dead are discuses, its disrespectful. even one is one too many

White Buffalo wrote:Another member spoke of Allied graves and those in them agreeing the Nazis were great warriors. The German army may of been great warriors but the political Nazi party were dangerous thugs.

again, you are mixing German nazi party with Wehrmacht, which is completely out of the place. you are mistaking them with Schutzstaffel, or SS, which were nazi special forces, had nothing to do with army and were units responsible for crimes against civilians. mixing regular German army with crimes committed against civilians is disrespectful to them, and they have earned they respect. even today, Erwin Rommel is considered to be best military mind of XX century and is one of the most respected soldiers that ever lived.
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby Finsfleet on Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:22 am


Death is tragedy. Mourn or glorify dead, the way we choose to deal with it is subjective. I prefer the first method, just like you do, but you can not say that people who chose the other way are bad. And you can not say that one method is better than the other. There is no universal answer to that question, everyone have to deal with that in their own way.

You keep repeating that you understand the message, but you don`t care. I`m sorry, but that`s not possible. You HAVE to care about the message, because it`s much, much more important than individual pieces in the picture. This is one of the many ways to educate. You may like it or not, but do not prevent other people from sharing anti-nazi propaganda. Everything helps.
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby aad0906 on Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:11 am

BGtheBrain wrote:Considering Conquer Club does not allow the image in maps, even in a historical context, why would you think you are an exception to the rule?

Rules can be changed if they are wrong, it has happened before on CC.

Of course many people will, in general, be offended by a swastika (my grandparents also suffered from nazi's). But I really wonder how many people on CC are actually offended by OP's avatar (poll anyone?)? I think he should be allowed to keep his avatar.
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby Chariot of Fire on Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:25 am

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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby Qwert on Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:50 am

Sometime people are not normal.
Freakns avatar are poster from very popular TV series-POvratak Otpisanih(aired from 1978 years), who talk abouth Partizan movement against GErman Wermacht in ocupied Belgrade during WWII, and they not glorify any NAZI!

If someone put these mozaic from 2 AD Roman Empire,are these will be offended?
Or if i put these p[icture of figurine from bronze age(around 5500 BC), and someone tell to me that these is ofensive. How much people need to be retarded,stupid or moron, so that can not recognised diference?

Mine grandfather whas soldier in royal Yugoslav Army,and whas POW for 4,5 years in GERMANY Camp. He lost leg,not because Germany,but because smart US and British BOMBARD POW CAMP!.
Its not nice and not ok to say that only US or british sufer from Nazi Germany, and that all other dont suffer.
US and British casualty are very low,consider what casualty suffer Soviet Union, China and continental Europe.
You realy need to put some people who know to recognise wrong from OK pictures.
What will be next? Destroy all things who have swastika ?
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby jltile1 on Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:17 pm

Is this not a war game why would any flag or symbol be banned. A lot of the maps here have to do with battles and wars that some people would not like to think about. For instance the battle for IRAQ how many American soldiers would like to burn that map just saying. You can pick apart any map symbol if you try hard enough.

Now that being said I do feel extremely offended by the Easter map beacuse the Easter bunny took a shit in my back yard last night and I can't stand looking at that map. I would like it taken off the site immediately!
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby JCR on Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:23 pm

First of all, I have actually read the entire thread and understand everyone's positions. I agree that people get too easily offended and that in this case the swastika is part of a larger "symbol" representing resistance to the swastika. This is a grey area of a sensitive subject.
I have a few thoughts for consideration. I am not saying that I am right or wrong, just food for thought.

1. There is no "freedom of speech" on this site. It is a privately owned business that can conduct itself any way the owner chooses. It is literally his business.
2. There are a multitude of complaints from various members of this site bemoaning the lack of clarity in the rules. The rules banning racism and bigotry were very clearly defined until recently. Yet here we are trying to insert more exceptions to the rules, therefore making them vague.
3. I accept the OPs explanation of his avatar, in that context I do not see how anyone could be offended but until I read his explanation I would not have known that that is what it represented.

@ freakns, Is it possible that you simply did not like being told what to do, or perhaps the way it was handled? Although this has for the most part started an intelligent discussion, Is it really worth all this just so you can "be right". Before you respond to that please note that I do believe you are right. But sometimes we need to pick our battles. is using that avatar on this site really worth all the fuss?
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby ahunda on Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:24 pm

Ok, I have started to type a response here thrice now, and I stopped myself every time, cause I really don´t want to get involved in this kind of silly discussion. But some people appear so self-righteous in their arguments, that I want to add my share:

1. As was already pointed out, the swastika is banned in quite a few European countries. Showing it in public can land you in court, and yes, this includes showing it on websites. The only people showing it in these countries are Nazis young & old, who want to provoke. I grew up in such a country.

Whilst I am aware, that other countries have different laws & attitudes towards it, I would appreciate, if people from those countries would in turn realise, that they are not alone in the world. I don´t want to start an argument, if these laws banning the swastika are right or wrong or make sense or whatnot. I simply would like everybody to keep in mind, that people from different countries/backgrounds might have different attitudes/reactions to it. If you grow up in a country, where the swastika is banned & illegal, then you´ll likely react more sensitive to it.

2. The avatar picture is NOT a clear cut anti-fascist picture, and anybody calling people morons, who don´t see it that way, appear rather moronic themselves.

The picture is small, and it is NOT showing swastikas being burned. It is showing 2 swastika standards and some flames in the background. So what ? This could just as well be glorifying the swastika.

Not everybody on this website is from former Yugoslavia, and not everybody here knows the TV show in question. I certainly had never heard of it before this thread. As a matter of fact, when I first saw the avatar, I checked the Otpisani user group description to see, if they were a bunch of crazed ultra-nationalists.

3. All this yadda yadda about the swastika being used with other meanings in other cultures/contexts is the most moronic argument in the entire thread. Anyone here seriously want to tell me, he looked at that avatar and his first thought was "Oh, look, the Hindu symbol of luck" ? Give me a break ...

I am not asking for the avatar being banned. I don´t care very much either way. Having grown up where & how I happened to grow up, I can understand however, why people could feel offended and/or get wrong ideas about it.

I will not apologise to freakns for checking that user group description & suspecting him of being a Nazi sympathiser, because simply looking at that tiny picture, there is no way of telling, what he really wants to express with it. Not for me, who is not from Yugoslavia & never heard of the TV show. If he wants to avoid misunderstandings like that, he should use a clearer picture/symbol to express himself, and not play insulted/outraged, when people don´t get the background of it.
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby jltile1 on Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:56 pm

Well let's ban the iron cross too !! That had the symbol in it as well. Let's ban the Japan flag they bombed pearl harbor and my family was there. Let's ban Iraq symbols beacuse they had Sadam as a leader. Well what about China and N Korea!!

So when can we just play the game ?
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby Jippd on Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:59 pm

Just another complaint about how unclear the rules are in general, but it pertains directly to this case as well.

On the rules tab:

Cheaters and troublemakers detract from the gaming experience of all Conquer Club players, and proactive measures are employed to protect our membership. Conquer Club reserves the right to suspend accounts and cancel Premium Memberships, with or without warning, of those players who are deemed to have violated the rules.
Rule #1: No multiple accounts

Multiple accounts are discovered by routine scans and community cheating reports. They are strictly forbidden whether or not they play in the same games or are even in use. If you suspect certain accounts belong to the same person, please report it following the instructions at the top of the Cheating & Abuse Reports forum.
Rule #2: No secret diplomacy

Any form of diplomatic discussion between opponents must be posted in the game chat in English or in a language that all opponents understand. Diplomacy includes, but is not limited to: proposing truces, negotiating alliances, and coordinating assaults. Secret diplomacy can be hard to prove, but if you suspect it you should leave the players in question appropriate ratings. If you feel certain about players engaging in secret diplomacy consider reporting them in the Cheating & Abuse Reports forum by posting a new topic.
Unwritten Rules

Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, holding players hostage, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts, systematically "farming" new recruits.
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I see nothing that says anything about what avatars are or are not acceptable. This guys avatar issue is not related to using the forum, live chat, private messages, or game chat so it wouldn't fall under community guidelines as defined on the rules page. So if it is not listed under rules how is someone supposed to know what is or is not acceptable?
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby freakns on Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:07 pm

JCR wrote: @ freakns, Is it possible that you simply did not like being told what to do, or perhaps the way it was handled? Although this has for the most part started an intelligent discussion, Is it really worth all this just so you can "be right". Before you respond to that please note that I do believe you are right. But sometimes we need to pick our battles. is using that avatar on this site really worth all the fuss?

oh, i most definitely didnt like the way it was said to me. but he thinking of himself as someone who would teach me about history is kind of funny when you look at it twice, and thats not why i have posted this thread. i only wanted to know why is it offensive. "you are idiot if you dont know what swastika is" is not something id consider sane argument.

ahunda wrote:Ok, I have started to type a response here thrice now, and I stopped myself every time, cause I really don´t want to get involved in this kind of silly discussion. But some people appear so self-righteous in their arguments, that I want to add my share:

1. As was already pointed out, the swastika is banned in quite a few European countries. Showing it in public can land you in court, and yes, this includes showing it on websites. The only people showing it in these countries are Nazis young & old, who want to provoke. I grew up in such a country.

Whilst I am aware, that other countries have different laws & attitudes towards it, I would appreciate, if people from those countries would in turn realise, that they are not alone in the world. I don´t want to start an argument, if these laws banning the swastika are right or wrong or make sense or whatnot. I simply would like everybody to keep in mind, that people from different countries/backgrounds might have different attitudes/reactions to it. If you grow up in a country, where the swastika is banned & illegal, then you´ll likely react more sensitive to it.

2. The avatar picture is NOT a clear cut anti-fascist picture, and anybody calling people morons, who don´t see it that way, appear rather moronic themselves.

The picture is small, and it is NOT showing swastikas being burned. It is showing 2 swastika standards and some flames in the background. So what ? This could just as well be glorifying the swastika.

Not everybody on this website is from former Yugoslavia, and not everybody here knows the TV show in question. I certainly had never heard of it before this thread. As a matter of fact, when I first saw the avatar, I checked the Otpisani user group description to see, if they were a bunch of crazed ultra-nationalists.

3. All this yadda yadda about the swastika being used with other meanings in other cultures/contexts is the most moronic argument in the entire thread. Anyone here seriously want to tell me, he looked at that avatar and his first thought was "Oh, look, the Hindu symbol of luck" ? Give me a break ...

I am not asking for the avatar being banned. I don´t care very much either way. Having grown up where & how I happened to grow up, I can understand however, why people could feel offended and/or get wrong ideas about it.

I will not apologise to freakns for checking that user group description & suspecting him of being a Nazi sympathiser, because simply looking at that tiny picture, there is no way of telling, what he really wants to express with it. Not for me, who is not from Yugoslavia & never heard of the TV show. If he wants to avoid misunderstandings like that, he should use a clearer picture/symbol to express himself, and not play insulted/outraged, when people don´t get the background of it.

no need to apologize. as you may see on our usergruop, we are not bunch of crazy driven nationalists, but quite the opposite.
and also as i said, on the first sight of reasonable explanation, ill remove my avatar. this sounds like one. avatar removed...
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby Finsfleet on Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:29 pm


I can`t believe this. Were you actually trying to say that we have a relaxed attitude toward nazi symbols, because they are not legally banned?

Well, first of all, they are. In most of the countries, you will go to jail if you raise the nazi flag on a political meeting, or you`re just wearing your t-shirt in the streets. And even if it doesn`t mean, are you seriously suggesting that I`m seeing nazis every day, and that`s why I think they are OK? I know it sounds rediculous, but I really can`t find another way to explain your words.
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby jltile1 on Sun Apr 08, 2012 3:11 pm

Finsfleet wrote:@ahunda

I can`t believe this. Were you actually trying to say that we have a relaxed attitude toward nazi symbols, because they are not legally banned?

Well, first of all, they are. In most of the countries, you will go to jail if you raise the nazi flag on a political meeting, or you`re just wearing your t-shirt in the streets. And even if it doesn`t mean, are you seriously suggesting that I`m seeing nazis every day, and that`s why I think they are OK? I know it sounds rediculous, but I really can`t find another way to explain your words.

I would love to hear where the symbol is banned or you will go to jail. And the nazi flag, I don't think there was a clear one. Also ahunda said nothing inreguards to to " symbols " but this topic was only about one symbol.

He removed his avatar with the understanding that some people could take it the wrong way .
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby ahunda on Sun Apr 08, 2012 3:35 pm

Ok. For clarification:

@ freakns

Just to make sure, you didn´t misunderstand me: I personally didn´t feel offended by the avatar, and I did not ask for it being banned and/or you being forced to take it down.

I have spent many years involved in anti-racist & anti-fascist work, and after reading your explanation in this thread, I have no issue with you & your motivation for that avatar whatsoever. On the contrary, I am rather sympathetic and also quite happy for this explanation. I find your forum posts usually rather funny & entertaining, and now I can continue enjoying them without second thoughts.

I merely told my story to point out, that there was room for misunderstandings concerning the avatar, when it comes without explanation & the background of the TV show.

@ Finsfleet

I think, we all agree, that the real problem is not the symbol, but what it stands for. And as I said, I don´t want to get into the discussion, if banning a symbol really makes sense in order to fight the idea behind it.

I don´t know, how to explain this. I grew up in a country, where the swastika is banned/illegal, and as such you hardly ever see it, except from historical TV shows/movies and the occasional Nazi graffiti on a wall. I then moved to a country, where the law is more lax, and I can only think back on my personal reaction, when I for the first time saw a Neo-Nazi march here. Guys marching in uniforms waving swastika flags. It was a shock, like a hammer to the head.

Now: Where I grew up, we had regular Neo-Nazi demonstrations, and I took part in many rallies against those. There were/are probably more marches of that kind in my home-country than where I live now. And I am in no way saying, that the problem here is bigger (because they are waving the swastika), or that people here care less about fascism, or something like that.

I can only say, that for me, in that specific situation, seeing it for the first time, it made a much greater impression, than for any of the people, who grew up in this country & had seen dozens of marches like this before.

@ jltile1

The swastika is illegal/banned for example in Germany & Austria. I did not claim, you´d go to prison for showing it, but you might land in court & be fined. Repeat offenders might eventually go to jail, but I never looked up the details of the law.

As for other countries, I had to check now, and Wikipedia says, the swastika is also illegal in Hungary, Poland & Brazil. Not sure, if this list is complete.
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby freakns on Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:10 pm

ahunda wrote:Ok. For clarification:

@ freakns

Just to make sure, you didn´t misunderstand me: I personally didn´t feel offended by the avatar, and I did not ask for it being banned and/or you being forced to take it down.

I have spent many years involved in anti-racist & anti-fascist work, and after reading your explanation in this thread, I have no issue with you & your motivation for that avatar whatsoever. On the contrary, I am rather sympathetic and also quite happy for this explanation. I find your forum posts usually rather funny & entertaining, and now I can continue enjoying them without second thoughts.

I merely told my story to point out, that there was room for misunderstandings concerning the avatar, when it comes without explanation & the background of the TV show.

no problem here mate. i understood you. i havent remove it because of you perse, but because youve explained why someone could be offended.
also, you should understand finsfleet position. we grow up and live in country where even ultra national parties dont want to have anything in common with nazis. so while not legally banned, noone here openly support nazis. i guess if someone try to wear a t-shirt with swastika on it, he wouldnt go far before getting seriously injured. personally, while i take huge pride in my heritage and im openly antifascist i dont find swastika shocking. id never support it, but im rather liberally minded and i support freedom of speech to the end, so if someone wants to wear it, let him. id make fun of him, that much is certain :D
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby Finsfleet on Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:14 pm

I think, we all agree, that the real problem is not the symbol, but what it stands for

Of course.

I can only say, that for me, in that specific situation, seeing it for the first time, it made a much greater impression, than for any of the people, who grew up in this country & had seen dozens of marches like this before.

I have no idea where you live, but I am sory to hear that. I have not seen any march like that in my life, but it doesn`t mean that I don`t see nazi symbols almost every day when I get out on the street and look on the walls. No, I haven`t seen anyone actually wearing the t-shirt, but I have seen bald heads making 'heil hitler' gestures. So trust me I know what you are talking about, I get the creeps each time. It`s not exclusively your feeling. But it`s not the same when real intention doesn`t stand behind it. As you said, symbol is nothing when you don`t put the real meaning in it.

And as I said, I don´t want to get into the discussion, if banning a symbol really makes sense in order to fight the idea behind it.

I`m sorry, but no. You can not do this, because this is exactly where our stands are different. And this is the key point. Banning this picture does not mean that CC is against nazi`s, and that`s the whole point. Quite the opposite. It`s not only meaningless, it`s also harmful. And I am sorry, but I do not want to be the part of the community where such a stupid things are done.
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby ahunda on Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:33 pm

Finsfleet wrote:I have no idea where you live,

I grew up in Germany, where Neo-Nazis are holding marches basically every weekend, in different towns. Swastika are illegal in Germany though, and thus not seen at these marches.

I now live in Denmark, where the Neo-Nazi scene is much smaller & not as active as in Germany. They however organise marches close to the German border, where German Nazis participate. Those marches look like this: ... ister.html

Finsfleet wrote:
ahunda wrote:And as I said, I don´t want to get into the discussion, if banning a symbol really makes sense in order to fight the idea behind it.

I`m sorry, but no. You can not do this, because this is exactly where our stands are different.

I don´t remember taking a stand in that question.

You might notice, I never said, that I personally was offended by the picture. I merely pointed out, that the message of the picture was unclear, when seen without further explanation. And that I personally could understand people taking it the wrong way & feeling offended by it.

My personal stand has always been zero tolerance for fascism & racism, and this will not change. Tolerance for intolerance is no tolerance, but indifference. But that is hardly the point here, no ?

Nobody in this thread is supporting fascism, as far as I can see. So actually we all agree in our opposition against fascism, yes ? So I don´t understand, why the tone here got so aggressive & hostile, and people resorted to personal attacks. It´s not like we are saving the world or fighting fascism in the CC forums, are we ?
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby jltile1 on Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:54 pm

Ever since the Nazi Party adopted the swastika, many countries have banned public display of it. Including:

Hungary, it is a criminal misdemeanour to publicly display "totalitarian symbols", including the swastika, the SS insignia and the Arrow Cross, punishable by fine. Display for academic, educational, artistic or journalistic reasons is allowed. Also the communist symbols of hammer and sickle and the red star are also regarded as a totalitarian symbols and have the same restriction by Hungarian criminal law.

In Poland, public display of Nazi symbols, including the Nazi swastika, is a criminal offence punishable by up to eight years in jail.

Germany, there are little to no exception on publicly displaying the swastika and is punishable by, no more than 3 years in prison. The swastikas on Hindu and Jain temples are exempt, as religious symbols cannot be banned.

Asia, as I said above religious symbols cannot be banned. Today there are many religious uses of the swastika in many asian countries.

Brazil, in Brazil the use of, or distribution of any Nazi symbol or swastika is punishable by a two to five years prison term and a fine.

Ok but we are on CC it needs to spelt out clearly that in no way shape or form can that symbol be used. As jippd stated its not in the " Rules ".

The point is the rules need to be a little more clear and not about how some mod feels about a topic or game play. Look at the scoreboard have the rules been bent upside down and inside out. The focus should be a little more focused on people actually causing harm to the site. Like actually being racist or cheating the system. And in all actually maybe someone could of takin offense to the burning of the symbol if you were being fair to all.

Maybe this will just show again the clear holes they have in the systemand make things a little more black and white on the screen for all to read.
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Re: freakns-offansive avatar [pending] KRK

Postby Finsfleet on Sun Apr 08, 2012 6:39 pm

ahunda wrote:You might notice, I never said, that I personally was offended by the picture. I merely pointed out, that the message of the picture was unclear, when seen without further explanation. And that I personally could understand people taking it the wrong way & feeling offended by it.

I said that I understand this in my first post on this subject. But in my opinion that is still not the reason to take the picture down. If that person is offended, it can always report freak and/or ask for the explanation. Bringing this subject up is never a waste of time, it`s always good to remember.

It´s not like we are saving the world or fighting fascism in the CC forums, are we ?

Why not? I mean, I certainly do not expect to actually accomplish much here, but it`s just the matter of principle. I want to know that I am a part of a healthy community. And if given a chance to make even a small contribution, I`m gonna use it.

By the way, my tone is usually aggresive, whatever I talk about. It`s not meant to hurt anyone, just the way to bring an honest discussion.
Major Finsfleet
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