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Common Sense
Finsfleet wrote:And what`s KRK?
Chariot of Fire wrote:So let's get this straight. You're a grown man who:
a) Easily gets offended at an avatar of a burning swastika, and
b) Can't read threads properly (so edits all previous posts), and
c) Writes "of course you are English ha ha ha" as if to imply I'm not (!!!)
'Groan man' would be an apt moniker, for it seems you just like to get a rise out of people.
Where's your argument for/against the subject of this thread? Oh that's right, you deleted it all.
White Buffalo wrote:They exterminated 6 million people before they were stopped. Some members actually think this thread is funny and get enjoyment out of it.
White Buffalo wrote:Another member spoke of Allied graves and those in them agreeing the Nazis were great warriors. The German army may of been great warriors but the political Nazi party were dangerous thugs.
BGtheBrain wrote:Considering Conquer Club does not allow the image in maps, even in a historical context, why would you think you are an exception to the rule?
JCR wrote: @ freakns, Is it possible that you simply did not like being told what to do, or perhaps the way it was handled? Although this has for the most part started an intelligent discussion, Is it really worth all this just so you can "be right". Before you respond to that please note that I do believe you are right. But sometimes we need to pick our battles. is using that avatar on this site really worth all the fuss?
ahunda wrote:Ok, I have started to type a response here thrice now, and I stopped myself every time, cause I really don´t want to get involved in this kind of silly discussion. But some people appear so self-righteous in their arguments, that I want to add my share:
1. As was already pointed out, the swastika is banned in quite a few European countries. Showing it in public can land you in court, and yes, this includes showing it on websites. The only people showing it in these countries are Nazis young & old, who want to provoke. I grew up in such a country.
Whilst I am aware, that other countries have different laws & attitudes towards it, I would appreciate, if people from those countries would in turn realise, that they are not alone in the world. I don´t want to start an argument, if these laws banning the swastika are right or wrong or make sense or whatnot. I simply would like everybody to keep in mind, that people from different countries/backgrounds might have different attitudes/reactions to it. If you grow up in a country, where the swastika is banned & illegal, then you´ll likely react more sensitive to it.
2. The avatar picture is NOT a clear cut anti-fascist picture, and anybody calling people morons, who don´t see it that way, appear rather moronic themselves.
The picture is small, and it is NOT showing swastikas being burned. It is showing 2 swastika standards and some flames in the background. So what ? This could just as well be glorifying the swastika.
Not everybody on this website is from former Yugoslavia, and not everybody here knows the TV show in question. I certainly had never heard of it before this thread. As a matter of fact, when I first saw the avatar, I checked the Otpisani user group description to see, if they were a bunch of crazed ultra-nationalists.
3. All this yadda yadda about the swastika being used with other meanings in other cultures/contexts is the most moronic argument in the entire thread. Anyone here seriously want to tell me, he looked at that avatar and his first thought was "Oh, look, the Hindu symbol of luck" ? Give me a break ...
I am not asking for the avatar being banned. I don´t care very much either way. Having grown up where & how I happened to grow up, I can understand however, why people could feel offended and/or get wrong ideas about it.
I will not apologise to freakns for checking that user group description & suspecting him of being a Nazi sympathiser, because simply looking at that tiny picture, there is no way of telling, what he really wants to express with it. Not for me, who is not from Yugoslavia & never heard of the TV show. If he wants to avoid misunderstandings like that, he should use a clearer picture/symbol to express himself, and not play insulted/outraged, when people don´t get the background of it.
Finsfleet wrote:@ahunda
I can`t believe this. Were you actually trying to say that we have a relaxed attitude toward nazi symbols, because they are not legally banned?
Well, first of all, they are. In most of the countries, you will go to jail if you raise the nazi flag on a political meeting, or you`re just wearing your t-shirt in the streets. And even if it doesn`t mean, are you seriously suggesting that I`m seeing nazis every day, and that`s why I think they are OK? I know it sounds rediculous, but I really can`t find another way to explain your words.
ahunda wrote:Ok. For clarification:
@ freakns
Just to make sure, you didn´t misunderstand me: I personally didn´t feel offended by the avatar, and I did not ask for it being banned and/or you being forced to take it down.
I have spent many years involved in anti-racist & anti-fascist work, and after reading your explanation in this thread, I have no issue with you & your motivation for that avatar whatsoever. On the contrary, I am rather sympathetic and also quite happy for this explanation. I find your forum posts usually rather funny & entertaining, and now I can continue enjoying them without second thoughts.
I merely told my story to point out, that there was room for misunderstandings concerning the avatar, when it comes without explanation & the background of the TV show.
I think, we all agree, that the real problem is not the symbol, but what it stands for
I can only say, that for me, in that specific situation, seeing it for the first time, it made a much greater impression, than for any of the people, who grew up in this country & had seen dozens of marches like this before.
And as I said, I don´t want to get into the discussion, if banning a symbol really makes sense in order to fight the idea behind it.
Finsfleet wrote:I have no idea where you live,
Finsfleet wrote:ahunda wrote:And as I said, I don´t want to get into the discussion, if banning a symbol really makes sense in order to fight the idea behind it.
I`m sorry, but no. You can not do this, because this is exactly where our stands are different.
ahunda wrote:You might notice, I never said, that I personally was offended by the picture. I merely pointed out, that the message of the picture was unclear, when seen without further explanation. And that I personally could understand people taking it the wrong way & feeling offended by it.
It´s not like we are saving the world or fighting fascism in the CC forums, are we ?
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