White Buffalo wrote:DiM wrote:PS: i'm merely posting as a simple user and not as an official.
If you read the complete thread you will see I understand the avatar is a film set depicting resistance to the Nazi regime.
I am not a moron and do find the Nazi symbol offensive.
well good for you mate. it's your view and i respect it.
one of my great grandfathers died fighting the nazi and another one was taken prisoner and never heard of. most likely executed or taken to a concentration camp where eventually he died.
do i find the swastika offensive? not at all. why would i? it's just a symbol. that symbol did not kill my great grandfathers, some people did. misguided people will always kill other people regardless of the banner they wave.
so if you want to be offended by something then be offended by a person acting like a nazi not by a symbol.
the christians massacred lots of innocent people during the crusades. the nazis killed, the communists killed. heck, during the history you'll always find somebody killing somebody else and it's always for a stupid reason ranging from religion, to political views or to oil.
hey, let's start hating all those symbols. i'm pretty sure that if we check out the history we'll find plenty of reasons to hate eachother.
“In the beginning God said, the four-dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric, second rank tensor equals zero, and there was light, and it was good. And on the seventh day he rested.”- Michio Kaku