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Some7hingCLEVER wrote:betiko wrote:TheCrown wrote:betiko wrote:TheCrown wrote:@ betiko... you are making no sense. I am town, so if you want a trade-off, that would mean you are scum. What part of "I can prove 100% I am town" did you not understand? Really, let's focus on the other leads we have... you are barking up the wrong tree looking at me.
lol, no need to bark, in fact i am not going after you today. there is time for this. if i get night killed or even lynched there will be trade off, don't worry, you will all get my point with my character's flavour. this 1-1 is a done deal I've already found you.
And I have told you, unless you are scum, you are totally way off. I don't want you to lead a crusade against me, because it will be a waste of time. For the record, I am Mason. Like I said, I'm 100% provable.... now will you focus somewhere else?!?!?!
go ahead tell me more. so in what way a mason cannot be scum? mason is not necesairly town aligned, but good to know you are a scum mason, just knew about the scum part (if ever the mason part is true..)
this kinda confused me? are you soft claiming mason as well
Some7hingCLEVER wrote:new guy1 wrote:Leehar wrote:Also, I apologize if I right these huge posts that apparently confuse some people (you guys are probs skimming scum), but it's just that I seem to miss a lot of the rt convo's that go on between 3 and 6 am my time, and so have a couple of pages to read through and comment on
It is no problem, and I like the big post. It sums up alot along with giving your opinion, its nice. However, Clever is in the forums right now, and I will expect a claim from him soon.
sorry just checking in (have it pulled up on my computer just im using a different tab just checking into one game at a time) but anyway i really dont wanna claim so ill just say one thing
i have a few powers that i can use at night one which was to silence someone and i thought it was interesting and i have never used it before so i wanted to use it(only now do i realize how important that power is) but i get all my powers back when i have used them all one time (but after using them i have to wait to "recharge" (one night) i have never had a role like this so im a tiny bit confused but that is what i know about it.
everywhere116 wrote:You da man! Well, not really, because we're colorful ponies, but you get the idea.
Leehar wrote:My thought on the mason, again with betiko's conviction, is that it possibly could have been a trick by Crown that he was masoned to somebody, when instead they were cum-buddies and can talk to themselves that way. I'm just disappointed that we didn't get Crown to expose his scum-buddy if that was the case.
But again, it's now come to the point where we have so many threads to follow, and has muddied the waters to the extent that we can't actually pick out a single dirty sheet any more
betiko wrote:Leehar wrote:My thought on the mason, again with betiko's conviction, is that it possibly could have been a trick by Crown that he was masoned to somebody, when instead they were cum-buddies and can talk to themselves that way. I'm just disappointed that we didn't get Crown to expose his scum-buddy if that was the case.
But again, it's now come to the point where we have so many threads to follow, and has muddied the waters to the extent that we can't actually pick out a single dirty sheet any more
I wasn't thinking masons could go that far!!
shieldgenerator7 wrote:Hello! I probably won't be able to post on back to back days
again, but there's been a lot of discussion from yesterday
This is D2 POST 2/4
I do not know my alignment or what my night action does. I
assume, from what betiko posted about The Wanderer (thanks
Betiko!), that I will get activated at night and become an SK.
But it wouldn't make sense for my activation to be part of my
role unless there'd be a chance that I could go either way. I'm
guessing I could become an SK or a Town Vig, or something else
(my role doesn't say anything about it!)
p.s. It's funny how everyone came down and partied at my house
About the tracker claims: I find them very suspicious,
especially because the info was already right there. I'd keep an
eye on / and hippo because of that. It might actually be their
role, but it seems like a very easy fakeclaim. And plus the fact
that NG1 said not to claim, but hippo very first D2 post came
out with a full claim. It might have been a clever way to get
their fakeclaim out there and have it believed. I have seen
games where duplicate roles happen, but it is very rare and
usually a sign of 1 or more fakeclaims. Other than that, I
really have no other suspicions of either of them. We'll see
what night action they have tonight. If they lie, we'll catch
them pretty easy I think.
Also I'd like to say about the poisoner speculation: if there
are NKing roles (which last night showed no sign of such), they
might NK / tonight to get me lynched. Hopefully the Day Scene
will help us figure out which happened (if that does happen).
Wow, we got 5 claims today... that's a lot
That means over half the roles are exposed (b/c of mason)
I probably didn't cover everything yet... but I don't remember
all that I was asked.
Oh, and I had never heard of this character before... what's she
from? She sounds like a mix between the joker and spiderman
Anyway, carry on.
Right now, I find players like jgordon the scummiest, mainly for
his excessive skimming.VOTE JGORDON
Pay more attention, dude
I probably won't be back for days (only 2 posts left) so I
probably won't be able to unvote anytime soon.
I'd also like to point out that I couldn't have possibly been a
killing role. No docs or roleblockers targeted me or /. It's
possible / got doc protected but ghostly (doc) died yesterday
and I got a PM saying nothing happened like a Magikarp using
Splash. I wouldn't have got that if my role wasn't a little
investigative (investigative as in investigating who I am and
what my role is). So I can't possibly be a killing role.
However, there is speculation that I might become one depending
on circumstances.
Sorry, this post was done out of order.
I'm going to get you back clever for silencing me![]()
Anyway, carry on town.
questions for you: did you DK (day kill) ghostly yesterday as a
test of your powers? How many powers do you have and what do
they do? Answer these questions unless discussion says to
FOS still on: hippo, /, jgordon
I'll probably post in about 3-4 days depending on when deadline
-SG7 ()
TheCrown wrote:Sorry to have claimed, but I seem to be in a pissing match with Betiko and I'm not going to back down. I don't know what he saw, if he was busdriven, or some other shinanigans happened to him. Anyone feel free to track, watch or whatever on me during the night time... and you will see me go and converse with my mason wonder twin. All this to say that Betiko has distracted me and probably some others and that is NOTED!
new guy1 wrote:TheCrown wrote:Sorry to have claimed, but I seem to be in a pissing match with Betiko and I'm not going to back down. I don't know what he saw, if he was busdriven, or some other shinanigans happened to him. Anyone feel free to track, watch or whatever on me during the night time... and you will see me go and converse with my mason wonder twin. All this to say that Betiko has distracted me and probably some others and that is NOTED!
Betiko was focused on just you. When I am looking for scum I usually tell because they are aiming at multiple targets to give themselves a better chance of drawing attention off of them instead of getting an accurate scum lynch. You may keep your notes, but I dont think Betiko is scum because he was focused on you the whole time... Maybe a lyncher since he didnt seem to want to let up?
TheCrown wrote:Sorry to have claimed, but I seem to be in a pissing match with Betiko and I'm not going to back down. I don't know what he saw, if he was busdriven, or some other shinanigans happened to him. Anyone feel free to track, watch or whatever on me during the night time... and you will see me go and converse with my mason wonder twin. All this to say that Betiko has distracted me and probably some others and that is NOTED!
skillfusniper33 wrote:Well to start I really don't like TheCrown's claim, since mason normally comes with some other type of role aligned with it. Yes it is provable, but could also be faked very easily if he were mafia, by having one of his buddies show up and say they were masoned together. Also masons don't have to be of the same alignment to be put together. So he could be mafia, and have a mason who is town (yes this may seem a bit off, but very possible).
I also have a feeling that Betiko is softclaiming some kind of investigation role. But if you are a cop, JOAT, or some other investigation based role, you should have come out right from the start of the day with your new information. I also really didn't like you pushing TheCrown so far as to forcing a claim with just 1 person behind the push (that is partly TC's fault for claiming). We already have to many claims out their this early in the game.
I don't really like what Clever did with his random use of the silence, he should have PMed the mod for a better description of his abilities if he were confused. He probably wasn't able to do the day killing, but was someone else. But it was also very ballsy to use it on day 1, they should have waited until their was some kind of confirmation about some player, or a better gut feeling than going off of stuff from day 1.
I will need to think, and re-read some of this stuff to try and get a better understanding of waht is going on (it can get confusing going through over 3 pages of text at 1 time...)
Hopefully I will be around a little more once this week finishes up.
jgordon1111 wrote:TheCrown wrote:Sorry to have claimed, but I seem to be in a pissing match with Betiko and I'm not going to back down. I don't know what he saw, if he was busdriven, or some other shinanigans happened to him. Anyone feel free to track, watch or whatever on me during the night time... and you will see me go and converse with my mason wonder twin. All this to say that Betiko has distracted me and probably some others and that is NOTED!
crown do you know what i mean when I say exxor?
betiko wrote:jgordon1111 wrote:TheCrown wrote:Sorry to have claimed, but I seem to be in a pissing match with Betiko and I'm not going to back down. I don't know what he saw, if he was busdriven, or some other shinanigans happened to him. Anyone feel free to track, watch or whatever on me during the night time... and you will see me go and converse with my mason wonder twin. All this to say that Betiko has distracted me and probably some others and that is NOTED!
crown do you know what i mean when I say exxor?
Some7hingCLEVER wrote:umm im at l-1
Some7hingCLEVER wrote:Some7hingCLEVER wrote:umm im at l-1
i read the quote i did of sg7 twice my bad its only l-2
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