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flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Closed] DCR

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flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Closed] DCR

Postby Odee58 on Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:32 am

Game 10820510
'flashdan' & 'mickalien' are related. They are a Father and Son.

WWII Europe game, foggy. They are EACH out bonussing every other player on the game and have now disclosed, after agreeing to a bi-lateral truce, that they are father and son. This disclosure was mandated by an official warning I presume from CC.

They didn't create the game. They joined it as players # 5 & 6.

Neither of them have bothered to upgrade. They're BOTH freebies. One of them is holding two bonusable territories that are not connected.

They should be ejected.
They joined a foggy, big board game and behaved as if they were strangers until they were required by CC to disclose their relationship.

The fact that they are freeloaders is just the icing on a rotten cake.
There is a distinct risk of Multi-account behaviour as well as secret diplomacy.

Again, I am playing against them (him?) in game: 10820510
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son

Postby torres44cm on Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:58 am

I typically don't post in main forum, but this really caught my attention. Does this mean all relatives who are here on CC should be ejected. Doesn't sound right to me. I've played with several father/son opponents, and couples on here and np. The game should be for all to enjoy. Don't see what the problem is? risk of breaking a cc rule is one thing but a accusation is strong words. If they are father and son, I'm sure they would chat with each other about games they are in. I wouldn't call that SD. so are we gonna start bugging peoples phone/homes to make sure no one is allowed chat internally about games. I think we need to be careful where family members enjoy playing together and a true multi.
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son

Postby jgordon1111 on Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:32 am

the question is have they been attacking each other as well as their opponents. If they have then you got nothing,but prior to their agreement if they havent but knew where each other were on the board then you got possible SD.
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby Odee58 on Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:59 am

Hi jgordon:

10820510 is the foggy game I am playing against them in. Relationship disclosed in round 6 after being required by CC.
10723056 chat indicates suspicion of collusion. Proof of such in round 17 chat. No disclosure until mandated by CC.
10576059 chat indicates suspicion of collusion. No disclosure.
10459518 chat indicates suspicion of collusion. No disclosure.

He has been cheating and not paid to be a member. I'm not cheating (like the majority of us) but AM paying to be a member.

I don't want to have to look for specific player names.
He (they) should be playing as a disclosed team or he (they) should be kicked out.
My opinion.
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby Odee58 on Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:32 am

Hi torres44cm:

You bring up a good point. No, I am not saying that any couples relationship means there is cheating. In the case of flashdan, there is PROOF that he has been logged in under his son's account.

Game 10723056:
mickalien (flashdan logged in on mickalien's account) posts in chat that he attacked Yellow (mickalien is Yellow in this game. He cannot have attacked himself.) and was then attacked in turn by Pink.

flashdan appears to favor large maps games with lots of players in which wins garner lots of points. He further appears to prefer foggy games.

If being logged into a single (individuals), foggy game on two different player accounts (and not disclosing it until required to by admin) isn't cheating, I don't know what is. By the way. He hasn't disclosed that he has been on his son's account. He has only disclosed (and only after being required to) that he is the father of another player.

He has been logged into two, non-ungraded accounts in a single game. This is irrefutable.
It's not my call, but it sounds like cheating to me.

The fact that he is not (any longer) a paid account is galling as well. He has 400 games under his belt and so may have been a paying member in the past. The fact that he has been unwilling to pay the very reasonable membership fee and yet has access to more than 3 games simultaneously is also concerning.

There is recorded suspicion of collusion between the two accounts in multiple games before his recent warning from CC.
There is PROOF that he has been logged in as his son in game 10820510.
Perhaps like you, I've paid my membership dues. This guy has not, and has an unfair advantage over my (and your) play.

Pay or go away. In the case of flashdan, I would recommend both.
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby Odee58 on Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:35 am


The proof of log into two different accounts is in game 10723056. (Game chat, March 30, 2012 at 13:52h)

Not game 10820510 as stated in my earlier post. Sorry about that.
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby Dorieus on Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:49 am

I think you're weakening your case by repeatedly referring to their freemium status. Is it not irrelevant?

"It's free to play, so what are you waiting for? Register now!"

That's what it says on the site's home page.
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby Odee58 on Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:09 pm

Thanks Dorieus. Good point.
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby jgordon1111 on Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:14 pm

Going to fix links for you so the MH's can look at what you are saying.

Game 10820510
Game 10723056
Game 10576059
Game 10459518

that should do it,the MH's prefer if you do that so all they have to do is click the game number.

Ok went back and looked further into both accused games and something else seems to happen,when flashdan wins the last person out is mickalien.
got four games where that is the circumstance. No there is SD to say the least multi to say the most.

If this guy is trying to teach his son then they could have done 1vs1 games.

Game 10742294
Game 10675696
Game 10576059
Game 10459518

KRK BG ES have these guys been accused before?
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby RSIRaistlin on Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:18 pm

Don't see what freemium has to do with anything. Personally I won't bother registering because I don't have enough time to invest in more than a few games a week anyway. The condescending remark about free play makes me not want to join in the future if there are actually site members who act so pretentious because their rank is gold colored.
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby jgordon1111 on Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:54 pm

RSIRaistlin wrote:Don't see what freemium has to do with anything. Personally I won't bother registering because I don't have enough time to invest in more than a few games a week anyway. The condescending remark about free play makes me not want to join in the future if there are actually site members who act so pretentious because their rank is gold colored.

Well super genius if your talking to me I am not the one who made the remarks about freemium players. But come down to it beings you talk crap without realizing who or what has been said by someone I dont care if your here or not. By all means dedicate your time somewhere else. Oh Oh look at me I am going to post because I am offended by this guy,he said something about freemium players my panties are now all bunched up. Famo dingus.
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby Odee58 on Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:02 pm


I started out slow as well. Played as a fremium for months initially and there is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with that.

I don't mean to offend and your point is well taken but flashdan has played 400 games. He has almost certainly been a member in the past but is not presently one. Nevertheless he has opted to open and play on multiple accounts.

That's material.
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby Odee58 on Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:04 pm

Game # 10723056 Chat. March 30, 13:52h

mickalien (Yellow) posts that he attacked Yellow in round 17 and was then attacked by Gabriel84.
In fact, flashdan (Pink) attacked Yellow in round 17 and was then attacked by Gabriel84.
flashdan (Pink) is clearly logged into and posting under mickalien’s account.
This is a large map, fog of war game with 6+ players and flashdan has not identified himself, nor declared his relationship to mickalien until compelled to by (I presume) CC administrators.
Flashdan appears to prefer to play large-map, fog of war with 6+ players. It appears that there has be violation of the rules.
Active games: Ended Games:
10839553 10742294
10820510 10675696
10812959 10576059
10723056 10459518

By his own admission, mickalien is flashdan’s ‘young son’.
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby RSIRaistlin on Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:23 pm

"Well super genius if your talking to me I am not the one who made the remarks about freemium players. But come down to it beings you talk crap without realizing who or what has been said by someone I dont care if your here or not. By all means dedicate your time somewhere else. Oh Oh look at me I am going to post because I am offended by this guy,he said something about freemium players my panties are now all bunched up. Famo dingus"

Wasn't talking to you....but thanks for voicing your very random and irrelevant opinion. Didn't say I was offended just thought it was wrong to denote a rule breaking with whether its paid or not. For the record your rank and relevance is worth ZERO to me as well so we are even.
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby jgordon1111 on Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:58 pm

RSIRaistlin wrote:Don't see what freemium has to do with anything. Personally I won't bother registering because I don't have enough time to invest in more than a few games a week anyway. The condescending remark about free play makes me not want to join in the future if there are actually site members who act so pretentious because their rank is gold colored.

This is what you wrote dipstick and as I am the only gold colored ranker to have posted,pray tell then wise one who were you talking to.LOL idiot
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby ubcman64 on Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:14 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:
RSIRaistlin wrote:Don't see what freemium has to do with anything. Personally I won't bother registering because I don't have enough time to invest in more than a few games a week anyway. The condescending remark about free play makes me not want to join in the future if there are actually site members who act so pretentious because their rank is gold colored.

This is what you wrote dipstick and as I am the only gold colored ranker to have posted,pray tell then wise one who were you talking to.LOL idiot

he was referring to the remarks made by the OP.....relax jg
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby jgordon1111 on Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:19 pm

My bad UB,I see what your saying,but the OP doesnt have gold rank.

So I thought he was saying I posted the stuff about freemiums.
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby Odee58 on Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:42 pm

@ jgordon:

I didn't say Thank You for helping straighten out that information for the administrators but I should have.

Thanks j.
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby MasterWolf on Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:48 pm

There are going into my game: I would tell them

I do not think its fair that you play together, especially in frog game.
In addition you made ​​a pact of no aggression in most of you game
He has no honor in the way you win. And it's not fair to the other
Doubles play would be more appropriate
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby Chewie1 on Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:11 am

MasterWolf wrote:There are going into my game: I would tell them

I do not think its fair that you play together, especially in frog game.
In addition you made ​​a pact of no aggression in most of you game
He has no honor in the way you win. And it's not fair to the other
Doubles play would be more appropriate

Ia a 'frog game' a setting that i've missed? :D
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby Odee58 on Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:29 am

like a plague Chewie.
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Pending]

Postby deathcomesrippin on Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:25 am

This case is closed, as they have been dealt with in a previous case just a few days ago.

If this continues then it will be revisited, but for now, closed.

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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Closed]

Postby jgordon1111 on Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:37 am

Thanks DCR
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Closed]

Postby gregnew on Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:56 pm

The point is, they are using each others log ins and taking turns. sometimes they forget which colour they are as in my game when green said to pink you are not attacking yellow. then yellow says i did attack yellow in round 17. obviously it was pink logged in as yellow (phew). they also speak very differently from each other and you can see by their posts that they log into both colours. They say they're father and son but even if this is so, they shouldn't be logging in and taking each others turns. ESPECIALLY in fog games where they clearly have the advantage of seeing the board. They also, DO NOT attack each other. I was attacked from asia, through africa into SA for around 4 turns of all yellows troop. No advantage at all for him. Then, just as his troops ran out. Yellow knew to attack from NA and kicked me out of SA. There was no chat between them or announcement of alliance. Its cheating, end of. I don't care if they're free or they pay, but don't cheat.
Also, I was told this has been re-opened? Due to the proof of log ins which was not there before.
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Re: flashdan & mickalien are related: Father & Son [Closed]

Postby DrewbieDoo on Sun Apr 01, 2012 3:58 pm

Dear Court,

Quick venn diagram the two arguments:

1. Relationship
P1. A and B have some sort of relationship
P2. Anyone in a relationship must be cheating
C. Therefore A and B are cheating.

2. Freebies
P1. A has a free account.
P2. Anyone with a free account is worthless slime.
C. Therefore A is worthless slime.

If you agree with the premises and conclusions to these two arguments, then you must also believe that anyone with "doctor" next to their name can perform open heart surgery. Not gonna lie, but this complaint was brought out of complete ignorance and tomfoolery. I'm glad it has been dealt with appropriately.

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