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DevilBuddha & Nocturnal6669 suspected Multis [Busted]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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DevilBuddha & Nocturnal6669 suspected Multis [Busted]

Postby oliver on Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:55 am

Suspect users: DevilBuddha & Nocturnal6669

Game number:

Comments: we playing a 2v2 doubles freestyle game
then this devil buddha is very obviously using multiple accounts coz he always log in one after another.. if they were friends or someting. they would have played together at the same time which will be to their advantage. but the fact that he logs in and play only 20seconds after he ends his turn does not make sense. pls look into it admin . we need to keep conquerclub free from abusers and lamers. :x PS: other players please add these 2 to your ignore list!

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Postby cherrie on Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:57 am

to add to that, he has done this simulataneous login for the past 3 rounds since the start of the round.

Dear admin! Please bring justice upon cheaters like him! we need to keep this lovely game of ours safe from abuse!
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Postby cherrie on Sun Apr 22, 2007 5:00 am

sorry for adding another reply on this. just wondering if any fellow gamers out there who experience the same thing when playing with him?

Have fun in the game, its not about winning or losing. its about playing it fair and square and let strategies win the battles and not through abuse.

Thanks to all!
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Postby Fireside Poet on Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:52 pm

Accused: DevilBuddha & Nocturnal6669
Verdict: DevilBuddha & Nocturnal6669 along with Rcktman12 and marineforlife have been busted for multiple accounts.
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Postby DaGip on Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:32 pm

Fireside Poet wrote:Accused: DevilBuddha & Nocturnal6669
Verdict: DevilBuddha & Nocturnal6669 along with Rcktman12 and marineforlife have been busted for multiple accounts.

To the Defense of Devil Buddha, all these people shared the same computer at work, they were not Multis in the sense that you think they are cheaters, because they are not. Because of this incident, I have never heard from my freind DB ever again, because he was so upset over this ordeal. If you banned him, you shouldn't have. He joined about the same time as Jackary and we were triple partners on the MidEarth board. We remember when DB got the msg that he was a cheater and CC wanted him to pay premium memberships for each multi account. DB just thought it all was a bunch of bullshit, so I think he left the site all together. Pity that, he was a very good person and a very good player.

I just wanted to let the CC community know that DB is not a cheater, it was just and instance of being a victim of circumstance.

Miss ya, DB!
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Postby lancehoch on Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:37 pm

That was 10 months ago, nice bump.
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Postby DaGip on Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:41 pm

lancehoch wrote:That was 10 months ago, nice bump.

Yeah, I know it was. I haven't heard from DB since this time, but I just wanted the community to know that he was not a cheater. He and his coworkers were newbies and shared the same computer at work, they would play on their breaks and whatever. DB must have been in a partners game with somebody at work, and somebody complained about it. I know it is an old post, but I just don't feel right in letting the CC comunity think DB was a cheater, because that was not the case.
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Postby spearfish on Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:53 pm

From the chat they seemed normal.
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Postby anibus on Sun Feb 24, 2008 8:12 pm

He stopped talking to you because he was accused of being a multi?
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Postby spearfish on Sun Feb 24, 2008 8:46 pm

He got pissed about being accused and left CC.
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Postby DaGip on Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:20 pm

Yep, that's what happened. He got accused of cheating, of which he didn't do, so he left CC. :(
Army of GOD wrote:This thread is now about my large penis
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Google search

Postby DevilBuddha on Tue Mar 11, 2008 1:55 pm

You know, you'd be surprised what you find when you do a google search for a favorite username, heh.

But yes, those useless rat bastards Oliver and Cherrie accused me and my fellow co-worker of cheating...all because we disrupted their immediate blitzkrieg-type victory over us...our efforts didn't amount to much, they still beat us, heh. If you want to know my opinion, check out the feedback; I shall not rant any further on it.

By the way, thanks DaGip! Thank you for coming to my were right, I was annoyed by the CC admins and their ban first, ask questions later attitude. It is all a scam, really. They banned me and my 3 co-workers for ONE accusation of cheating, and they said the only way to come back is to pay for a new membership...but don't you see what they are doing there??? They ban people at the drop of a hat and then play on peoples love for Risk, hoping that they will pay $20 (or another $20 to reactivate a gold membership) to rejoin...after all, it is only $20. But it was the principle of is a form of extortion, heh.

I've eventually gotten over my disgust of their antics and come back to play...after all, I do so love Risk. I still have not payed to get back in to their good graces, they can go suck a llama if they plan on getting any money out of me. My co-workers have all quit, so I no longer play any games with them.

My new beef with these moronic imbeciles is how un-random their "random dice generator" is...whew, I can make a deaf man blush at the string of creative obscenities, heh.
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A frigid day in Hades!!

Postby DevilBuddha on Tue Mar 11, 2008 1:57 pm

Lastly, I got a message from the person who controls the Oliver and Cherrie usernames....he asked me to remove my negative feedback on him.

Hah! I do not trust the hypocritical little pissant, not one bit. So I told him as soon as he removes his, then I would remove mine. I've not heard another word from the fellow since, heh.
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