Greetings again fellow Galapamaicans (
), your host speaking here!
It is my privilege to announce that, in a very timely manner, we have completely completed (
) the group stage, the "round-robin" of tournament play.
Thus, we are on to the Galapamaican playoffs! Only 2 from each group of 6 have made it this far, so
consider yourself successful already if you've made it to either one of the sides! At the bottom of this messsage, you can find a link to all details on the Galapamaican Playoffs, but before that, I'd like to get some feature time to some of our most awe-inspiring performances of not only Round 3, but also all of the round-robin:
Mr. Undefeated: william tennant - william tennant was indeed the only player to have proven himself unbeatable, winning all 12 group games in Group B of the Jamaica side! He comes into the Round of 16 as top favorite as a result, breezing by in group play with a 5-game lead!
Double the Opportunity- solar and uckuki are the only 2 competitors to have emerged into the Playoffs on both sides of the bracket. Their consistency was key; they both picked up 7 of 12 wins, giving them just enough edge to now be able to compete on both sets of islands!
Incidentally, both players had to win all 3 of 3 Round 3 games; both players succeeded in doing so. Maybe they're twins?
Gala for the Galapagos Man- Leading the charge into battle on the Galapagos side is Serreski, who had the top performance of all Galapagos divisions. He collected 11 wins at ease, 2 more than any other player on the Galapagos side.
These were the best performances I took note of, but there certainly were more!
But now on to the real meat of the tournament. Time for some clutch performances. Everyone is equal again;
you ALL have to win your series of 3 games to move on to the Quarterfinals! Past performances are now put aside...(woot, no more hype!
This link below will now be the only link you have to worry about: click it to see details on randomization, matchups, etc!I,
WorldCup4James, do solemnly swear that all randomization were random in their most random entirety.
The Galapamaican Playoffs, Standings Board, and List of Players and their Scores (click here)