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Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [2/16] Endgame: Pirates Win!

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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby thehippo8 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:59 am

Umm ... errr ... ummm ... which part of I was the vig do you not understand? Two bullets was all I got, but can we stop talking drivel now??

@ Jak ... why ar you still voting for me?
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby jak111 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:30 am

thehippo8 wrote:Umm ... errr ... ummm ... which part of I was the vig do you not understand? Two bullets was all I got, but can we stop talking drivel now??

@ Jak ... why ar you still voting for me?

Was asleep <.<. Stop jumping around before I do make ye walk the plank.

Hmm, so after reading this through it seems as CLEVER is either 1.) An idiot. 2.) Mafia. 3.) Both. So I am not going to change my vote for the moment, though OI'll check back after school to see if there is much to do or change.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:27 am

jak111 wrote:
thehippo8 wrote:Umm ... errr ... ummm ... which part of I was the vig do you not understand? Two bullets was all I got, but can we stop talking drivel now??

@ Jak ... why ar you still voting for me?

Was asleep <.<. Stop jumping around before I do make ye walk the plank.

Hmm, so after reading this through it seems as CLEVER is either 1.) An idiot. 2.) Mafia. 3.) Both. So I am not going to change my vote for the moment, though OI'll check back after school to see if there is much to do or change.

What more do you possible need? i could see if CLEVER hadn't posted his diversionary post, maybe there would be some doubt, but he pretty much nailed his own coffin there. What else are you looking for? What is causing you doubt? Do you really think he "accidentally" role blocked Isaiah on night one? Makes perfect sense now...
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby new guy1 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:22 am

Nebuchadnezer wrote:
jak111 wrote:
thehippo8 wrote:Umm ... errr ... ummm ... which part of I was the vig do you not understand? Two bullets was all I got, but can we stop talking drivel now??

@ Jak ... why ar you still voting for me?

Was asleep <.<. Stop jumping around before I do make ye walk the plank.

Hmm, so after reading this through it seems as CLEVER is either 1.) An idiot. 2.) Mafia. 3.) Both. So I am not going to change my vote for the moment, though OI'll check back after school to see if there is much to do or change.

What more do you possible need? i could see if CLEVER hadn't posted his diversionary post, maybe there would be some doubt, but he pretty much nailed his own coffin there. What else are you looking for? What is causing you doubt? Do you really think he "accidentally" role blocked Isaiah on night one? Makes perfect sense now...

Now I see him in a coffin with a hammer and a nail :D Thanks for the funny picture in my head. Either way, I agree, there is so much evidence pointing towards him right now that I just seriously believe him to be mafia. But Ive already voted I do believe.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby ghostly447 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:39 am

Nebuchadnezer wrote:
ghostly447 wrote:I normally see it around when there is a mafia RB. And in saying this you are also saying that we lynch CLEVER and in turn clear doom? I do not like your method of pairing people like this. It is okay if you realize they can be separated until proven to be guilty. But this is like someone throwing another person in front of them to take a bullet to prove their own innocence.

fastposted. Hippo has 1 shot per night. JOAT defended the SK target. We either have a vig, or doomyoshi is cleared of attempting a kill last night. Sully didnt go anywhere last night.

You are missing my post totally.

1. CLEVER is the MAFIA roleblocker.
2. Doomyoshi is his MAFIA buddy.
3. Doomyoshi performed the hit last night, because CLEVER didn't actually block him.
4. If CLEVER turns up MAFIA, then Doom is automatically guilty.
5. If CLEVER turns up town roleblocker, then Doom is cleared.

However, I'm fairly confident that CLEVER is mafia. Just look at his first response to my accusation...that's a garbled mess of garbage, trying to prove that there were only 2 attempts? How many times did we rehash that scene? Everyone should understand that by now...yet CLEVER tries to throw doubt at the facts.

I will admit there is one more possibility...the final pair of mafia could be SPARTACUS and one of (Newguy1 or Victor Sullivan). But that is such a statistically small probability, that I won't worry about that for now.

So, does that make more sense?

So how does your logic possibly work Neb? I believe you are pairing yourself with doom on this one. Let me explain.

1&2&4) If CLEVER is the mafia RB, then certainly, I will be willing to say Doom is the last mafia. HOWEVER
5) How, in any way shape or form does it clear doom of being mafia if CLEVER flips town? There are these things called mafia night kills, and there is no 1 certain mafia who carries it out. Doom could have just been another mafia who got role blocked by CLEVER.

Your case makes no sense. I have NEVER seen a game with a mafia RB without a town RB. So if there is another role blocker, step up and claim it now. Because if there is no other RB then I do not feel confident voting CLEVER with his small slip up on a subject that, honestly, you could be pinning a lot of other people for (I know he wasnt the only one to mess up on it. But yet you target him with it).
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:47 am

Nebuchadnezer wrote:
ghostly447 wrote:I normally see it around when there is a mafia RB. And in saying this you are also saying that we lynch CLEVER and in turn clear doom? I do not like your method of pairing people like this. It is okay if you realize they can be separated until proven to be guilty. But this is like someone throwing another person in front of them to take a bullet to prove their own innocence.

fastposted. Hippo has 1 shot per night. JOAT defended the SK target. We either have a vig, or doomyoshi is cleared of attempting a kill last night. Sully didnt go anywhere last night.

You are missing my post totally.

1. CLEVER is the MAFIA roleblocker.
2. Doomyoshi is his MAFIA buddy.
3. Doomyoshi performed the hit last night, because CLEVER didn't actually block him.
4. If CLEVER turns up MAFIA, then Doom is automatically guilty.
5. If CLEVER turns up town roleblocker, then Doom is cleared.
However, I'm fairly confident that CLEVER is mafia. Just look at his first response to my accusation...that's a garbled mess of garbage, trying to prove that there were only 2 attempts? How many times did we rehash that scene? Everyone should understand that by now...yet CLEVER tries to throw doubt at the facts.
I will admit there is one more possibility...the final pair of mafia could be SPARTACUS and one of (Newguy1 or Victor Sullivan). But that is such a statistically small probability, that I won't worry about that for now.

So, does that make more sense?

i have to admit i felt stupid for saying any of that but all ill say in my defense is i read through it and guess i got confused somehow and decided to read back and screwed it go ahead vote me lol ill turn up town


um i wouldnt know because im not scum

nope i really did block him lol i dont really know how i can prove that

i dont agree with these two statements
a mafia roleblocker(if there is one) could have roleblocked me so my roleblock would not have happened and the kill would have still happened. Actually this is almost perfect for mafia assuming they thought i was onto them ..they could roleblock me and i wouldnt know and i would think that doom in this case was clear and i would tell all of town that doom was clear and then he would ride through the game unnoticed (not saying he is just saying how it would work in this case) .Thats a way that wouldnt work and as ive said this motto in so many other places "it only takes one hole for mafia to slip through and win the game"

and one more thing neb, not saying this to be cocky in anyway at all, but how exactly does my post were i obviously got confused and misentepreted lock me in as mafia, just curious but right now your saying im mafia based on the fact i got confused while reading the scene. if thats what you guys are gonna lynch me on then fine go ahead.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:14 am

by the way if noone else claims roleblocker then why would you think im lieng because as ghostly has said when there is a mafia RB there is usually a town one if you honestly believe im mafia RB why doesnt the town one come out and claim, oh i know why they wont do that..cause its me :P
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:31 pm

Some7hingCLEVER wrote:EBWOP
by the way if noone else claims roleblocker then why would you think im lieng because as ghostly has said when there is a mafia RB there is usually a town one if you honestly believe im mafia RB why doesnt the town one come out and claim, oh i know why they wont do that..cause its me :P

Because I'm not willing to play mod and guess at what "should be" or "shouldn't be" in the game. ghostly can play that game all he likes, but it doesn't advance anything beyond the facts.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:47 pm

ghostly447 wrote:
So how does your logic possibly work Neb? I believe you are pairing yourself with doom on this one. Let me explain.

1&2&4) If CLEVER is the mafia RB, then certainly, I will be willing to say Doom is the last mafia. HOWEVER
5) How, in any way shape or form does it clear doom of being mafia if CLEVER flips town? There are these things called mafia night kills, and there is no 1 certain mafia who carries it out. Doom could have just been another mafia who got role blocked by CLEVER.

Your case makes no sense. I have NEVER seen a game with a mafia RB without a town RB. So if there is another role blocker, step up and claim it now. Because if there is no other RB then I do not feel confident voting CLEVER with his small slip up on a subject that, honestly, you could be pinning a lot of other people for (I know he wasnt the only one to mess up on it. But yet you target him with it).

1. If CLEVER is town role blocker, he blocked Doomyoshi last night. That means doomyoshi could not perform any night actions. Therefore, he could not make the kill...unless he has some "unblockable" ability. The only other unknowns at this point were Newguy1 and Sully...both of them were accounted for last night.
2. Your argument for a mafia RB and a Town RB having to be in the same game is purely speculation. As far as we know, there has not been one person who claims to have been blocked, other than Isaiah. Surely, someone else would come forward if they didn't get any results during the night. Evidence leads me to believe that nobody else has been blocked, therefore, there is no other role blocker. Every mafia game is separate and distinct. What you've seen or not seen in past games has absolutely NO effect on this game.
3. As a town roleblocker, CLEVER has sucked. N1 he blocks Isaiah. He was able to wiggle out of that one. Night 2, he blocks a random person, who has not claimed, and therefore we cannot confirm his block. Perhaps if Doom were to even hint that he was blocked, you could have some doubt, but Doom has been on, and never even mentioned anything.
4. The reason I'm pinning CLEVER was given BEFORE he slipped up. Please reread my post before his slip up. I had already pointed him out as a suspect. THEN he posted that crap about only 2 night kills, and maybe the doc (who is dead!) made a save...are you really that blind? Now he is latching on to your "let's play mod and guess at the setup" argument that there HAS to be two role blockers if he's mafia role blocker. It's desperation. How do you not see it?

Okay. I've dominated most of the conversation recently. I've made my case. I'd like to hear from everyone else. I'm happy to answer questions.

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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:29 pm

Well what if a mafia RB blocked me since they know im town RB wouldnt that allow them to perform a kill?
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby DoomYoshi on Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:49 pm

Ghost is dead wrong that there has to be both.

Also, neb, my first post of the day I claimed I was roleblocked. If that's not a hint, I don't know what else is.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby ghostly447 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:27 pm

I said from past experience not that it had to be. Do not exaggerate my words. Neb you were already proven wrong that soon said he had been roleblocked. Do not play the mod if you don't want to. I am not trying to. I am using past experience to suggest that there is a Mafia RB and a town RB. Do not try to frame me with that. Just because you have dominated discussion doesn't mean you are town of Mafia. If you were truly thinking that your case was strong enough to head a Lynch you would not sit and wait for other conversation. You would continue to head the case, strike down every case point by point till yours was the only one which remained. There are still too many options for me to kill our in counterclaimed town RB.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby jak111 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:46 pm

ghostly447 wrote:I said from past experience not that it had to be. Do not exaggerate my words. Neb you were already proven wrong that soon said he had been roleblocked. Do not play the mod if you don't want to. I am not trying to. I am using past experience to suggest that there is a Mafia RB and a town RB. Do not try to frame me with that. Just because you have dominated discussion doesn't mean you are town of Mafia. If you were truly thinking that your case was strong enough to head a Lynch you would not sit and wait for other conversation. You would continue to head the case, strike down every case point by point till yours was the only one which remained. There are still too many options for me to kill our in counterclaimed town RB.

~Cough~ He has in no way 'dominated' the discussion, spammed it with WIFOM yes, but I do believe my logic pretty much dominates all his WIFOM. After reading this again after school I am going ahead and saying it, while Hippo is one of my FoS targets Nebuch never started any chatting really until I pointed him out. With his renewed energy to posts he results to WIFOM'ing, which in the way he does it I guess we might as well assume I'm some mafia mason that just so happen got paired with the town Doctor.

So all WIFOM'ing aside, Nebuch's reaction has perked my interest, instead of him thrashing out at others, I want his claim, and I want it now.
Vote Nebuch

If you're going to pick apart other peoples roles that are farther cleared than you, you better be ready for some pressure in your own direction Nebuch. CLEVER made an idiotic comment yes, I think everyone here can agree on that and also agree that they have done so in other games before as well, (If not this game already). But I'd like to point out that he seems to be a kid ranging from 9-15. With his grammar and reactions in the games I've been in with him it'd not surprise me. I am 17 myself but even I do not act like that, it seems more of a young teen/pre-teen thing then anything else. I am willing to play the mod here because I seem to be the only one with a mature brain, while I'm sure a few of you are older than me you do not act it. If you lynch CLEVER and he ends up being a town roleblocker, do not even bother expecting a word from me tomorrow, not until you come back here and see that I've said it, Nebuch is too self defensive after being called out and he was one of the two to have fights with people the night before they died. I'm willing to bet that unless another person counter claims CLEVER, I myself will vouch for him and say he is town roleblocker, just not a very bright one obviously. Though I love how no one has put pressure on Nebuch yet. Either help me get a claim from him or I will not bother helping out from this point forward. Final words until tomorrow in real life when you've had a chance to think about it and not WIFOM every turn. (Ghostly, just because I cleared you doesn't mean I won't vote for you, right now you're doing nothing but adding to the problem).
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby SPARTACUS1974 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:52 pm

jak111 wrote:
ghostly447 wrote:I said from past experience not that it had to be. Do not exaggerate my words. Neb you were already proven wrong that soon said he had been roleblocked. Do not play the mod if you don't want to. I am not trying to. I am using past experience to suggest that there is a Mafia RB and a town RB. Do not try to frame me with that. Just because you have dominated discussion doesn't mean you are town of Mafia. If you were truly thinking that your case was strong enough to head a Lynch you would not sit and wait for other conversation. You would continue to head the case, strike down every case point by point till yours was the only one which remained. There are still too many options for me to kill our in counterclaimed town RB.

~Cough~ He has in no way 'dominated' the discussion, spammed it with WIFOM yes, but I do believe my logic pretty much dominates all his WIFOM. After reading this again after school I am going ahead and saying it, while Hippo is one of my FoS targets Nebuch never started any chatting really until I pointed him out. With his renewed energy to posts he results to WIFOM'ing, which in the way he does it I guess we might as well assume I'm some mafia mason that just so happen got paired with the town Doctor.

So all WIFOM'ing aside, Nebuch's reaction has perked my interest, instead of him thrashing out at others, I want his claim, and I want it now.
Vote Nebuch

If you're going to pick apart other peoples roles that are farther cleared than you, you better be ready for some pressure in your own direction Nebuch. CLEVER made an idiotic comment yes, I think everyone here can agree on that and also agree that they have done so in other games before as well, (If not this game already). But I'd like to point out that he seems to be a kid ranging from 9-15. With his grammar and reactions in the games I've been in with him it'd not surprise me. I am 17 myself but even I do not act like that, it seems more of a young teen/pre-teen thing then anything else. I am willing to play the mod here because I seem to be the only one with a mature brain, while I'm sure a few of you are older than me you do not act it. If you lynch CLEVER and he ends up being a town roleblocker, do not even bother expecting a word from me tomorrow, not until you come back here and see that I've said it, Nebuch is too self defensive after being called out and he was one of the two to have fights with people the night before they died. I'm willing to bet that unless another person counter claims CLEVER, I myself will vouch for him and say he is town roleblocker, just not a very bright one obviously. Though I love how no one has put pressure on Nebuch yet. Either help me get a claim from him or I will not bother helping out from this point forward. Final words until tomorrow in real life when you've had a chance to think about it and not WIFOM every turn. (Ghostly, just because I cleared you doesn't mean I won't vote for you, right now you're doing nothing but adding to the problem).

right regarding clever read my post on page 30 and see what you think then ive been lying low and watching but my post may give you a bit of info regarding another role blocker.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby jak111 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:56 pm

SPARTACUS1974 wrote:right regarding clever read my post on page 30 and see what you think then ive been lying low and watching but my post may give you a bit of info regarding another role blocker.

Well JOAT is gone, so it's not a power, but what of your roleblocking ability. How often/quantity do you get to use it? Until I hear this my vote stays on Neb (Which tomorrow it will pick back up on Neb if nothing happens now and then)
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby ghostly447 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:59 pm

I already said awhile ago that nebuch seemed scummy to me. I know that no defense is permanent jak though I do appreciate that I'm not the only one who thinks he is scummy.

I will soon be home though I can't promise that's where ill stay. If I do stay I can do more there than here on my phone.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby thehippo8 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:04 pm

You're tright again jak (sheesh people will start talking). It's time Neb put up rather than pursued this course. So unvote vote Neb
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby SPARTACUS1974 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:13 pm

jak111 wrote:
SPARTACUS1974 wrote:right regarding clever read my post on page 30 and see what you think then ive been lying low and watching but my post may give you a bit of info regarding another role blocker.

Well JOAT is gone, so it's not a power, but what of your roleblocking ability. How often/quantity do you get to use it? Until I hear this my vote stays on Neb (Which tomorrow it will pick back up on Neb if nothing happens now and then)

lets just say that i can also roleblock and i am town
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby DoomYoshi on Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:16 pm

SPARTACUS1974 wrote:
jak111 wrote:
SPARTACUS1974 wrote:right regarding clever read my post on page 30 and see what you think then ive been lying low and watching but my post may give you a bit of info regarding another role blocker.

Well JOAT is gone, so it's not a power, but what of your roleblocking ability. How often/quantity do you get to use it? Until I hear this my vote stays on Neb (Which tomorrow it will pick back up on Neb if nothing happens now and then)

lets just say that i can also roleblock and i am town

Um. That makes it pretty clear to me then.

unvote vote clever
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby jak111 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:17 pm

Well <.< either you're claiming or you're not, before today is over however I'd still like to get a claim from nebuch even if we have to get him to claim now and work with it tomorrow.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby SPARTACUS1974 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:23 pm

jak111 wrote:Well <.< either you're claiming or you're not, before today is over however I'd still like to get a claim from nebuch even if we have to get him to claim now and work with it tomorrow.

not gonna fully claim but i can block a player each night among other things.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby jak111 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:25 pm

Whatever, if this turns out to be a townie you'll be on the top of my suspect list Spartacus.

Unvote, Vote CLEVER
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby SPARTACUS1974 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:27 pm

i just cant see us having 2 roles that can roleblock
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby new guy1 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:30 pm

I guess that might be a counterclaim of sorts, so Unvote vote CLEVER.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby jak111 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:32 pm

new guy1 wrote:I guess that might be a counterclaim of sorts, so Unvote vote CLEVER.

There's a few things wrong with your vote.
1.) you voted for him already.
2.) I just hammered him.
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