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Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [2/16] Endgame: Pirates Win!

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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby jak111 on Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:28 pm

The BIGGEST problem I have with your claim hippo is that you can protect people. That'd make 3 protection roles in the game. A game of this size is something that I doubt. Though, there's a few things that I want to observe before putting my vote on either you or Neb.
1.) Since the Captain is obviously a main role, I want to see if anyone counter claims him.
2.) His claim somewhat makes up for the 3 kill attempts last night.
3.) Who have you protected night 1 and 2?
4.) What will Neb claim? is it believe-able?

So yes, before I place my vote I want to see how everyone reacts and what Neb decides to claim at.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby thehippo8 on Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:34 pm

@ jak - I never said it was a protection role, quite the contrary it was a vigilante role but that power is now spent. I have not protected anyone, I killed two people - Leehar and Kiwi.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby jak111 on Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:40 pm

thehippo8 wrote:Actually, I'm happy to claim whenever. I can see jak's point and I'd probably say the same thing. I've brought it on myself! But I'm proud of who I am so bring it on.

Given that this day would get rediculously long if I played coy and simply waited for sensible people to vote me, I will save you the grief. I have nothing to hide anyway!

So ... following the rules: My name is Captain of the Queen's Bounty. My role is Captain the crew by means of me two pistols, if ye catch me drift! My abilities include night protection and two bullets to use for my guns at night.

I picked out Leehar on night one as scum for sure and had no problem losing some lead his way.

In day two, everyone was fractionated and it was hard to get a pick on who was scum and who was not. Kiwi acted too scummy for my liking and I figured that I was to be any use to town then I had to go with my gut. After all, y'all got suckered in by Leehar on day one. Kiwi acted too much like Leehar for my liking and I made a huge mistake.

But I'm no threat to anyone at night any more and my lot is definitely with town. Don't let's be killing me off just because I killed the doctor!


Then please clarify what I have highlighted in red for me. This sounds like you're saying you protect people at night.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby new guy1 on Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:45 pm

To me it seems like its saying he is protected at night, but I can see where you might get confused.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby thehippo8 on Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:23 pm

new guy1 wrote:To me it seems like its saying he is protected at night, but I can see where you might get confused.

Quite right. I can't be shot! A strange protection, but there it is. If anyone has the ability from town to shoot at night, go ahead and shoot me - I will survive!
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:03 pm

If Hippo's claiming captain (and bulletproof! nice!), then something isn't adding up.

1. We've already killed the Godfather.
2. We've killed the Framer.
3. The ONLY thing that makes sense in my mind is that CLEVER and Doomyoshi are the last two mafia.
a. CLEVER is a mafia roleblocker
b. Doomyoshi is a mafia (insert role here, perhaps bus driver?).
c. CLEVER cannot be telling the truth about blocking Doomyoshi last won't make any sense.
4. We know New Guy visited Sully...for what purpose, is the question...but I'm not sure it matters. But because he DID visit Sully, New guy and Doomyoshi cannot be the final two mafia together, because Doomyoshi would have been blocked, leading us to no mafia kill last night.
5. The only other possibility is that Doomyoshi is a VT. This could leave Sully and CLEVER as the mafia duo. But that's such a long-shot, I'm not even going to get into how.
6. The rest of the suspects seem to have all cleared themselves.
7. I don't have all the pieces of the puzzle, just yet, so I'd like to pressure Doomyoshi at this point. He originally OMGUS when his name was briefly mentioned as a suspect. And there's no point in questioning CLEVER, as he's claimed roleblocker and has proven he is. He just never came with the mafia portion of his claim.

Am I out there on this case? Yes. But as unlikely as this seems, it's the only case that makes sense in my mind. Unfortunate that Hippo killed Kiwi, but it actually narrowed down the pool of suspects. This has to be the case.

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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [13/16] Night Two: Unused Plank.

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:14 pm

soundman wrote:Ship's Log, July 19th, 1712

Two separate gunshots when off last night. This morn we found one of the local people we had pressed into service laying in a pool of blood. He was holding a knife in his hand and looked to have been on his way back from the crew's quarters. We found the other body by another crew member that looked to have taken a knife wound. The wound had been cleaned and bandaged, but the one who saved him was dead from a bullet in the back of the head.

Jonty - Pirate Victim (Serial Killer) - Was killed
Kiwi - Boatswain (JOAT) - Was killed

It is now Day Three!

ok so let me do my opinion
two gunshots went off last night therefore two kills
but if we assume that hippo is telling the truth then thats why kiwi was killed and there was an SK so that makes to kills what about mafia? its obvious there should have been three kills
assuming the jonty used his kill...

OMG!! how did i miss this? so the scene says they found someone they have pressed into service dead...wouldnt that be the pirate victim? jonty?

kiwi used his killing power to kill jonty who tried to kill someone who was protecting by the doctor assuming there is one and hippo killed kiwi... but that would still leave the mafia without killing someone and the only way i can think to do that is to protect someone which since the doctor obvioulsy saved someone in the scene there are two options

a.) the mafia targeted the same person jonty did
b.) the mafia was roleblocked

and considering i roleblocked doom and there was not a mafia kill that seems the most likely to be mafia right now

so therefore vote doomyoshi

Nebuchadnezer wrote:If Hippo's claiming captain (and bulletproof! nice!), then something isn't adding up.

1. We've already killed the Godfather.
2. We've killed the Framer.
3. The ONLY thing that makes sense in my mind is that CLEVER and Doomyoshi are the last two mafia.
a. CLEVER is a mafia roleblocker
b. Doomyoshi is a mafia (insert role here, perhaps bus driver?).
c. CLEVER cannot be telling the truth about blocking Doomyoshi last won't make any sense.
4. We know New Guy visited Sully...for what purpose, is the question...but I'm not sure it matters. But because he DID visit Sully, New guy and Doomyoshi cannot be the final two mafia together, because Doomyoshi would have been blocked, leading us to no mafia kill last night.
5. The only other possibility is that Doomyoshi is a VT. This could leave Sully and CLEVER as the mafia duo. But that's such a long-shot, I'm not even going to get into how.
6. The rest of the suspects seem to have all cleared themselves.
7. I don't have all the pieces of the puzzle, just yet, so I'd like to pressure Doomyoshi at this point. He originally OMGUS when his name was briefly mentioned as a suspect. And there's no point in questioning CLEVER, as he's claimed roleblocker and has proven he is. He just never came with the mafia portion of his claim.

Am I out there on this case? Yes. But as unlikely as this seems, it's the only case that makes sense in my mind. Unfortunate that Hippo killed Kiwi, but it actually narrowed down the pool of suspects. This has to be the case.


sorry but i have to disagree since i did just prove that mafia might not have killed someone. so yes i believe doom and new guy can be the mafia...actually that is who i believe is the final mafia. new guy could have tracked or roleblocked VS (but wouldnt do any good since he claims to not have used his role) while doom went in for the kill which i blocked which would explain why mafia didnt have a kill.

so by doing this i hope you realize that i am the town roleblocker and assuming there isnt another town one or someone who can do a similar power i have to vote doom as mafia because in my eyes there is no other explanation...but about who his scum friend would be im not 100 percent sure on i have my suspicions on NG1 but cant prove it fully at this time so until then

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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby new guy1 on Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:19 pm

Thats great and all, but I think you forgot SK has a knife. Therefore, there were two gunshots and one knife.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:25 pm

ur poing NG1?
jonty and kiwi were both killed by bullets
and in my theory jonty tried killing someone who was protected and thats what i says in the scene
where did i go wrong?
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby new guy1 on Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:31 pm

2 gunshots, 1 knife, 3 kills, 2 went through. Got it? So that means 2 gunshots (most likely Hippo and mafia), and then the 1 knife (SK, failed). So that means that the scene points towards 3 kill attempts. Right now, I only remember there being 3 possible kills at night, and so Unvote vote CLEVER for making a mistake in the scene when its been reviewed at least 3 times now.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:38 pm

now my head hurts
ok i guess i deserve that vote for being stupid..
ok so kiwi protected whoever jonty targeted is that what happened?

ok and random thought here
what if isaiah is actually the doctor and is saying tracker as to seem not as much of a threat to mafia and he is the one who protected jontys target ...only way i see my theory working..
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [13/16] Night Two: Unused Plank.

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:40 pm

Some7hingCLEVER wrote:
soundman wrote:Ship's Log, July 19th, 1712

Two separate gunshots when off last night. This morn we found one of the local people we had pressed into service laying in a pool of blood. He was holding a knife in his hand and looked to have been on his way back from the crew's quarters. We found the other body by another crew member that looked to have taken a knife wound. The wound had been cleaned and bandaged, but the one who saved him was dead from a bullet in the back of the head.

Jonty - Pirate Victim (Serial Killer) - Was killed
Kiwi - Boatswain (JOAT) - Was killed

It is now Day Three!

ok so let me do my opinion
two gunshots went off last night therefore two kills
but if we assume that hippo is telling the truth then thats why kiwi was killed and there was an SK so that makes to kills what about mafia? its obvious there should have been three kills
assuming the jonty used his kill...

OMG!! how did i miss this? so the scene says they found someone they have pressed into service dead...wouldnt that be the pirate victim? jonty?

kiwi used his killing power to kill jonty who tried to kill someone who was protecting by the doctor assuming there is one and hippo killed kiwi... but that would still leave the mafia without killing someone and the only way i can think to do that is to protect someone which since the doctor obvioulsy saved someone in the scene there are two options

a.) the mafia targeted the same person jonty did
b.) the mafia was roleblocked

and considering i roleblocked doom and there was not a mafia kill that seems the most likely to be mafia right now

so therefore vote doomyoshi

Nebuchadnezer wrote:If Hippo's claiming captain (and bulletproof! nice!), then something isn't adding up.

1. We've already killed the Godfather.
2. We've killed the Framer.
3. The ONLY thing that makes sense in my mind is that CLEVER and Doomyoshi are the last two mafia.
a. CLEVER is a mafia roleblocker
b. Doomyoshi is a mafia (insert role here, perhaps bus driver?).
c. CLEVER cannot be telling the truth about blocking Doomyoshi last won't make any sense.
4. We know New Guy visited Sully...for what purpose, is the question...but I'm not sure it matters. But because he DID visit Sully, New guy and Doomyoshi cannot be the final two mafia together, because Doomyoshi would have been blocked, leading us to no mafia kill last night.
5. The only other possibility is that Doomyoshi is a VT. This could leave Sully and CLEVER as the mafia duo. But that's such a long-shot, I'm not even going to get into how.
6. The rest of the suspects seem to have all cleared themselves.
7. I don't have all the pieces of the puzzle, just yet, so I'd like to pressure Doomyoshi at this point. He originally OMGUS when his name was briefly mentioned as a suspect. And there's no point in questioning CLEVER, as he's claimed roleblocker and has proven he is. He just never came with the mafia portion of his claim.

Am I out there on this case? Yes. But as unlikely as this seems, it's the only case that makes sense in my mind. Unfortunate that Hippo killed Kiwi, but it actually narrowed down the pool of suspects. This has to be the case.


sorry but i have to disagree since i did just prove that mafia might not have killed someone. so yes i believe doom and new guy can be the mafia...actually that is who i believe is the final mafia. new guy could have tracked or roleblocked VS (but wouldnt do any good since he claims to not have used his role) while doom went in for the kill which i blocked which would explain why mafia didnt have a kill.

so by doing this i hope you realize that i am the town roleblocker and assuming there isnt another town one or someone who can do a similar power i have to vote doom as mafia because in my eyes there is no other explanation...but about who his scum friend would be im not 100 percent sure on i have my suspicions on NG1 but cant prove it fully at this time so until then


Thank you CLEVER...that's what I needed.

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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby ghostly447 on Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:44 pm

It is time to settle this. I REQUIRE a Vig to claim if there is one. If a vig didnt kill the SK last night, then it was mafia which either means they kill regardless of if they are blocked, or we have the wrong people. If a vig claims and says they killed the SK then we know the mafia didnt get a kill. If there is no vig, then the mafia got a kill last night.

Jonty - Pirate Victim (Serial Killer) - Was killed
Kiwi - Boatswain (JOAT) - Was killed

Jonty hit unknown
Kiwi saved unknown
Hippo killed Kiwi
Mafia or Vig killed the SK

As for Ng1, unless you have a counterclaim of roleblocker, I will side with the one who has proven he is a roleblocker.

So, to show WHY I need the Vig to claim.

3 attempted kills, 2 successful, with 1 of the killers dead and the savior.
If there is a vig that actually hit Jonty last night then that means there were a max of 4 kills and one got blocked.
Which would then show doom was mafia.
100% full proof in my opinion and it proves it without a doubt (unless our vig lied if there was one, but if that is the case its risky business anyways).

If there is no vig, then it shows doom is innocent of being mafia, or at least the one that killed.

Good plan?
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby new guy1 on Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:48 pm

New guy, good plan, but heres the thing. You know CLEVER is a roleblocker, but what side is he on? Do you know THAT for a fact?
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby new guy1 on Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:55 pm

Ghostly* If you dont know the story of why I get confused between NG and Ghostly ask.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby ghostly447 on Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:55 pm

new guy1 wrote:New guy, good plan, but heres the thing. You know CLEVER is a roleblocker, but what side is he on? Do you know THAT for a fact?

I do not. But I would assume our town role blocker, if he wasnt the town role blocker himself, would have already come counterclaimed him.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:10 pm

ghostly447 wrote:It is time to settle this. I REQUIRE a Vig to claim if there is one. If a vig didnt kill the SK last night, then it was mafia which either means they kill regardless of if they are blocked, or we have the wrong people. If a vig claims and says they killed the SK then we know the mafia didnt get a kill. If there is no vig, then the mafia got a kill last night.

Jonty - Pirate Victim (Serial Killer) - Was killed
Kiwi - Boatswain (JOAT) - Was killed

Jonty hit unknown
Kiwi saved unknown
Hippo killed Kiwi
Mafia or Vig killed the SK

As for Ng1, unless you have a counterclaim of roleblocker, I will side with the one who has proven he is a roleblocker.

So, to show WHY I need the Vig to claim.

3 attempted kills, 2 successful, with 1 of the killers dead and the savior.
If there is a vig that actually hit Jonty last night then that means there were a max of 4 kills and one got blocked.
Which would then show doom was mafia.
100% full proof in my opinion and it proves it without a doubt (unless our vig lied if there was one, but if that is the case its risky business anyways).

If there is no vig, then it shows doom is innocent of being mafia, or at least the one that killed.

Good plan?

How is Doom cleared if there is no Vig? I'm pretty sure CLEVER has cracked already, which leads me to believe he is a mafia roleblocker. This in turn does not clear Doom in any way, as CLEVER would have not used his ability last night, just claimed to have used it. Quite a nice play, but a big gamble as CLEVER clearing Doom links them together without question.

Fastposted...who says we have to have a town roleblocker?
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:16 pm

ghostly447 wrote:It is time to settle this. I REQUIRE a Vig to claim if there is one. If a vig didnt kill the SK last night, then it was mafia which either means they kill regardless of if they are blocked, or we have the wrong people. If a vig claims and says they killed the SK then we know the mafia didnt get a kill. If there is no vig, then the mafia got a kill last night.

Jonty - Pirate Victim (Serial Killer) - Was killed
Kiwi - Boatswain (JOAT) - Was killed

Jonty hit unknown
Kiwi saved unknown
Hippo killed Kiwi
Mafia or Vig killed the SK

As for Ng1, unless you have a counterclaim of roleblocker, I will side with the one who has proven he is a roleblocker.

So, to show WHY I need the Vig to claim.

3 attempted kills, 2 successful, with 1 of the killers dead and the savior.
If there is a vig that actually hit Jonty last night then that means there were a max of 4 kills and one got blocked.
Which would then show doom was mafia.
100% full proof in my opinion and it proves it without a doubt (unless our vig lied if there was one, but if that is the case its risky business anyways).

If there is no vig, then it shows doom is innocent of being mafia, or at least the one that killed.

Good plan?

Oh, with Hippo having two shots, we also had a JOAT...I'm not sure we have a Vig. Unless it's Sully the parrot. But parrots don't have opposable thumbs...
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby ghostly447 on Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:23 pm

Nebuchadnezer wrote:
ghostly447 wrote:It is time to settle this. I REQUIRE a Vig to claim if there is one. If a vig didnt kill the SK last night, then it was mafia which either means they kill regardless of if they are blocked, or we have the wrong people. If a vig claims and says they killed the SK then we know the mafia didnt get a kill. If there is no vig, then the mafia got a kill last night.

Jonty - Pirate Victim (Serial Killer) - Was killed
Kiwi - Boatswain (JOAT) - Was killed

Jonty hit unknown
Kiwi saved unknown
Hippo killed Kiwi
Mafia or Vig killed the SK

As for Ng1, unless you have a counterclaim of roleblocker, I will side with the one who has proven he is a roleblocker.

So, to show WHY I need the Vig to claim.

3 attempted kills, 2 successful, with 1 of the killers dead and the savior.
If there is a vig that actually hit Jonty last night then that means there were a max of 4 kills and one got blocked.
Which would then show doom was mafia.
100% full proof in my opinion and it proves it without a doubt (unless our vig lied if there was one, but if that is the case its risky business anyways).

If there is no vig, then it shows doom is innocent of being mafia, or at least the one that killed.

Good plan?

How is Doom cleared if there is no Vig? I'm pretty sure CLEVER has cracked already, which leads me to believe he is a mafia roleblocker. This in turn does not clear Doom in any way, as CLEVER would have not used his ability last night, just claimed to have used it. Quite a nice play, but a big gamble as CLEVER clearing Doom links them together without question.

Fastposted...who says we have to have a town roleblocker?

I normally see it around when there is a mafia RB. And in saying this you are also saying that we lynch CLEVER and in turn clear doom? I do not like your method of pairing people like this. It is okay if you realize they can be separated until proven to be guilty. But this is like someone throwing another person in front of them to take a bullet to prove their own innocence.

fastposted. Hippo has 1 shot per night. JOAT defended the SK target. We either have a vig, or doomyoshi is cleared of attempting a kill last night. Sully didnt go anywhere last night.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby DoomYoshi on Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:48 pm

I am pretty sure hippo is the vig.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby Nebuchadnezer on Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:49 pm

ghostly447 wrote:I normally see it around when there is a mafia RB. And in saying this you are also saying that we lynch CLEVER and in turn clear doom? I do not like your method of pairing people like this. It is okay if you realize they can be separated until proven to be guilty. But this is like someone throwing another person in front of them to take a bullet to prove their own innocence.

fastposted. Hippo has 1 shot per night. JOAT defended the SK target. We either have a vig, or doomyoshi is cleared of attempting a kill last night. Sully didnt go anywhere last night.

You are missing my post totally.

1. CLEVER is the MAFIA roleblocker.
2. Doomyoshi is his MAFIA buddy.
3. Doomyoshi performed the hit last night, because CLEVER didn't actually block him.
4. If CLEVER turns up MAFIA, then Doom is automatically guilty.
5. If CLEVER turns up town roleblocker, then Doom is cleared.

However, I'm fairly confident that CLEVER is mafia. Just look at his first response to my accusation...that's a garbled mess of garbage, trying to prove that there were only 2 attempts? How many times did we rehash that scene? Everyone should understand that by now...yet CLEVER tries to throw doubt at the facts.

I will admit there is one more possibility...the final pair of mafia could be SPARTACUS and one of (Newguy1 or Victor Sullivan). But that is such a statistically small probability, that I won't worry about that for now.

So, does that make more sense?
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby isaiah40 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:05 am

Some7hingCLEVER wrote:ahhhhhhh
now my head hurts
ok i guess i deserve that vote for being stupid..
ok so kiwi protected whoever jonty targeted is that what happened?

ok and random thought here
what if isaiah is actually the doctor and is saying tracker as to seem not as much of a threat to mafia and he is the one who protected jontys target ...only way i see my theory working..

Your random thought is pretty ludicrous! crazymilkshake was the doctor!! And he was already killed! So your theory is in Davy Jones Locker somewhere.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby isaiah40 on Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:08 am

Argh!! I forgot this after reading through everything. unvote vote Some7hingCLEVER
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby DoomYoshi on Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:08 am

I think clever just made a mistake. He is still pretty new at this.
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Re: Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life! [11/16] Day Three: A Lucky Save

Postby soundman on Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:34 am

soundman wrote:Vote Count:

isaiah40 - Victor - (L5)
thehippo8 - Jak, - (L5)
Victor Sullivan
Some7hingCLEVER - New Guy, Neb, isaiah - (L3)
new guy1 - hippo - (L5)
DoomYoshi - Doom, Clever - (L4)

With 11 alive it takes 6 to make someone walk the plank.
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