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Chariot of Fire, et al: Search for PERSONAL info [Closed]

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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Coordinating search of PERSONAL

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:59 pm

Denise wrote:
Night Strike wrote:Talk about a vengeance thread. :roll:

Where are the actual infractions? You've posted accusations, not evidence. If it happened in a private clan forum, then posting it in C&A accomplishes nothing.

+1 Nothing was posted publicly. It's unfortunate that that you didn't follow that example with your temper tantrum.

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:-I play the game BY THE RULES -- maybe to the edge, but LEGALLY

Not anymore. I hope for your sake you meant that in the past tense.

Wow... Agreed... I hope you meant before you were finally accused.

jgordon1111 wrote:One ban COF

And what has COF done? Post correct evidence to prove Gen.LeeGettinhed guilty?
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Coordinating search of PERSONAL

Postby s3xt0y on Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:08 pm

Jdsizzleslice wrote:
jgordon1111 wrote:One ban COF

And what has COF done? Post correct evidence to prove Gen.LeeGettinhed guilty?

He searched for him on google and posted the information he found in the CCCW, 20+ players are in the CCCW including myself and that information shouldnt be in there.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Coordinating search of PERSONAL

Postby jgordon1111 on Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:15 pm

Jdsizzleslice wrote:
Denise wrote:
Night Strike wrote:Talk about a vengeance thread. :roll:

Where are the actual infractions? You've posted accusations, not evidence. If it happened in a private clan forum, then posting it in C&A accomplishes nothing.

+1 Nothing was posted publicly. It's unfortunate that that you didn't follow that example with your temper tantrum.

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:-I play the game BY THE RULES -- maybe to the edge, but LEGALLY

Not anymore. I hope for your sake you meant that in the past tense.

Wow... Agreed... I hope you meant before you were finally accused.

jgordon1111 wrote:One ban COF

And what has COF done? Post correct evidence to prove Gen.LeeGettinhed guilty?

JD you misunderstood me.

I meant COF has already got a ban before.

And now GLG has been warned.

They are even let it drop.

Thats what I meant.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Search for PERSONAL info [Pend]

Postby tkr4lf on Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:20 pm

Well, looks like someone is a bit butt hurt that he can't take advantage of unsuspecting players anymore. Too bad, little man.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Coordinating search of PERSONAL

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:24 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:
And what has COF done? Post correct evidence to prove Gen.LeeGettinhed guilty?

I meant COF has already got a ban before.

Jgordon1111, read again:
-Chariot got last ban for flaming/baiting/trolling 1 times in a CONGRATULATORY thread
-the issue is NOT about him collecting evidence about C&A
-the issue is about LEADING the collection of PERSONAL info about a player on CC -- AFTER prior ban. Separate issue. Eddie2 and other were warned, Chariot was not punished for blatantly breaking a major rule of the site.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Coordinating search of PERSONAL

Postby jj3044 on Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:16 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:-the issue is about LEADING the collection of PERSONAL info about a player on CC -- AFTER prior ban. Separate issue. Eddie2 and other were warned, Chariot was not punished for blatantly breaking a major rule of the site.

After prior ban? Do you have any evidence? All of the "evidence" you have posted thus far does not indicate this at all, since there are no time stamps.

By the way, when I click on you have listed in your evidence section, my Norton Antivirus went crazy, saying it was a malicious site.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Coordinating search of PERSONAL

Postby jgordon1111 on Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:17 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:
jgordon1111 wrote:
And what has COF done? Post correct evidence to prove Gen.LeeGettinhed guilty?

I meant COF has already got a ban before.

Jgordon1111, read again:
-Chariot got last ban for flaming/baiting/trolling 1 times in a CONGRATULATORY thread
-the issue is NOT about him collecting evidence about C&A
-the issue is about LEADING the collection of PERSONAL info about a player on CC -- AFTER prior ban. Separate issue. Eddie2 and other were warned, Chariot was not punished for blatantly breaking a major rule of the site.

GLG we dont usually go crossways but here is the thing on this.

1. you started on CC using your personal info(username) for all to know.

2. almost everyone in the world that knows your real name can look you up. (your fault) its not illegal.

3. they did not post this in an open forum for all to see.

4. you say that they put info out about you. Only among themselves. You posted all the info they had about you,not them.

5. then you report them for looking up your info,its not illegal GLG. what you did by posting it yourself is a violation of CC rules if you come down to it. That info they had(not illegal to get it) you posted something that a social clan had privately.

6. Like I said COF ban for flaming etc. GLG warned for play style. Let it be over now.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Search for PERSONAL info [Pend]

Postby The Voice on Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:25 pm

NS was trying to help you by telling you, for this report to be taken seriously, you need to provide relevant evidence. Moreover, for you to be taken seriously, your argument should be cogent, or at the very least, coherent. For example, who is AndOthers?

If you indeed have proper evidence, then this is a serious matter. Until then, it will probably be deemed as spurious.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Search for PERSONAL info [Pend]

Postby lynch5762 on Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:29 pm

I agree it should be over. This is borderline spurious because I think that you already knew that they were warned and it stopped. I am in the CCCW and I never even saw what was posted because they were warned so quickly and all the posts were deleted. To my knowledge, nothing was ever carried outside of the group. I am not sure how you knew that they had been warned or even of the information in general. Those items are suspect as well as I believe someone has already said. It is possible that someone in the group was copying posts and sending them to you but that doesn't explain the warning. It is also possible that admin was keeping an eye on the forum and put an end to it quick...

Either way, The accused had nothing to do with the actions of the two (that were already warned) so I am pretty sure this is already a dead issue unless it is still happening and if so we haven't seen any evidence of the same. For the record...I don't condone the practice of digging up personal information on anyone. I just don't think anyone that is accused here is doing that at the moment.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Search for PERSONAL info [Pend]

Postby QoH on Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:30 pm

Wait, why am I lumped in on this? Because I'm in the CCCW?
Please don't invite me to any pickup games. I will decline the invite.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Coordinating search of PERSONAL

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:11 pm

Johnny Rockets wrote:I find it there is a little too much "closing the barn door after the horse fucks my wife" content in a complaint submitted by someone who used his REAL NAME for YEARS on this site.

Starting a vindictive and petty revenge thread about disclosure of personal information?
You are becoming the black hole of credibility, GLG.

Any punishment handed out to a member that is willing to spend hours gathering evidence to finally stop one of them most negative elements of this site would be a vile miscarriage of justice. Prosecuting COF would only dissuade others from trying to use the legal methods to repair this site to a level of credibility in the spirit of fair play department, something that the administration has sorely neglected.

This complaint should be dismissed immediately, with a warning given to the OP for posting a spurious C&A report generated malice and spite, and thus wasting the mods valuable time better spent warning and punishing REAL rule breaking individuals.
( Like this guy:

Johnny Rockets


Kudos to CoF and Ir1sh and anyone else who has donated many hours of their time to excising the cancer in our midst!
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Coordinating search of PERSONAL

Postby alster on Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:36 pm

Dukasaur wrote:Kudos to CoF and Ir1sh and anyone else who has donated many hours of their time to excising the cancer in our midst!

Really? A cancer? This sort of language is really uncalled for I think. And from a mod of all people...
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Search for PERSONAL info [Pend]

Postby comic boy on Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:41 pm

Spurious report or yet more trolling/self promotion , who cares , nobody will grow rich on the difference. Close the thread , give him a forum ban and move on.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Coordinating search of PERSONAL

Postby cookie0117 on Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:49 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:-the issue is about LEADING the collection of PERSONAL info about a player on CC -- AFTER prior ban. Separate issue. Eddie2 and other were warned, Chariot was not punished for blatantly breaking a major rule of the site.

So you have started a C&A, against people, listing some names. Including Eddie2 who you know has already been warned for the incident you are reporting. If reporting someone for an incident they have already been warned for is not spurious, I dont know what is.

This is starting to look really sad. You have been stopped from beating up on weaker players so your trying to take someone and almost anyone else down.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Search for PERSONAL info [Pend]

Postby jimboy on Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:38 pm

This whole idea of consistent threads by others against GLG or by GLG against others is starting to turn this C&A forum into a mockery in my opinion.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Search for PERSONAL info [Pend]

Postby king achilles on Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:14 pm

I agree with this post:
lynch5762 wrote:I agree it should be over. This is borderline spurious because I think that you already knew that they were warned and it stopped. I am in the CCCW and I never even saw what was posted because they were warned so quickly and all the posts were deleted. To my knowledge, nothing was ever carried outside of the group. I am not sure how you knew that they had been warned or even of the information in general. Those items are suspect as well as I believe someone has already said. It is possible that someone in the group was copying posts and sending them to you but that doesn't explain the warning. It is also possible that admin was keeping an eye on the forum and put an end to it quick...

Either way, The accused had nothing to do with the actions of the two (that were already warned) so I am pretty sure this is already a dead issue unless it is still happening and if so we haven't seen any evidence of the same. For the record...I don't condone the practice of digging up personal information on anyone. I just don't think anyone that is accused here is doing that at the moment.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Search for PERSONAL info [Pend]

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:43 pm

king achilles wrote:I agree with this post:
lynch5762 wrote:I agree it should be over. This is borderline spurious because I think that you already knew that they were warned and it stopped. I am in the CCCW and I never even saw what was posted because they were warned so quickly and all the posts were deleted. To my knowledge, nothing was ever carried outside of the group. I am not sure how you knew that they had been warned or even of the information in general. Those items are suspect as well as I believe someone has already said. It is possible that someone in the group was copying posts and sending them to you but that doesn't explain the warning. It is also possible that admin was keeping an eye on the forum and put an end to it quick...

Either way, The accused had nothing to do with the actions of the two (that were already warned) so I am pretty sure this is already a dead issue unless it is still happening and if so we haven't seen any evidence of the same. For the record...I don't condone the practice of digging up personal information on anyone. I just don't think anyone that is accused here is doing that at the moment.

* * * * *
This is TOTAL BULLSHIT. eddie2 admitted that he did it at the direction of Chariot. . . and there were at LEAST 3 other people (C +2-4) additional involved that were NOT included on the Warning PM I was cc'd on by King Achilles.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Search for PERSONAL info [Pend]

Postby Night Strike on Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:50 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:This is TOTAL BULLSHIT. eddie2 admitted that he did it at the direction of Chariot. . . and there were at LEAST 3 other people (C +2-4) additional involved that were NOT included on the Warning PM I was cc'd on by King Achilles.

Where is the proof that these other people actually posted anything that could be considered breaking the rules. You're claiming CoF directed the hunt, yet didn't provide proof of either his directives or him actually posting any personal information.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Search for PERSONAL info [Pend]

Postby grifftron on Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:57 pm

I have been in and out a lot lately over the last couple months, and as leader of the CCCW, if anything personal was posted on GLG, I hope that it is punished accordingly... the CCCW will not stand for any personal attacks on any CC user. Reminder that the CCCW is an open group and thus nothing is needed to be secret from the rest of the CC community, it was meant for a place for good discussions on every case to take place. Members of the CCCW have been warned ever taking things personal again, and if something did happen while I was gone in the CCCW forum I apologize as it was not meant to happen, but I have not read anything that GLG has mentioned in the OP, if there was something posted it had to of been deleted like mentioned above.

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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Search for PERSONAL info [Pend]

Postby jgordon1111 on Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:25 pm

grifftron wrote:I have been in and out a lot lately over the last couple months, and as leader of the CCCW, if anything personal was posted on GLG, I hope that it is punished accordingly... the CCCW will not stand for any personal attacks on any CC user. Reminder that the CCCW is an open group and thus nothing is needed to be secret from the rest of the CC community, it was meant for a place for good discussions on every case to take place. Members of the CCCW have been warned ever taking things personal again, and if something did happen while I was gone in the CCCW forum I apologize as it was not meant to happen, but I have not read anything that GLG has mentioned in the OP, if there was something posted it had to of been deleted like mentioned above.


I dont believe it was ever posted in open forum Griff.

By my understanding it was held in the group of CCCW members who looked for basic info that can be found with any computer. And as far as I am aware looking for info on people is not illegal. Nor is it against cc rules to have it. Posting it is against the rules however and the only person to post it so far is GLG
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Search for PERSONAL info [Pend]

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:36 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:
king achilles wrote:I agree with this post:
lynch5762 wrote:I agree it should be over. This is borderline spurious because I think that you already knew that they were warned and it stopped. I am in the CCCW and I never even saw what was posted because they were warned so quickly and all the posts were deleted. To my knowledge, nothing was ever carried outside of the group. I am not sure how you knew that they had been warned or even of the information in general. Those items are suspect as well as I believe someone has already said. It is possible that someone in the group was copying posts and sending them to you but that doesn't explain the warning. It is also possible that admin was keeping an eye on the forum and put an end to it quick...

Either way, The accused had nothing to do with the actions of the two (that were already warned) so I am pretty sure this is already a dead issue unless it is still happening and if so we haven't seen any evidence of the same. For the record...I don't condone the practice of digging up personal information on anyone. I just don't think anyone that is accused here is doing that at the moment.

* * * * *
This is TOTAL BULLSHIT. eddie2 admitted that he did it at the direction of Chariot. . . and there were at LEAST 3 other people (C +2-4) additional involved that were NOT included on the Warning PM I was cc'd on by King Achilles.

Do I even need to tell you that you are treading on 2-inch thin ice?
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Search for PERSONAL info [Pend]

Postby codeblue1018 on Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:56 pm

Guys, let GLG do his thing; clear cut revenge thread. This guy is officially a quack IMO not too mention a grown man. It'll be funny to see another warning handed out to him for these absurd claims. Mate, begone or move on. You are making; check that-you have made yourself look like a total embarrassment. Surprised Kort hasn't gave you the boot. You clearly don't mix with their personalities.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Search for PERSONAL info [Closed

Postby deathcomesrippin on Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:45 am

This is Closed.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Search for PERSONAL info [Closed

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:31 am

deathcomesrippin wrote:This is Closed.

Right call.
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Re: Chariot of Fire, et al: Search for PERSONAL info [Closed

Postby GoranZ on Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:00 pm

Bruceswar wrote:It is one thing to gather evidence. It is another thing to gather personal info. The 2 are totally different. Look around all you want on CC for info, but when you take it to google and other places to start looking for info that goes beyond evidence.

Some of us use google for searching what some words mean and when I searched what does Conqueror mean I failed to recognize out current "Conqueror" in it... I wonder why is that, maybe because he failed to conquer anything above Corporal.

tkr4lf wrote:Well, looks like someone is a bit butt hurt that he can't take advantage of unsuspecting players anymore. Too bad, little man.


@GLG... I guess giving your self a title of Gen isn't giving you courage for fighting players from your rank.
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