Jdsizzleslice wrote:rhp 1 wrote:Is some random low-ranker who joins an open 1 v 1 freestyle game a victim? Often, they do cry about it after they get crushed, but a victim? People who are invited by GLG have the option to not play him... do they believe that with 900 points and winning games at a 12% clip they have a chance? If so, i'm not really sure they deserve being "protected" from becoming a "victim"...
Here is the problem: These low-rankers are playing in a private game. If Gen.LeeGettinhed was putting up public games and all of these low rankers joined, then there would be nothing wrong with him and his actions. You can't help who joins your games in public. However, Gen.LeeGettinhed is asking low-rankers to join his private games. You can control who you ask to play in private games. This is deceitful, and there is nothing honoring about it.
how does it matter? i'm an American and here we have the right to refuse an invitation.. this post does not diminish my last at all.. how does an incredibly low ranked player feel like a "victim" when they are playing the highest ranked player on the site? lmao... Are they seriously entering into the game with the belief that they have a reasonable chance of winning? when invited all they have to do is say no... I'm sure many have... would an amateur rank boxer accept an invitation from mike tyson in his prime and expect to have a realistic chance of winning? or even staying alive? this concept of "victim" is ludicrous to me...