Conquer Club

Gen.LeeGettinhed [warned]

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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:41 pm

codeblue1018 wrote:
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:
Chariot of Fire wrote:. . . A rule change is needed that stipulates anything that is considered unfair or unsporting conduct in the opinion of a panel of moderators . . . And if the mods ever have any doubt as to what constitutes improper conduct then they only need listen to the voices of the multitude.

ah, a "panel of moderators" and "the multitude":
-created the Salem Witch Trials
-in the deep south of the US would have legalized lynchings of minorities

The problem is "opinion of what is fair and unsporting conduct". Many of you would say bunting/base stealing is unfair/unsporting in US baseball -- only home runs count. Jeeeeeeeez

Probably the most absurd analogies I have ever read. You're circling the drain mate; eventually the contents are flushed. Continue grasping as straws, it's rather comical.

Evolution299 wrote:
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:
Chariot of Fire wrote:. . . A rule change is needed that stipulates anything that is considered unfair or unsporting conduct in the opinion of a panel of moderators . . . And if the mods ever have any doubt as to what constitutes improper conduct then they only need listen to the voices of the multitude.

ah, a "panel of moderators" and "the multitude":
-created the Salem Witch Trials
-in the deep south of the US would have legalized lynchings of minorities

The problem is "opinion of what is fair and unsporting conduct". Many of you would say bunting/base stealing is unfair/unsporting in US baseball -- only home runs count. Jeeeeeeeez

Actually, I don't think anyone is saying that bunting or base stealing is unfair etc. Especially since that is a bad analogy. And in regards to the salem witch trials and lynchings, that is a bit extreme. You could also say a "panel of moderators", better known as a "jury of your peers" have also put away some of the most notorious and violent criminals known to man.

I know you are just trying to skew the facts by using outlandish comparisons GLG, but keep it in the ball park.

Have a nice day.

Yes, a bad analogy. And ball park. Good one Evolution ;)
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby lynch5762 on Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:29 pm

Did i miss something? since when are bunting and base stealing bad sportsmanship in baseball unless you already have a big lead? and then it is usually ended quickly by a fastball high and inside ;)

On a side note... I too feel left out that I never "accepted" an invite but I do seem to remember a couple of strange ones early on I just can't remember from whom. Rumor has is that Grifftron was ranched as a noobie though :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: sorry Griff I couldn't resist :twisted:
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby rhp 1 on Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:31 pm

i don't support GLG, nor do i attack what he does as CC has continually cleared him of cheating... it's clear there are players such as COF that have a personal thing against him, which is fine... the only thing I would add, is if you really want to go after him, recruit someone who doesn't have such an obvious beef against him to start up these threads... it might, at the very least, sound a bit more genuine that you really care about a bunch of random priv, cadets, and cooks..
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby ljex on Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:03 pm

Chuuuuck wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:Freestyle player are far more than 5% I would gander 30% of CC plays freestyle quite often. I am not saying 30% of CC is good at though. There is a difference. With Seq, you can lose before you even move. That never happens in freestyle because you always play at the same time or have the chance to. With that said mistakes show up more in freestyle by far thus giving players who can do it well and mistake free way better odds of winning.

P.S. When CC started all there was, was freestyle.

I am not saying % of people that play some freestyle every once in a while. I am saying total % of games that are freestyle compared to sequential. I doubt it is near 30%.... in fact, I just checked completed games for each, my computer nearly froze running the searches, but freestyle games make up 17.5%.

Then, I am saying the % of the populations that relies on their points and ConquerClub fun mainly from freestyle, is probably even smaller than that. Then you take that very select group of people, and yet they are ALWAYS at the top of the scoreboard for the game the rest of us enjoy in a completely different way. And on top of that, they are given the status as being "better" than all of us, although that person would never play a single one of us in the top 200 because A) they know they are likely to lose, and B) they will lose to many points compared to how often they will in. When a system is set up so that the top of the leaderboard can't afford to play the other people at the top, then the system is messed up.

Bruceswar wrote:Just a quick thought... The majority do not give a shit or have never posted about it. The Hardcore people of CC care way more than most.

This is actually true. But it makes this problem worse. "Most" don't acknowledge the problem or care. They are just playing games. The problem is, the victims he is taking advantage of, are these "most." No one that knows what he is doing agrees to his games nor does he ask them. They see the Conqueror and are like "oh cool, he wants to play, he must be really good." Then they see how he became conqueror first hand, and it leaves a bad taste in their mouth and they start to realize how the hierarchy of conquerclub works.

pretty annoying post to read chuck...considering i am no doubt included in your group of players and yet even when i was going for conqueror i continued to play clan and tournament games just to a lesser extent. Not to mention the fact that i am not the only one who played such games. You are essentially saying any freestyle player who plays sequential sucks which is simply not true.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby sundance123 on Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:24 pm

rhp 1 wrote:i don't support GLG, nor do i attack what he does as CC has continually cleared him of cheating... it's clear there are players such as COF that have a personal thing against him, which is fine... the only thing I would add, is if you really want to go after him, recruit someone who doesn't have such an obvious beef against him to start up these threads... it might, at the very least, sound a bit more genuine that you really care about a bunch of random priv, cadets, and cooks..

It a nice idea - check out the last C&A report against GLG. From a concerned membered not connected with any side in the ongoing glg stuff.

I think the evidence speaks itself; no matter who posted it. This is a considered and well thought out complaint and clarifies a number claims made in defence of bogrolling.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby rhp 1 on Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:17 pm

sundance123 wrote:
rhp 1 wrote:i don't support GLG, nor do i attack what he does as CC has continually cleared him of cheating... it's clear there are players such as COF that have a personal thing against him, which is fine... the only thing I would add, is if you really want to go after him, recruit someone who doesn't have such an obvious beef against him to start up these threads... it might, at the very least, sound a bit more genuine that you really care about a bunch of random priv, cadets, and cooks..

It a nice idea - check out the last C&A report against GLG. From a concerned membered not connected with any side in the ongoing glg stuff.

I think the evidence speaks itself; no matter who posted it. This is a considered and well thought out complaint and clarifies a number claims made in defence of bogrolling.

that's fine.. not here to argue (shocking)... it is clear regardless of validity of the thread and evidence that it's personal, and like I said, that's fine.. but until CC changes the rules, this in moot...
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby Bruceswar on Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:04 pm

ljex wrote:
Chuuuuck wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:Freestyle player are far more than 5% I would gander 30% of CC plays freestyle quite often. I am not saying 30% of CC is good at though. There is a difference. With Seq, you can lose before you even move. That never happens in freestyle because you always play at the same time or have the chance to. With that said mistakes show up more in freestyle by far thus giving players who can do it well and mistake free way better odds of winning.

P.S. When CC started all there was, was freestyle.

I am not saying % of people that play some freestyle every once in a while. I am saying total % of games that are freestyle compared to sequential. I doubt it is near 30%.... in fact, I just checked completed games for each, my computer nearly froze running the searches, but freestyle games make up 17.5%.

Then, I am saying the % of the populations that relies on their points and ConquerClub fun mainly from freestyle, is probably even smaller than that. Then you take that very select group of people, and yet they are ALWAYS at the top of the scoreboard for the game the rest of us enjoy in a completely different way. And on top of that, they are given the status as being "better" than all of us, although that person would never play a single one of us in the top 200 because A) they know they are likely to lose, and B) they will lose to many points compared to how often they will in. When a system is set up so that the top of the leaderboard can't afford to play the other people at the top, then the system is messed up.

Bruceswar wrote:Just a quick thought... The majority do not give a shit or have never posted about it. The Hardcore people of CC care way more than most.

This is actually true. But it makes this problem worse. "Most" don't acknowledge the problem or care. They are just playing games. The problem is, the victims he is taking advantage of, are these "most." No one that knows what he is doing agrees to his games nor does he ask them. They see the Conqueror and are like "oh cool, he wants to play, he must be really good." Then they see how he became conqueror first hand, and it leaves a bad taste in their mouth and they start to realize how the hierarchy of conquerclub works.

pretty annoying post to read chuck...considering i am no doubt included in your group of players and yet even when i was going for conqueror i continued to play clan and tournament games just to a lesser extent. Not to mention the fact that i am not the only one who played such games. You are essentially saying any freestyle player who plays sequential sucks which is simply not true.

It is not often me and ljex agree, but I am 100% behind him here. To lump everybody together in one group is just not fair.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby Jashur on Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:51 pm

I think if Chariot of Fire is going to open yet another thread devoted to taking down GLG he should at least be fair. He gave 11 examples of the players Gen.LeeGettinhed has "deceived" and said there were "lots of comments". I'm sure there were and he didn't see fit to include mine. How many others replied the same way I did. Probably a bunch.
"The question to these respondents was whether they felt abused. Well they do.." Um, no I don't. Or wait, am I not counted because I didn't consider myself a victim? The fact is, probably not a large amount of 8 year old's play on this site so stop treating New Recruits like they're little children with no knowledge of anything. "Unsuspecting victims" seems to be the favorite phrase, as if GLG jumped out of a tree, tied them down, and stole their Conquer Club points. The site is not that complicated and you're able to look at the maps you're invited to as well as decline the invitation.
Here's a suggestion. Instead of spending hours and hours contacting various people that have been "systematically farmed" -insert sad doggy eyes here- and writing up these 8 page long Abuse Reports why don't you brew a cup of tea, sit back, and fucking relax.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby codeblue1018 on Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:25 am

Jashur wrote:I think if Chariot of Fire is going to open yet another thread devoted to taking down GLG he should at least be fair. He gave 11 examples of the players Gen.LeeGettinhed has "deceived" and said there were "lots of comments". I'm sure there were and he didn't see fit to include mine. How many others replied the same way I did. Probably a bunch.
"The question to these respondents was whether they felt abused. Well they do.." Um, no I don't. Or wait, am I not counted because I didn't consider myself a victim? The fact is, probably not a large amount of 8 year old's play on this site so stop treating New Recruits like they're little children with no knowledge of anything. "Unsuspecting victims" seems to be the favorite phrase, as if GLG jumped out of a tree, tied them down, and stole their Conquer Club points. The site is not that complicated and you're able to look at the maps you're invited to as well as decline the invitation.
Here's a suggestion. Instead of spending hours and hours contacting various people that have been "systematically farmed" -insert sad doggy eyes here- and writing up these 8 page long Abuse Reports why don't you brew a cup of tea, sit back, and fucking relax.


A: It's not about "taking GLG down". It's about stopping an abuse of this game site.

B: So, a player with 100 games or so under their belt, who never played freestyle mogul should know how to play it on his settings simply by "looking" at the map? Again, lol.

C: No one is treating "new recruits" as eight year olds as you state. You need to read this thread as well as the others in it's entirety to have an understanding of what this is about. Fact is, we aren't talking about "new recruits" as new recruits aren't the issue as GLG doesn't play them. Get it?

GLG will win every game that he plays against these players. Its not that he's the best on this map and settings although he is good, his 100% recent win rate would drop to half at best by playing someone who has a clue. Again, do you see the issue at hand yet? Like an analogy I made previously; it's like hunting at the zoo; chances are you will end up having a successful hunt no? As opposed to hunting in the middle of nowhere not having any clue on what to hunt for or the surroundings.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby WILLIAMS5232 on Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:57 am

Jashur wrote:I think if Chariot of Fire is going to open yet another thread devoted to taking down GLG he should at least be fair. He gave 11 examples of the players Gen.LeeGettinhed has "deceived" and said there were "lots of comments". I'm sure there were and he didn't see fit to include mine. How many others replied the same way I did. Probably a bunch.
"The question to these respondents was whether they felt abused. Well they do.." Um, no I don't. Or wait, am I not counted because I didn't consider myself a victim? The fact is, probably not a large amount of 8 year old's play on this site so stop treating New Recruits like they're little children with no knowledge of anything. "Unsuspecting victims" seems to be the favorite phrase, as if GLG jumped out of a tree, tied them down, and stole their Conquer Club points. The site is not that complicated and you're able to look at the maps you're invited to as well as decline the invitation.
Here's a suggestion. Instead of spending hours and hours contacting various people that have been "systematically farmed" -insert sad doggy eyes here- and writing up these 8 page long Abuse Reports why don't you brew a cup of tea, sit back, and fucking relax.

this is ingnunt.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby Nicky15 on Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:22 am

My opinion as a player (not a Mod)

Wouldnt it be nice to look at the top of the scoreboard and say, wow isn't the conqueror a great player, but we can rarely do that. I hardly post on the forums, and I imagine there are many like me who think GLGs and others methods and tactics are highly questionable and abusive. And find it extremely frustrating, when nothing can be done. But never post their thoughts. We always here from the same few.

Wouldnt a ranching rule be easy. The simpler it is the better.

Ranching = Continually inviting players to games, (whether this be by wall, live chat, pm, or the invite system) which include complex maps and settings that your opponent has not cross mapped, or played. In order to gain an unfair advantage. This should include convincing your opponent to invite you, by means of pm, live chat or wall comment

 We should all be able to still invite players now and again to the odd game, to teach maps etc.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby Bruceswar on Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:47 am

The best way to curve this "ranching" is to make it impossible score wise. Somewhere there is a suggestion where if you are 2K higher than the player you are playing then you get 0 points. The factors were pretty interesting. With that said until we have a rule change we all sit and wait.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby codeblue1018 on Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:16 am

Bruceswar wrote:The best way to curve this "ranching" is to make it impossible score wise. Somewhere there is a suggestion where if you are 2K higher than the player you are playing then you get 0 points. The factors were pretty interesting. With that said until we have a rule change we all sit and wait.

So for argument sake; say you're a brig (3K) and play say GLG and he wins, he would get zero points as his score is more than 2k than his opponents? I understand the philosophy behind the number, but if he won a game playing a person of the mentioned rank, shouldn't he be awarded points? The issue at hand here is lower ranked players not players of higher rank playing high ranks just because the person has a +2000 difference at this play level. Im not sure on the proper solution, but the way it was suggested, GLG could play only about 20+ players to even be awarded points, which would limit his play and basically be penalized for holding such rank or anyone at the conqueror position.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby sherkaner on Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:47 am

codeblue1018 wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:The best way to curve this "ranching" is to make it impossible score wise. Somewhere there is a suggestion where if you are 2K higher than the player you are playing then you get 0 points. The factors were pretty interesting. With that said until we have a rule change we all sit and wait.

So for argument sake; say you're a brig (3K) and play say GLG and he wins, he would get zero points as his score is more than 2k than his opponents? I understand the philosophy behind the number, but if he won a game playing a person of the mentioned rank, shouldn't he be awarded points? The issue at hand here is lower ranked players not players of higher rank playing high ranks just because the person has a +2000 difference at this play level. Im not sure on the proper solution, but the way it was suggested, GLG could play only about 20+ players to even be awarded points, which would limit his play and basically be penalized for holding such rank or anyone at the conqueror position.

Well, the current scores seem a bit inflated, so the idea is that by setting up such a rule, the differences should get smaller again.

My idea was to change the points a bit, so you don't get any points when you defeat someone 1/4th of your score, and for 1/2 of your score you'd get the same points as now (so basically, if you'd get 5 points now, you'll get 0 in the new system, so farming/ranching will be made harder). But I have no idea how Lack sees things like this, and he's the one who can make a decision like this and implement it.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby sundance123 on Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:48 am

codeblue1018 wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:The best way to curve this "ranching" is to make it impossible score wise. Somewhere there is a suggestion where if you are 2K higher than the player you are playing then you get 0 points. The factors were pretty interesting. With that said until we have a rule change we all sit and wait.

So for argument sake; say you're a brig (3K) and play say GLG and he wins, he would get zero points as his score is more than 2k than his opponents? I understand the philosophy behind the number, but if he won a game playing a person of the mentioned rank, shouldn't he be awarded points? The issue at hand here is lower ranked players not players of higher rank playing high ranks just because the person has a +2000 difference at this play level. Im not sure on the proper solution, but the way it was suggested, GLG could play only about 20+ players to even be awarded points, which would limit his play and basically be penalized for holding such rank or anyone at the conqueror position.

I think the bigger point here is that inviting a private/corporal who has never played city mogul to a speed game under the pretence of teaching is dishonest. If they happen to learn about that particular map and those particular settings it happens after glg gets the points.

Even those who defend hime e.g. Jashur are not being taught during the game:

2012-02-21 20:13:23 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: hi thx for joining me
2012-02-21 20:14:15 - Jashur: No problem!
2012-02-21 20:20:13 - Jashur: Where'd you get those 98 from?
2012-02-21 20:21:51 - Jashur: gg
2012-02-21 20:26:08 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: gg
2012-02-21 20:26:20 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: where'd you get your 160 from?
2012-02-21 20:26:27 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: same place, OK?
2012-02-21 20:26:36 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: you played very well, thx
2012-02-21 20:26:42 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: nice to meet you
2012-02-21 20:26:45 - Jashur: Thanks for the game
2012-02-21 20:26:51 - Jashur: Same (:

This is not teaching.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby jgordon1111 on Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:53 am

Bruceswar wrote:
ljex wrote:
Chuuuuck wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:Freestyle player are far more than 5% I would gander 30% of CC plays freestyle quite often. I am not saying 30% of CC is good at though. There is a difference. With Seq, you can lose before you even move. That never happens in freestyle because you always play at the same time or have the chance to. With that said mistakes show up more in freestyle by far thus giving players who can do it well and mistake free way better odds of winning.

P.S. When CC started all there was, was freestyle.

I am not saying % of people that play some freestyle every once in a while. I am saying total % of games that are freestyle compared to sequential. I doubt it is near 30%.... in fact, I just checked completed games for each, my computer nearly froze running the searches, but freestyle games make up 17.5%.

Then, I am saying the % of the populations that relies on their points and ConquerClub fun mainly from freestyle, is probably even smaller than that. Then you take that very select group of people, and yet they are ALWAYS at the top of the scoreboard for the game the rest of us enjoy in a completely different way. And on top of that, they are given the status as being "better" than all of us, although that person would never play a single one of us in the top 200 because A) they know they are likely to lose, and B) they will lose to many points compared to how often they will in. When a system is set up so that the top of the leaderboard can't afford to play the other people at the top, then the system is messed up.

Bruceswar wrote:Just a quick thought... The majority do not give a shit or have never posted about it. The Hardcore people of CC care way more than most.

This is actually true. But it makes this problem worse. "Most" don't acknowledge the problem or care. They are just playing games. The problem is, the victims he is taking advantage of, are these "most." No one that knows what he is doing agrees to his games nor does he ask them. They see the Conqueror and are like "oh cool, he wants to play, he must be really good." Then they see how he became conqueror first hand, and it leaves a bad taste in their mouth and they start to realize how the hierarchy of conquerclub works.

pretty annoying post to read chuck...considering i am no doubt included in your group of players and yet even when i was going for conqueror i continued to play clan and tournament games just to a lesser extent. Not to mention the fact that i am not the only one who played such games. You are essentially saying any freestyle player who plays sequential sucks which is simply not true.

It is not often me and ljex agree, but I am 100% behind him here. To lump everybody together in one group is just not fair.

+1 Got to agree with both Bruce and ljex I suck at freestyle for the most part yet will play on occassion.So that one lump of freestylers is incorrect.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby alster on Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:38 pm

Think this is pretty stupid. Everyone knows that in order to reach the top of the score board it's not enough to be a skilled player. You need to add an angle where you play games you are (very) likely to win and solely focus on that angle for a long period in order to slowly build up the overall score. And it seems to me that for every new conqueror, you have these people (a tiny but loud majority of the people on the site) that starts crying trying to make it up to be cheating. Jez. GLG obviously doesn't break any stated rules and to make this part of the unwritten rules will just be confusing. I'm surprised that the mods haven't put down their foot yet telling these whining fellas to suck it up and focus on their own games.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby owenshooter on Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:09 pm

alstergren wrote:Think this is pretty stupid. Everyone knows that in order to reach the top of the score board it's not enough to be a skilled player. You need to add an angle where you play games you are (very) likely to win and solely focus on that angle for a long period in order to slowly build up the overall score.

like joining an large number of games in which your mod friend then busts your multi opponent so you get free points? stuff like that? yeah, it isn't in the WRITTEN RULES, but there is plenty going on that is against the spirit of the site, the spirit of the rules and that have to be considered violations of unwritten rules. if they can ban people for 6 months based on unwritten rules they have never ever enforced again, surely things like "ranching" through invites and pm's can be taken into consideration for punishment.
alstergren wrote: And it seems to me that for every new conqueror, you have these people (a tiny but loud majority of the people on the site) that starts crying trying to make it up to be cheating. Jez. GLG obviously doesn't break any stated rules and to make this part of the unwritten rules will just be confusing. I'm surprised that the mods haven't put down their foot yet telling these whining fellas to suck it up and focus on their own games.

the people that were victims of this spoke pretty clearly about their experience, and this is obviously being looked at closely... his actions are bad for the site and bad for the people he ranches. the "ranch hands" have spoken pretty clearly...-el Jesus negro
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby rhp 1 on Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:01 pm

lol.. this is kinda funny and amusing... my last point would be.... "victims"? wow.. let's bring down the rhetoric a bit.. Is some random low-ranker who joins an open 1 v 1 freestyle game a victim? Often, they do cry about it after they get crushed, but a victim? People who are invited by GLG have the option to not play him... do they believe that with 900 points and winning games at a 12% clip they have a chance? If so, i'm not really sure they deserve being "protected" from becoming a "victim"... how's this.... on the first page of the website, have in huge bold font, a disclaimer... something like... IF YOU JUST STARTED PLAYING GAMES ON THIS SITE, DON'T JOIN GAMES WITH HIGH RANKING PLAYERS UNLESS YOU ARE EXPECTING TO LOSE....
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby ljex on Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:01 pm

Bruceswar wrote:The best way to curve this "ranching" is to make it impossible score wise. Somewhere there is a suggestion where if you are 2K higher than the player you are playing then you get 0 points. The factors were pretty interesting. With that said until we have a rule change we all sit and wait.

the best way to make ranching harder imo is to simply add these rules

1) no systematically joining the games of low rankers/newer players
2) no systematically targeting newer players/low rankers though invites and private games
3) no systematically foeing players who can beat you so you dont get any good competition

all of these seem to be ways to make it harder without really taking any fun out of the site. none of these are really good for the site imo and could easily be a punishable offence
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby KraphtOne on Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:19 pm


i played risk on another site for 10 years before coming over to this site... so in my first game i would have no problem challenging anyone at what i perceived to be a slight variation on the same game...

my buddy tricked me into playing a freestyle game my first time out... and i remember thinking "this ain't risk ya dick"...

which is basically what GLG does to every single player he plays... Makes ya think you're playing the best player on the site at checkers, and once you join the game you realize that it is a rubix cube solving competition and he already knows the trick to finishing it...
Look on my works ye mighty and despair...
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:21 pm

rhp 1 wrote:Is some random low-ranker who joins an open 1 v 1 freestyle game a victim? Often, they do cry about it after they get crushed, but a victim? People who are invited by GLG have the option to not play him... do they believe that with 900 points and winning games at a 12% clip they have a chance? If so, i'm not really sure they deserve being "protected" from becoming a "victim"...

Here is the problem: These low-rankers are playing in a private game. If Gen.LeeGettinhed was putting up public games and all of these low rankers joined, then there would be nothing wrong with him and his actions. You can't help who joins your games in public. However, Gen.LeeGettinhed is asking low-rankers to join his private games. You can control who you ask to play in private games. This is deceitful, and there is nothing honoring about it.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby jgordon1111 on Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:29 pm

+1 I concur
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby eddie2 on Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:58 pm

ok i have stayed quiet for most of this thread.. i have said this before but will say again..

lower ranks on his side all games open to he public....
this is ok.
woodbura team games all games open to the public... this is ok(sorry ljex just want you as a example)

all other conq's have used what some feel unfair rules to get to the top. but i see all other strats as ok because there games can be joined by anyone(not private and inviting new players to a specialist map banned from them for there first 5 games.). i have read through and seen other top scoreboard names get brought up but i have not seen any of the top players get there by preying on new players just outside of the farming rules inviting them to games they have not played (because they were not allowed due to new recruit regs)or settings they will not understand.. i believe queen herpes had a sugs thread asking for maps to be unlocked as experiance goes on. i think this needs to be added to it..
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed [pending] KA

Postby eddie2 on Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:05 pm

sorry for double post. but all of us can use the watch this game addon.. but we don't use it for when we go to the forum see the newiest recruit watch his games then invite them to a game as soon as they get a rank for completeing 5 games.
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