Conquer Club

lt. Futt [Noted] DCR

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Re: lt. Futt [Pending] DCR

Postby MNDuke on Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:27 am

Maybe you should the facts straight first buddy boy.

2012-03-11 11:11:29 - lt. Futt [team]: please shut up or I throw the game. Do you read me?
2012-03-11 11:11:47 - lt. Futt [team]: I need an answare before I go.
2012-03-11 11:11:53 - lt. Futt [team]: Do you read me?
2012-03-11 11:12:08 - lt. Futt [team]: y/n

2012-03-11 11:12:49 - MNDuke [team]: Go f*ck yourself

I did not curse at him til he gave me an ultimatum. I responded as a person who isn't going to take shit from anyone. Especially from a guy who joins my game and then doesn't want to communicate and work together as a team. Read into it however you want, but the truth is he was trying to push me around.

To correct your analogy: It's like if my sister took a toy from me because she wants me to do something she wants and then said, "Are you going to do what I want? If you don't I'm not giving you your toy back." I have no intention of taking my words back. I stand behind everything I said.
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Re: lt. Futt [Pending] DCR

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:42 am

MNDuke wrote:Maybe you should the facts straight first buddy boy.

2012-03-11 11:11:29 - lt. Futt [team]: please shut up or I throw the game. Do you read me?
2012-03-11 11:11:47 - lt. Futt [team]: I need an answare before I go.
2012-03-11 11:11:53 - lt. Futt [team]: Do you read me?
2012-03-11 11:12:08 - lt. Futt [team]: y/n

2012-03-11 11:12:49 - MNDuke [team]: Go f*ck yourself

I did not curse at him til he gave me an ultimatum. I responded as a person who isn't going to take shit from anyone. Especially from a guy who joins my game and then doesn't want to communicate and work together as a team. Read into however you want, but the truth is he was trying to bully me around.

To correct your analogy: It's like if my sister took a toy from me because she wants me to do something she wants and then said, "Are you going to do what I want? If you don't I'm not giving you your toy back." I have no intention of taking my words back. I stand behind everything I said.

You still aren't defending why you instigated the problem. Because you did. And you didn't curse at him till he said he was going to deadbeat the game. So? You still cursed at him. And at me. That's enough to piss anyone off. And you didn't post the entire chat history in your original C&A report. It's only the surface... Not enough detail. He provided his evidence as to why he did do it. And he admitted it. And even on my wall you say "You are a waste of my time." Things like this that instigate problems.

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Re: lt. Futt [Pending] DCR

Postby MNDuke on Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:47 am

Read the original complaint and quit wasting my time. I'm not sure why I have to defend anything here. I did nothing wrong but wanted to discuss moves with my teammate who then admittedly intentionally threw the game.
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Re: lt. Futt [Pending] DCR

Postby Master Kai on Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:00 am

Kai’s Public Service Board

Petition of MNDuke for review )
of potential rules violation in )
Game 10760884 by the defendant )
lt. Futt

March 12, 2012

On March 12, 2012, MNDuke filed a petition to review Game 10760884 for possible rules violations by lt. Futt. The motion calls for the review of the game on grounds that the defendant has intentionally deadbeated or intentionally thrown a game resulting in an outcome not expected by one who is actively seeking a successful game.
On March 12, 2012, lt. Futt responded with their opposition to the petition for possible rules violation.

show: Comments by Parties
  • MNDuke claims lt. Futt intentionally violated game rules by “dead-beating” or “throwing a game,” terms commonly used to describe when someone misses turns on purpose for the purpose of effecting the outcome of the game.
  • MNDuke comments that communicating should be a customary behavior among team members.
  • MNDuke comments that the defendant intentionally stated he would dead-beat.
  • MNDuke comments that a game mechanic should be changed to prevent this from occurring in the future.
  • lt. Futt refutes claims against him stating that MNDuke got what he deserves.
  • lt. Futt cites that communication is not required, with particular respect to speed games where it may not be appropriate and where skill is present
  • lt. Futt comments that a language barrier may exist preventing effective communication.

show: Findings
This board can only review the information that has been made available and is visible.

Rules Violation
Conquer Club Rules – unwritten rules, “Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, holding players hostage, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts, systematically "farming" new recruits.” The board recognizes that the difficulty of finding the intentionality of behaviors and that the burden of proof is often not clearly substantiated. In this case however, the claim is substantiated. This claim is substantiated by the following actions:
  • “2012-03-11 11:11:29 - lt. Futt [team]: please shut up or I throw the game. Do you read me?” as posted by lt. Futt on Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:46 pm.
  • “My deadbeat was an effect caused by MNDuke” as posted by lt. Futt on Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:46 pm.
  • “2012-03-11 05:14:16 - lt. Futt missed a turn” as recorded by the game log.
  • “2012-03-11 05:20:08 - lt. Futt missed a turn” as recorded by the game log.
  • “2012-03-11 05:25:54 - lt. Futt missed a turn
    2012-03-11 05:25:54 - lt. Futt was kicked out for missing too many turns” as recorded by the game log.
Communication Requirement
The question is whether there is a general expectation given in team games to communicate in team games. There is certainly no question that teams that are not able to communicate often find it more difficult to succeed in team games, especially when factoring in language barriers. In speed games, it is quite understandable that because speed is of the essence, communication could become difficult, especially if the expectation is consensus. However there is no violation of any rules being broken for players not communicating.

Experience surely aids in the outcome of games and games can be played without any communication. This is often found in games where two or more players have a history of playing together and are both familiar with the map and have a general expectation for how each will play. Often times, such as in this case, teams are put together where players are not familiar with each other and no general expectation has been established. In these scenarios, it becomes difficult for players to trust other players to make a decision in a game they would favor because the players may not be aware of the other players skill level, and therefore no expectation of skill level can be determined. However, while this is part of the game and should be expected of players joining games, it is hardly a replacement for effective communication. What is not expected is someone using this as a reason for not actively pursuing a successful game.

Communication is not limited to existing only within the time frame of the game, therefore its effectiveness in team games, and even speed games can greatly increase the chances a team has of being successful. This is especially true when language barriers exist. Conquer Club is played worldwide and by many who may or may not speak english as their primary language. It would be strongly advised that players understand who they are playing with before entering into games.

Site Features
Site features such as changing how games are started should be directed towards the suggestions forum: viewforum.php?f=4.

show: Conclusions
For the reasons described above the board concludes that while the defendant did have a right not to communicate with their teammate, there was a clear admission made by lt. Futt that he intentionally threw the game therefore violating the rules section – unwritten rules. It is however unclear that lt. Futt intentionally knew he was violating a rule, rather intending to make a point.

Common sense prevails. If you do not wish to communicate in a game, then it would be nice to let the other player know this is your intention, especially when it is someone whom you have not played with before. Whether a player chooses to communicate should not have any impact on any players’ intention to seek a successful game nor does it preclude a player from choosing to play with that player again if he or she feels a player does not communicate to their satisfaction. Ultimately, it is encouraged that players invoke their right to “foe” another player if they do not wish to play with another player. Even better, be conscious about who you play with.

show: Suggested Order
It is the suggestion of this board that lt. Futt immediately receive a clear warning that if this occurs again that he could face punishment up to and including being removed from the site for "gross abuse of the game."
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Re: lt. Futt [Pending] DCR

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:08 am

Master Kai wrote:It is the suggestion of this board that lt. Futt immediately receive a clear warning that if this occurs again that he could face punishment up to and including being removed from the site for "gross abuse of the game."

+1 Good Suggestion.
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby Commander9 on Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:45 am

eddie2 wrote:well well all i can say is if this is what soc are teaching players then that will explain why so many new players just start missing turns..

While I do not excuse of what Futt has done, this is a very cheap stab, Eddie. If we'd take a look at stats, I can guarantee that players in SoC miss less turns than the ones who are not in SoC - SoC is not necessarily a causation of that, but that's pretty much a fact. If you have some problems with SoC that has some base, please contact the leadership and we will try to solve them. If not, please show some integrity and not throw mindless insults our way. Thank you.
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Re: lt. Futt [Pending] DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:55 pm

lt. Futt is WARNED for intentionally deadbeating.
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby eddie2 on Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:17 pm

Commander9 wrote:
eddie2 wrote:well well all i can say is if this is what soc are teaching players then that will explain why so many new players just start missing turns..

While I do not excuse of what Futt has done, this is a very cheap stab, Eddie. If we'd take a look at stats, I can guarantee that players in SoC miss less turns than the ones who are not in SoC - SoC is not necessarily a causation of that, but that's pretty much a fact. If you have some problems with SoC that has some base, please contact the leadership and we will try to solve them. If not, please show some integrity and not throw mindless insults our way. Thank you.

did i actually say soc teachers were doing this... I said if
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby lt.Futt on Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:50 pm

Commander9 wrote:
eddie2 wrote:well well all i can say is if this is what soc are teaching players then that will explain why so many new players just start missing turns..

While I do not excuse of what Futt has done, this is a very cheap stab, Eddie. If we'd take a look at stats, I can guarantee that players in SoC miss less turns than the ones who are not in SoC - SoC is not necessarily a causation of that, but that's pretty much a fact. If you have some problems with SoC that has some base, please contact the leadership and we will try to solve them. If not, please show some integrity and not throw mindless insults our way. Thank you.

Commander9, I think you might be patronizing. Say something positive. From the camp, they're doing well. We can always wish for more but hard to tell how much.
Last edited by lt.Futt on Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: lt. Futt [Warned] DCR

Postby Iron Butterfly on Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:20 pm

Lt. Futt has always been an outstanding member of SoC and a great teacher of escalting to new and inexperienced players.
What has transpired within this game has nothing to do with SoC nor does it represent what transpires there.

It looks like team mates as compatible as vinegar and water.

Rationalizing poor sportsmanship does not make it right.
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Re: lt. Futt [Warned] DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:59 am

Iron Butterfly wrote:Lt. Futt has always been an outstanding member of SoC and a great teacher of escalting to new and inexperienced players.
What has transpired within this game has nothing to do with SoC nor does it represent what transpires there.

It looks like team mates as compatible as vinegar and water.

Rationalizing poor sportsmanship does not make it right.


This case has nothing to do with SoC, and everything to do with a single bad decision on the part of one of the teachers.
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Re: lt. Futt [Warned] DCR

Postby lt.Futt on Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:46 am

deathcomesrippin wrote:
Iron Butterfly wrote:Lt. Futt has always been an outstanding member of SoC and a great teacher of escalting to new and inexperienced players.
What has transpired within this game has nothing to do with SoC nor does it represent what transpires there.

It looks like team mates as compatible as vinegar and water.

Rationalizing poor sportsmanship does not make it right.


This case has nothing to do with SoC, and everything to do with a single bad decision on the part of one of the teachers.

Remember that I didn't take the effort to open a C&A report on MNDuke. This doesn't mean MNDuke did behave. MNDuke caused the deadbeating. He could've stopped whining and spot the game. Instead he did fight me in the team chat. I asked him: Can't you please stop whining. I gave him the key. MNDuke reminds me of Mad Gerald.

MNDuke started to whine at 10:59:29. I was exposed for his whining continuous until noon. One whole hour. I received three hate messages on my wall but he deleted them all. You can't be more rude than MNDuke. I asked him please stop whining over and over. First time at 10:04:40. 11:10:50 he told me never play with him again. That just made it. 11:11:29 I told him to shut up or I deadbeat 12 minutes after he started whining. The whining escalated. I was hoping for the cards but whining. I was fed up with whining.

MNDuke told lies when he said that I didn't fort him. There were no reason whine about fort. The game log shows that I did fort. He must have been taking drugs. MNDuke stirred up the conflict.

He was certainly not innocent yet I've forgiven MNDuke. Did he forgive me? No. It's crystal clear to me that he fight the troll in his inner self.
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Re: lt. Futt [Warned] DCR

Postby ubcman64 on Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:26 am

lt. Futt wrote:
deathcomesrippin wrote:
Iron Butterfly wrote:Lt. Futt has always been an outstanding member of SoC and a great teacher of escalting to new and inexperienced players.
What has transpired within this game has nothing to do with SoC nor does it represent what transpires there.

It looks like team mates as compatible as vinegar and water.

Rationalizing poor sportsmanship does not make it right.


This case has nothing to do with SoC, and everything to do with a single bad decision on the part of one of the teachers.

Remember that I didn't take the effort to open a C&A report on MNDuke. This doesn't mean MNDuke did behave. MNDuke caused the deadbeating. He could've stopped whining and spot the game. Instead he did fight me in the team chat. I asked him: Can't you please stop whining. I gave him the key. MNDuke reminds me of Mad Gerald.

MNDuke started to whine at 10:59:29. I was exposed for his whining continuous until noon. One whole hour. I received three hate messages on my wall but he deleted them all. You can't be more rude than MNDuke. I asked him please stop whining over and over. First time at 10:04:40. 11:10:50 he told me never play with him again. That just made it. 11:11:29 I told him to shut up or I deadbeat 12 minutes after he started whining. The whining escalated. I was hoping for the cards but whining. I was fed up with whining.

MNDuke told lies when he said that I didn't fort him. There were no reason whine about fort. The game log shows that I did fort. He must have been taking drugs. MNDuke stirred up the conflict.

He was certainly not innocent yet I've forgiven MNDuke. Did he forgive me? No. It's crystal clear to me that he fight the troll in his inner self.

unless someone is holding a gun to your head, nobody can make you deadbeat, i don't care what they are saying. all you had to do was FOE him and finish out the game.
there is no good reason to deadbeat...period.
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Re: lt. Futt [Warned] DCR

Postby MNDuke on Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:11 pm

Dude, the case has been closed and you are still going on about it. I'm really not sensing the forgiveness. Lol. Let it go. You were wrong. It's over and done.
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Re: lt. Futt [Warned] DCR

Postby wolfpack0530 on Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:45 pm

lt futt.
you need to realize that the word 'whining' is an insult.

it is not a 'key' or a 'clue' , instead it is a big middle finger.

you cannot insult someone, and then expect them to listen to your sage advice that follows, especially when that advice is disguised as a threat.

What you believe you did was give warning, intent to act, another warning, then action (deadbeating).

What you really did was insult, threaten, insult & threaten, deadbeat.

no matter how you think you came across, this is how you actually came across.

AS FOED mouthpiece, our official position is that we agree with the warning as fair punishment.

lt futt will need to apologize to Duke for his deadbeating, but will not need to apologize for thinking Duke is the worlds biggest jerk.

We recognize that the actions of futt in this game do not in any way reflect on the SOC or the tremendous job they are doing. We encourage futt do continue to do good work there.

We will, on average, enjoy beating lt futt on the battlefield 15-39% more than beating the average CC player from this point forward.

We encourage futt to learn the difference between someone actually whining, and someone tell him to get his head out of his ass.

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Re: lt. Futt [Warned] DCR

Postby lt.Futt on Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:40 am

wolfpack0530 wrote:lt futt.
you need to realize that the word 'whining' is an insult.

it is not a 'key' or a 'clue' , instead it is a big middle finger.

you cannot insult someone, and then expect them to listen to your sage advice that follows, especially when that advice is disguised as a threat.

What you believe you did was give warning, intent to act, another warning, then action (deadbeating).

What you really did was insult, threaten, insult & threaten, deadbeat.

no matter how you think you came across, this is how you actually came across.

AS FOED mouthpiece, our official position is that we agree with the warning as fair punishment.

lt futt will need to apologize to Duke for his deadbeating, but will not need to apologize for thinking Duke is the worlds biggest jerk.

We recognize that the actions of futt in this game do not in any way reflect on the SOC or the tremendous job they are doing. We encourage futt do continue to do good work there.

We will, on average, enjoy beating lt futt on the battlefield 15-39% more than beating the average CC player from this point forward.

We encourage futt to learn the difference between someone actually whining, and someone tell him to get his head out of his ass.


Funny. I've played two handful tourneys. All team tourneys. I've received one trophy for winning a tourney. Guess what both my team mates are FOED.

I am independant. I do not belong to any clan. I don't need a clan to back me up. I realize now that NamLiam is a FOED too. He did comment here earlier. Some speak up for me in this thread but I haven't told them to go here. I haven't told anyone. The first thing MNDuke did, was whining to a common friend of ours. I mean. J.E.S.U.S. C.H.R.I.S.T.

Team playing is to keep up the spirit as well as the technical performance. MNDuke killed my spirit. He could've given me a Yes and follow up then everything would been OK. That was all I waited for. Stop whining. MNDuke just couldn't. His whining escalated when asked him to stop whining. He started being rude.

Whining is when nothing you do is good enough. You whine in the back of the actions. Communication is in the front of the actions. Whining is when you can't stop complaining and being rude. We did struggle a bit the dice but we did well. We had full control. Still MNDuke could not see anything positive except from his own actions. I made all mistakes which he later on admitted was wrong. He whined about I didn't fort him but I did. When he realized I did fort him that wasn't good enough. He couldn't take card. I can't do anything about the dice. He had 2 cards in round 3. That's normal.

Was the dice that bad? Do I need to tell MNDuke Hit that 6 stack. Is it wrong to fort adjacent to a enemy 6 stack in order to get rid of the stack in a small bonus area we were fighting over. What communication is required?

I know there are no right and wrong but you got to take what you get from your team mate. This is the big boys game. I love playing like this with players that know how to play. You don't need many words (in speed game). I've played prefect games and won without a single word between my mate and me, and we continue to team up. MNDuke did type like he was a machine gun.

His attitude killed my spirit. We didn't act like a team. I've taken my share but (so far) that's not good enough. I never foed him. I've forgiven MNDuke but forgiving and asking for forgiving is simply not enough.

I belive it's a difference in kneeling down and bending over. MNDuke and I have discussed via PM. I am kneeling but I just won't bend over for him. MNDuke want me to apologize. He has nothing to apologize. Well, forgiving is good enough for me but MNDuke won't.
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Re: lt. Futt [Warned] DCR

Postby hmsps on Sun Mar 18, 2012 4:43 am

I always laugh when I see experienced players wanting to talk tactics on the classic map especially in speed games when usually you have a couple going at once.

I have no connection with It. Futt other than the fact that he joins a lot of my doubles games on my team. Most of my games are open to anyone to join so I am usually happy when someone of his quality joins. There is no chat other than say when the spoils get high, we say a colour to go for but to be honest 2 experienced players should be able to read a map and decide the best course of action.

Usually in a doubles game and i would say in 99% of mine where experienced players join, the whole tactic for the game is set with no chat at all but the first player sets the tone with his/her first deploy and fort. You dont have to be a rocket scientist to work that out.

Although not condoning deadbeating, I am surprised that It. Futts experienced team mate needed his hand held on such a simple map.

All that It. Futt did wrong was to be honest and follow his actions through. Plenty of people deadbeat speedgames just usually you don't hear from them beforehand. Does this mean now that if someone deadbeats in my games in future they will get a warning as it usually is deliberate i.e. they play other games at the time? If so there are going to be plenty of reports of this nature in the future. Like I say not condoning it but all he did was state he was gonna do it and follow it through.

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Re: lt. Futt [Warned] DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Sun Mar 18, 2012 5:58 am

Locked. There is no need for more discussion on this topic. He deadbeated, got a warning, and that's that.
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