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strike wolf wrote:jonty125 wrote:I think we should save hippo for D2, and lynch spartacus today, because hippo's vote does seem to hop about more than usual but spartacus denied his own claim which is a greater offense in my ideas.
This. I mean I've never seen so many town who are willing to give someone who can't keep their own role straight such a high benefit of the doubt.
dazza2008 wrote:Iron Butterfly wrote:
I understand and hear you. For me the reason is that if he is innocent mafia knows he is innocent and smell blood. I would be less then honest if I were to say I have not been torn. BUT I have also been in the position he has been in in making a huge error in gameplay knowing I am innocent...that combined with the way certian players such as Dazza have jumped in to lynch after sunmarining only to disappear again makeses me side toward giving him the benifit of the doubt.
Could I be wrong? Yes.
In what way did I "just jump in to the lynch"?
I got far behind in the thread. I was busy at the end of the week and weekend as I said already. Then when I caught up he had acted scummy so i voted. Since then I have stayed active.
Are you saying if someone falls behind they are not allowed to think what they think when they catch up?
Seems crazy to me. If I continued to be inactive after voting I would understand your point.
hippo wrote:I'm pleased I dropped the sparticus case, I am of the firm view that he is VT. Of course, DJ, you should go back and look at my posts - they are there for all to read. In doing so, you may twig to who I am. In the meantime, I'm still reading also and will let you know if I think there is a case worthy of pursuing.
Neb wrote:TAILS...I'm not even sure he has more than 5 posts. He's not adding anything to this game.
Drake...same here. Very unmemorable posts. He's not adding anything to this game.
spiesr wrote:If he has a (either provided or came up with on his own) a good fake-claim then he can hint at it all he wants and it only helps him...Iron Butterfly wrote:With Hippo I am now leading toward be mafia and to say you have soft claimed your role and to play the way he has would be silly. I have played with him one other game and we lynched him for just such behavior and he turned town, though he was lynched for a good vote is still on him because i am not fully convinced.
SPARTACUS1974 wrote:like i said animorphagus so slow down HP fans
safariguy5 wrote:SPARTACUS1974 wrote:like i said animorphagus so slow down HP fans
"Nymphadora "Dora" Tonks is a Metamorphmagus, and an Auror."
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
safariguy5 wrote:I protected Harry last night. Dunno what happened, may have gotten roleblocked.
Possibleeverywhere116 wrote:He was driven.safariguy5 wrote:I protected Harry last night. Dunno what happened, may have gotten roleblocked.
Fishing for the bus-driver now?everywhere116 wrote:Mr. Bus Driver, who did you switch jonty with?
spiesr wrote:Possibleeverywhere116 wrote:He was driven.safariguy5 wrote:I protected Harry last night. Dunno what happened, may have gotten roleblocked.Fishing for the bus-driver now?everywhere116 wrote:Mr. Bus Driver, who did you switch jonty with?
everywhere116 wrote:safariguy5 wrote:I protected Harry last night. Dunno what happened, may have gotten roleblocked.
He was driven.
Mr. Bus Driver, who did you switch jonty with?
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
Unless it is a mafia bus-driver or something...everywhere116 wrote:The bus driver knows who the Death Eaters targeted. We can clear them both.
spiesr wrote:Unless it is a mafia bus-driver or something...everywhere116 wrote:The bus driver knows who the Death Eaters targeted. We can clear them both.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
strike wolf wrote:If you could point out one part of the scene that points to a busdriver being responsible than I may be slightly more inclined to believe you but even then it seems a bit far fetched if it was a town busdriver for them to attempt to kill the very same person that was switched and a bit careless (if not scummy) of you to try to get a busdriver to claim so early. Right now I don't see how you could know it was a busdriver.
Beyond that some various scenarios (not calculated for likeliness):
1. Safari was roleblocked but because he claimed he would protect Harry other protective roles backed off protecting Harry and mafia took the chance to kill Harry. Everywhere isn't directly implicated as mafia either way in this scenario. Flaw: others could still decide to protect or drive Harry.
2. Safari is mafia and used the BG claim to deter others from protecting Harry. Mafia could get a free shot and Safari could act like he had been role blocked. Everywhere again isn't directly implicated. Flaws: same as above.
3. Town BDed mafias target with Harry. If this is the case don't claim yet. Everywhere could be scum aware of the drive and trying to fish out a Power Role or he could be town who made a hasty call in his actions. Safari is not directly implicated.
4. Mafia BDed someone with harry to get the free kill. Everywhere could be scum trying to falsely clear two SBs or he could be town making a hasty decision. Safari is not directly implicated. Flaw: person busdrived with Harry could have been protected, driver could be blocked and it potentially exposes a powerful mafia role early in the game.
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