Conquer Club

lt. Futt [Noted] DCR

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lt. Futt [Noted] DCR

Postby MNDuke on Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:43 am


lt. Futt

The accused are suspected of:
Intentional Deadbeating with the intent of throwing a game on purpose.

Game number(s):

Game 10760884

I set up a dubs speed game with the idea of playing with a friend when lt. futt joined. I still decided to play the game with him even though we've never partnered before. Upon asking him to work together or discuss moves together in chat, he became irritated and told me I could shut up or he would throw game.

2012-03-11 05:05:28 - MNDuke [team]: you can't win the game all by yourself here
2012-03-11 05:07:03 - MNDuke [team]: please work together with me instead of on your own. we will be far more successful
2012-03-11 05:08:39 - MNDuke [team]: madrid to dakar is a good fort
2012-03-11 05:11:29 - lt. Futt [team]: please shut up or I throw the game. Do you read me?
2012-03-11 05:11:47 - lt. Futt [team]: I need an answare before I go.
2012-03-11 05:11:53 - lt. Futt [team]: Do you read me?
2012-03-11 05:12:08 - lt. Futt [team]: y/n
2012-03-11 05:12:49 - MNDuke [team]: Go f*ck yourself

From there he proceeded to miss his turn and continued to hijack the game.

2012-03-11 05:13:48 - MNDuke [team]: so go ahead throw the game, but suffer the consequences
2012-03-11 05:14:17 - lt. Futt [team]: So what's it gonna be?
2012-03-11 05:14:32 - MNDuke [team]: i'm filing a cheating and abuse thread

Even after being warned that I would report him, he continued to miss.

2012-03-11 05:16:01 - lt. Futt [team]: Don't tell me I can't play or won't cooperate.
2012-03-11 05:16:20 - MNDuke [team]: i would expect that you would be able to communicate and play as a teammate and cooperate.

There was no reasoning with him and continued to throw the game.

2012-03-11 05:17:41 - lt. Futt [team]: You misunderstand the whole thing. I've played tons of games with players that know the game. We don't discuss at all. Either you got it or you don't.
2012-03-11 05:18:13 - MNDuke [team]: i don't care who you are or who you've played with
2012-03-11 05:18:30 - MNDuke [team]: when you play a team game the customary thing to do is to play as a team
2012-03-11 05:18:38 - MNDuke [team]: being a member of soc you should know this
2012-03-11 05:19:16 - lt. Futt [team]: Tell me what's a team?
2012-03-11 05:19:33 - MNDuke [team]: shut up and take your turn
2012-03-11 05:19:35 - lt. Futt [team]: How do we play as a team?
2012-03-11 05:19:50 - MNDuke [team]: we communicate
2012-03-11 05:19:52 - lt. Futt [team]: y/n
2012-03-11 05:19:53 - MNDuke [team]: discuss moves
2012-03-11 05:19:57 - MNDuke [team]: discuss forts
2012-03-11 05:20:00 - lt. Futt [team]: What's it gonna be?
2012-03-11 05:20:02 - MNDuke [team]: work together on a plan
2012-03-11 05:20:08 - MNDuke [team]: take your turn
2012-03-11 05:20:37 - lt. Futt [team]: See? don't f*ck around with me
2012-03-11 05:20:40 - MNDuke [team]: hope you like fighting a cheating and abuse report
2012-03-11 05:20:48 - lt. Futt [team]: Do you realize now?
2012-03-11 05:20:50 - MNDuke [team]: what you did is deliberate and against the rules
2012-03-11 05:21:08 - MNDuke [team]: do you realize now that you are probably going to have a permanent mark against you?
2012-03-11 05:21:42 - lt. Futt [team]: I really don't care as long as you won't behave.
2012-03-11 05:22:33 - MNDuke [team]: go f*ck yourself

I didn't realize that trying to communicate with a teammate and discuss moves would result in such chaos. I have FAMO, but would like something to be done so this doesn't happen to someone else in the future. Being a member of all the SOC user groups he is a part of, one would think that playing as a team and something as simple as discussing moves would be customary. This guy shouldn't be allowed to teach anyone how to play. I'm fucking disgusted as hell right now and would like the 32pts he cost me taken from his account and added back to mine.

I will further extend myself by saying cc should alter the way speed games are started, by allowing the creator of the game to click a launch button once it fills. It should also allow the creator to boot anyone they chose from joining the game before it starts.
Last edited by MNDuke on Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:44 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby lt.Futt on Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:10 am

Come on, MNDuke. We didn't get along together. I forgive you. Do you forgive me? You have me foed. I can't contact you.
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby Extreme Ways on Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:02 am

lt. Futt wrote:Come on, MNDuke. We didn't get along together. I forgive you. Do you forgive me? You have me foed. I can't contact you.

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Re: lt. Futt

Postby jgordon1111 on Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:29 am

So why join a team game if you want to lone wolf, I thought the SoC had higher standards,Have played them in team games and I never got the feeling Mac was lone wolfing it. That is unfortunate that you got SoC's name tied to a C&A report when they are trying to build team games into the curriculum
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:57 am

Thanks for the report, MNDuke. You"re quite a douche, lt. Futt and a disgrace to the SoC community. Foe list +1
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby lt.Futt on Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:41 am

jgordon111 and 10rtritw0, I am trying to smoke peace pipe with MNDuke. You guys have not seen mine version. If you don't have anything positive to contribute, please leave it.
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby Namliam on Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:04 am

is your version of the copy/paste from game chat somehow different, lt. Futt? It appears to me that you have been accused of intentionally throwing a game, and the evidence to support that accusation is clearly provided. What is your defense?
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby lt.Futt on Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:17 am

Namliam wrote:is your version of the copy/paste from game chat somehow different, lt. Futt? It appears to me that you have been accused of intentionally throwing a game, and the evidence to support that accusation is clearly provided. What is your defense?

My version is different, yes, but I won't discuss and say too much. I am the one who's accused. It may get a bullet hot in speed games but after 5 minutes I'm alright. I have forgiven MNDuke and asked him to forgive me.

I am trying deplomacy. What can I say to defend myself and at the same time not get him upset?

I will give my version to C&A if they ask me.
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby Extreme Ways on Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:54 am

lt. Futt wrote:
Namliam wrote:is your version of the copy/paste from game chat somehow different, lt. Futt? It appears to me that you have been accused of intentionally throwing a game, and the evidence to support that accusation is clearly provided. What is your defense?

My version is different, yes, but I won't discuss and say too much. I am the one who's accused. It may get a bullet hot in speed games but after 5 minutes I'm alright. I have forgiven MNDuke and asked him to forgive me.

I am trying deplomacy. What can I say to defend myself and at the same time not get him upset?

I will give my version to C&A if they ask me.

Wait... Why did you forgive MNDuke? Duke was alright wasn't he?
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby lt.Futt on Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:11 pm

Extreme Ways wrote:
lt. Futt wrote:
Namliam wrote:is your version of the copy/paste from game chat somehow different, lt. Futt? It appears to me that you have been accused of intentionally throwing a game, and the evidence to support that accusation is clearly provided. What is your defense?

My version is different, yes, but I won't discuss and say too much. I am the one who's accused. It may get a bullet hot in speed games but after 5 minutes I'm alright. I have forgiven MNDuke and asked him to forgive me.

I am trying deplomacy. What can I say to defend myself and at the same time not get him upset?

I will give my version to C&A if they ask me.

Wait... Why did you forgive MNDuke? Duke was alright wasn't he?

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Re: lt. Futt

Postby jsnyder748 on Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:24 pm

lt. Futt wrote:
Extreme Ways wrote:
lt. Futt wrote:
Namliam wrote:is your version of the copy/paste from game chat somehow different, lt. Futt? It appears to me that you have been accused of intentionally throwing a game, and the evidence to support that accusation is clearly provided. What is your defense?

My version is different, yes, but I won't discuss and say too much. I am the one who's accused. It may get a bullet hot in speed games but after 5 minutes I'm alright. I have forgiven MNDuke and asked him to forgive me.

I am trying deplomacy. What can I say to defend myself and at the same time not get him upset?

I will give my version to C&A if they ask me.

Wait... Why did you forgive MNDuke? Duke was alright wasn't he?


From experience i can say that it is true that some good teams don't need to talk, but most do because it is how you play as a team! Even if it is just to discuss 1 fort you still do it because it could win you the game. Deadbeating was not the answer just because you didnt want to say a few sentences.
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby Barney Rubble on Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:25 pm

Deadbeating after repeated efforts by your teammate to get you too at least take your turn. Stating your going to deadbeat and throw the game .I am assuming
mods probably wont ask you for your version because its all there in the game chat and backed up by the game log . :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby GeneralRisk on Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:42 pm

I set classic speed dubs up daily and have different partners join. On occasion lt. Futt joins and sometimes I join his classic dub speed games. Sometimes he gives ideas that I either ignore or dont even see till after my turn and vise versa. I can say he is a better partner than most who join and I would imagine if I told him something like the op says....2012-03-11 05:12:49 - MNDuke [team]: Go f*ck yourself.. then he may get hostile....most do when I tell them that. These speed dub games are not clan games and I personally disregard what most tell me to do anyway because it is nonsense. If someone tells me to go f*ck myself I will usually retaliate in some manner....Just my 2 cents.>>>>>>>.....Let me add 1 thing....If I made a c and a report every time a dubs partner of mine does like lt. Futt is accused of doing, then I would have about 5 or 6 min. a week that I would file.
Last edited by GeneralRisk on Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby lt.Futt on Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:46 pm

jsnyder748 wrote:
lt. Futt wrote:
Extreme Ways wrote:
lt. Futt wrote:
Namliam wrote:is your version of the copy/paste from game chat somehow different, lt. Futt? It appears to me that you have been accused of intentionally throwing a game, and the evidence to support that accusation is clearly provided. What is your defense?

My version is different, yes, but I won't discuss and say too much. I am the one who's accused. It may get a bullet hot in speed games but after 5 minutes I'm alright. I have forgiven MNDuke and asked him to forgive me.

I am trying deplomacy. What can I say to defend myself and at the same time not get him upset?

I will give my version to C&A if they ask me.

Wait... Why did you forgive MNDuke? Duke was alright wasn't he?


From experience i can say that it is true that some good teams don't need to talk, but most do because it is how you play as a team! Even if it is just to discuss 1 fort you still do it because it could win you the game. Deadbeating was not the answer just because you didnt want to say a few sentences.

Alright. I'll give you my version. I hate this cause I know this is serious and I have to defend myself in English which is not my language. What do I know. What I say may not be even be considered. This is about cause and effect. My deadbeat was an effect caused by MNDuke. That's a fine team?! Why should I take the resonsibillity alone? I take my share.

Check my finished games. I've played several duo speed on the classic map each day since December. I've found a handful players with the skills. It's a challenge playing open speed games. Tons of BS, I'm telling. The temperature sometimes get really high. You really learn to forgive sometimes. I wish we had another system as we could play equal skills and people we know.

I've played duo casual for two and a half year with similar set up. I have a win percent around 80 in 60 games. I know how to play. I recognize skills fast. I recognize many duo speed players; both skilled and low skilled. I consider myself as an expert. I've been teaching tons of escalating games from my time as SOC teacher. I know the classic map.

I am not saying I win every game with this set up. Very much is based on luck. What's special with duo escalating is that a skilled mate may save an unlucky mate.

However, I don't know why I play open duo speed games. I guess it's part for the passion and part for points. I get frustrated over poor team mates when we lose points especially no brainers. Anyone should try months with open duo speed games. See how you handle it.

What I've learned from tons of duo speed games this winter is rather Show me what you got than discuss. The reason is that no matter what you say a poor player blows it. You better play and shut up. Keep calm as best you can.

1-2 minutes speed games is very fast. You can't discuss. You got to trust your partner. Low ranks have told me not to tell them how to play when I try to communicate. You never know how they react. You do not owe the truth, some say. They're correct.

I play duo speed with some skilled players. We do not say a word. I trust them and they trust me. It's like telepathy. That's really funny. More like that! Do I have to add that we win lots of games.

3-5 minute games is too slow for me. It has nothing to do with the ability to communicate. I am more like either you got what it takes or not in 2 minutes speed games.

What went wrong for MNDuke and me?

I did play the three first turns.

First we had some sort of communication.

We had 3 out of 4 in SA. 2 for me. 1 for MNDuke. We had a reinforcement line from Edmonton to SA. We had troops in Africa and EUR. We were more skilled individuals and team players that our opponents.

2012-03-11 10:58:39 - lt. Futt deployed 3 troops on Lima
2012-03-11 10:59:00 - lt. Futt reinforced Sao Paulo with 2 troops from Edmonton

2012-03-11 10:58:44 - MNDuke [team]: drop in sa and trim that blue 6
2012-03-11 10:59:29 - MNDuke [team]: you should have tried 4v6

I was faster than MNDuke. We had good control over SA. In escalating style you better conserve troops than getting thin early on.

2012-03-11 11:00:49 - lt. Futt [team]: I played it safe
2012-03-11 11:01:31 - MNDuke [team]: but see now i wasn't able to get a card
2012-03-11 11:01:42 - MNDuke [team]: had you hit him one more time i wouldn't have had the trouble

We had no guarantee that I could pick another Blue. Note that I did fort MNDuke every time. MNDuke says I didn't.

2012-03-11 11:01:44 - MNDuke [team]: live and learn

I started be ware of a complainer.

2012-03-11 11:02:00 - MNDuke [team]: blue goes after me so turn order was in our favor

Due lack of English skills I didn't understand him but reminded of complaining. We were in very good shape. Everything under control.

2012-03-11 11:02:55 - MNDuke [team]: we had a good drop and every round that we don't capitalize we lose our leverage
2012-03-11 11:04:02 - MNDuke [team]: come on dude
2012-03-11 11:04:06 - MNDuke [team]: you have to fort
2012-03-11 11:04:12 - MNDuke [team]: now you are really sinking us

BS and complaining. I did fort him but we did struggle a little with dice. In my point of view we had full control.

2012-03-11 11:04:23 - lt. Futt [team]: Do you realize who's on your team?

Started being frustrated over his complaining. Wanted to signalize that I knew what I was doing.

2012-03-11 11:04:35 - MNDuke [team]: how am i supposed to get a card now and also we lost south america
2012-03-11 11:04:40 - lt. Futt [team]: Please stop whining.

Absolute BS 110 %. We were about to take area bonus. I could not understand his complaining. I got more frustrated. I used the w-word. Here we failed.

2012-03-11 11:04:41 - MNDuke [team]: apparently not i guess
2012-03-11 11:04:49 - MNDuke [team]: i'm not whining
2012-03-11 11:04:52 - MNDuke [team]: i would like to win
2012-03-11 11:04:58 - MNDuke [team]: and to win you have to work together as a team

I did realize we had failed. I had to work together as a team. 3 minutes speed game. You got to take what you get. Not much time if you are two different souls. Better play and get it done. Still I could not understand his whining. We were just about to seal SA bonus. Remember I played my three first turns.

2012-03-11 11:05:07 - MNDuke [team]: we are teammates
2012-03-11 11:05:19 - MNDuke [team]: passing me troops is going to help US win
2012-03-11 11:05:28 - MNDuke [team]: you can't win the game all by yourself here
2012-03-11 11:07:03 - MNDuke [team]: please work together with me instead of on your own. we will be far more successful
2012-03-11 11:08:39 - MNDuke [team]: madrid to dakar is a good fort

Complaining over and over.

2012-03-11 11:10:50 - MNDuke [team]: dont ever play with me again

We had control over SA. I did fort from Far East to Delhi. Oz did concern me and we could need more reinforcements. I had long term plan. MNDuke seem to have short term plans. I do not consider small bonus areas as life and death in escalating games.

dont ever play with me again made it.

2012-03-11 11:11:29 - lt. Futt [team]: please shut up or I throw the game. Do you read me?
2012-03-11 11:11:47 - lt. Futt [team]: I need an answare before I go.
2012-03-11 11:11:53 - lt. Futt [team]: Do you read me?
2012-03-11 11:12:08 - lt. Futt [team]: y/n

2012-03-11 11:12:49 - MNDuke [team]: Go f*ck yourself
2012-03-11 11:13:13 - MNDuke [team]: they're my points as much as yours
2012-03-11 11:13:33 - MNDuke [team]: you have no idea how to work as a team and if you throw the game i will file a c and a
2012-03-11 11:13:48 - MNDuke [team]: so go ahead throw the game, but suffer the consequences
2012-03-11 11:14:17 - lt. Futt [team]: So what's it gonna be?

He was too proud to give me a yes or no. Just as I suspected. Compromiseless. I show him not to compromise. I was fed up with him. Meanwhile I was waiting for a yes or no, the game went on.

2012-03-11 11:14:17 - lt. Futt [team]: So what's it gonna be?
2012-03-11 11:14:16 - lt. Futt missed a turn

Missed my turn waiting for a yes or no. I could drop and seal SA bonus and prolly the whole game. All I got was tons of BS. How do you cooperate with a guy like this? I was waiting.

2012-03-11 11:14:32 - MNDuke [team]: i'm filing a cheating and abuse thread
2012-03-11 11:14:37 - MNDuke [team]: simple as that
2012-03-11 11:14:55 - MNDuke [team]: and i'll also talk with the society of the cooks. you know macbone
2012-03-11 11:15:07 - MNDuke [team]: he happens to be a friend and is a member of the same clan as me
2012-03-11 11:15:15 - MNDuke [team]: think about it. be an adult here
2012-03-11 11:15:38 - lt. Futt [team]: I know mac. Played duo with him for 2 years. We have a win percent over 80.
2012-03-11 11:15:51 - MNDuke [team]: big deal
2012-03-11 11:15:58 - MNDuke [team]: i know him as well.
2012-03-11 11:16:01 - lt. Futt [team]: Don't tell me I can't play or won't cooperate.
2012-03-11 11:16:20 - MNDuke [team]: i would expect that you would be able to communicate and play as a teammte and cooperate
2012-03-11 11:16:26 - MNDuke [team]: you don't cooperate
2012-03-11 11:16:33 - MNDuke [team]: check the game chat
2012-03-11 11:16:35 - lt. Futt [team]: mac and I have played once against you and we won.
2012-03-11 11:16:44 - MNDuke [team]: when did you ever discuss a move with me?
2012-03-11 11:16:45 - MNDuke [team]: not once
2012-03-11 11:16:55 - MNDuke [team]: instead you called me a whiner for asking you to discuss moves
2012-03-11 11:17:41 - lt. Futt [team]: You misunderstand the whole thing. I've played tons of games with players that know the game. We don't discuss at all. Either you got it or you don't.
2012-03-11 11:17:47 - MNDuke [team]: that game is almost 2 years old
2012-03-11 11:17:58 - lt. Futt [team]: Speed that is.
2012-03-11 11:18:01 - MNDuke [team]: check your fucking ego at the door
2012-03-11 11:18:09 - lt. Futt [team]: I was a noob at that time.
2012-03-11 11:18:13 - MNDuke [team]: i don't care who you are or who you've played with

He knew macbone and I played duos together. macbone is his clan mate. Still he could not see any of my skills. Not a single positive word. Tons of BS.

2012-03-11 11:18:30 - MNDuke [team]: when you play a team game the customary thing to do is to play as a team
2012-03-11 11:18:38 - MNDuke [team]: being a member of soc you should know this
2012-03-11 11:19:16 - lt. Futt [team]: Tell me what's a team?
2012-03-11 11:19:33 - MNDuke [team]: shut up and take your turn
2012-03-11 11:19:35 - lt. Futt [team]: How do we play as a team?
2012-03-11 11:19:50 - MNDuke [team]: we communicate
2012-03-11 11:19:52 - lt. Futt [team]: y/n
2012-03-11 11:19:53 - MNDuke [team]: discuss moves
2012-03-11 11:19:57 - MNDuke [team]: discuss forts
2012-03-11 11:20:00 - lt. Futt [team]: What's it gonna be?
2012-03-11 11:20:02 - MNDuke [team]: work together on a plan
2012-03-11 11:20:08 - MNDuke [team]: take your turn
2012-03-11 11:20:37 - lt. Futt [team]: See? don't f*ck around with me

2012-03-11 11:25:54 - lt. Futt was kicked out for missing too many turns

Missed my third turn waiting for a yes or no that I already knew never would come.

2012-03-11 11:20:40 - MNDuke [team]: hope you like fighting a cheating and abuse reeoprt
2012-03-11 11:20:48 - lt. Futt [team]: Do you realize now?
2012-03-11 11:20:50 - MNDuke [team]: what you did is deliberate and against the rules
2012-03-11 11:21:08 - MNDuke [team]: do you realize now that you are going to have a permanent mark against you?
2012-03-11 11:21:42 - lt. Futt [team]: I really don't care as long as you won't behave.
2012-03-11 11:22:33 - MNDuke [team]: go f*ck yourself
2012-03-11 11:22:35 - MNDuke [team]: your an asshole
2012-03-11 11:22:44 - MNDuke [team]: you aren't my parents
2012-03-11 11:22:49 - MNDuke [team]: you don't tell me how to behave
2012-03-11 11:22:59 - MNDuke [team]: you don't make ultimatiums and hold a game hostage
2012-03-11 11:23:06 - MNDuke [team]: that is fucking wrong and ridiculously immature
2012-03-11 11:23:14 - MNDuke [team]: grow up and quit acting like a child
2012-03-11 11:24:56 - MNDuke [team]: Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, holding players hostage, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts, systematic

MNDuke and I got what it takes. What is it to discuss and argue for? Either you got what it takes or you don't. In general you better let people show what they got. It's no abra kadabra.

MNDuke kept posting very bad insults on my wall. He did complaint to macbone, our common friend. macbone did contact me asking what was going on. I did check MNDuke's rating. Did not impress me much. Rude and complainer is repeated in his recent ratings.

MNDuke ruined what could be a good experience. We had the game all way.

What I mean about "whining" is when you're told what to do afterwards. Is that communication? Tell in front. Nothing was good enough for him. "whining" is when you can't stop complaining. "whining" is being a drama queen. Keep up the spirit. That's team play as well. In speed games let people show what they got. Try keep calm. MNDuke and I was two different paradigms clinch together. MNDuke was rude and a complainer. He can thank himself. I hope he will meet his next team mate with the respect he didn't show me.

I could report MNDuke for other reasons.

Unwritten Rules
Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to

I take my share. I have asked for forgiving. I have forgiven MNDuke. No hard feeling. We don't even need to join eachothers game.
Last edited by lt.Futt on Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby jgordon1111 on Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:49 pm

Rolf ;)
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby Extreme Ways on Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:17 pm

lt. Futt wrote:
jsnyder748 wrote:
lt. Futt wrote:
Extreme Ways wrote:
lt. Futt wrote:
My version is different, yes, but I won't discuss and say too much. I am the one who's accused. It may get a bullet hot in speed games but after 5 minutes I'm alright. I have forgiven MNDuke and asked him to forgive me.

I am trying deplomacy. What can I say to defend myself and at the same time not get him upset?

I will give my version to C&A if they ask me.

Wait... Why did you forgive MNDuke? Duke was alright wasn't he?


From experience i can say that it is true that some good teams don't need to talk, but most do because it is how you play as a team! Even if it is just to discuss 1 fort you still do it because it could win you the game. Deadbeating was not the answer just because you didnt want to say a few sentences.

Alright. I'll give you my version. I hate this cause I know this is serious and I have to defend myself in English which is not my language. What do I know. What I say may not be even be considered. This is about cause and effect. My deadbeat was an effect caused by MNDuke. That's a fine team?! Why should I take the resonsibillity alone? I take my share.

Check my finished games. I've played several duo speed on the classic map each day since December. I've found a handful players with the skills. It's a challenge playing open speed games. Tons of BS, I'm telling. The temperature sometimes get really high. You really learn to forgive sometimes. I wish we had another system as we could play equal skills and people we know.

I've played duo casual for two and a half year with similar set up. I have a win percent around 80 in 60 games. I know how to play. I recognize skills fast. I recognize many duo speed players; both skilled and low skilled. I consider myself as an expert. I've been teaching tons of escalating games from my time as SOC teacher. I know the classic map.

I am not saying I win every game with this set up. Very much is based on luck. What's special with duo escalating is that a skilled mate may save an unlucky mate.

However, I don't know why I play open duo speed games. I guess it's part for the passion and part for points. I get frustrated over poor team mates when we lose points especially no brainers. Anyone should try months with open duo speed games. See how you handle it.

What I've learned from tons of duo speed games this winter is rather Show me what you got than discuss. The reason is that no matter what you say a poor player blows it. You better play and shut up. Keep calm as best you can.

1-2 minutes speed games is very fast. You can't discuss. You got to trust your partner. Low ranks have told me not to tell them how to play when I try to communicate. You never know how they react. You do not owe the truth, some say. They're correct.

I play duo speed with some skilled players. We do not say a word. I trust them and they trust me. It's like telepathy. That's really funny. More like that! Do I have to add that we win lots of games.

3-5 minute games is too slow for me. It has nothing to do with the ability to communicate. I am more like either you got what it takes or not in 2 minutes speed games.

What went wrong for MNDuke and me?

I did play the three first turns.

First we had some sort of communication.

We had 3 out of 4 in SA. 2 for me. 1 for MNDuke. We had a reinforcement line from Edmonton to SA. We had troops in Africa and EUR. We were more skilled individuals and team players that our opponents.

2012-03-11 10:58:39 - lt. Futt deployed 3 troops on Lima
2012-03-11 10:59:00 - lt. Futt reinforced Sao Paulo with 2 troops from Edmonton

2012-03-11 10:58:44 - MNDuke [team]: drop in sa and trim that blue 6
2012-03-11 10:59:29 - MNDuke [team]: you should have tried 4v6

I was faster than MNDuke. We had good control over SA. In escalating style you better conserve troops than getting thin early on.

2012-03-11 11:00:49 - lt. Futt [team]: I played it safe
2012-03-11 11:01:31 - MNDuke [team]: but see now i wasn't able to get a card
2012-03-11 11:01:42 - MNDuke [team]: had you hit him one more time i wouldn't have had the trouble

We had no guarantee that I could pick another Blue. Note that I did fort MNDuke every time. MNDuke says I didn't.

2012-03-11 11:01:44 - MNDuke [team]: live and learn

I started be ware of a complainer.

2012-03-11 11:02:00 - MNDuke [team]: blue goes after me so turn order was in our favor

Due lack of English skills I didn't understand him but reminded of complaining. We were in very good shape. Everything under control.

2012-03-11 11:02:55 - MNDuke [team]: we had a good drop and every round that we don't capitalize we lose our leverage
2012-03-11 11:04:02 - MNDuke [team]: come on dude
2012-03-11 11:04:06 - MNDuke [team]: you have to fort
2012-03-11 11:04:12 - MNDuke [team]: now you are really sinking us

BS and complaining. I did fort him but we did struggle a little with dice. In my point of view we had full control.

2012-03-11 11:04:23 - lt. Futt [team]: Do you realize who's on your team?

Started being frustrated over his complaining. Wanted to signalize that I knew what I was doing.

2012-03-11 11:04:35 - MNDuke [team]: how am i supposed to get a card now and also we lost south america
2012-03-11 11:04:40 - lt. Futt [team]: Please stop whining.

Absolute BS 110 %. We were about to take area bonus. I could not understand his complaining. I got more frustrated. I used the w-word. Here we failed.

2012-03-11 11:04:41 - MNDuke [team]: apparently not i guess
2012-03-11 11:04:49 - MNDuke [team]: i'm not whining
2012-03-11 11:04:52 - MNDuke [team]: i would like to win
2012-03-11 11:04:58 - MNDuke [team]: and to win you have to work together as a team

I did realize we had failed. I had to work together as a team. 3 minutes speed game. You got to take what you get. Not much time if you are two different souls. Better play and get it done. Still I could not understand his whining. We were just about to seal SA bonus. Remember I played my three first turns.

2012-03-11 11:05:07 - MNDuke [team]: we are teammates
2012-03-11 11:05:19 - MNDuke [team]: passing me troops is going to help US win
2012-03-11 11:05:28 - MNDuke [team]: you can't win the game all by yourself here
2012-03-11 11:07:03 - MNDuke [team]: please work together with me instead of on your own. we will be far more successful
2012-03-11 11:08:39 - MNDuke [team]: madrid to dakar is a good fort

Complaining over and over.

2012-03-11 11:10:50 - MNDuke [team]: dont ever play with me again

We had control over SA. I did fort from Far East to Delhi. Oz did concern me and we could need more reinforcements. I had long term plan. MNDuke seem to have short term plans. I do not consider small bonus areas as life and death in escalating games.

dont ever play with me again made it.

2012-03-11 11:11:29 - lt. Futt [team]: please shut up or I throw the game. Do you read me?
2012-03-11 11:11:47 - lt. Futt [team]: I need an answare before I go.
2012-03-11 11:11:53 - lt. Futt [team]: Do you read me?
2012-03-11 11:12:08 - lt. Futt [team]: y/n

2012-03-11 11:12:49 - MNDuke [team]: Go f*ck yourself
2012-03-11 11:13:13 - MNDuke [team]: they're my points as much as yours
2012-03-11 11:13:33 - MNDuke [team]: you have no idea how to work as a team and if you throw the game i will file a c and a
2012-03-11 11:13:48 - MNDuke [team]: so go ahead throw the game, but suffer the consequences
2012-03-11 11:14:17 - lt. Futt [team]: So what's it gonna be?

He was too proud to give me a yes or no. Just as I suspected. Compromiseless. I show him not to compromise. I was fed up with him. Meanwhile I was waiting for a yes or no, the game went on.

2012-03-11 11:14:17 - lt. Futt [team]: So what's it gonna be?
2012-03-11 11:14:16 - lt. Futt missed a turn

Missed my turn waiting for a yes or no. I could drop and seal SA bonus and prolly the whole game. All I got was tons of BS. How do you cooperate with a guy like this? I was waiting.

2012-03-11 11:14:32 - MNDuke [team]: i'm filing a cheating and abuse thread
2012-03-11 11:14:37 - MNDuke [team]: simple as that
2012-03-11 11:14:55 - MNDuke [team]: and i'll also talk with the society of the cooks. you know macbone
2012-03-11 11:15:07 - MNDuke [team]: he happens to be a friend and is a member of the same clan as me
2012-03-11 11:15:15 - MNDuke [team]: think about it. be an adult here
2012-03-11 11:15:38 - lt. Futt [team]: I know mac. Played duo with him for 2 years. We have a win percent over 80.
2012-03-11 11:15:51 - MNDuke [team]: big deal
2012-03-11 11:15:58 - MNDuke [team]: i know him as well.
2012-03-11 11:16:01 - lt. Futt [team]: Don't tell me I can't play or won't cooperate.
2012-03-11 11:16:20 - MNDuke [team]: i would expect that you would be able to communicate and play as a teammte and cooperate
2012-03-11 11:16:26 - MNDuke [team]: you don't cooperate
2012-03-11 11:16:33 - MNDuke [team]: check the game chat
2012-03-11 11:16:35 - lt. Futt [team]: mac and I have played once against you and we won.
2012-03-11 11:16:44 - MNDuke [team]: when did you ever discuss a move with me?
2012-03-11 11:16:45 - MNDuke [team]: not once
2012-03-11 11:16:55 - MNDuke [team]: instead you called me a whiner for asking you to discuss moves
2012-03-11 11:17:41 - lt. Futt [team]: You misunderstand the whole thing. I've played tons of games with players that know the game. We don't discuss at all. Either you got it or you don't.
2012-03-11 11:17:47 - MNDuke [team]: that game is almost 2 years old
2012-03-11 11:17:58 - lt. Futt [team]: Speed that is.
2012-03-11 11:18:01 - MNDuke [team]: check your fucking ego at the door
2012-03-11 11:18:09 - lt. Futt [team]: I was a noob at that time.
2012-03-11 11:18:13 - MNDuke [team]: i don't care who you are or who you've played with

He knew macbone and I played duos together. macbone is his clan mate. Still he could not see any of my skills. Not a single positive word. Tons of BS.

2012-03-11 11:18:30 - MNDuke [team]: when you play a team game the customary thing to do is to play as a team
2012-03-11 11:18:38 - MNDuke [team]: being a member of soc you should know this
2012-03-11 11:19:16 - lt. Futt [team]: Tell me what's a team?
2012-03-11 11:19:33 - MNDuke [team]: shut up and take your turn
2012-03-11 11:19:35 - lt. Futt [team]: How do we play as a team?
2012-03-11 11:19:50 - MNDuke [team]: we communicate
2012-03-11 11:19:52 - lt. Futt [team]: y/n
2012-03-11 11:19:53 - MNDuke [team]: discuss moves
2012-03-11 11:19:57 - MNDuke [team]: discuss forts
2012-03-11 11:20:00 - lt. Futt [team]: What's it gonna be?
2012-03-11 11:20:02 - MNDuke [team]: work together on a plan
2012-03-11 11:20:08 - MNDuke [team]: take your turn
2012-03-11 11:20:37 - lt. Futt [team]: See? don't f*ck around with me

2012-03-11 11:25:54 - lt. Futt was kicked out for missing too many turns

Missed my third turn waiting for a yes or no that I already knew never would come.

2012-03-11 11:20:40 - MNDuke [team]: hope you like fighting a cheating and abuse reeoprt
2012-03-11 11:20:48 - lt. Futt [team]: Do you realize now?
2012-03-11 11:20:50 - MNDuke [team]: what you did is deliberate and against the rules
2012-03-11 11:21:08 - MNDuke [team]: do you realize now that you are going to have a permanent mark against you?
2012-03-11 11:21:42 - lt. Futt [team]: I really don't care as long as you won't behave.
2012-03-11 11:22:33 - MNDuke [team]: go f*ck yourself
2012-03-11 11:22:35 - MNDuke [team]: your an asshole
2012-03-11 11:22:44 - MNDuke [team]: you aren't my parents
2012-03-11 11:22:49 - MNDuke [team]: you don't tell me how to behave
2012-03-11 11:22:59 - MNDuke [team]: you don't make ultimatiums and hold a game hostage
2012-03-11 11:23:06 - MNDuke [team]: that is fucking wrong and ridiculously immature
2012-03-11 11:23:14 - MNDuke [team]: grow up and quit acting like a child
2012-03-11 11:24:56 - MNDuke [team]: Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, holding players hostage, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts, systematic

MNDuke and I got what it takes. What is it to discuss and argue for? Either you got what it takes or you don't. In general you better let people show what they got. It's no abra kadabra.

MNDuke kept posting very bad insults on my wall. He did complaint to macbone, our common friend. macbone did contact me asking what was going on. I did check MNDuke's rating. Did not impress me much. Rude and complainer is repeated in his recent ratings.

MNDuke ruined what could be a good experience. We had the game all way.

What I mean about "whining" is when you're told what to do afterwards. Is that communication? Tell in front. Nothing was good enough for him. "whining" is when you can't stop complaining. "whining" is being a drama queen. Keep up the spirit. That's team play as well. In speed games let people show what they got. Try keep calm. MNDuke and I was two different paradigms clinch together. MNDuke was rude and a complainer. He can thank himself. I hope he will meet his next team mate with the respect he didn't show me.

I could report MNDuke for other reasons.

Unwritten Rules
Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to

I take my share. I have asked for forgiving. I have forgiven MNDuke. No hard feeling. We don't even need to join eachothers game.

Spoilers please!

But a +1
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby D00MandD3A7H on Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:36 pm

I will further extend myself by saying cc should alter the way speed games are started, by allowing the creator of the game to click a launch button once it fills. It should also allow the creator to boot anyone they chose from joining the game before it starts.

Hell yes... I completely agree, this will stop the players considered annoying to be dropped out of my 1 vs 1's and I wont have to foe them, because they say "Oh I forgot, Ill try to remember next time" or "Just foe me so it wont happen again" or "My plan is to be a pain in your ass"
Other than that I see a lot more opportunities as positive, such as Speed Freestyle games with the Automatic Deploy, I will prepared to start my turn without getting jacked right away.
The time should be the same as the round limit.

YES, punishment here is deserved. Deliberate throwing of a game, and hijacking points from a teammate in a cheap manner. WARNING at the least. As for your points, those are history.
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby pmchugh on Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:04 pm

Complaining about your partners play is not a breach of the rules, deliberately deadbeating is.

Not to mention the childishness in, "say yes or I deadbeat".
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby eddie2 on Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:09 pm

well well all i can say is if this is what soc are teaching players then that will explain why so many new players just start missing turns..
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby jgordon1111 on Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:19 pm

I dont believe all SoC trainers can be included in this Eddie, just this one for his own personal reasons
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby MNDuke on Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:42 pm

Compromise does not mean ultimatum. By you demanding a y/n you are making an ultimatum by forcing me to chose one action or another. For a compromise to work that means both have parties have to meet in the middle. Your method was "it's either my way or the highway." All I wanted to do was discuss moves/forts and be on the same page. I am not a mind reader and neither are you. Your game performance has reflected poorly upon you and who you are as a member of SOC. Yes we have different methods, and are both experienced players, but that does not preclude you from talking and working together as a teammate. You showed very poor character and poor form. I agree that maybe I did not conduct myself in the best manner, but what you did was far, far worse. There is no excuse for throwing a game and such poor sportsmanship because I did not behave how you wanted me to. Even though you were not playing as I would have liked, I still attempted to cooperate and focus on winning the game at hand.

I don't care who you are, or how much of an ego you have. I don't care how great your win % or how many games you've played. All of that is history, (in the past) and meaningless stats that means nothing to me. What is important is the game at hand. And to win a team game, it is best to play and discuss as a team. There is no room for egos in team games. I have over 4000 games on you and I do believe that experience counts for something, as do I think your experience does. This being the case, I would not think it is out of the realm of possibility to discuss moves/strategy based on the fact that we are both experienced, have valuable insight, input and ideas that each other could have benefited from and having something to contribute.

I did check you out while you were taking your first turn and respected you as a player and was hoping to have a positive experience especially after seeing that you were friends with Macbone, a fellow clan-mate whom I have great respect and appreciation for. Being friends with him and a member of various SOC groups, I assumed that you would be more humbling and would want to discuss and work together as a team. I play lots and lots of speed games with varying partners and never once have I run into a teammate who is as full of himself as you. Even the most egocentric players (jltile1) are willing to discuss some kind of a basic strategy.

By offering nothing more than an ultimatum you showed that you were not willing to play as a team and that you thought you could do it all by yourself. That is not how you play and win as a team. If you want to play solo, play 1v1 or standard games. In the future check your ego at the door. There is no justification for what you did. It was wrong, plain and simple. I sense very little remorse and have no doubt that given the chance to do it over again, you wouldn't change a thing. Instead of understanding or accepting that what you did was wrong, you blame me for your actions. I give a f*ck less if you respect me, but you sure as hell better respect the fucking game, especially being a member of SOC. Get real or get bent.
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Re: lt. Futt [Pending] DCR

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:48 pm

Accused of Deadbeating purposely: Correct and true statement

Reason for Deadbeating the game: DEFINATELY +256

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Re: lt. Futt

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:55 pm

MNDuke wrote:Compromise does not mean ultimatum. By you demanding a y/n you are making an ultimatum by forcing me to chose one action or another. For a compromise to work that means both have parties have to meet in the middle. Your method was "it's either my way or the highway." All I wanted to do was discuss moves/forts and be on the same page. I am not a mind reader and neither are you. Your game performance has reflected poorly upon you and who you are as a member of SOC. Yes we have different methods, and are both experienced players, but that does not preclude you from talking and working together as a teammate. You showed very poor character and poor form. I agree that maybe I did not conduct myself in the best manner, but what you did was far, far worse. There is no excuse for throwing a game and such poor sportsmanship because I did not behave how you wanted me to. Even though you were not playing as I would have liked, I still attempted to cooperate and focus on winning the game at hand.

I don't care who you are, or how much of an ego you have. I don't care how great your win % or how many games you've played. All of that is history, (in the past) and meaningless stats that means nothing to me. What is important is the game at hand. And to win a team game, it is best to play and discuss as a team. There is no room for egos in team games. I have over 4000 games on you and I do believe that experience counts for something, as do I think your experience does. This being the case, I would not think it is out of the realm of possibility to discuss moves/strategy based on the fact that we are both experienced, have valuable insight, input and ideas that each other could have benefited from and having something to contribute.

I did check you out while you were taking your first turn and respected you as a player and was hoping to have a positive experience especially after seeing that you were friends with Macbone, a fellow clan-mate whom I have great respect and appreciation for. Being friends with him and a member of various SOC groups, I assumed that you would be more humbling and would want to discuss and work together as a team. I play lots and lots of speed games with varying partners and never once have I run into a teammate who is as full of himself as you. Even the most egocentric players (jltile1) are willing to discuss some kind of a basic strategy.

By offering nothing more than an ultimatum you showed that you were not willing to play as a team and that you thought you could do it all by yourself. That is not how you play and win as a team. If you want to play solo, play 1v1 or standard games. In the future check your ego at the door. There is no justification for what you did. It was wrong, plain and simple. I sense very little remorse and have no doubt that given the chance to do it over again, you wouldn't change a thing. Instead of understanding or accepting that what you did was wrong, you blame me for your actions. I give a f*ck less if you respect me, but you sure as hell better respect the fucking game, especially being a member of SOC. Get real or get bent.

To be very honest with you... you instigated this whole thing. This could have been avoided. Everything in red in this post is totally unnecessary. Get to the point and stop trying to be detrimental to someone else. Don't cry because he purposely deadbeated a game. You caused him to deadbeat the game.
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby MNDuke on Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:59 am

Jdsizzleslice wrote:To be very honest with you... you instigated this whole thing. This could have been avoided. Everything in red in this post is totally unnecessary. Get to the point and stop trying to be detrimental to someone else. Don't cry because he purposely deadbeated a game. You caused him to deadbeat the game.

Wow! Really? I don't believe I caused anyone to deadbeat a game. There is no justifying that or any rationale that can justify someone intentionally deadbeating. The choice was made by him and was solely his own. Don't take this wrong way, but are you completely fucking retarded? I think you might have to be to make such a ridiculous statement. Please enlighten me as to how I instigated this. I'm not following, but I'm pretty sure the choice to throw the game was his and his alone.

I believe I have been pretty straight to the point and was only responding to his post as he asked to me via PM. I appreciate your unnecessary insights though.
Last edited by MNDuke on Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: lt. Futt

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:18 am

MNDuke wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:To be very honest with you... you instigated this whole thing. This could have been avoided. Everything in red in this post is totally unnecessary. Get to the point and stop trying to be detrimental to someone else. Don't cry because he purposely deadbeated a game. You caused him to deadbeat the game.

Wow! Really? I don't believe I caused anyone to deadbeat a game. There is no justifying that or rationale that can justify someone intentionally deadbeating. The choice was made by him and was solely his own. Don't take this wrong way, but are you completely fucking retarded? I think you might have to be to make such a ridiculous statement. Please enlighten me as to how I instigated this. I'm not following, but I'm pretty sure the choice to throw the game was his and his alone.

I believe I have been pretty straight to the point and was only responding to his post as he asked to me via PM. I appreciate your unnecessary insights though.

I'm not willing to get into an argument over this... I'm not a MOD and I simply just stated my opinion.

Jdsizzleslice wrote:To be very honest with you... you instigated this whole thing.

Please, don't misunderstand me. I realize you can't "forcibly" make anyone do anything, but by the way you acted and what you said toward him.

MNDuke wrote:Wow! Really? I don't believe I caused anyone to deadbeat a game. There is no justifying that or rationale that can justify someone intentionally deadbeating. The choice was made by him and was solely his own. Don't take this wrong way, but are you completely fucking retarded? I think you might have to be to make such a ridiculous statement. Please enlighten me as to how I instigated this. I'm not following, but I'm pretty sure the choice to throw the game was his and his alone.

I believe I have been pretty straight to the point and was only responding to his post as he asked to me via PM. I appreciate your unnecessary insights though.

Now this is what pisses me off... You curse at me for giving an opinion. I've noticed on most of the posts in this C&A report as well as the game chat provided you cant go without cursing or dropping the f-bomb. When you say "go **** yourself," I would pretty much act the same way to you as he did. I might not purposely deadbeat a game, but I don't take crap. Apparently. he did not either. That's instigation, saying things and causing someone else to act a certain way because of the way you acted.

Picture this analogy: You take something from your sister and she slaps you for it. Who gets punished? Your sister, but who really started it in the first place? You, because you stole something from her. You basically started this by talking to him rudely. I know I wouldn't want to be cursed at. It still does not excuse what he did, but take into account that you can't take back your words either.
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