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Fire and Ice Mafia! (2/12) GAME OVER!! ~ TOWN WINS!! ~

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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby new guy1 on Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:01 pm

You could just as easily say that me or Jgordan are the mafia, because Ghostly's vote was on BEFORE crazymilkshake's. Therefore, you are trying to make a case out of nothing just because your case got smacked down by ghostly yesterday.Vote MC for coming out guns blazing, trying to make a case when there obviously is none.
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:02 pm

I am ready for replacement. And I have a couple of thoughts too.

-SG7 ( :) )
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to defeat all evil. -Ephesians 6 KJV

My Smiley: ( :) ) --- it's got SHIELDS!

everywhere116 wrote:You da man! Well, not really, because we're colorful ponies, but you get the idea.
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby ghostly447 on Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:10 pm

mc05025 wrote:
ghostly447 wrote:
So for that, I Vote Mc for apparently trying to make the entirety of D1 a complete lie to fit his needs.

In addition and sorry for the third post....

What are my needs? If I am a villager my need is to kill a mafia which is what I am trying to do
If I am a mafia as you claim, my need is to save myself and kill someone random. So please tell me how I am in danger or my case is trying to save myself??

Well, since my thoughts are that you are mafia, probably bending and twisting what you can to sound truthful when really it is absolutely nothing. Your case is that I was on everywhere116 before CM5, but I was also on there before anyone else. Let alone the fact he flipped mafia. SOOO I would assume since you apparently think I am scum for catching a mafia (I know, theres 2 mafia, but I still caught mafia) and proving our doctors innocence, that you are probably mafia.
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:20 pm

Have to agree with ghost that this case seems to be coming out of nowhere
Not sure if I wanna place my vote on him for making a bad case but then again he did twist things to "fit his needs" therefore I will alsovote MC
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby mc05025 on Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:22 pm

new guy1 wrote:You could just as easily say that me or Jgordan are the mafia, because Ghostly's vote was on BEFORE crazymilkshake's. Therefore, you are trying to make a case out of nothing just because your case got smacked down by ghostly yesterday.Vote MC for coming out guns blazing, trying to make a case when there obviously is none.

My case smacked down?? LOL. On D1 there are not good cases, I do not even remember that lol (I do not remember my case or that Ghostly said something good against it

Are you going to read my post or not??

Its the second time you are asking a question that have been already answered at my first post.

Ghostly's vote have nothing to do with my case. My case is based at crazymilkshake reaction. So instead of that craps explain why crazymilkshake voted everyone at the end?

My explanation make Ghostly suspicious. I am not going to quote my explanation for a third time. Just read it at my previous post.

So why in your opinion crazymilkshake voted everyone?? if you have a good explanation I 'll unvote, but I doubt.
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby new guy1 on Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:28 pm

Crazy most likely voted everywhere at the end to assure that someone would be lynched. He most likely did not care who got lynched just so long as someone did get lynched. Therefore, instead of making it a 50/50 shot, he picked a side that he found would put him in the best spot (maybe he thought ghostly had a better debate) and thought that ghostly would stick up for him if he stuck up for ghostly.
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby ghostly447 on Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:32 pm

Thats what I was waiting for CLEVER. Nice skimming. NG1 is actually who posted saying the post came out of nowhere. Already have a bandwagon forming do we? For hardly nothing! FOS on CLEVER. At least NG1 provided some input.

And would you look who was nearly completely silent D1? What was your excuse? IDK about you, but I would say 25 pages is a LONG day not to be posting but a couple things while we were hanging the Fire Mafia.

For this, I unvote vote CLEVER because I suspect you to be the other fire mafia. You were one of the only people not to even take part in the Everything v Jgordon case D1 and were posting in all your other games throughout. I just think you didnt want to lynch me or jgordon thinking we are town (which we both are) for fear town would turn on you, and you didnt want to lynch (who I expect to be) your fire mafia brother.
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby ghostly447 on Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:36 pm

ghostly447 wrote:Thats what I was waiting for CLEVER. Nice skimming. NG1 is actually who posted saying the post came out of nowhere. Already have a bandwagon forming do we? For hardly nothing! FOS on CLEVER. At least NG1 provided some input.

And would you look who was nearly completely silent D1? What was your excuse? IDK about you, but I would say 25 pages is a LONG day not to be posting but a couple things while we were hanging the Fire Mafia.

For this, I unvote vote CLEVER because I suspect you to be the other fire mafia. You were one of the only people not to even take part in the Everything v Jgordon case D1 and were posting in all your other games throughout. I just think you didnt want to lynch me or jgordon thinking we are town (which we both are) for fear town would turn on you, and you didnt want to lynch (who I expect to be) your fire mafia brother.

EBWOP: I said me and jgordon are both town because it is basically confirmed he is doctor, and the only mafia that would be logical for me to be is Ice, which I think mc MAY be.

My thoughts:
Clever=Fire mafia
MC=Ice mafia

CLEVER's case is stronger though due to his in activeness D1 while we lynched the fire mafia. And then he couldnt even get NG1 and my cases correct.
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby mc05025 on Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:37 pm

new guy1 wrote:Crazy most likely voted everywhere at the end to assure that someone would be lynched. He most likely did not care who got lynched just so long as someone did get lynched. Therefore, instead of making it a 50/50 shot, he picked a side that he found would put him in the best spot (maybe he thought ghostly had a better debate) and thought that ghostly would stick up for him if he stuck up for ghostly.

That not make sense.

everywhere was l-4 and ghostly was L-3

and istead of making it everywhere L-4 and ghostly L-2 (that is how he will be sure someone will die) he made it

everywhere L-3 and ghostly L-3 which is a tie.

I did not say my case is a proof but its something good that I actually beleive. But it seems like (and from the story of that game) the one who is speaking is suspicious if you do not like what he is saying. So I will stop speaking like the inactive players who none blame and let you find better cases (or kill me lol)
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby ghostly447 on Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:41 pm

mc05025 wrote:
new guy1 wrote:Crazy most likely voted everywhere at the end to assure that someone would be lynched. He most likely did not care who got lynched just so long as someone did get lynched. Therefore, instead of making it a 50/50 shot, he picked a side that he found would put him in the best spot (maybe he thought ghostly had a better debate) and thought that ghostly would stick up for him if he stuck up for ghostly.

That not make sense.

everywhere was l-4 and ghostly was L-3

and istead of making it everywhere L-4 and ghostly L-2 (that is how he will be sure someone will die) he made it

everywhere L-3 and ghostly L-3 which is a tie.

I did not say my case is a proof but its something good that I actually beleive. But it seems like (and from the story of that game) the one who is speaking is suspicious if you do not like what he is saying. So I will stop speaking like the inactive players who none blame and let you find better cases (or kill me lol)

So you say that he made it L-3 L-3 right? That supports NG1's case sir. Because he doesnt care who dies so he would leave it to a 50/50 shot.
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:46 pm

ghostly447 wrote:
mc05025 wrote:I am ok too

So now....

WE going very good. 2 mafias and 2 villagers are out and we have many informations

I beleive we should kill one of ghostly447 (suspected as ice goon) or one of Leehar, edocsil (suspected as fire goon)

Lets see the story

On March 1 the count was
MoB Deadly wrote:Day 1 - Vote Count 10

(3) everywhere116 - ghostly447, New Guy1, jgordon1111
(4, L-3) ghostly447 - Leehar, edocsil, shieldgenerator7, everywhere116

and then crazymilkshake who was ice goon decided to vote everywhere116 who was fire goon
Why did he do that?
as a mafia his plan is to kill someone but his partner. So, he had 2 reasonable choices.

1) Vote the one (if he is not his partner) with the most votes in order to die
2) Not vote one of them in order not to be suspicious the other days

But he voted the one that had less votes. Which means that ghostly447 might is his partner.
In addition lets not forget that ghostly447 had already voted to save himself... so it seams reasonable that the ice goons together attacked everyone in order to save ghostly447

Now about Leehar, edocsil.

A fire goon died first day.
I think its logical that the fire goons should have united their votes to a battle at the first day. Because it was clear that one of ghostly447 or everywhere will die. So, if I was fire goon I would have fought at the first day in order to both remain at the game. So who have voted ghostly447? these two...
From the two of them I beleive the most suspicious is Leehar because edoscil (as I have already said) seems to be bored.

Anyway, from two cases I think the most suspicious is ghostly447.

vote ghostly447

Your entire case is...A load of crap. I jumped in on jgordons side because I believed everywhere to be more scummy than jgordon. His claim reassured me that should I lynch a town, it would be better to lynch everywhere, though it became quite apparent I wasnt going to get off.

So for that, I Vote Mc for apparently trying to make the entirety of D1 a complete lie to fit his needs.

And quick question (not saying to be sarcastic or cocky) but is it still skimming if you read the name wrong ..i thought skimming was missing far as I know my info was right just the wrong name...ur kinda making that into a bigger deal than need be

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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby ghostly447 on Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:49 pm

Some7hingCLEVER wrote:
ghostly447 wrote:
mc05025 wrote:I am ok too

So now....

WE going very good. 2 mafias and 2 villagers are out and we have many informations

I beleive we should kill one of ghostly447 (suspected as ice goon) or one of Leehar, edocsil (suspected as fire goon)

Lets see the story

On March 1 the count was
MoB Deadly wrote:Day 1 - Vote Count 10

(3) everywhere116 - ghostly447, New Guy1, jgordon1111
(4, L-3) ghostly447 - Leehar, edocsil, shieldgenerator7, everywhere116

and then crazymilkshake who was ice goon decided to vote everywhere116 who was fire goon
Why did he do that?
as a mafia his plan is to kill someone but his partner. So, he had 2 reasonable choices.

1) Vote the one (if he is not his partner) with the most votes in order to die
2) Not vote one of them in order not to be suspicious the other days

But he voted the one that had less votes. Which means that ghostly447 might is his partner.
In addition lets not forget that ghostly447 had already voted to save himself... so it seams reasonable that the ice goons together attacked everyone in order to save ghostly447

Now about Leehar, edocsil.

A fire goon died first day.
I think its logical that the fire goons should have united their votes to a battle at the first day. Because it was clear that one of ghostly447 or everywhere will die. So, if I was fire goon I would have fought at the first day in order to both remain at the game. So who have voted ghostly447? these two...
From the two of them I beleive the most suspicious is Leehar because edoscil (as I have already said) seems to be bored.

Anyway, from two cases I think the most suspicious is ghostly447.

vote ghostly447

Your entire case is...A load of crap. I jumped in on jgordons side because I believed everywhere to be more scummy than jgordon. His claim reassured me that should I lynch a town, it would be better to lynch everywhere, though it became quite apparent I wasnt going to get off.

So for that, I Vote Mc for apparently trying to make the entirety of D1 a complete lie to fit his needs.

And quick question (not saying to be sarcastic or cocky) but is it still skimming if you read the name wrong ..i thought skimming was missing far as I know my info was right just the wrong name...ur kinda making that into a bigger deal than need be


Well if your going to post something at least make it accurate. I was already watching you for your inactivity on D1.
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:59 pm

Sorry my phone makes print small just miss names sometimes
And I apologize for inactivity im trying to I actually thought I got lynched in this one but realized it was actually r&j i got lynched in but im here and have caught up and will do my best to be active
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby ghostly447 on Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:08 pm

Thought you had been lynched..When it still read Fire and Ice! (12/12) Day 1 [Need 2 Repl!]

I dont really see how you would think you had been lynched when there were still 12/12.
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby new guy1 on Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:18 pm

ghostly447 wrote:Thought you had been lynched..When it still read Fire and Ice! (12/12) Day 1 [Need 2 Repl!]

I dont really see how you would think you had been lynched when there were still 12/12.

Vote CLEVER for the reasons above.
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:33 pm

Ok I know and I feel stupid for it but it wasn't like it was days on end it was like one day I looked saw all my games were in night and thought i wasn't in this game so I really didn't look back at the forum to unless to see if scenes were posted and by the time I realized I was In this game you guys lynched were in the middle of lynching everywhere and then it was night thats why when today started i said sorry for my inactivity ..i dont think i can say much more in my defense about inactivity
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby ghostly447 on Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:42 pm

Some7hingCLEVER wrote:Ok I know and I feel stupid for it but it wasn't like it was days on end it was like one day I looked saw all my games were in night and thought i wasn't in this game so I really didn't look back at the forum to unless to see if scenes were posted and by the time I realized I was In this game you guys lynched were in the middle of lynching everywhere and then it was night thats why when today started i said sorry for my inactivity ..i dont think i can say much more in my defense about inactivity

Changing your story then CLEVER? I would vote you again if I could.
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Re: Fire and Ice!! (12/12) Day 1 - [Need 1 Replacement!]

Postby MoB Deadly on Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:53 pm

Day 2 - Vote Count 1

SG7 -
(1) ghostly447 - mc05025
jgordon1111 -
Leehar -
(1) mc05025 - Some7hingCLEVER
New Guy1 -
(2) Some7hingCLEVER - ghostly447, New Guy1
spurgistan -

No Lynch -

With 9 players alive, it takes 5 votes to Lynch or No Lynch. Deadline Friday 6:00PM EST.

SG7 will be replacing Edocsil shortly (By the order players dropped out.)

Art by: codierose | High Score: 2550
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:03 am

ghostly447 wrote:
Some7hingCLEVER wrote:Ok I know and I feel stupid for it but it wasn't like it was days on end it was like one day I looked saw all my games were in night and thought i wasn't in this game so I really didn't look back at the forum to unless to see if scenes were posted and by the time I realized I was In this game you guys lynched were in the middle of lynching everywhere and then it was night thats why when today started i said sorry for my inactivity ..i dont think i can say much more in my defense about inactivity

Changing your story then CLEVER? I would vote you again if I could.

how did I change my story exactly?
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 2 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby ghostly447 on Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:21 pm

Some7hingCLEVER wrote:
ghostly447 wrote:
Some7hingCLEVER wrote:Ok I know and I feel stupid for it but it wasn't like it was days on end it was like one day I looked saw all my games were in night and thought i wasn't in this game so I really didn't look back at the forum to unless to see if scenes were posted and by the time I realized I was In this game you guys lynched were in the middle of lynching everywhere and then it was night thats why when today started i said sorry for my inactivity ..i dont think i can say much more in my defense about inactivity

Changing your story then CLEVER? I would vote you again if I could.

how did I change my story exactly?

You came in here saying sorry I was inactive day 1, will try to be more active. Then you tried to say you thought you were lynched. Then you went and said that by the time you realized you hadnt been lynched, it was too late to provide input.
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 1 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby Some7hingCLEVER on Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:41 pm

And your point?
I dont see how I changed my story
I was inactive on day one BECAUSE I thought I had been lynched in this game
I dont see what your seeing ...maybe explain better
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 1 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby Leehar on Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:59 pm

Vote edocsil (Who sg7 is replacing?)
Pretty simple really, he was the main one working with the fire goon that got lynched(everywhere?), he left for releasing info that may have been material to the case in private and the only reason that'd be a worry if he was scum (or ghostly was, the other party in the pm chain I think he was complaining about). I'm still a bit iffy about Ghostly tho, because he was being supported by jgordon, rather than cms which would have been the obvious support.

Thinking back tho, it doesn't actually make sense that edoc made a kill since he quit before night, and sg7 only joined this morning? Sorry about that then, think he'll actually be the safest townie now!

Then lets go back to the lynch, is there anyone who was avoiding to vote for everywhere perhaps that we consider being the Fire goon. And is there any reason why sg7(the 1st one?) was targetted by the Ice dudettes?
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 1 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby new guy1 on Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:01 pm

Some7hingCLEVER wrote:And your point?
I dont see how I changed my story
I was inactive on day one BECAUSE I thought I had been lynched in this game
I dont see what your seeing ...maybe explain better

OMG Leehar. Does nobody see this? He thought he was lynched day 1 and thats why he wasnt active. Holy crap does nobody see this crap of an excuse?
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 1 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby Leehar on Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:22 pm

Just didn't want to bandwagon, it's late (past midnight) and I admit I skimmed through the last couple of pages because it seems like the same back and forth that had ghostly in the middle again, but I'll read it through again tomorrow if your case makes sense
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Re: Fire and Ice! (9/12) Day 2 [Need 1 Repl!][Ice Goon Burnt

Postby new guy1 on Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:34 pm

Okay then!
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