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Accused: Boudicia [Cleared/Noted] DCR

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Accused: Boudicia [Cleared/Noted] DCR

Postby Phatscotty on Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:44 pm

Replace or delete any xxxxxxx with the appropriate information.



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 10680402

Comments: He broke our truce the moment after we made it. Even though the third player in the game had a heavy lead AND had and Army stacked and ready to attack Boudica, he threw everything he had at me and straight up handed the game to donelladan. I cannot accuse donelladan as he hasn't talked much and basically just walked into the easiest win ever, but Boudica's excuse for attacking me "

Usually people don't suicide into you the moment after they make a truce based on complete BS.

2012-02-28 01:24:12 - Phatscotty: green, i will refrain from retailiton if oyu can agree to jsut seek open areas for a while
2012-02-28 01:24:27 - Phatscotty: but i will retake those territories with a promise not to attack yu from them
2012-02-28 01:24:31 - Phatscotty: you okay with that?
2012-02-28 01:24:31 - Boudicia: either way im stuck between you 2 and will be the first one knocked out i suspect lol
2012-02-28 01:24:58 - Phatscotty: not i you make agreement with me
2012-02-28 01:25:03 - Phatscotty: choose
2012-02-28 01:25:10 - Boudicia: ok but s1 is mine ?
2012-02-28 01:25:24 - Boudicia: S1
2012-02-28 01:25:34 - Boudicia: THE ARCHER
2012-02-28 01:25:43 - Phatscotty: then ill take v2
2012-02-28 01:25:48 - Phatscotty: which is nobodies
2012-02-28 01:25:50 - Phatscotty: cool
2012-02-28 01:26:54 - Boudicia: now i remember how much i hate 3 player games lol
2012-02-28 01:30:30 - Phatscotty: blue is killin it
2012-02-28 04:39:56 - Boudicia: sorry red but i feel i can't trust you as you took a knight right in my area ...........and I'm doomed anyhow so i thought i would end it !
2012-02-28 04:55:26 - Phatscotty: dude, wtf
2012-02-28 04:56:29 - Phatscotty: that move has to be cheating. you couldnt possibly be that stupid
2012-02-28 04:56:40 - Phatscotty: after you just made the deal?
2012-02-28 04:56:46 - Phatscotty: you give the game to blue
2012-02-28 04:57:03 - Phatscotty: you made that move on me with blue having and army 3 territories away from you
2012-02-28 04:59:13 - Phatscotty: he had 3 castles, and you attack the guy with 2 castes that you just struck a truce with?
2012-02-28 04:59:28 - Phatscotty: you suicided on me
2012-02-28 04:59:55 - Phatscotty: but, you could trust blue....idiot
2012-02-28 05:00:32 - Phatscotty: im reporting you
2012-02-28 05:01:40 - Boudicia: i love the way you act so innocent....Yopu took K1 knight ....that sets you all ready to pounce ........that goes against any truce that i made with you ...
2012-02-28 05:03:20 - Boudicia: reporting who and too who lol ...............reporting me for you loosing the game because of crap diplomacy lol....Go ahead .....what ever tickles your pickle :)
2012-02-28 13:10:34 - Phatscotty: K1 knight was a damn nutral!
2012-02-28 13:11:19 - Phatscotty: why was a huge stack on E3 knight totally ignored? cuz there was a 2 stack on K1?
2012-02-28 13:11:48 - Phatscotty: oh, brilliant move though! look what happened. Go ahead and defend your move. its a straight suicide if not a secret diplomacy
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Re: Accused: Boudicia

Postby jefjef on Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:03 pm

Where's the SD? He obviously didn't trust your truce or you...

oudicia: sorry red but i feel i can't trust you as you took a knight right in my area ...........and I'm doomed anyhow so i thought i would end it !

At a stretch it is suicide but not even worthy of a note. Freaking 3 player games...
Last edited by jefjef on Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: Accused: Boudicia

Postby Evolution299 on Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:03 pm

To me, it doesnt look like SD, but most definitely a suicide. He even admits to it.

2012-02-28 04:39:56 - Boudicia: sorry red but i feel i can't trust you as you took a knight right in my area ...........and I'm doomed anyhow so i thought i would end it !

At best it will be a noting.
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Re: Accused: Boudicia

Postby Symmetry on Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:33 pm

She, probably, given the name, but this looks like classic "foe and move on" territory.
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Re: Accused: Boudicia

Postby Phatscotty on Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:14 pm

jefjef wrote:Where's the SD? He obviously didn't trust your truce or you...

oudicia: sorry red but i feel i can't trust you as you took a knight right in my area ...........and I'm doomed anyhow so i thought i would end it !

At a stretch it is suicide but not even worthy of a note. Freaking 3 player games...

yes, but that is a bullshit statement. He wasn't doomed, as he could have unloaded on...the....leader? Also, the knight in his area was an open spot, which was covered in the agreement.
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Re: Accused: Boudicia

Postby eddie2 on Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:05 pm

can't be arsed to look at the game for time lines but from what i read i see this in the thread.

He broke our truce the moment after we made it.

2012-02-28 04:39:56 - Boudicia: sorry red but i feel i can't trust you as you took a knight right in my area ...........and I'm doomed anyhow so i thought i would end it !

so if this is correct you made a truce but you were the first to break it anything after that was a revenge attack these kind of cases have been brought up before and nothing happens....

maybe i am wrong but that is all i can say.

ps i have came across this player before as well

Game 10573006boudicia i fear still does not understand that map.
and i see
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Re: Accused: Boudicia

Postby lurkerleader on Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:29 pm

2012-02-28 01:24:12 - Phatscotty: green, i will refrain from retailiton if oyu can agree to jsut seek open areas for a while
2012-02-28 01:24:27 - Phatscotty: but i will retake those territories with a promise not to attack yu from them
2012-02-28 01:25:10 - Boudicia: ok but s1 is mine ?
2012-02-28 04:39:56 - Boudicia: sorry red but i feel i can't trust you as you took a knight right in my area ...........and I'm doomed anyhow so i thought i would end it !

Seems like his post was a few hours later, which could constitute the agreed time line of a while. Sucks that your deal only lasted for 1 turn, perhaps establish a more structured alliance next time.
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Re: Accused: Boudicia

Postby Boudicia on Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:26 am

Hello all ......First of all i would like to say that im slightly puzzled by phatscottys effort to blacken my name by running of to this forum !, but hey i remember when i was younger i would play my sister at chess and when she was loosing she would litteraly tip the board over then my mother would have to try and calm us both down from the games fallout :) ............................

I guess i cant say much about this game other than when i first logged on and found my placement right between 2 players literally i didnt have much hope for my survival as all that i thought would happen is that i would act as a buffer from those 2 players attacking each other or i would just be picked on from both .....anyhow the incident with Phatscotty started a turn or 2 before and he was the first to show signs of aggression and took an S archer over looking my castle archers i retaliated my next move and took the archer for myself and went on to with in bowshot of his castle area ..................he then suggested we have an agreement not to attack each other but he wanted to take back the archer near his castle and i agreed as we were both even and were no immediaate threat to each other as we kinda had the player donellandan to keep an eye on ....................Anyhow the next turn he took the archer back as agreed then proceded to take a K knight again right in amongst my 2 castles ....So i attacked him back again and went further towards his castle .........Big deal is what im thinking now and i dont know why im trying to defend my actions as this is Risk which is a war game and if you cant deal with loosing then dont play ........
Your actions Phatscotty are not unfamiliar to me! i even use them to gain an advantage in a game BUT trying to wind up the forum moderators in the hope of exacting revenge is not very sportsman of you !

Just FOE me as someone mentioned! if thats what you want ? as thats what its there for :)
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Re: Accused: Boudicia

Postby Symmetry on Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:34 am

Boudicia wrote:Hello all ......First of all i would like to say that im slightly puzzled by phatscottys effort to blacken my name by running of to this forum !, but hey i remember when i was younger i would play my sister at chess and when she was loosing she would litteraly tip the board over then my mother would have to try and calm us both down from the games fallout :) ............................

I guess i cant say much about this game other than when i first logged on and found my placement right between 2 players literally i didnt have much hope for my survival as all that i thought would happen is that i would act as a buffer from those 2 players attacking each other or i would just be picked on from both .....anyhow the incident with Phatscotty started a turn or 2 before and he was the first to show signs of aggression and took an S archer over looking my castle archers i retaliated my next move and took the archer for myself and went on to with in bowshot of his castle area ..................he then suggested we have an agreement not to attack each other but he wanted to take back the archer near his castle and i agreed as we were both even and were no immediaate threat to each other as we kinda had the player donellandan to keep an eye on ....................Anyhow the next turn he took the archer back as agreed then proceded to take a K knight again right in amongst my 2 castles ....So i attacked him back again and went further towards his castle .........Big deal is what im thinking now and i dont know why im trying to defend my actions as this is Risk which is a war game and if you cant deal with loosing then dont play ........
Your actions Phatscotty are not unfamiliar to me! i even use them to gain an advantage in a game BUT trying to wind up the forum moderators in the hope of exacting revenge is not very sportsman of you !

Just FOE me as someone mentioned! if thats what you want ? as thats what its there for :)

Three player games are tough like that if you're in a weak position. Do nothing and you'll get complaints that you aren't attacking. Attack in one direction or the other and you'll get a complaint that you ruined the game for one of the players in a strong position, or you're suiciding, or you end up exactly back where you started cos you split your troops. Do nothing and you're a deadbeat or just forting. Ain't fun.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: Accused: Boudicia

Postby sniffie on Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:17 am

I really see violation of any rules here, If Phatscotty is really upset by the game he can always Foe Boudicia.

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Re: Accused: Boudicia

Postby morff69 on Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:52 am

Phatscotty wrote:Replace or delete any xxxxxxx with the appropriate information.



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 10680402

Comments: He broke our truce the moment after we made it. Even though the third player in the game had a heavy lead AND had and Army stacked and ready to attack Boudica, he threw everything he had at me and straight up handed the game to donelladan. I cannot accuse donelladan as he hasn't talked much and basically just walked into the easiest win ever, but Boudica's excuse for attacking me "

Usually people don't suicide into you the moment after they make a truce based on complete BS.

2012-02-28 01:24:12 - Phatscotty: green, i will refrain from retailiton if oyu can agree to jsut seek open areas for a while
2012-02-28 01:24:27 - Phatscotty: but i will retake those territories with a promise not to attack yu from them
2012-02-28 01:24:31 - Phatscotty: you okay with that?
2012-02-28 01:24:31 - Boudicia: either way im stuck between you 2 and will be the first one knocked out i suspect lol
2012-02-28 01:24:58 - Phatscotty: not i you make agreement with me
2012-02-28 01:25:03 - Phatscotty: choose
2012-02-28 01:25:10 - Boudicia: ok but s1 is mine ?
2012-02-28 01:25:24 - Boudicia: S1
2012-02-28 01:25:34 - Boudicia: THE ARCHER
2012-02-28 01:25:43 - Phatscotty: then ill take v2
2012-02-28 01:25:48 - Phatscotty: which is nobodies
2012-02-28 01:25:50 - Phatscotty: cool
2012-02-28 01:26:54 - Boudicia: now i remember how much i hate 3 player games lol
2012-02-28 01:30:30 - Phatscotty: blue is killin it
2012-02-28 04:39:56 - Boudicia: sorry red but i feel i can't trust you as you took a knight right in my area ...........and I'm doomed anyhow so i thought i would end it !
2012-02-28 04:55:26 - Phatscotty: dude, wtf
2012-02-28 04:56:29 - Phatscotty: that move has to be cheating. you couldnt possibly be that stupid
2012-02-28 04:56:40 - Phatscotty: after you just made the deal?
2012-02-28 04:56:46 - Phatscotty: you give the game to blue
2012-02-28 04:57:03 - Phatscotty: you made that move on me with blue having and army 3 territories away from you
2012-02-28 04:59:13 - Phatscotty: he had 3 castles, and you attack the guy with 2 castes that you just struck a truce with?
2012-02-28 04:59:28 - Phatscotty: you suicided on me
2012-02-28 04:59:55 - Phatscotty: but, you could trust blue....idiot
2012-02-28 05:00:32 - Phatscotty: im reporting you
2012-02-28 05:01:40 - Boudicia: i love the way you act so innocent....Yopu took K1 knight ....that sets you all ready to pounce ........that goes against any truce that i made with you ...
2012-02-28 05:03:20 - Boudicia: reporting who and too who lol ...............reporting me for you loosing the game because of crap diplomacy lol....Go ahead .....what ever tickles your pickle :)
2012-02-28 13:10:34 - Phatscotty: K1 knight was a damn nutral!
2012-02-28 13:11:19 - Phatscotty: why was a huge stack on E3 knight totally ignored? cuz there was a 2 stack on K1?
2012-02-28 13:11:48 - Phatscotty: oh, brilliant move though! look what happened. Go ahead and defend your move. its a straight suicide if not a secret diplomacy

Boudicia is a woman. And stop moaning like a little girl. Foe and move on nothing to see here.
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Re: Accused: Boudicia [Pending] DCR

Postby Boudicia on Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:50 am

Thankyou all im glad you all see whats going on here :)

I also want to add one thing more phatscotty has accused me of secret diplomacy which i kinda missed .....Then why when phatscotty has made his case he has delibaratly left out the other players comments ?????? ..........

For the record im not interested in Foeing you Phatscotty as i feel abit sorry for you and suspect you must be about 11 years old maybe !
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Colonel Boudicia
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Re: Accused: Boudicia [Pending] DCR

Postby morff69 on Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:52 am

Boudicia wrote:Thankyou all im glad you all see whats going on here :)

I also want to add one thing more phatscotty has accused me of secret diplomacy which i kinda missed .....Then why when phatscotty has made his case he has delibaratly left out the other players comments ?????? ..........

For the record im not interested in Foeing you Phatscotty as i feel abit sorry for you and suspect you must be about 11 years old maybe !

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
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Re: Accused: Boudicia [Pending] DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:30 am

No flaming or baiting please. Pertinent information only.

Boudicia is CLEARED of Secret Diplomacy.

Bad playing does not = SD. FAMO if his play does not please you. There as no agreement made on how long it will last, "for awhile" I am pretty sure does not dictate a set amount of time.

As for suiciding, I will NOTE that in case it comes up again as an issue.
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Re: Accused: Boudicia

Postby Phatscotty on Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:29 pm

eddie2 wrote:can't be arsed to look at the game for time lines but from what i read i see this in the thread.

He broke our truce the moment after we made it.

2012-02-28 04:39:56 - Boudicia: sorry red but i feel i can't trust you as you took a knight right in my area ...........and I'm doomed anyhow so i thought i would end it !

so if this is correct you made a truce but you were the first to break it anything after that was a revenge attack these kind of cases have been brought up before and nothing happens....

maybe i am wrong but that is all i can say.

ps i have came across this player before as well

Game 10573006boudicia i fear still does not understand that map.
and i see

No, the knight was a neutral territory. it was included in the truce as "open" spots
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Re: Accused: Boudicia [Pending] DCR

Postby Phatscotty on Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:31 pm

Boudicia wrote:Thankyou all im glad you all see whats going on here :)

I also want to add one thing more phatscotty has accused me of secret diplomacy which i kinda missed .....Then why when phatscotty has made his case he has delibaratly left out the other players comments ?????? ..........

For the record im not interested in Foeing you Phatscotty as i feel abit sorry for you and suspect you must be about 11 years old maybe !

yes, and your move was clearly one of advanced wisdom suicide chronicles.....who you calling 11 years old?

All this means is your game is so hollow that it can be mistaken for a secret diplomacy. The only difference between what did happen and what I suspect might have happened, is that you did not send him a message in advance saying "I'm giving the game to you"
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Re: Accused: Boudicia

Postby Phatscotty on Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:33 pm

lurkerleader wrote:2012-02-28 01:24:12 - Phatscotty: green, i will refrain from retailiton if oyu can agree to jsut seek open areas for a while
2012-02-28 01:24:27 - Phatscotty: but i will retake those territories with a promise not to attack yu from them
2012-02-28 01:25:10 - Boudicia: ok but s1 is mine ?
2012-02-28 04:39:56 - Boudicia: sorry red but i feel i can't trust you as you took a knight right in my area ...........and I'm doomed anyhow so i thought i would end it !

Seems like his post was a few hours later, which could constitute the agreed time line of a while. Sucks that your deal only lasted for 1 turn, perhaps establish a more structured alliance next time.

yes, the deal lasted for 2 hours... :roll:

K1 was NOT his area. it was open. I left a 2 there....
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Re: Accused: Boudicia

Postby Phatscotty on Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:37 pm

Boudicia wrote:Hello all ......First of all i would like to say that im slightly puzzled by phatscottys effort to blacken my name by running of to this forum !, but hey i remember when i was younger i would play my sister at chess and when she was loosing she would litteraly tip the board over then my mother would have to try and calm us both down from the games fallout :) ............................

I guess i cant say much about this game other than when i first logged on and found my placement right between 2 players literally i didnt have much hope for my survival as all that i thought would happen is that i would act as a buffer from those 2 players attacking each other or i would just be picked on from both .....anyhow the incident with Phatscotty started a turn or 2 before and he was the first to show signs of aggression and took an S archer over looking my castle archers i retaliated my next move and took the archer for myself and went on to with in bowshot of his castle area ..................he then suggested we have an agreement not to attack each other but he wanted to take back the archer near his castle and i agreed as we were both even and were no immediaate threat to each other as we kinda had the player donellandan to keep an eye on ....................Anyhow the next turn he took the archer back as agreed then proceded to take a K knight again right in amongst my 2 castles ....So i attacked him back again and went further towards his castle .........Big deal is what im thinking now and i dont know why im trying to defend my actions as this is Risk which is a war game and if you cant deal with loosing then dont play ........
Your actions Phatscotty are not unfamiliar to me! i even use them to gain an advantage in a game BUT trying to wind up the forum moderators in the hope of exacting revenge is not very sportsman of you !

Just FOE me as someone mentioned! if thats what you want ? as thats what its there for :)

Suiciding on players is blacking your own name. I'm confused how you don't see that.

You suicided, I lose, you are foe, on we go. The only difference between a real secret diplomacy and suiciding like that is you didn't tell him in advance. That is a fact.

I just wanted to make sure if you did hand him the game secretly that you wouldn't get away with it.
But, congratulations, you handed him the game and got away with it. That makes your name super good.
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Re: Accused: Boudicia [Cleared/Noted] DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:47 pm

Please, keep it civil.
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