The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Game number(s):
Game 10680402
Comments: He broke our truce the moment after we made it. Even though the third player in the game had a heavy lead AND had and Army stacked and ready to attack Boudica, he threw everything he had at me and straight up handed the game to donelladan. I cannot accuse donelladan as he hasn't talked much and basically just walked into the easiest win ever, but Boudica's excuse for attacking me "
Usually people don't suicide into you the moment after they make a truce based on complete BS.
2012-02-28 01:24:12 - Phatscotty: green, i will refrain from retailiton if oyu can agree to jsut seek open areas for a while
2012-02-28 01:24:27 - Phatscotty: but i will retake those territories with a promise not to attack yu from them
2012-02-28 01:24:31 - Phatscotty: you okay with that?
2012-02-28 01:24:31 - Boudicia: either way im stuck between you 2 and will be the first one knocked out i suspect lol
2012-02-28 01:24:58 - Phatscotty: not i you make agreement with me
2012-02-28 01:25:03 - Phatscotty: choose
2012-02-28 01:25:10 - Boudicia: ok but s1 is mine ?
2012-02-28 01:25:24 - Boudicia: S1
2012-02-28 01:25:34 - Boudicia: THE ARCHER
2012-02-28 01:25:43 - Phatscotty: then ill take v2
2012-02-28 01:25:48 - Phatscotty: which is nobodies
2012-02-28 01:25:50 - Phatscotty: cool
2012-02-28 01:26:54 - Boudicia: now i remember how much i hate 3 player games lol
2012-02-28 01:30:30 - Phatscotty: blue is killin it
2012-02-28 04:39:56 - Boudicia: sorry red but i feel i can't trust you as you took a knight right in my area ...........and I'm doomed anyhow so i thought i would end it !
2012-02-28 04:55:26 - Phatscotty: dude, wtf
2012-02-28 04:56:29 - Phatscotty: that move has to be cheating. you couldnt possibly be that stupid
2012-02-28 04:56:40 - Phatscotty: after you just made the deal?
2012-02-28 04:56:46 - Phatscotty: you give the game to blue
2012-02-28 04:57:03 - Phatscotty: you made that move on me with blue having and army 3 territories away from you
2012-02-28 04:59:13 - Phatscotty: he had 3 castles, and you attack the guy with 2 castes that you just struck a truce with?
2012-02-28 04:59:28 - Phatscotty: you suicided on me
2012-02-28 04:59:55 - Phatscotty: but, you could trust blue....idiot
2012-02-28 05:00:32 - Phatscotty: im reporting you
2012-02-28 05:01:40 - Boudicia: i love the way you act so innocent....Yopu took K1 knight ....that sets you all ready to pounce ........that goes against any truce that i made with you ...
2012-02-28 05:03:20 - Boudicia: reporting who and too who lol ...............reporting me for you loosing the game because of crap diplomacy lol....Go ahead .....what ever tickles your pickle

2012-02-28 13:10:34 - Phatscotty: K1 knight was a damn nutral!
2012-02-28 13:11:19 - Phatscotty: why was a huge stack on E3 knight totally ignored? cuz there was a 2 stack on K1?
2012-02-28 13:11:48 - Phatscotty: oh, brilliant move though! look what happened. Go ahead and defend your move. its a straight suicide if not a secret diplomacy