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Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]es

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Bruceswar on Mon Feb 27, 2012 2:14 am

ad10r3tr0 wrote:If all he did was run a measly multi test..why did this case take like 2 weeks to decide if all he was going to do was that? Is this being swept under the MASSIVE rug also?

If you think that is all that happened you sir are sorely mistaken.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Criticalwinner on Mon Feb 27, 2012 2:24 am

Innocent until proven guilty. Respect the hunter's decision..... They work at this more than you do. By the way, you can't incriminate someone by using circulatory reasoning. Nice try though.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby cookie0117 on Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:33 am

Im glad I live in England and not under the legal systems some posters here want. In England, the legal system says its better to let a guilty person walk free than to punish a innocent one. ES has said he can not prove the allegations, he has not said the allegations are not true.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby DJPatrick on Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:18 am

He's has not been found "innocent" (suprise, surprise)...he has been "cleared" because the evidence is inconclusive...(Semp's words; with or without the "drum roll")...the circumstantial evidence WAS substantial and quite frankly contained more BIG words that I thort Eddie was capable of but in the end deemed insufficient. Now that the verdict is in can everyone Pls lay off the attacks on GLG who is suffering from obvious health problems. As he repeatedly stated he could not stand up, can someone pls recommend a good chiropractor to work on his spine, preferably one who offers substantial family discounts??? That is all...
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby eddie2 on Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:51 am

well i am not surprised this has been cleared... i was just looking for a quote from evil semp the post where it is said about retaliation threads through the result etc that was made in the first day or 2 of the case.. but the post seems to of been deleted.. also it has taken 5 days to look at this if i remember correct when c and a had a full team of experianced hunters in the blitz case it took them close on 2 weeks....

then you have got to take into account that

1) glg's baiting posts (which not 1 word for him to stop)
2) the c and a case he made via myself and irish.. in this case he quoted a similar case i made the result of my case was a 1 month forum ban for me... but not even a word of warning to glg throughout this case and before it glg has made posts that bait flame players (like the thread cof got banned for.) but people get punished and he walks about free as a bird...

so i have to agree with dj here i can see a lot of players not renewing there premium in protest to certain players getting off with loads of site breachs while others get a very strong hammer brought down on them.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Bruceswar on Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:12 am

DJPatrick wrote:Agree...
He's has not been found "innocent" (suprise, surprise)...he has been "cleared" because the evidence is inconclusive...(Semp's words; with or without the "drum roll")...the circumstantial evidence WAS substantial and quite frankly contained more BIG words that I thort Eddie was capable of but in the end deemed insufficient. Now that the verdict is in can everyone Pls lay off the attacks on GLG who is suffering from obvious health problems. As he repeatedly stated he could not stand up, can someone pls recommend a good chiropractor to work on his spine, preferably one who offers substantial family discounts??? That is all...

Do you really think if they had any reason not to clear him they would? Do you think they did not check all aspects of this case? Do you really think if they thought there was a reason to bust him, yet they did not have all the info in front of them at this point, they would have cleared him? By clearing him they have said the 2 accounts are not the same person, and never were the same person.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby DJPatrick on Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:24 am

Sorry, the verdict...yes he is a "Free Man" but ES said "inconclusive" NOT innocent...not trying to prolong this just agreeing with an earlier poster that they hve ruled with caution to not go the "Monkey Trial/lynch Mob" route but that is NOT the same as being conclusively adjudged innocent...
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby IR1SH ACE on Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:11 am

Im speechless about this.....I will be joining those on the list of not renewing their premium..I have been on this site for 1 and half years now and have bought premium twice and entered two CC cups....thats over 60 euro I have wasted on this site and it will be the last lack gets from me..........I will post my real feelings on all this later....................................................................................................
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Evolution299 on Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:28 am

Evil Semp wrote:Most of the evidence presented here is circumstantial. I personally have done several multi checks on GLG when the other C&A reports have been filed. I can not find any conclusive evidence showing that the GLG account was taken over by bearcat7734. There is nothing that proves the GLG account was hijacked by bearcat7734. Without further ado GLG is CLEARED.

What I would like to point out is the word that ES used and that is circumstancial. All cases on this site, ALL of them are circumstancial. Unless the suspect of any case outright admits to it, there is nevre 100% proof that anyone does anything.

MH's no matter waht secret tools they have, which is probably just an IP tracer, can prove any multi player or any SD.

They don't have any ability to see who is sitting on the other side of a computer monitor. They speculate and base their decisions on that. That is what is so puzzling. In many cases they base decisions of uncertainty on alot less evidence and still find people guilty.

Here, Irish Ace goes through the trouble to pull up case after case and GLG still gets away with murder.

I knew this wasnt going to be an easy verdict for ES to come to, but I think I have lost all faith in Mods on this site. I wanted GLG to get busted, but knew he would get away with it...Yet again.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby NoSurvivors on Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:22 pm

Its funny how all the evidence was circumstantial and now we have babies complaining about not having a person BUSTED for something he MIGHT have done, yet there is not a spec of evidence saying that he IS the same person as bearcat. Now for all you who are whining and complaining about how you have "no faith in mods" and "I'm not re buying premium" oh well! How would YOU guys feel being accused of something you were innocent of with completely circumstantial evidence? or worse? banned?
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby eddie2 on Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:51 pm

NoSurvivors wrote:Its funny how all the evidence was circumstantial and now we have babies complaining about not having a person BUSTED for something he MIGHT have done, yet there is not a spec of evidence saying that he IS the same person as bearcat. Now for all you who are whining and complaining about how you have "no faith in mods" and "I'm not re buying premium" oh well! How would YOU guys feel being accused of something you were innocent of with completely circumstantial evidence? or worse? banned?

yep just like it is funny that glg has not faced any form of forum ban for his baiting responses. he even run a full c and a report quoting a report that says what he was reporting was not against site rules... so plz tell my why he is still able to forum post then if the moderation is not biased as for the case 4 days to look into everything... with blitz's case the 2nd time round after king a had cleared the first one it still took them 2 weeks to look through it all even though they had already seen more than half the case.. and they were given all the info from several members. and that case was only going back 1 or 2 months.. this one goes back 3 years .so yes some members are going to be pissed off at the result.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby ljex on Mon Feb 27, 2012 1:38 pm

eddie2 wrote:
NoSurvivors wrote:Its funny how all the evidence was circumstantial and now we have babies complaining about not having a person BUSTED for something he MIGHT have done, yet there is not a spec of evidence saying that he IS the same person as bearcat. Now for all you who are whining and complaining about how you have "no faith in mods" and "I'm not re buying premium" oh well! How would YOU guys feel being accused of something you were innocent of with completely circumstantial evidence? or worse? banned?

yep just like it is funny that glg has not faced any form of forum ban for his baiting responses. he even run a full c and a report quoting a report that says what he was reporting was not against site rules... so plz tell my why he is still able to forum post then if the moderation is not biased as for the case 4 days to look into everything... with blitz's case the 2nd time round after king a had cleared the first one it still took them 2 weeks to look through it all even though they had already seen more than half the case.. and they were given all the info from several members. and that case was only going back 1 or 2 months.. this one goes back 3 years .so yes some members are going to be pissed off at the result.

completely different cases and thus take a way different amount of time to investigate

Evolution299 wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:Most of the evidence presented here is circumstantial. I personally have done several multi checks on GLG when the other C&A reports have been filed. I can not find any conclusive evidence showing that the GLG account was taken over by bearcat7734. There is nothing that proves the GLG account was hijacked by bearcat7734. Without further ado GLG is CLEARED.

What I would like to point out is the word that ES used and that is circumstancial. All cases on this site, ALL of them are circumstancial. Unless the suspect of any case outright admits to it, there is nevre 100% proof that anyone does anything.

MH's no matter waht secret tools they have, which is probably just an IP tracer, can prove any multi player or any SD.

They don't have any ability to see who is sitting on the other side of a computer monitor. They speculate and base their decisions on that. That is what is so puzzling. In many cases they base decisions of uncertainty on alot less evidence and still find people guilty.

Here, Irish Ace goes through the trouble to pull up case after case and GLG still gets away with murder.

I knew this wasnt going to be an easy verdict for ES to come to, but I think I have lost all faith in Mods on this site. I wanted GLG to get busted, but knew he would get away with it...Yet again.

yes all cases are somewhat matter what decision they arrive at in certain cases some will be happy and some will be mad. Such is the way of the site and as members we must live with it. The one thing that i have a problem with in all of this is in some cases it seems to be innocent until proven guilty and in others it seems to be that the C&A team has a bit of favoritism. Im not so much talking about this case but in others in the past it does seem like certain individuals get the benefit of the doubt more than others.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby jefjef on Mon Feb 27, 2012 1:44 pm

he even run a full c and a report quoting a report that says what he was reporting was not against site rules...

Many and most people get a few free passes when it comes to filing joke/frivolous/spurious complaints. As for mild bait posts it also often takes a number of them to become an infraction.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby karel on Mon Feb 27, 2012 2:25 pm

eddie2 wrote:
NoSurvivors wrote:Its funny how all the evidence was circumstantial and now we have babies complaining about not having a person BUSTED for something he MIGHT have done, yet there is not a spec of evidence saying that he IS the same person as bearcat. Now for all you who are whining and complaining about how you have "no faith in mods" and "I'm not re buying premium" oh well! How would YOU guys feel being accused of something you were innocent of with completely circumstantial evidence? or worse? banned?

yep just like it is funny that glg has not faced any form of forum ban for his baiting responses. he even run a full c and a report quoting a report that says what he was reporting was not against site rules... so plz tell my why he is still able to forum post then if the moderation is not biased as for the case 4 days to look into everything... with blitz's case the 2nd time round after king a had cleared the first one it still took them 2 weeks to look through it all even though they had already seen more than half the case.. and they were given all the info from several members. and that case was only going back 1 or 2 months.. this one goes back 3 years .so yes some members are going to be pissed off at the result.

why not give your ass a forum ban for all the trolling that you do eddie,just shut up
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Extreme Ways on Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:03 pm

karel wrote:
eddie2 wrote:
NoSurvivors wrote:Its funny how all the evidence was circumstantial and now we have babies complaining about not having a person BUSTED for something he MIGHT have done, yet there is not a spec of evidence saying that he IS the same person as bearcat. Now for all you who are whining and complaining about how you have "no faith in mods" and "I'm not re buying premium" oh well! How would YOU guys feel being accused of something you were innocent of with completely circumstantial evidence? or worse? banned?

yep just like it is funny that glg has not faced any form of forum ban for his baiting responses. he even run a full c and a report quoting a report that says what he was reporting was not against site rules... so plz tell my why he is still able to forum post then if the moderation is not biased as for the case 4 days to look into everything... with blitz's case the 2nd time round after king a had cleared the first one it still took them 2 weeks to look through it all even though they had already seen more than half the case.. and they were given all the info from several members. and that case was only going back 1 or 2 months.. this one goes back 3 years .so yes some members are going to be pissed off at the result.

why not give your ass a forum ban for all the trolling that you do eddie,just shut up


But really, GLG is innocent until proven guilty. I don't know anything about the American law, but in CC he is. It would be fun if it wouldn't be: Accusing you of murder while you where sleeping, but some other guy killed him and left no traces. They lack evidence against you, but you can't prove you are innocent.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby eddie2 on Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:41 pm

karel wrote:why not give your ass a forum ban for all the trolling that you do eddie,just shut up

this is actually quite funny of you karel.. lets look at this case you have came in here not posted 1 bit of evidence or defense for the glg case but you find time to call people a troll or that we are baiting or on a witch hunt... is that not what a troll is someone that does not add to the convo at hand i think it is the meaning so before you start all this carp towards me go to your local shop buy a cheap mirror have a look see what you see. Just plz like you and some others is this forum that scream and shout troll should read the old kids saying..

it takes one to know one..

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby eddie2 on Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:48 pm

ljex wrote:
completely different cases and thus take a way different amount of time to investigate

yes all cases are somewhat matter what decision they arrive at in certain cases some will be happy and some will be mad. Such is the way of the site and as members we must live with it. The one thing that i have a problem with in all of this is in some cases it seems to be innocent until proven guilty and in others it seems to be that the C&A team has a bit of favoritism. Im not so much talking about this case but in others in the past it does seem like certain individuals get the benefit of the doubt more than others.

sorry for double post...

Where is the difference ljex
blitzaholic taking over jobiwans account (who was not a family member.)
bearcat taking over glg account (who is a family member.)
so do you not think using a family members account to log online would take more time to look through.. you would have to check dates and time stamps..... the blitz case took 2 weeks to look at stuff going back 2 months this case takes 4 day to look at 3 years. and c and a have had a major overhaul where there is not as many multi hunters. (with long time experiance.)

as for the thing about equal punishment this is a thing that seriously needs addressed.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby lorenzolynnlogan on Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:04 pm

dude u went n 2 this like the cia glg is a good player n if they r father n son n they switched accounts r u goin 2 b that small as 2 make a report he is his SON i would try 2 make my son r father feel better if this was there outlet i think some people take this site 2 far
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:23 pm

eddie2 wrote:
karel wrote:why not give your ass a forum ban for all the trolling that you do eddie,just shut up

this is actually quite funny of you karel.. lets look at this case you have came in here not posted 1 bit of evidence or defense for the glg case but you find time to call people a troll or that we are baiting or on a witch hunt... is that not what a troll is someone that does not add to the convo at hand i think it is the meaning so before you start all this carp towards me go to your local shop buy a cheap mirror have a look see what you see. Just plz like you and some others is this forum that scream and shout troll should read the old kids saying..

it takes one to know one..

:lol: :lol: :lol:

+1. Plus, karel, I haven't seen you on the forums posing about this matter or on the chat except for the past 2 days. So your excuse to call eddie2 a troll doesn't fly.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:07 pm

KraphtOne wrote:my premium is up, think i'll start a new account or two... this is too easy...

and as far as the evidence being circumstantial, no sh*t ya f*ckin moron... nobody claims to have video evidence...

I will lay awake sleepless at nights knowing that you think I am a moron. You know video evidence would have been nice.

ad10r3tr0 wrote:If all he did was run a measly multi test..why did this case take like 2 weeks to decide if all he was going to do was that? Is this being swept under the MASSIVE rug also?

Try reading my post again sir. I ran multi checks when the other threads in C&A were started. And I didn't sweep it under the rug, we don't have rugs we have tile floors.

Commander62890 wrote:Some of us have absolutely no faith in the hunters' tools. :evil:

Looking at the source I just lol'd.

eddie2 wrote:well i am not surprised this has been cleared... i was just looking for a quote from evil semp the post where it is said about retaliation threads through the result etc that was made in the first day or 2 of the case.. but the post seems to of been deleted.. also it has taken 5 days to look at this if i remember correct when c and a had a full team of experianced hunters in the blitz case it took them close on 2 weeks....

Isn't is funny how you don't count the several days notice that you gave me.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Master Bush on Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:05 pm

looks like glg signed another check over. just helping the mods out in their personal lives, while they turn a blind eye.

btw, I have it on good authority that lackattack has VERY little to do with this site anymore. It's pretty much being run (into the ground) by Andy Dufresne, with help from KA and others. I haven't started a non tournament game, and once my tournament games are done, i'm out. I've decided to file a report about below:

I suggest others do the same, so that someone takes a look inside of whats going on behind closed doors at this site. I guarantee you they will discover some interest stuff, like dice codes.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Night Strike on Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:25 pm

Master Bush wrote:looks like glg signed another check over. just helping the mods out in their personal lives, while they turn a blind eye.

btw, I have it on good authority that lackattack has VERY little to do with this site anymore. It's pretty much being run (into the ground) by Andy Dufresne, with help from KA and others. I haven't started a non tournament game, and once my tournament games are done, i'm out. I've decided to file a report about below:

I suggest others do the same, so that someone takes a look inside of whats going on behind closed doors at this site. I guarantee you they will discover some interest stuff, like dice codes.

:lol: :lol: :roll:

Many, if not most, of the mods get very tired of having to deal with GLG, so we have absolutely no reason to protect him. However, that doesn't give us the power to just go ban him if he didn't break any rules. This accusation against him could not be proven using the tools the hunters have at their disposal, so they either need more/better tools or he is actually innocent (or its unprovable). You can't just ban people simply because the public throws a tantrum. And this public loves to throw way too many tantrums every time they don't get their way. :roll:
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Master Bush on Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:32 pm

I really don't care what you have to say Night Strike. I'm over the mod "spin" that gets pushed down the paying costumers throats. It's about time someone looks into this site, since the "owner" has all but abandon it.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Night Strike on Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:44 pm

Master Bush wrote:I really don't care what you have to say Night Strike. I'm over the mod "spin" that gets pushed down the paying costumers throats. It's about time someone looks into this site, since the "owner" has all but abandon it.

What will someone looking into it change? And it's sad that you think the truth is considered "mod spin". Like I said, the lynch mob will just throw tantrums until they get the heads of anyone they deem unworthy. No matter whether that person is guilty or not. I'm not going to defend any of GLG's actions or antics, but it's equally wrong for so many people to automatically assume someone is guilty and think there's a massive conspiracy going on anytime someone is cleared.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby jbudnick2001 on Mon Feb 27, 2012 8:08 pm

what is funny is the fact that all you guys care so much about this when does it really matter? hes not found guilty. just go on with your piss poor lives and play your risk games. Here is an idea if you dont like the guy dont play with him, simple as that. GET LIVES. Mods just keep doing whatever it is you guys do
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