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Secret Diplomacy: J-Bone & WAKEY12345 [cleared] BG

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Secret Diplomacy: J-Bone & WAKEY12345 [cleared] BG

Postby Wizard2010 on Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:47 pm



The accused are suspected of: Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):10684806

Comments: This 3 person Europe 1914 games, which from my experience can last for many hours, ended in less than 30 minutes, mostly due to the seemingly irrational play of WAKEY12345 who consistently attacked my positions, while leaving J-Bone's growing stacks alone. The log will show the disproportionality of the assaults but the inability to recapture the screen by screen settings/deployments and resulting play most probably weakens my case. I could not understand why WAKEY12345 chose not to focus on developing an area of strength - as is a common strategy in this game, and instead focused on weakening me to the point that I had no troop strength to counter J-Bones growing stacks of troops on the Central Capitals. If the only two explanations are 1) idiot play and 2) secret diplomacy/collusion, I contend #2 given WAKEY12345 rank and games played.

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Re: Secret Diplomacy: J-Bone & WAKEY12345

Postby Extreme Ways on Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:14 pm

Wizard2010 wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of: Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):Game 10684806

Comments: This 3 person Europe 1914 games, which from my experience can last for many hours, ended in less than 30 minutes, mostly due to the seemingly irrational play of WAKEY12345 who consistently attacked my positions, while leaving J-Bone's growing stacks alone. The log will show the disproportionality of the assaults but the inability to recapture the screen by screen settings/deployments and resulting play most probably weakens my case. I could not understand why WAKEY12345 chose not to focus on developing an area of strength - as is a common strategy in this game, and instead focused on weakening me to the point that I had no troop strength to counter J-Bones growing stacks of troops on the Central Capitals. If the only two explanations are 1) idiot play and 2) secret diplomacy/collusion, I contend #2 given WAKEY12345 rank and games played.

Thank you

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Re: Secret Diplomacy: J-Bone & WAKEY12345

Postby Barney Rubble on Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:49 pm

The log kinda shows you and yellow in a pissing contest.Everytime either of you cashed you just hit each other ...J-Bone just got left the scraps .. FAMO if you must
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Re: Secret Diplomacy: J-Bone & WAKEY12345

Postby Wizard2010 on Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:51 pm

That's why it'd be helpful to actually see the map and the moves that we're made. My attacks against yellow were counter-attacks...honsetly, as my comments indicated..I was totally flabbergasted as to why he kept hitting me without provocation or logical strategic reason
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Re: Secret Diplomacy: J-Bone & WAKEY12345

Postby Criticalwinner on Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:41 pm

Wizard2010 wrote:That's why it'd be helpful to actually see the map and the moves that we're made. My attacks against yellow were counter-attacks...honsetly, as my comments indicated..I was totally flabbergasted as to why he kept hitting me without provocation or logical strategic reason

Green played that way because you and yellow were gonna keep attacking each other. Why attack one of you two when you were to busy trying to show your strength against each other? Yellow got mad at you, and you got mad at yellow..... So you ended up weakening each other. That's your own foolish decisions, not "Secret Diplomacy."
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Re: Secret Diplomacy: J-Bone & WAKEY12345

Postby Wizard2010 on Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:20 pm

I guess I'm not making my point. I had no reason to be mad at yellow, the initial outlay of territories gave me a number of positions in UK and France..with a smattering of placements - distant from each other - in Russia, the Balkans and Turkey. It made perfect sense for me to seek to gain advantage in the region where I had a number of territories. Right? I don't know where yellow's allotments were (fog of war) but I saw one or two that bordered mine. It therefore makes sense that there must have been other areas in which he could have adopted the same approach as mine - Assess your position, strengthen that position to gain bonus troops, then pursue the positions of others. Logical?

Why yellow chose to attack so early in the game in a region in which he was sparsely represented (and because of fog of war, would supposedly had no idea of my strength), was flabbergasting. He'd take out a stack of 10 of my troops while leaving green grow 14 to 16 to 18. Perhaps the most comical line appears at the end of the chat just before green wrapped it up, yellow says "he's only one capital away from getting all four" Really? Obviously he could see this building the entire time.
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Re: Secret Diplomacy: J-Bone & WAKEY12345

Postby jgordon1111 on Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:46 pm

I know J-Bone pretty well I believe your off the mark here with the SD, not his style of play at all, most likely yellow just a player that targeted you for some unknown reason. But the MOD's will do their thing and you can foe yellow
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Re: Secret Diplomacy: J-Bone & WAKEY12345

Postby Wizard2010 on Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:48 pm

lol. jgordon, yellow was foed after the game....
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Re: Secret Diplomacy: J-Bone & WAKEY12345

Postby crazymilkshake5 on Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:48 pm

Wizard2010 wrote:lol. jgordon, yellow was foed after the game....

Then what more is there?
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Re: Secret Diplomacy: J-Bone & WAKEY12345 [cleared] BG

Postby BGtheBrain on Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:45 am

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