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Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]es

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Evil Semp on Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:56 pm

I have asked everyone to keep it on topic. No evidence equals don't post. I will lock this for awhile.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby IR1SH ACE on Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:24 pm

cheers for unlocking this ES and I dont envy you and the rest of the mods that have to figure this thing out...

if anybody has nothing else to add to this case but just wants to vent then please take it here...glg case - GD

I really think the only bit of evidence that is needed to decide this case is this....


this first conversation that eddie had with GLG before he had any clue what was going on behind the scenes and the fact that nobody had every brought any of this connection between himself and bearcat up before suggests that this is not misinformation...after 4 years and he would like everyone to believe that he knew what was going on but rather than just pretend/admit to been the GLG with a son that use to play on this site....he thinks I know I will feed him some BS that makes me look like I have taken over my Dads account.....very hard to swallow this excuse..

I dont believe that this is misinformation....this looks like genuine responses from GLG and when presented with the quote from eddie...from this Game 2711557

2008-06-24 16:04:10 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: Hiits, I owe you for playing quickly. . .I'm off today and my son showed me the site

GLG's response ---- "maybe my Dad was playing and said it was me showing him the site?"

misinformation or a quick off the cuff response to been put on the spot?.......will leave it in the hands of the mods now....
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby lanyards on Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:58 pm

Lol what is the point of unlocking this?

This will be worked out and cleared behind the scenes due to the involvement of personal information.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby eddie2 on Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:06 pm

lanyards wrote:Lol what is the point of unlocking this?

This will be worked out and cleared behind the scenes due to the involvement of personal information.

there was no personal information involved if the case is not valid

this 1 case glg made today makes every statement about misinformation untrue....

we are trying to gather more info for this case as time goes on... and the unexpected user giving us more for it is glg.... come on all defending if his actions are not making him more guity then what can.

like what has been stated before if you cannot add valid info to this case plz take your posts to the general disscussion thread
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby lanyards on Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:50 pm

Okay, here's a valid point: If this claim is actually true, wouldn't GLG deny it?

Someone made the point that it proves he is guilty because he doesn't deny it in this thread, however I see it differently.

I think he would deny it every chance he got if he were guilty. Because it hasn't, it shows, to me at least, that he isn't worried about this claim, and that he knows he can prove his identity to the MHs, as he's stated many times.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby spiesr on Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:03 pm

Okay, so we appear to be in a situation where either:
A: Some of the things the GLG has said in chat/game chat were untrue, or
B: The person who is currently playing the account is not the same person who was playing it previously.

Should B be the case, is there any actual indication that Bearcat has taken over the account? Does any of the evidence that you have indicate that it would necessarily Bearcat as opposed to another person?
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby ljex on Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:59 am

lanyards wrote:Okay, here's a valid point: If this claim is actually true, wouldn't GLG deny it?

Someone made the point that it proves he is guilty because he doesn't deny it in this thread, however I see it differently.

I think he would deny it every chance he got if he were guilty. Because it hasn't, it shows, to me at least, that he isn't worried about this claim, and that he knows he can prove his identity to the MHs, as he's stated many times.

I have to say, i got a warning for game throwing that i thought was wrong and i still say that i never threw games.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby D00MandD3A7H on Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:25 am

lanyards wrote:Okay, here's a valid point: If this claim is actually true, wouldn't GLG deny it?

Someone made the point that it proves he is guilty because he doesn't deny it in this thread, however I see it differently.

I think he would deny it every chance he got if he were guilty. Because it hasn't, it shows, to me at least, that he isn't worried about this claim, and that he knows he can prove his identity to the MHs, as he's stated many times.

WRONG! A mastermind of dissuasion? He hasnt even denied it if he is innocent either?
I hope he is innocent though.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up!

Postby King_Herpes on Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:09 am

demonfork wrote:All of these game chat examples PROVE NOTHING!

I could say that I am your dad in game chat... would it make it so?

here ill do it...

Game 10611858

2012-02-22 18:37:21 - demonfork: Hey everyone... I'm not really demonfork...I'm really demonforks dad

Does this statement that I just made prove that I am really someones dad?

Maybe I'm your dad... Ive banged a lot of hoes...its quite possible that one of em was your mom and that you are really my's possible.

Sorry about your little butt āœŖ Dumb fucking e-lambs the lot of you
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby hmsps on Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:11 am

What does concern me with all the 'misinformation' spewed by GLG, is that he could have been stringing the mods along all the while. Was his real name DH or did he make up an elaborate ruse so he could change his name as he was getting a lot of heat on the DH account at the time. You tend to find with liars, they chase their tales most of the time but ultimately it all catches up on them.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby IR1SH ACE on Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:17 am

really guys there is a GD discussion were most of you can go and discuss this case.....glg case - GD

there is no new info been added by anyone.....and nice way to rehash demonforks bait and flame from page two there KingHerps but I dont think its relevant to the case.....

EDIT------will edit this post rather then been drawn into a back and forward going nowhere post-counterpost BS with you lanyards you have made 3 posts since this thread was unlocked and all of them have added nothing new to the are just trolling now and along with a couple of other GLG fanboys you are just looking to get this thread locked again...if you want to just rant but add nothing to the case please take it to the GD discussion linked above I will not respond in here unless its some new info....cheers for your input
Last edited by IR1SH ACE on Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby lanyards on Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:59 am

IR1SH ACE wrote:really guys there is a GD discussion were most of you can go and discuss this case.....glg case - GD

there is no new info been added by anyone.....and nice way to rehash demonforks bait and flame from page two there KingHerps but I dont think its relevant to the case.....
I already "added the info" that there was nothing to add by unlocking this, and that this was what only could happen. I warned ya.

And seriously, everyone - Stop whining about who is baiting or who is flaming. The mods will handle it, and frankly whining about flames in a thread is also off topic, and pathetic.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby karel on Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:21 am

lanyards wrote:
IR1SH ACE wrote:really guys there is a GD discussion were most of you can go and discuss this case.....glg case - GD

there is no new info been added by anyone.....and nice way to rehash demonforks bait and flame from page two there KingHerps but I dont think its relevant to the case.....
I already "added the info" that there was nothing to add by unlocking this, and that this was what only could happen. I warned ya.

And seriously, everyone - Stop whining about who is baiting or who is flaming. The mods will handle it, and frankly whining about flames in a thread is also off topic, and pathetic.

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby CivProBlows on Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:40 pm

One idea (which I hope the mods are already checking) is to see who paid for premium on each account, and see if there is any cross-over between the two. If the person that originally paid for bearcat7734's premium account is different from the one that most recently paid for Glg's premium account, then it doesn't matter what was said in the chat. Remember what Deep Throat said: ā€œfollow the money.ā€ Although, he could always use the ā€˜dad paid for bothā€™ excuse if the two are the same.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:42 pm

1) get ahold of bearcat7734
2) ask him what he was doing the day of eddie2's "BIG QUESTION" - where he's so sure I didn't misinformation him when he was digging, and was asking PERSONAL questions
3) my bet is he was A) working, B) with his gf, C) drinking with his buddies
4) it's for DAMN sure he wasn't on this account -- because I was

That could probably be proven by independent 3rd-4th parties. But IA/E2 need to quit claiming their assumptions are facts, they are not.

Finally, there is a HUGE difference between joking/"lieing" to players on a game chat, AND people asking PERSONAL questions. . .and being honest with mods. BUT, all are 100% fair and legal.

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby s3xt0y on Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:50 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Recommendation:
1) get ahold of bearcat7734
2) ask him what he was doing the day of eddie2's "BIG QUESTION" - where he's so sure I didn't misinformation him when he was digging, and was asking PERSONAL questions
3) my bet is he was A) working, B) with his gf, C) drinking with his buddies
4) it's for DAMN sure he wasn't on this account -- because I was

That could probably be proven by independent 3rd-4th parties. But IA/E2 need to quit claiming their assumptions are facts, they are not.

Finally, there is a HUGE difference between joking/"lieing" to players on a game chat, AND people asking PERSONAL questions. . .and being honest with mods. BUT, all are 100% fair and legal.


Look at the bolded just dammed yourself.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby NoSurvivors on Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:22 pm

s3xt0y wrote:
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Recommendation:
1) get ahold of bearcat7734
2) ask him what he was doing the day of eddie2's "BIG QUESTION" - where he's so sure I didn't misinformation him when he was digging, and was asking PERSONAL questions
3) my bet is he was A) working, B) with his gf, C) drinking with his buddies
4) it's for DAMN sure he wasn't on this account -- because I was

That could probably be proven by independent 3rd-4th parties. But IA/E2 need to quit claiming their assumptions are facts, they are not.

Finally, there is a HUGE difference between joking/"lieing" to players on a game chat, AND people asking PERSONAL questions. . .and being honest with mods. BUT, all are 100% fair and legal.


Look at the bolded just dammed yourself.

How? o.O
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:07 pm

Ok I want let you know just like with the Academy Awards the company responsible to protect our findings until they are made public is Price Waterhouse. I have my severe weather gear on so [drum roll please]the envelope please.

Most of the evidence presented here is circumstantial. I personally have done several multi checks on GLG when the other C&A reports have been filed. I can not find any conclusive evidence showing that the GLG account was taken over by bearcat7734. There is nothing that proves the GLG account was hijacked by bearcat7734. Without further ado GLG is CLEARED.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Evolution299 on Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:15 pm

Naked pictures...Seriously, he must have naked pictures of someone in power here with a farm animal or something.

I believe I said it best with an earlier post...this guy is untouchable. Short of getting GLG to come right out and admit it, (and i still think the mods would clear him) he will never be found guilty of anything.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby aad0906 on Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:21 pm

Evolution299 wrote:Naked pictures...Seriously, he must have naked pictures of someone in power here with a farm animal or something.

I believe I said it best with an earlier post...this guy is untouchable. Short of getting GLG to come right out and admit it, (and i still think the mods would clear him) he will never be found guilty of anything.

The evidence was circumstantial. It doesn't necessarily mean that Bearcat hasn't taken over the GLG account, it means that the accusation wasn't proven beyond reasonable doubt.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby KraphtOne on Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:22 pm

my premium is up, think i'll start a new account or two... this is too easy...

and as far as the evidence being circumstantial, no sh*t ya f*ckin moron... nobody claims to have video evidence...
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Night Strike on Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:25 pm

The hunters have tools to determine whether people have multiple accounts or not. Apparently the facts provided in their tools didn't corroborate the story presented in the thread, so he was cleared. If he's legit, then he's good to go. If he's really a multi or hijacked account, he'll eventually mess up and get caught. They all do. In the meantime, the hunters can only make busts based on their tools, not on any personal feelings.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:12 pm

If all he did was run a measly multi test..why did this case take like 2 weeks to decide if all he was going to do was that? Is this being swept under the MASSIVE rug also?
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Commander62890 on Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:15 pm

Some of us have absolutely no faith in the hunters' tools. :evil:
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Night Strike on Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:43 pm

ad10r3tr0 wrote:If all he did was run a measly multi test..why did this case take like 2 weeks to decide if all he was going to do was that? Is this being swept under the MASSIVE rug also?

I didn't know 4 days was now 2 weeks. =D> =D>
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