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blitzaholic [Cleared] DCR

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Re: blitzaholic [Pending] DCR

Postby ljex on Sat Feb 25, 2012 4:49 pm

eddie2 wrote:well i am going to step in here... owen contacted me about this 1 or 2 weeks ago.... telling me blitz might be up to his ussual (he said farming to me.) but i was 2 busy on the other case i was helping with.. today i looked at it and it does seem something fishy is going on but it can be 1 of 2 players or both because if you look at it natasha has been involved in the games as well.. i think the reason for the acusation against blitz is because he has done this before so many have jumped in saying blitz blitz blitz.

As for the accusation of a witch hunt i am getting feed up of reading this. It seems whenever a high rank in the circle gets accused of anything it is auto a witch hunt. when all it is is a member gets seen doing things (like with lower ranks but this does not get said) it gets reported... my case via blitz if anyone actually seen my first c and a before the edit was about jobiwan point dumping then after further looking into it i seen there was something fishy and it looked like blitz was involved so i reported it....

like the glg case we have going on just now. i was pissed at the way cof got banned(i even stated in the last farming case to leave him alone) but after him getting cof banned i felt i would have a look and asked a user group to help, there was another member thinking the same and he posted a long thing about glg (this has not been brought out into public eyes) it was going to be a general disscussion thread i seen something in the post brought it to the attention of the player with a couple of facts i had seen the response were not to report glg because it was just another farming case but like i said it wasnt farming it was something else. so he then went and came back with a case just needing some confirmations i went to live chat and got some info....

like i said can we give it a break with the witch hunt comments because it is getting boring if a player is high ranked and are in the limelight then of course they are going to get reported, if doing something that looks sus..

just like you ljex when you were top i am 100 percent positive someone would of reported you for the woodbora games you were playing because they were the same style as what blitz was doing. but you only lasted there for a day or something.

I actually was reported in C&A for farming even though we all know how i gained points was completely legal by the rules of CC. My problem here is not that there is a report of problem is that it just lack logical backing and despite the fact that the op says he has no beef with the accused he then goes and posts flames/baits in the direction of the accused like the one below.

jalen45 wrote:is this person a male or female? i keep saying his/her i dont know. my guess is female, because no normal straight male thrives attention like that.

When you really look at the evidence it is minimal at best, and if the op really didnt want to drag blitz's name in the mud then he could have filed the report in a multitude of other fashions besides this one.
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Re: blitzaholic [Pending] DCR

Postby eddie2 on Sat Feb 25, 2012 5:23 pm

My problem here is not that there is a report of problem is that it just lack logical backing

so was my first case ljex and many others but i don't see people jumping in on lower ranked cases. I still believe if you bring a small case to c and a then others have a look then the truth starts to unravel either in a positive way or a negative.... Some people don't have much time on there hands like others, me i have loads hence why i post loads in the forums (due to a big accident i had at work. before that i was not computer literate and still am not and i have loads of foes for it) so they make half a case with nothing to back it up.. hoping people would help and post valid info, but instead they get people saying witch hunt etccc. So what does that do make the op's not post again because they don't want the type of negative responses they get.. look at the op for this case.
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5 years on the site 125 posts (half of witch :lol: are at least showing respect to other clans)but he has been getting accused of a witch hunt come on really you could say this guy has only posted 67 forum posts and he is a witch hunter????? this is why i am saying instead of slagging op's off why not add evidence or add defense instead of attacking the op or the people posting real evidence plus or con... c and a mods do say only post relative info and they always get into friend foe convos and cases get locked through this instead if you want to start saying that stuff open a gd thread (this will prevent locks) or maybe we should get a new part for c and a a discussion thread area for all this carp to come out.. really i mean c and a mods come to threads and have to read all posts and end up locking them when a valid post could be made. c and a mods are not paid and i am sure they get feed up of reading bullshit..
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Re: blitzaholic [Pending] DCR

Postby happy2seeyou on Sat Feb 25, 2012 7:22 pm

Umm I've been gone for a while now, why isn't Blitz posting in here to defend himself?
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Re: blitzaholic [Pending] DCR

Postby IR1SH ACE on Sat Feb 25, 2012 7:33 pm

for me what gives this case some validity is this....

Gunn217 wrote:Not trying to hurt his feelings. He doesn't even try to win. I sent him a PM before the game started to introduce myself and to urge him to use the chat and play as a team. He never responded, never used or read the chat (that I could tell), and never deployed or reinforced me. Why set up 30 dubs games and not play as a team? Something is up.

I'm not suggesting Blitz has anything to do with it. It's likely he's just a poaching opportunist, which isn't against the rules.

as a clan-mate of Gunn's and having played with & against him many times I do not doubt he went into this Game 10634314 thinking he could coordinate a good strategy with Rob and maybe win this game and I do not doubt he made every effort to communicate with this player by PM and game chat all to no avail...

just look at the moves Rob takes during the game..
show: Robs game moves
2012-02-18 12:13:27 - Game has been initialized
2012-02-18 16:46:08 - RobGriffioen received 3 troops for 10 regions
2012-02-18 16:46:11 - RobGriffioen deployed 3 troops on Kashgar
2012-02-18 16:46:16 - RobGriffioen ended the turn (no fort)
2012-02-19 01:17:47 - Incrementing game to round 2
2012-02-19 16:22:43 - RobGriffioen received 3 troops for 10 regions
2012-02-19 16:22:45 - RobGriffioen deployed 3 troops on Uigur
2012-02-19 16:22:47 - RobGriffioen assaulted Kabul from Uigur and conquered it from Natascha
2012-02-19 16:22:51 - RobGriffioen ended the turn and got spoils (no fort)
2012-02-19 17:04:22 - Incrementing game to round 3
2012-02-19 20:51:30 - RobGriffioen received 3 troops for 11 regions
2012-02-19 20:51:35 - RobGriffioen deployed 3 troops on Yenisei
2012-02-19 20:51:36 - RobGriffioen assaulted Kara Khitai from Yenisei and conquered it from Blitzaholic
2012-02-19 20:51:39 - RobGriffioen ended the turn and got spoils (no fort)
2012-02-20 14:16:08 - Incrementing game to round 4
2012-02-20 19:26:21 - Natascha eliminated Gunn217 from the game(gunn is done in 4 rounds....totally blitzed he was)
2012-02-20 19:47:24 - RobGriffioen received 3 troops for 10 regions
2012-02-20 19:47:26 - RobGriffioen deployed 3 troops on Kashgar
2012-02-20 19:47:32 - RobGriffioen ended the turn
2012-02-20 20:47:32 - Incrementing game to round 5
2012-02-21 19:16:36 - RobGriffioen received 3 troops for 8 regions
2012-02-21 19:16:38 - RobGriffioen deployed 3 troops on Kara Khitai
2012-02-21 19:16:44 - RobGriffioen ended the turn
2012-02-21 19:51:27 - Incrementing game to round 6
2012-02-21 21:28:05 - RobGriffioen received 3 troops for 2 regions
2012-02-21 21:28:06 - RobGriffioen deployed 3 troops on Himalayas
2012-02-21 21:28:08 - RobGriffioen assaulted Idiqut from Himalayas and conquered it from Blitzaholic
2012-02-21 21:28:12 - RobGriffioen reinforced Himalayas with 4 troops from Idiqut
2012-02-21 21:28:12 - RobGriffioen ended the turn and got spoils
2012-02-22 00:46:38 - Incrementing game to round 7
2012-02-22 08:01:56 - Natascha eliminated RobGriffioen from the game (no surprise)

so Rob makes a total of 3 attacks over 7 rounds and never once forts his team-mate.....

Im sure its the same story in his other team games......

yet he plays like a proper team-mate in the two games he is on the same side as Blitz...Game 10493171....Game 10493164

lets have a look at a game in progress....check this out...Game 10649209

show: snapshot of game in Round 4

so blitz has got 21 regions and sitting on a 5 bonus and what does Rob do????
2012-02-25 20:14:15 - Incrementing game to round 4
2012-02-25 20:15:33 - RobGriffioen received 3 troops for 10 regions
2012-02-25 20:15:34 - RobGriffioen deployed 3 troops on Phang Nga
2012-02-25 20:15:36 - RobGriffioen ended the turn

he deploys on Phang Nga and now has a 5 stack there and makes NO attempt at taking Surat Thani from Blitz or break his bonus which he has a good shot at just got to get through 3 single one's....

I really don't have the time to keep going through peoples games but if everyone who comes in and comments were to spend less time "quoting rules" or talking about "personal vendettas" and "witch hunts" or instantly dismissing cases because of who the accused is and a bit more time looking at some of the games in question then I would imagine we could all make the mods jobs a little bit easier.....

one final thing when me and one of my RL friends who is also in the same Clan seen this case today we both thought why don't we go join a couple of blitz's Quads games.. He always has a load of them set-up and we have a decent quads we went and had a look...
but what did we find....Blitz games waiting

he has 5 quads games waiting for team 2 to join but damn if there's not one low rank member sitting in team 2 on each one of them...isn't that weird all 5 games with 1 player just stopping a decent quads team from joining the other side....maybe its just coincidence or maybe they have all been invited to take up that HAWKE1422 waiting for this Game 10666188 to start...

and he just happens to be in this Game 10649205....
2012-02-23 05:56:05 - HAWKE1422: uh thanks for the invite

thanks for the invite........hmmmmmmmmmmm

EDIT----- when I talk about the validity of this case I don't mean that RobGriffioen is Blitz's Multi as stated in the OP but there is some kind of SD going on here and either Blitz/Natasha is in communication with Rob, maybe through skype or MSN....

also before someone pops in to "quote rules" I am fully aware that there is no rule against inviting ranked players into your games its just cheap tactics to set-up your games so a real team cant join the other side....and if I do have a "personal vendetta" its against any player that uses cheap tactics to inflate their score............................
Last edited by IR1SH ACE on Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: blitzaholic [Pending] DCR

Postby Johnny Rockets on Sat Feb 25, 2012 7:37 pm

sdh wrote:eddie the detective :mrgreen: you seem to be getting better and better at this

Someone give this man a job! :)
Irish Ace as well.......
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Re: blitzaholic [Pending] DCR

Postby Gold Knight on Sat Feb 25, 2012 7:41 pm

happy2seeyou wrote:Umm I've been gone for a while now, why isn't Blitz posting in here to defend himself?

Blitz has not posted in the forums since his ban, at least nothing more than entering tournaments to my knowledge.
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Re: blitzaholic [Pending] DCR

Postby eddie2 on Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:24 pm

Johnny Rockets wrote:
sdh wrote:eddie the detective :mrgreen: you seem to be getting better and better at this

Someone give this man a job! :)
Irish Ace as well.......

na i don't want it like i have always said i don't like certain side's of the moderation on this site (certain things seem biased and i have even had foes tell me rulings via me were that.) plus i always had a thing about being told what to do.

1 thing i do like though is fair gaming and you can ask any clan or player that has faced aka including g1 about how fair i can be (apart from 1 clan due to there leaders actions.) i don't take the piss and never will game side (what the site is about) but in the forums i like to mistype misspell and everything else because it pisses people off and i enjoy my morning coffee reading it all lol.
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Re: blitzaholic [Pending] DCR

Postby jgordon1111 on Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:30 pm

Bruceswar wrote:
jgordon1111 wrote:
Master Fenrir wrote:
eddie2 wrote:so he asks for help is the lead player in 2 games playing as a perfect team mate then goes back to ignoring his team mates...

*shrugs* There is no logic to noob behavior.

Really come on Master Fenrir this guy is not a "noob" with that many games,and to play 2 games and do the right thing says he can follow instructions even if he plays like piss as a single, point dumping,team mate killing is the least of this.

Noobs can have 5000 games played. Just because you play lots of games does not make you good all of a sudden.

You missed the part about playing 2 games and playing right, then suddenly unable to play again bruce, The 2000 games was the lead into the fact when he teamed up with blitz suddenly he could follow instructions and not kill his team mates. Can you hear what I am saying?
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Re: blitzaholic [Pending] DCR

Postby happy2seeyou on Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:11 am

Gold Knight wrote:
happy2seeyou wrote:Umm I've been gone for a while now, why isn't Blitz posting in here to defend himself?

Blitz has not posted in the forums since his ban, at least nothing more than entering tournaments to my knowledge.

That is not like him at all. Did something happen for him to be so silent? Has he been kidnapped? Is he hiding in shame from the last pony strip poker tourney? Is this out of shame?
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Re: blitzaholic [Pending] DCR

Postby jefjef on Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:20 am

I really don't have the time to keep going through peoples games but if everyone who comes in and comments were to spend less time "quoting rules"

Do you realize that just maybe rules matter, even if just a little bit, in regards to complaints and accusations?

or talking about "personal vendettas" and "witch hunts" or instantly dismissing cases because of who the accused is and a bit more time looking at some of the games in question then I would imagine we could all make the mods jobs a little bit easier.....

Well anyway. Yes Blitz invites strays to his quad games. That way he does not get a functioning opponent team. Yes that is a cheap cheap cheap bull shit tactic that is employed by more than just him. It is not a rule violation as long as it isn't new recruits getting the invites.

Yes he seems to like to stalk the cooks games. It is not a rules violation for him to join open public games. The cook has the foe function to block people from joining his games if it were a problem.

Unless blitz had ever actually logged into the cooks account or some secret diplomacy pm surfaces all of your effort is in vain in regard to what the current rules are.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: blitzaholic [Pending] DCR

Postby jgordon1111 on Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:53 am

point dumping by the cook jefjef?
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Re: blitzaholic [Pending] DCR

Postby GeneralRisk on Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:21 am

Master Fenrir wrote:
eddie2 wrote:Game 10493171
Game 10493164

looking at all the players games i got to agree with gunn he looks like he plays to lose.. but the 2 games i find weird out of all of them are the 2 above. In both games rob looks like he is the lead player and getting supplied troups from both blitz and natasha.. this does look extreme because are most players complaints not that he does not comunicate and attacks his own team. but he plays 2 perfect games when blitz and natasha are on his team.

It's not that weird. Possible explanation: A noob gets owned by a general 19 games in a row and sends him a PM asking for help. The general doesn't mind teaming with a cook who will listen, so agrees to two games. I get 1-2 PMs a week from people I've never even played before asking if I can help them, so it's really not far-fetched at all.

I glanced at Robs game history. Out of the first 100 games he played, he won 35 games, many of which were multi player games and a few against very good players. It appears he played like a average player up until he started playing Blitz and crew on page 4 of his games. I picked a random dubs game on page 10 and he plays like most and forts his partner.....Game 9513826.........unsure what this all means. Maybe Rob was in a car wreak and is suffering with brain damage as a result.
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Re: blitzaholic [Pending] DCR

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:14 pm

Are the C&A team, just going to run a simple multi check on Blitz too like they did with GLD? You might as well clear this also if thats the case..

Heaven forbid we have to do some work or digging around.. lets just be easy and run this simple multi test - cleared - next please...
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Re: blitzaholic [Pending] DCR

Postby hmsps on Mon Feb 27, 2012 1:06 pm

ad10r3tr0 wrote:Are the C&A team, just going to run a simple multi check on Blitz too like they did with GLD? You might as well clear this also if thats the case..

Heaven forbid we have to do some work or digging around.. lets just be easy and run this simple multi test - cleared - next please...
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Re: blitzaholic [Pending] DCR

Postby jefjef on Mon Feb 27, 2012 1:18 pm

hmsps wrote:
ad10r3tr0 wrote:Are the C&A team, just going to run a simple multi check on Blitz too like they did with GLD? You might as well clear this also if thats the case..

Heaven forbid we have to do some work or digging around.. lets just be easy and run this simple multi test - cleared - next please...
=D> Agreed, expect to see lots of tumbleweed rolling across the plains any minute

Wow. This is day 4 of what is specifically a MULTI complaint and you 2 are in here complaining/trolling/baiting the hunters about a thorough multi investigation being conducted. That makes a lot sense. :roll:

Considering that many times multi's are cleared or busted within hours they obviously are looking at something very closely. My guess it is RobGriffioen.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: blitzaholic [Pending] DCR

Postby lorenzolynnlogan on Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:57 pm

blitzaholic at a time was the number 1 player on the web site so i could c him winning all them games
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Re: blitzaholic [Cleared] DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:02 pm

Blitzaholic is CLEARED of being a multi with Rob.

They are both also cleared of SD.
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Re: blitzaholic [Cleared] DCR

Postby jalen45 on Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:03 pm

deathcomesrippin wrote:Blitzaholic is CLEARED of being a multi with Rob.

They are both also cleared of SD.

thank you for looking into this... appreciate it. wasnt trying to start trouble, but i think i had enough evidence to make it suspicious and at least warrant a peek into it. blitz sent me a PM on the side and was nice about it, and explained the situation.
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Re: blitzaholic [Cleared] DCR

Postby GeneralRisk on Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:38 am

I hope poor Rob comes out of his coma soon.
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Re: blitzaholic [Cleared] DCR

Postby zimmah on Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:44 am

i'm glad that he is cleared, i know a lot of people don't like him but i think he's not as bad as people make believe he is.
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Re: blitzaholic [Cleared] DCR

Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:43 pm

deathcomesrippin wrote:Blitzaholic is CLEARED of being a multi with Rob.

They are both also cleared of SD.

I cant see Blitzaholic being a multi. The account sitting, yeah. But not this. I also dont think he would do something to this nature a second time.
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