Trust me, I am attempting to stand up -- but my arthritic knees are bothering me. . .and this wheel chair gives little support. Now. . .
Again, ANYONE is entitled to file a fair C&A report. The more FACTS you have the better. However, when BS gets displayed as fact, then you cease to be impartial -- and start saying things like "he doesn't float, so he MUST be a witch." I have NO problem with people filing reasonable, well founded reports - but when they digress into nasty hateful witch hunts, etc. then I and CC should have a problem. Lemme tell you a story i heard:
-Listen children to a story, that was written long ago. . .about a kingdom on mountain and the valley folk below. On the mountain was a treasure -- buried deep beneath the stone. . .and the valley people swore "they'd have if for their very own." ** *
-So the people on the valley . .sent a message up the hill. Asking for the buried treasure, tons of gold for which they'd kill. Came an answer from the kingdom. . ."with our brothers we will share.. .all the secrets of our mountain. . .all the riches buried there." * * *
-Now the valley cried with anger "mount your horses, draw your sword", and they killed the mountain people; so they won their just reward. Now they stood beside the treasure -- on the mountain dark and red. . .turned the stone and looked beneath it. . ."peace on earth" was all it said.
* * *Go ahead and hate your neighbor, go ahead and cheat a friend. Do it in the name of heaven -- you can justify it in the end. There won't be any trumpet blowin'. . come the judgement day, on the bloody morning after.. tin soldier rides away.
-any reader is one of the children: I'm probably older than most of you teenagers
-Kingdom on a mountain: the conqueror's seat
-valley people: the CC Naysayers and critics and haters
-treasure: we'll get to that
-buried deep beneath the stone: privacy policies and disinformation BS
-for their very own: things gotta be THEIR way -- or get nasty
-message/asking: anti-GLG threads and the nasty part of the recent C&A
-they'd kill: HUGE negative replies; flaming/baiting/trolling, etc.
-kingdom's answer/share: personal info about GLG to MH's; NOT CC general population -- not my brothers
-secrets: personal data needed to determine non-Multi
-cry with anger: more negativism
-horses: Irish rides Eddie to dig data, etc.. . .
-swords: negativisms - flames/baits
-killed: MORE negativism and conjecture
-dark and red: the HUGE mess/negativism added to a detailed C&A report
-peace on earth: really PIECE on earth; gettinhed -- get it?
-hate your neighbor: overdone heated negativisms by the naysayers
-cheat a friend: well I'm not REALLY your friend -- just your humble conqueror
-in the name of heaven: for the sanctity of CC; save the children, etc.
-justify it: you'll say it was a good cause; spewed negativity -- but cannot undo crap you say
-won't be any trumpet blowin' come the judgement day: MH will NOT declare I am a multi/hijacked
-bloody morning after: once the ruling comes out
-one tin soldier: GLG. . .will be standing and riding tall
-rides away: leave this thread in the dust, and resume ranching. . .BIG TIME
Now, this is NOT a bait/flame/troll. . .but an interpretation of the events recently. Just another example of me sitting around the campfire with friends, telling stories. -- And GLG will STAND EASILY when a fair ruling comes out.