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Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]es

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby IR1SH ACE on Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:53 pm

Criticalwinner wrote:Would you want your father's information out there? If he didn't want it, and you could fix it.... you'd fix it right? Or are you just blinded by your rage on this?

Innocent until proven guilty. That's the way it is. And right now GLG is innocent.

Critical I know your in the GLG camp on this one but statements like this make no sense....your claiming that its ok for someone to take over there fathers account and its all good as long as they change the you know this happened for a fact because this would be the kind of evidence that would be needed to bust cannot take over another account no matter who's account it is...

NoSurvivors wrote:I am actually intrigued that the OP has posted a previous case with this... If he was cleared before.. why would the verdict come as any different this time around?

really i did....I have no memory of ever opening any kind of case before about GLG/DH or bearcat.....if you would like to post a link to this case I would love to see it....
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:55 pm

Trust me, I am attempting to stand up -- but my arthritic knees are bothering me. . .and this wheel chair gives little support. Now. . .

Again, ANYONE is entitled to file a fair C&A report. The more FACTS you have the better. However, when BS gets displayed as fact, then you cease to be impartial -- and start saying things like "he doesn't float, so he MUST be a witch." I have NO problem with people filing reasonable, well founded reports - but when they digress into nasty hateful witch hunts, etc. then I and CC should have a problem. Lemme tell you a story i heard:

-Listen children to a story, that was written long ago. . .about a kingdom on mountain and the valley folk below. On the mountain was a treasure -- buried deep beneath the stone. . .and the valley people swore "they'd have if for their very own." ** *
-So the people on the valley . .sent a message up the hill. Asking for the buried treasure, tons of gold for which they'd kill. Came an answer from the kingdom. . ."with our brothers we will share.. .all the secrets of our mountain. . .all the riches buried there." * * *
-Now the valley cried with anger "mount your horses, draw your sword", and they killed the mountain people; so they won their just reward. Now they stood beside the treasure -- on the mountain dark and red. . .turned the stone and looked beneath it. . ."peace on earth" was all it said.
* * *Go ahead and hate your neighbor, go ahead and cheat a friend. Do it in the name of heaven -- you can justify it in the end. There won't be any trumpet blowin'. . come the judgement day, on the bloody morning after.. tin soldier rides away.

-any reader is one of the children: I'm probably older than most of you teenagers
-Kingdom on a mountain: the conqueror's seat
-valley people: the CC Naysayers and critics and haters
-treasure: we'll get to that
-buried deep beneath the stone: privacy policies and disinformation BS
-for their very own: things gotta be THEIR way -- or get nasty
-message/asking: anti-GLG threads and the nasty part of the recent C&A
-they'd kill: HUGE negative replies; flaming/baiting/trolling, etc.
-kingdom's answer/share: personal info about GLG to MH's; NOT CC general population -- not my brothers
-secrets: personal data needed to determine non-Multi
-cry with anger: more negativism
-horses: Irish rides Eddie to dig data, etc.. . .
-swords: negativisms - flames/baits
-killed: MORE negativism and conjecture
-dark and red: the HUGE mess/negativism added to a detailed C&A report
-peace on earth: really PIECE on earth; gettinhed -- get it?
-hate your neighbor: overdone heated negativisms by the naysayers
-cheat a friend: well I'm not REALLY your friend -- just your humble conqueror
-in the name of heaven: for the sanctity of CC; save the children, etc.
-justify it: you'll say it was a good cause; spewed negativity -- but cannot undo crap you say
-won't be any trumpet blowin' come the judgement day: MH will NOT declare I am a multi/hijacked
-bloody morning after: once the ruling comes out
-one tin soldier: GLG. . .will be standing and riding tall
-rides away: leave this thread in the dust, and resume ranching. . .BIG TIME

Now, this is NOT a bait/flame/troll. . .but an interpretation of the events recently. Just another example of me sitting around the campfire with friends, telling stories. -- And GLG will STAND EASILY when a fair ruling comes out.

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Conchobar on Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:03 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote: I have NO problem with people filing reasonable, well founded reports - but when they digress into nasty hateful witch hunts, etc. then I and CC should have a problem. Lemme tell you a story i heard:

There is nothing nasty or hateful about about this. On the contrary it is put together in a calm, meticulous, matter of fact way. Didn't bother reading your story though, I've wasted enough minutes of my life reading your nonsense. (About two).
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Serbia on Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:09 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Now, this is NOT a bait/flame/troll. . .

Possibly not, but it is spam. If you aren't going to post on topic, then resist the urge, and don't post at all.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Criticalwinner on Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:12 pm

IR1SH ACE wrote:Critical I know your in the GLG camp on this one but statements like this make no sense....your claiming that its ok for someone to take over there fathers account and its all good as long as they change the you know this happened for a fact because this would be the kind of evidence that would be needed to bust cannot take over another account no matter who's account it is...

I'm not 'in his camp'. I (nor anyone else) knows all the facts of this case. I'm trying to be impartial. While GLG (while under the rules may I add in my humble opinion) is being accused, [is it possible because he's the Conqueror?] he is considered innocent until proven guilty. He shouldn't have to defend his actions until the mods bring their questions against him. The way the CC has these reports set up is to let the qualified, impartial people look at all of the facts of this new case. Let them do their job. People will always disagree with their decisions. If you don't like the way these topics are resolved, voice your opinion in the Suggestions forum.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby alt1978 on Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:17 pm

To further support the notion that Gen.Leegettinghed and bearcat7734 are father and number 2712642 gives added proof. In it, Gen.Leegettinghed asks for Gamecocks4eva to hurry up the killing so he can play his son. I included the time stamps to show the relation.

Game # Game 2712642

2008-06-24 12:44:46 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: OK, , I lose. . .please mop up so I can play my son
2008-06-24 12:47:15 - Gamecocks4Eva: yea sc
2008-06-24 12:47:21 - Gamecocks4Eva: k
2008-06-24 12:47:27 - Gamecocks4Eva: ill mop as fast as i can
2008-06-24 12:48:05 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: collecting ". . cocks4eva"?

Game #Game 2712910
2008-06-24 12:55:18 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: gon for it
2008-06-24 12:56:13 - bearcat7734: ur up

In response to some of Gen.Leegettinhed's accusations:

Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:33 am
while you all hypothesize, Rodion's post brings up an interesting point:

Could a clan (for argument say. . .TOFU or TSM, etc.) be so desperate to stop KoRT . . . that they'd have a buddy dig up some old game chat, raise a hugely false scare that "GLG is a multi" -- to SCARE KoRT from entering GLG in the finals? NOW THAT would be interesting and somehow wouldn't surprise me at all.

Wait, I better check to make sure I'm not entered in more than 20 games.. ..

And STILL cannot stand up. . .trimming toe nails right now. . .

Irish is not in anyway affiliated with TOFU or The Spanking Monkeys. He is a Pig Renter, and as part of our manifesto stated in our clan's opening page, credo #1 clearly states "We are strongly opposed to point herding" There is no conspiracy between clans at all whatsoever. This is simply a cause that Irish has taken up and by making your accusation, I don't appreciate you questioning the integrity of our clan.

I don't want to put words in anyone's mouth but I'm pretty sure there's no way Bruce could be happy about you accusing the Monkeys of foul play...they are a truly stand up group and actually are probably strongly in favor of you playing in as many games as possible...since in KORT you would be the weakest link on any team. KORT pairs you with Josko to follow his lead and carry you through the games...I'm sure the Monkeys would love for Josko to have to do more work typing instructions in game chat. Because you are not even a strong enough player to become a Pig Renter, I'm pretty sure the Monkeys would go so far as to wave the 20 game restriction limit and let you play in all of the games between KORT and TSM. Therefore I think you should retract any all implications or suspicions towards the Monkeys in this case because they have no incentive to want you banned.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Evolution299 on Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:20 pm

You make a couple very valid points Criticalwinner.

1. In all of GLG posts in this thread, he hasn't denied any of the claims, nor has he admitted to them.
2. The report has nothing to do with him being conqueror or how he got there. The report is based on the possiblity of GLG - account sharing / multi'ing / account hijacking. Nothing more.

And Irish has found alot of damning evidence in the C&A report.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Evolution299 on Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:24 pm

alt1978 wrote:To further support the notion that Gen.Leegettinghed and bearcat7734 are father and number 2712642 gives added proof. In it, Gen.Leegettinghed asks for Gamecocks4eva to hurry up the killing so he can play his son. I included the time stamps to show the relation.

Game # Game 2712642

2008-06-24 12:44:46 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: OK, , I lose. . .please mop up so I can play my son
2008-06-24 12:47:15 - Gamecocks4Eva: yea sc
2008-06-24 12:47:21 - Gamecocks4Eva: k
2008-06-24 12:47:27 - Gamecocks4Eva: ill mop as fast as i can
2008-06-24 12:48:05 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: collecting ". . cocks4eva"?

Game #Game 2712910
2008-06-24 12:55:18 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: gon for it
2008-06-24 12:56:13 - bearcat7734: ur up

In response to some of Gen.Leegettinhed's accusations:

Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:33 am
while you all hypothesize, Rodion's post brings up an interesting point:

Could a clan (for argument say. . .TOFU or TSM, etc.) be so desperate to stop KoRT . . . that they'd have a buddy dig up some old game chat, raise a hugely false scare that "GLG is a multi" -- to SCARE KoRT from entering GLG in the finals? NOW THAT would be interesting and somehow wouldn't surprise me at all.

Wait, I better check to make sure I'm not entered in more than 20 games.. ..

And STILL cannot stand up. . .trimming toe nails right now. . .

Irish is not in anyway affiliated with TOFU or The Spanking Monkeys. He is a Pig Renter, and as part of our manifesto stated in our clan's opening page, credo #1 clearly states "We are strongly opposed to point herding" There is no conspiracy between clans at all whatsoever. This is simply a cause that Irish has taken up and by making your accusation, I don't appreciate you questioning the integrity of our clan.

I don't want to put words in anyone's mouth but I'm pretty sure there's no way Bruce could be happy about you accusing the Monkeys of foul play...they are a truly stand up group and actually are probably strongly in favor of you playing in as many games as possible...since in KORT you would be the weakest link on any team. KORT pairs you with Josko to follow his lead and carry you through the games...I'm sure the Monkeys would love for Josko to have to do more work typing instructions in game chat. Because you are not even a strong enough player to become a Pig Renter, I'm pretty sure the Monkeys would go so far as to wave the 20 game restriction limit and let you play in all of the games between KORT and TSM. Therefore I think you should retract any all implications or suspicions towards the Monkeys in this case because they have no incentive to want you banned.

Ouch. That is all. ;)
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:49 pm

Serbia wrote:
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Now, this is NOT a bait/flame/troll. . .

Possibly not, but it is spam. If you aren't going to post on topic, then resist the urge, and don't post at all.

Not a spam and it IS on topic:
1)IR1SH asked me to stand up
2)it's an analogy of the report/thread; I don't see any rule saying we can't use analogies, similies or metaphors to make our point.
3)it points out: make a C&A report, fine -- but why be so overly negative and nasty?

Now where is my chrome polish? I want to clean up this wheel chair before I have to go visit Warren. Have any of you or your parents used Osteo-biflex? does it work?
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:39 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Now where is my chrome polish? I want to clean up this wheel chair before I have to go visit Warren. Have any of you or your parents used Osteo-biflex? does it work?

You do realize your acridic attempt at humor only serves to make you look guilty as f*ck, right?
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby redhawk92 on Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:40 pm

TheGeneral2112 wrote:
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Now where is my chrome polish? I want to clean up this wheel chair before I have to go visit Warren. Have any of you or your parents used Osteo-biflex? does it work?

You do realize your acridic attempt at humor only serves to make you look guilty as f*ck, right?

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Caymanmew on Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:12 pm

kylegraves1 wrote:
TheGeneral2112 wrote:
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Now where is my chrome polish? I want to clean up this wheel chair before I have to go visit Warren. Have any of you or your parents used Osteo-biflex? does it work?

You do realize your acridic attempt at humor only serves to make you look guilty as f*ck, right?


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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby IcePack on Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:14 pm

Kort must have had some faith in him, they placed him in one quads game for their third batch in CC2 home set. ;)

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby eddie2 on Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:20 pm

well i hate to say it but this part of glg's post..

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:-horses: Irish rides Eddie to dig data, etc.. . .

is worse than anything cof said in other threads that glg was scream flaming baiting and trolling.. getting cof a forum ban... i now must say everybody in this thread have posted ok responses but glg is purposely trying to bait flame myself and irish hoping for some form of bad response so he can scream and get us banned.... i have reported the post and am now asking mods to either warn him to stop or give him his just deserve and forum ban him.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby EagleofGreenErth on Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:24 pm

Bruceswar wrote:Ofc I read it all, but still my question stands. The Multi hunters are good at determining when a person is using 2 accounts vs 2 family members. I am sure they have looked into this before.

Quite terrible actually....
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Master Bush on Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:33 pm

caymanmew wrote:
kylegraves1 wrote:
TheGeneral2112 wrote:
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Now where is my chrome polish? I want to clean up this wheel chair before I have to go visit Warren. Have any of you or your parents used Osteo-biflex? does it work?

You do realize your acridic attempt at humor only serves to make you look guilty as f*ck, right?




It's the same GLG post that he always post, using lame humor and just flat out filibusters, and never head on addresses anything. The fact is, he doesn't have to address this stuff, because he knows he has people in power at this site, who are protecting him.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:43 pm

eddie2 wrote:well i hate to say it but this part of glg's post..

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:-horses: Irish rides Eddie to dig data, etc.. . .

is worse than anything cof said in other threads that glg was scream flaming baiting and trolling.. getting cof a forum ban... i now must say everybody in this thread have posted ok responses but glg is purposely trying to bait flame myself and irish hoping for some form of bad response so he can scream and get us banned.... i have reported the post and am now asking mods to either warn him to stop or give him his just deserve and forum ban him.

more BS eddie2. Ride was like a farmer riding a plow horse. YOU did a lot of the digging for him. It could also be like a Jockey riding a losing entry in a horse race. wtF connotation did you take on it?

And mine are NOT overly nasty and negative, and cast a different light spectrum (infrared, ultraviolet, etc.) for those that can see from different perspectives. i am like an interpreter translating to different cultures.

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby eggrollonedolla on Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:01 pm

TheGeneral2112 wrote:
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Now where is my chrome polish? I want to clean up this wheel chair before I have to go visit Warren. Have any of you or your parents used Osteo-biflex? does it work?

You do realize your acridic attempt at humor only serves to make you look guilty as f*ck, right?

Its classic diversion technique. Trying to say anything random to sway from the real issues at hand. Hoping someone gets soo po'ed at his nonsense that they just flame him to death and making it seem like its not him its everyone else thats to blame.

Bravo GLG, Bravo!! =D>
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:09 pm

IcePack wrote:Kort must have had some faith in him, they placed him in one quads game for their third batch in CC2 home set. ;)

this in from ESPN: GLG 100, bunglers 2 -- details at 11PM
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby eggrollonedolla on Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:13 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:
IcePack wrote:Kort must have had some faith in him, they placed him in one quads game for their third batch in CC2 home set. ;)

this in from ESPN: GLG 100, bunglers 2 -- details at 11PM

This is true. GLG has made everyone lose 100 brain cells each. Lets please stop this non sense because I beleive GLG doesnt have many left.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby redhawk92 on Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:15 pm

eggrollonedolla wrote:
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:
IcePack wrote:Kort must have had some faith in him, they placed him in one quads game for their third batch in CC2 home set. ;)

this in from ESPN: GLG 100, bunglers 2 -- details at 11PM

This is true. GLG has made everyone lose 100 brain cells each. Lets please stop this non sense because I beleive GLG doesnt have many left.

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Leehar on Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:17 pm

Master Bush wrote:The fact is, he doesn't have to address this stuff, because he knows he has people in power at this site, who are protecting him.

It's quite interesting tho that if this report goes the other way, then kort could probably be justified in saying they've been targeted by the people in power as well? Probably a bit disanalagous since they have quite a few mods themselves, but Glg would be added to the list of Josko, Rodion and Masli? Just something else to consider.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby eddie2 on Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:20 pm

na what glg is doing is purposely trolling and trying to bait myself and irish or others just dont give him what he wants by taking this thread into a insult glg one we have a case (which i now believe there is more evidence out there, because of the way he is acting.)
and if this thread does tuen into that it will be locked keep it on topic and try add more if you can find any.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby redhawk92 on Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:28 pm

Leehar wrote:
Master Bush wrote:The fact is, he doesn't have to address this stuff, because he knows he has people in power at this site, who are protecting him.

It's quite interesting tho that if this report goes the other way, then kort could probably be justified in saying they've been targeted by the people in power as well? Probably a bit disanalagous since they have quite a few mods themselves, but Glg would be added to the list of Josko, Rodion and Masli? Just something else to consider.

cc just needs to do the right thing every time.

if ur guilty you are guilty.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby IR1SH ACE on Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:47 pm

GLG all you do is bait & flame and start obscure threads with your patented GLG disclaimer "looking for info, not flaming/baiting/trolling."
and sit back a wait for someone to say something that you feel is a bait or flame against you then run of to the mods....

You post long winded nonsensical posts littered with vague attempts at humor all in effort to hide Baits & flames behind it...knowing that most of the members here just skim through your drivel and the rest of us are not so petty as to go crying to the mods...

here is just 3 examples from this thread alone...

GLG C&A Response 1
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Who was the brain that wondered if the lower scoring person in question took over the higher scoring player? that's sheer stupidity. You guys think like elementary school children. The accumulated intelligence of your band of merry men could fill a gnat's dimple.

Bait & Flame all rolled into one...

GLG C&A Response 2
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Facts? Please, don't flatter yourselves and order your Inspector Gadget badges just yet. You all couldn't tell Shit from Shinola.
Sorry, but that doesn't make you valedictorian of CC -- or even of your SoC class.

Bait & Flame.....

GLG C&A Response 5
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:horses: Irish rides Eddie to dig data, etc.. . .

Bait & Flame.....

you have continually come in here and claim that people are been nasty and Baiting/Flaming/Trolling you but never provide any examples of this....

I even sent you a PM the night before I posted this C&A report to give you a friendly heads up and a chance to maybe clarify the situation but you jumped straight on the Defensive and have threatened to have been banned more then once for according to you "been the biggest nastiest troll on Forum" and I have asked you to send me the links to where I have trolled/flamed you but like always you just like to talk a lot but never back anything up..if anyone is interested the PM's and Live chat conversation we had yesterday they are below....

Im still waiting for you to show were I have Baited/Flamed/Trolled you and I bet I can find 2/3 of yours for every one of mine....I already got 3 listed here so good luck with that

show: heads up PM before I opened the report
IR1SH ACE wrote:hey there GLG

just to let you know that I am in the process of bringing a new C&A case against you and I always feel like the right thing to do is to inform the person you are about to accuse of something in a C&A case before you report them....

So it has come to mine and a few other members attention that you seem to be masquerading as two different people...

from looking at a lot of your game chats you come across as a father with a wife and kids but then looking at some of your posts on this site and from info I have gathered from members that have chatted with you in live chat you come across as a much younger late 20's with no kids whats going on...

are you two different people using the same account or is one of these persona's fictional and all part of the GLG game plan....

Cheers Ace

very polite and friendly PM but I dont think GLG seen it that way, this was his response........


Im showing it to you as a snapshot so you can see all the mods & admin that he forwarded mine & his PM to..

I responded to all recipients with this final PM before going to bed...
IR1SH ACE wrote:wow look at all those different colour names that you sent my PM to I feel like I should be able to cash them in for a 10 forgot to included lackattack in that impressive line up...

anyway it was just a little heads up PM and a chance for you to clarify the situation before I make the C&A report which I was informed by another mod when we brought this bit of info to there attention "keep digging"

so thats what I done...

nice way to exaggerate the PM.....

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:you have been the biggest nastiest troll on Forum --

Now you are admitting to stalking my games and trying to collect personal data about me

As far as I know, personal data is to be kept personal. What I say or don't say in games or live chat is pretty much disinformation to keep you hounds at bay.

care to provide some examples of me trolling you?

stalking your games....thats a stretch, Im not allowed to look at your archived games to help build a case?

what personal data? that you might have a wife and kids but then again you might not....its all in the game chat man..if its that personal then dont talk about it....Im a father with two kids...there you go i shared some personal info with you...

not to worry I wont be sending anymore PM's to can just keep an eye on the C&A forum and respond in there instead...

Cheers Ace..

oh maybe I should included the GLG disclaimer...
looking for info, not flaming/baiting/ that better...

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